Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 727: 1 place

Looking at Li Nan on the high platform, behind him, the Chinese players also raised their hands to celebrate the championship.

On the other side, the US team is another scene.

McGrady shook his head and walked with the others. When a lot of people stand together when they are sad, there should be some comfort to each other.

Iverson's hands on his hips, he was a bit lonely at the moment, no longer so cool. Iverson, who is now 29 years old, is not inferior to that year.

"Sure enough, as the old man Larry Brown said, is there no one in our team like him?"

Kobe was still squatting in the bottom corner, "location of incident", his expression seemed very complicated.

Regret it? Envy? Frustrated?

It does!

If he didn't attack the last ball, would it be another situation now? Could it be that our American team won?

Regret! I'm jealous! Depressed!

Kobe looked at Li Nan aloft in a bitter mood.

NBA games have lost, and Olympic games have also been lost.

"Why? Why is this?"

Since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang? Since you are born, how can you be born?

He pressed his mouth tightly, with tears in his eyes, but he held back.

Kobe is still not reconciled!

At this time, Larry Brown shook his head on the sidelines. In fact, what he said before was just to stimulate these people. But, unexpectedly, that kid "helped" him. Help him teach these arrogant boys well.

The US team still lacks a real leader.

"I hope this game can make them understand some truth."


Li Nan jumped off the stage, and all the members of the Chinese team swarmed Li Nan in the middle.

Everyone hugged Li Nan tightly for a while.

Yi Jianlian looked excited, "Captain, you are awesome!"

Yao Liang was very excited, "Brother Li, we won!"

Wang Dazhi hugged Li Nan and cried directly. The key is that he is still laughing at Li Nan, "Xiao Li, why are you crying as an adult?"

Li Nan was indeed in tears, but he did not admit that he was crying.

"Brothers, we won not only this time, we will win next time, and we will continue to win!"


Everyone raised their fists high together.

This is just a part of the development of Chinese basketball, and we still have a long way to go!


After the game, the players on both sides lined up to high-five each other in the center line.


"You guys performed well."

The U.S. team players left regrets, and the Chinese team players made history.

The winner's face was red and headed towards glory, while the loser was sad and disappointed to exit.

This is competitive sports!


"Dear audience, audience friends, the award ceremony of the Olympic men's basketball game is about to be held at the scene. The three teams that won the championship, runner-up and third place have already stood behind the podium.

The third place is the Argentina team.

Argentina lost to the United States in the semifinals. In the battle for three or four bronze medals, they defeated Italy 78-70.

The second place is the US team.

The first place is our Chinese team.

Speaking of it, the strength gap between the three teams is actually not that big. In the semi-finals between Argentina and the United States, the United States won 94-93 with 1 point, while the Chinese team 127-126, only 1 point in three overtime, narrowly beat the United States. The strength of the three teams are among the same.

This time, we won, but next time, I still need to keep working hard and guard against arrogance and rashness. "

Teacher Sun Zhengping sincerely hopes that the Chinese men's basketball team will be good. Don't want to put pressure on the Chinese men's basketball team before the start, and the same is true after the game. Although some people certainly don't want to listen, he still wants to say so.

Good medicine is bitter and good for disease!

At this time, the on-site awards ceremony is about to begin.

"We have seen that the guest of honor is Mr. Boris Stankovic, Secretary-General of the International Basketball Association. The first prize is awarded to the third-placed Argentina team. This is Scola, this is Nocchioni, and this is Delphi. No, this is Oberto, this is Ginobili, the star player of the Argentine team. His Mavericks team reached the NBA Finals this year, but it was a pity that they lost without a tie-break."

"Next is the runner-up. The second runner-up is the very popular American team. Kobe, Iverson, McGrady, Carter, Duncan, Garnett... This is an all-star team."

"Next, we will be the champion. The champion is of course our Chinese team! Our young man politely shook hands with his opponents from Argentina and the United States. The teenager Yi Jianlian, he is the second place selected by the Bobcats; Wu You , Mo Ke, Du Feng, Bart, Wang Shipeng, Zhang Qingpeng, Liu Wei, Zhu Fangyu, Wang Dazhi, Yao Liang, Li Nan!

In today's game, the Chinese men's basketball team narrowly beat the US men's basketball team by 1 point to win the Olympic Games. Chinese men's basketball captain Li Nan performed very well. With 56 points, Li Nan set a new Olympic record. He broke the 55-point record set by Brazilian player Oscar Schmidt against Spain at the 1988 Seoul Olympics. "

"Oh, we saw that our twelve boys jumped on the podium together, just like Liu Xiang. They were also extremely excited today. The day before yesterday, our Liu Xiang made history in the 110-meter hurdles. We The Chinese men’s basketball players have also made history. The Chinese men’s basketball players are brave enough to compete for the first place in this Olympic Games. They are brave to fight for every ball."

"Starting from today, the world's top three our Chinese men's basketball team finally has a place!"


On the evening of August 29, the Athens Olympic Stadium was brightly lit, as bright as daylight.

"The 28th Summer Olympics, which returned to their hometown for the first time, ended tonight in Athens, the birthplace of the Olympics, after witnessing the prosperity of the century-old Olympics and the birth of a new world sports scene.


The Chinese delegation achieved outstanding results in this Olympic Games. The Chinese team historically ranked second in the gold medal list with 33 golds, 17 silvers and 14 bronzes.

Among them, Li Nan and others of the Chinese men’s basketball team, Liu Xiang in the men’s 110-meter hurdle, Li Ting and Sun Tiantian in the women’s tennis doubles, and Meng Guanliang and Yang Wenjun in the 500-meter kayak men’s double rowing event performed particularly well. They achieved China's Olympic gold medal zero breakthrough in their respective events.


After the wonderful closing ceremony performance, the last 8 minutes of the closing ceremony are reserved for Beijing, China!

At 22:29 local time in Athens, Chairman Wang, the mayor of BJ City and the executive chairman of the BJ Olympic Organizing Committee, took over the five-ring flag from the IOC Chairman Mr. Rogge.

Afterwards, 14 Chinese girls wearing ultra-short cheongsam performed pipa and erhu, "Jasmine".

Chinese Kung Fu performed by young performing artist Wang Dong!

The quintessence of Peking opera performed by a group of little actors!

This is familiar content to the people of the country, but it is fresh in front of people all over the world. It has Chinese characteristics and contains the essence of Chinese culture for thousands of years.

Finally, standing on the big red lantern, Chen Tianjia, a 5-year-old girl with a small lantern, sang "Jasmine".

While singing, Chen Tianjia sent an invitation to the world:


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