Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 389: I'mback!

   The Pacers deliberately held a press conference, and Li Nan appeared in front of the media wearing the Pacers No. 10 jersey for the first time.

   click, click, click, click~~~

   Under the continuous flashlight, Li Nan also officially announced: "I\'mback!"

   The reporters also quickly aimed their long guns at Li Nan.

   "Lee, your comeback is now a month earlier. Are you really fully recovered? What is your condition?"


   No matter what the problem is, the rare answer is solved in a few words, which is quite concise.

   The reporter also began to look for sharper questions.

   "Lee, do you complain about the 76ers trading you?"

"Ha ha."

   "Lee, your opponent in the first round is the Miami Heat. Are you confident to help the team win the opponent?"

"of course!"

   "Lee, can you bring the Pacers a championship?"


   When Li Nan solemnly said this "can", there was a lot of discussion on the scene.

   Although I can't hear clearly, the smile on everyone's face already clearly gives the answer.

   However, Li Nan doesn't care what others think. He really wanted to bring something to Indiana.

   When I saw Indiana fans cheering for the team heart and soul,

   When I saw Indiana fans crying because they lost to the Nets,

   When I saw Indiana fans celebrating the promotion of the forward-turning team,

   Li Nan felt that he should do something for this city.

   Although these are not my own faults, since I have come, let's do something.

   The reporter collected some news from Li Nan, and soon turned his firepower to Larry Bird.

   What reporters most questioned is whether Li Nan can adapt to the Pacers' team tactical system.

   Larry Bird is extraordinarily confident: "Lee is the perfect puzzle of the team's tactics! It won't be long before everyone will be surprised by the Pacers!"


   The buzzing news was quickly reported.

   "I\'mback! China Li officially announced his comeback!"

   "'Lee is the perfect puzzle for the team's tactics'! Larry Bird is very confident of Lee's comeback!"

  "China Li Yang said he would win the championship for the Pacers!"

   "Indiana Pacers point to the championship!"

   There are many opinions on Li Nan's comeback.

   "He came back in two months? Is the state really restored?"

   "What if he makes a comeback? This Pacers is nothing to worry about."

   "Take the championship? It's not a small tone!"

   Even the Pacers’ fans don’t believe it.

   "Why is it coming back now? Yesterday playing in the Nets was so dangerous and not coming back!"

   "Hey~ we're over!"

   "What's the use of a hasty comeback?"

   "What's the use of saying so much, don’t you have to watch the game in the end?"


   "Leader, I am really good, too good to be better!"

   "Don't worry! You can't delay preparations for the Olympics!"

   "Okay! Yes! Good!..."

   "Hoo~~" After hanging up the call from the domestic leader, Li Nan also let out a long sigh of relief.

   This year’s Sydney Olympics is the most promising year again!

  Li Nan just rested for a while,

   Ling Ling Ling~~


   Li Nan sorted out his mood, and when he picked it up, it turned out to be Wang Dazhi.

   As soon as he picked it up, Li Nan heard Wang Dazhi's laughter inside.

   "Hey! Xiao Li, you said that well! I\'mback! Hahaha, it's the same as acting in a movie."

   When I heard this Li Nan was unhappy, "Wow! Are you here to care about my Laozi?"

  Wang Dazhi didn't come to care about Li Nan, "Care about Mao. You are more greedy and fearful of death than anyone else. Will you come back if you are injured? I don't believe it if you are killed!"

   "Go!" Li Nan said solemnly: "I am coming back for dreams! Dreams! Do you know? Do you have one?"

   "Well, dream, dream! People who have dreams are great!"

  I haven't seen you for a few months, Wang Dazhi is even slippery again.

   answered Wang Dazhi's phone call, and as a result, there were people behind.

   Ling Ling Ling...

   Iverson this time!

   "Hey, Allen."

   "Lee, are you really good?"

   Iverson on the other end had a worried and uncertain tone.

   "Of course! 100% better!"

   "Then why didn't you go before? You almost went home."

   Yes, the Pacers really almost finished playing!

   "Larry Bird is not allowed to go on. Maybe the old man is too careful, for fear of me getting hurt, maybe he underestimated the Nets' strength."

   Speaking of the Nets, Li Nan also suddenly thought, "Oh right! Allen, the Nets are not easy. Be careful yourself, don't stumble."

   Iverson didn't care at all.

"Hehe, we are so strong in Philadelphia now, we are afraid of the Nets? Tell you, we will kill the Nets in the regular season. Marbury of the Nets has to call my brother when I see me. I will be afraid of them. ?"

   Iverson did not put the Nets in his eyes, and he smiled, "hen~Lee, you should worry about yourself. Your opponent is despicable Miami."

   Li Nan was concerned about other things, "Ah? Why did Marbury call your brother?"

   "Hahaha, let me tell you ha, it's like this..."

   Iverson quickly said about his hero saving the bear in Philadelphia.

   Marbury provokes a woman who is a black bang boss and is blocked in the hotel.

   In the end, Iverson played handsomely and solved the problem with a phone call.

   Thinking of Iverson’s cool appearance, Li Nan also exclaimed, “Allen, you are really (hui) zhuang (bi)!”

   Iverson was convinced, "Of course! I'm the one who can help my brother!"

   This is indeed true! Iverson is such a person.

   However, Li Nan still has to remind a few words, "Allen, you still have to be careful. The Nets are really not weak at all."

   Iverson was a little He changed the subject abruptly, "Lee, see you in the East!"

   "Well then! See you in the East Jue!"

  To fight? How easy is it!


   I just hung up Iverson's phone, another call came in, Kobe!

   "Hey! Man, I heard that you are back, congratulations!"

   As a good brother, Li Nan also kindly reminded him.

   "Kobe, you are the king, right?"

   Kobe was a little surprised, "Yes, what's wrong?"

   "My brother, this series is your chance to prove yourself."

"How to say?"

   "Shaq will definitely be madly targeted in this series. At that time, you will have 20 pushes, not 30 phone games! Whether the Lakers can win, it depends on you."

"Ok, I know!"

   "Also, Kobe, you must be careful when you go to Sacramento away. They will definitely stumble."

   "hen~Li, do you think I am a child?"

   "Well, brother, I wish you good luck."



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