Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 804: defensive counterattack


The road leading to the coca plantation is covered in dense forest, and in the middle of the road lies a few huge rocks that have collapsed, perhaps vandalized by armed Colombian drug dealers. They don't want these roads to be traversed smoothly. This is also a good advantage for Lin Rui and others. This means that the opponent cannot have vehicles coming in, and can only raid with infantry.

The snake eye, which was on guard at a high place, suddenly gave a warning and made a standard tactical gesture for encountering the enemy to the person below. These gestures are basically general tactical gestures that all o2 players can understand.

Sergey grinned: "How many people are there?"

On the right front, there are more than ten people. Snake Eye replied in sign language, holding his large sniper rifle.

"Only a dozen people?" Everyone couldn't help but feel relieved after hearing this, and the tense atmosphere eased a little. Suddenly, two wild dogs barked wildly, rushed out of the corner and pounced on Sergey. Sergey was stunned. He didn't have time to lift the gun in his hand. Lin Rui came to Sergey like a whirlwind, dragged Sergey behind him with his left hand, held a military dagger in his right hand, and stabbed at the wild dog, and the wild dog ducked to the side.

Lin Rui seemed to have seen the movement of the wild dog. He took another big step forward with his right foot. He held a flower in his hand with a military dagger, held it with his backhand, and waved it backwards. Lin Rui's neck, and then quickly pulled it out, a stream of dog blood spurted out, Lin Rui couldn't dodge in time, and there were still a few drops of dog blood on his arm.

"It seems that the physical strength of the high-intensity march has obviously decreased." Lin Rui sighed secretly.

But in the eyes of other o2 players, Lin Rui's hand was simply a perfect hand-to-hand combat performance. Another wild dog barked a few times and rushed up. This time, Sergey reacted, pulled out his knife, and stabbed the wild dog to death.

"It's not a wild dog! It's a Belgian Shepherd, a trained military dog!" Lin Rui said solemnly. Several people invariably thought of the same thing, these dozen people and the military dogs that attacked while the chaos was just a test.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Rui seemed to see a flash of blue light, which was the unique reflection of guns. He was suddenly startled, and hurriedly pushed Sergey and the others toward the back of a wall. "Clappapa" the gunshot suddenly sounded, and the bullet hit the wall beside several people.

But the man didn't have the chance to shoot again, because the snake's eye on the high watchtower had already fired. The unique sound of a sniper rifle echoed through the forest. The Colombian armed drug dealer was killed on the spot. The follow-up armed men rushed forward without fear of death. But Yelena's gun also rang, two super snipers, enough to block the entire road.

A dozen or so militants were forced to hide behind the boulder. Lin Rui gave a thumbs up to the watchtower, then looked at Jason on the roof on the other side, where Jason deployed a light machine gun. However, he has not yet started firing, because this is a relatively important point of fire, enough to cover all targets within 200 meters of the front of the plantation. It should not be exposed in the tentative attack of the enemy.

"The front door is only the probing team, which means that their brigade may make a roundabout raid from the back. All groups are acting according to the predetermined plan. I will go to the back to check the situation." Lin Rui neatly arranged his body, tightened his belt, and put A military dagger is strapped to the outside of the left thigh.

He withdrew from the front line of defense of the plantation, hunched up, hunched over his waist, and ran to the other side of the plantation wall, his footsteps were fine and steady, and when he reached the edge of the broken wall, he stopped, slowly stuck his head out, and quickly He glanced outside, then quickly hid behind the broken wall.

At this time, Lin Rui had already accurately judged the situation of the frontal troops. This was indeed just a probing force. In the jungle about 400 to 500 meters away from the back of the plantation, people and vehicles could be vaguely seen. The other party is also peeping here.

The adobe house on the other side of the plantation is about two meters away from the wall at the highest point, and the **** difference is also about two meters. Lin Rui nodded, knowing what to do. He suddenly fell down, and quickly advanced in a low-prostrate position towards a gap in the collapsed wall about 40 centimeters high. When he reached the gap, he supported the ground with both hands and suddenly stepped forward diagonally to the left, half hunched forward, and quickly climbed up the building. Adobe house.

The person peeping from a distance was stunned for two seconds, then opened fire in Lin Rui's direction. After Lin Rui took three big steps forward, he quickly fell to the ground. Almost at the same time, he quickly began to roll to the right. The bullets chased Lin Rui, hitting the ground and splashing a cloud of dust.

Lin Rui tumbled to the back of the building, waited until the bullet had just stopped, and suddenly rushed to the right. After two steps, he suddenly turned left, ran quickly in a beautiful "zi" shape, rushed to the half-collapsed adobe, and entered the shooting. blind spot.

With the help of gravel and broken walls, Lin Rui tossed and turned, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the half-sloping roof, his legs exerted force, and he suddenly jumped towards the exposed corridor of the other After touching the floor with both hands , with both arms propped up, he has already entered the corridor. In just a few seconds, Lin Rui did a quick reconnaissance, lying down, crawling forward in a low position, leaping forward, running zigzag, and climbing up the second-floor tulou in three or two steps, dazzling.

Seeing Lin Rui entering the building, several people were relieved, and suddenly there was gunshots in front of them, and then there was silence again. Lin Rui's current position is in the blind spot of the opponent's observation. And Yelena has also turned around and launched a sniper at the armed personnel behind the planting base.

"Well done, as expected of a Viper! I owe you once." Lin Rui said in a low voice.

"You lunatic, what are you trying to do?" Yelena said solemnly, "Are you going to rush into their army alone?"

"I'm not that crazy yet, but if you look closely, there's a jeep there. If I'm not mistaken, the leader of these guys should be there. If we can catch or kill him , we will face many dangers." Lin Rui said solemnly.

"It can't be done. They are well hidden, I can't see him here at all." Yelena whispered.

"In the same way, they can't see me now. That's why I made this choice. I'm not a hero who charges with bullets. Yelena, leave the front to Snake Eye, I need you to help me temporarily suppress Stay on the back road, so that they can't rush up temporarily. Of course, it's only temporarily." Lin Rui whispered. "I need about ten seconds to weave through the woods to get behind them and catch the leader."

"I have no problem, I'm just worried about whether your ten seconds will be enough. Maybe I can create a chance for you that no one will show up for more than twenty seconds." Yelena whispered.

"Then let's try." Lin Rui chuckled. l3l4


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