Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With

Chapter 367 The price of completing the five elements 【Subscription】

In the Lion King Grassland, in a hidden valley, monsters lie on the ground in disorder.

Chen Wen sat cross-legged on the ground, looked at the fainting golden-haired lion on the ground with his Shuwheel, and rubbed his chin in thought.

This is not the first golden retriever.

In the past experiments, he easily awakened single-attribute beasts to new attributes through the theory of five elements intergrowth.

However, he encountered difficulties when merging the third attribute of spiritual material awakening.

Now, this golden retriever failed to fuse with wood attribute spiritual material again.

The number of transformations of the Golden Retriever did not increase, but Chen Wen found that the aura of the Golden Retriever did not seem to have changed much, and the vigorous vitality brought by the wood attribute aura did not appear in the body.

"Gold grows water, water grows wood, there's nothing wrong with that, but gold overcomes wood..."

"Nowadays, the Golden Retriever has two types of aura, gold and water, but it is still dominated by gold. It is difficult for the wood attribute to appear under the exclusion of the metallic aura?"

Combining the knowledge of cultivators that he had learned, Chen Wen had a guess that the golden retriever lion did not have wood attribute aura.

"Wood attribute is not good, what about other attributes?"

"Water and fire are difficult to tolerate, and earth can overcome water... Fusion of the other two attributes is no easier than fusion of wood attributes."

"On the basis of the dual attributes of gold and water, it should be correct to continue to integrate the wood attribute, but it is necessary to increase the proportion of the water attribute aura in the golden lion's body, so that the wood attribute aura restrained by the metal aura has enough support..."

With speculation in mind, Chen Wen quickly thought of a new experimental plan.

This time, he didn't continue to experiment with ordinary extraordinary monsters such as golden lions, but asked Orochimaru to catch some mortal-level gold-eating rats.

Through previous experiments, Chen Wen has come to a conclusion.

There is a chance that the Furnace can allow pets to master new attributes, but whether fusion spirit materials can awaken new attributes is closely related to pet beasts and fusion spirit materials.

Generally speaking, the stronger the pet beast is, the higher its own potential is. To awaken new attributes, the higher-level spiritual materials are needed. Otherwise, only low-level spiritual materials are needed.

The Golden Rat's potential and strength are both low. If you want to give it new attributes, you need to use low-level spiritual materials.

Using gold-eating rats as experimental materials is extremely cost-effective.

Orochimaru's mouse-catching efficiency is very good, and Chen Wen caught a nest of gold-eating mice in a short while.

Chen Wen experimented again.

First of all, he increased the number of water-type spiritual materials to be fused, so that the metal-water properties of the gold-eating mouse after fusing the water-type spiritual materials were relatively balanced.

After completing this step, he used the Creation Furnace again to allow the Gold Eater to fuse wood-type spiritual materials.

As the system's furnace shut down, a sharp-toothed mouse reappeared.

Holding the Golden Rat in one hand, Chen Wen opened Sharingan and observed it carefully.

In addition to the sharpness of metal and the softness of water, Chen Wen also felt the vitality of wood.

After successfully awakening the wood-attribute aura, Chen Wen continued to integrate the earth-attribute aura without stopping.

In the same way, Chen Wen succeeded again.

Then there is the attribute of fire.

As the yin-yang fish icon on the Fortune Furnace stopped spinning, the gold-eating mouse appeared in Chen Wen's hand again.

Through experiments again and again, Chen Wen has been able to detect that the Creation Furnace is in the depths of his Beast Familiar Space by virtue of space perception, but unfortunately, he still can't detect more of it now.

Chen Wen didn't do unnecessary thinking. After observing the gold-eating mouse in his hand for a while, he turned on the detection radar.

After the eyes converged, three pieces of information quickly appeared in front of Chen Wen.

[Strength Level: Mortal Ten Stage]

[Potential Level: Elite Extraordinary]

【Number of transformations: 1/1】

Seeing that the potential level of the Golden Rat has been raised from mortal level to elite extraordinary, Chen Wen immediately smiled from ear to ear.

However, seeing the number of transformations increased from 0 to 1, the 100% happiness in his heart was immediately discounted.

"Why has the number of transformations increased?"

"The five elements are born together, and the spiritual energy is balanced. It stands to reason that there will be no problem?"

Chen Wen fell into confusion, unwilling to reconcile, he conducted many experiments again.

However, whenever the monster completes the five attributes, the number of transformations will naturally increase by one.

Without exception.

However, with the completion of the five attributes, the potential of most monsters has increased a bit.

"Having all five attributes is a big improvement for Warcraft?"

Chen Wen wasn't sure if his guess was correct, after all, the potential levels of the experimental monsters were not high.

What he can be sure of is that Orochimaru cannot prostitute the five attributes for nothing.

If you want to complete the three attributes of metal, wood, and fire, it is likely to consume Orochimaru's only transformation opportunity.

This made Chen Wen hesitate.

Completing the five attributes to allow the space talent to evolve is just his guess and has not been confirmed.

For a guess, use up Orochimaru's only transformation opportunity?

After thinking for a long time, Chen Wen suspended the experiment and temporarily terminated Dashewan's plan to complete the five attributes.

He decided to first verify whether the five attributes can make his space talent evolve.

"It seems that the next pet beast is best to be a pet beast with the contract wood attribute..."

After sharing the talent and awakening of Po, Orochimaru and Erzhuzi successively, Chen Wen now has the four attributes of gold, water, fire and earth.

So as long as he contracts another wood-attribute beast and shares his talents and attributes, he will be able to fulfill the condition of having all five elements.

At that time, if the original space (remnant) has not evolved, or the effect of evolution is not good, then Orochimaru does not need to waste a transformation opportunity to complete the attributes.

On the contrary, it should be reformed or reformed.

Having made up his mind, Chen Wen recalled Abao and the others, cleaned up the experiment site, and then left the Lion King Grassland.

After leaving the Lion King Grassland, Chen Wen began to travel around the country.

Kyoto University, Modu University, Zhejiang University...

Kyoto Beast House, Magic City Beast House, Lin'an Beast House...

Throughout May, Chen Wen traveled all over the country's top pet animal cultivation centers.

After showing the document signed by Takamatsu, each organization did not hide it, and showed all the outstanding pets they had cultivated.

Throughout the month of May, Chen Wen's knowledge has greatly improved. He has seen dozens of epic-level potential pet beasts, countless rare-level potential pet beasts, and other pet beasts are even more dazzling.

At the beginning, he would listen carefully to the introductions of the animal breeders.

Later, except for the information on epic-level potential pet beasts, Chen Wen would listen to them, and when facing other pet beasts, he would just turn on the detection radar and scan them.

If the number of transformations did not reach three times, he turned around and left, making many cultivators think that Chen Wen was just playing with them, and some cultivators even complained to Chen Wen.

In this regard, Chen Wen still went his own way and continued to use this method to find the fourth beast.

Huaguo has a vast land and abundant resources, and this wave of searching really allowed Chen Wen to find a lot of wood-attributed beasts that caught his eye.

Peach Blossom Demon, rare and extraordinary potential, the number of transformations is 0/3.

Mandala flower demon, with epic potential, the number of transformations is 0/2.

Golden Willow, with elite potential, the number of transformations is 0/4.


Time flies and flies by.

Before we knew it, it was already the end of May.

On this day, Chen Wen received a notice to gather at the entrance of the Yushou campus of Sichuan University on June 1.

"Tianling Secret Realm... But why are you gathering at the school gate?"

"Could it be that the teacher at the school will take me to the destination?"

After guessing in his heart, Chen Wen stopped looking for the fourth beast and booked a flight ticket to Shudu.

This month, he visited almost all parts of the country.

There are indeed good pets among them, but they seem to be different from Ah Bao before the transformation, and there is nothing that makes him particularly excited.

Therefore, he decided to make a decision after going to Tianling Secret Realm.

Chapter 2 may be later

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