28 – Auction House (2)

The reason Ruid regards Irene Windsor as an idiot is because her behavior is unexpected.

It still is.

The reason why Irene suddenly attacked herself…….

“I’m worried.”

I’m worried.

Is the barrier strong and does it work well?

I tried that.

“Being so weak, how are you going to hold out in the system?”

“…… I think I’ll be fine if it’s not for my older sister.”

Irene responded with a deep smile.

“Are you asking?”

“That’s not it.”

Ruid immediately replied. She then asked, crossing her arms with her face in disapproval.

“So, why are you here?”

Irene came closer to her and stroked Louis’ hair. He caressed her cheek, raised her chin slightly with her thumb, and forced her eyes.

“I miss you.”

But Ruid knew. This asshole never moves without a justification.

She stared intently, and Irene answered with slow timing.

“The lord said he wanted the video equipment you had in it. Both sides, my brother came to see it too.”

‘That was the purpose.’

Ruid sighed lightly.

Irene met her eyes with Hercy, who was trembling next to Louis.

“Is that your new friend?”


“It’s cute. It’s like a childhood friend in the north. My brother’s taste is the same.”

Hercy was honestly afraid of Irene.

Her mood was scary. She definitely has a soft voice and a smiling face.

…… Just looking at her made me feel a cool sensation on her neck.

However, not following the etiquette just because she was scared was disqualifying as an aristocrat. She answered as politely as she could.

“Thank you… do. It’s an honor to meet you. My name is Hercy Minerva. Boo, I’d like to meet Ruid’s childhood friend in the north if I get a chance.”

Irene nodded her head.

“They both have white, fluffy hair, so they will get along very quickly.”

“… Sister.”

Ruid glared at Irene.

“Not the meaning of that friend, but a female friend. Does Hersie look like an arctic fox?”

Irene slowly turned her head to look at her Louis.

A different color appeared in her emotionless pupils.

“You weren’t a kid to raise.”

Irene realized that she had misunderstood.

The only thing that can equal Windsor is Windsor. The only thing that can compare is the emperor.

That’s why I couldn’t imagine being friends with the meaning of being equal. This is because, basically, Ruid calls monsters her friends as well.

It wasn’t particularly malicious.

“Excuse me. Her sister’s friend. The name…… “

From noble mtl dot com

Irene said she just heard the name but she couldn’t remember it.

Ruid helped.



Irene smiled brightly. She also stroked Hercy’s hair.


“Hee, hi.”

Hersy had a hiccup. Irene looked at Ruid again, not paying much attention.

“Where is Amelia?”

“I don’t know. It’s probably where the swordsman’s people are.”

“Where is that?”

“… You know because my sister also went to the academy.”

Irene shook her head slowly.

“I was expelled after one day.”

“… Withdrawal from the school?”

This was something even Ruid did not know. Irene blinked her eyes, still smiling.

She just stared in silence for a while.

Ruid waited without saying anything. Only then did Irene open her mouth.

“Do you really want to know?”

“… No.”

Louis shook her head in disgust.

“I’m glad. Well, see you later, Louie.”

Irene moved her steps slowly.

The frozen Hersy turned around to say hello belatedly.

But then- it was already gone.


Hersy sat down on the floor. He broke out in a cold sweat.

‘This is…… Windsor’s successor.’

Hersy swallowed dry saliva.

‘If I marry Louis later… You have to follow such a scary person.’

Hersy was already worrying for nothing.


The archipelago’s auction house ‘Media Bali’ operates in a unique format.

At least 5 items worth more than a certain amount must be piled up to open, and unless you are a noble, you cannot enter.

However, not all nobles could enter Mediavale. It was necessary to prove sufficient financial power to purchase items from this auction house.

Ruid headed to the counter with Hercy.


The staff helping with identification covered their mouths as they identified two people in academy uniforms.

One was a very cute little girl, and the other was a very cute little girl who looked taller than that.

Both were flashy enough to tell at a glance that they were the restraints of high-ranking nobles.

He greeted politely with a bright eye smile.

“Welcome to Mediavale. Wonderful gentlemen and ladies. Are there only two people in your party?”


Hersy answered brightly.

“Only those who have been solemnly selected are allowed to enter Hwangsong Haona Media Bali. Do you have something to prove your identity?”

Hersy pulled out the Minerva family coat of arms from her bosom.

“I am Hersi Minerva, the eldest daughter of Minerva.”

Ruid spoke briefly.


That was enough for Ruid’s proof of identity. Not only was she not an idiot impersonating Windsor, but her own radiant blonde hair and clear eyes were proof of that.

The employee bowed his head deeply and paid his respects, then handed over two silver bracelets.

“This is a bracelet enchanted with perception-disabling magic. At the same time, it is proof that you are a guest in Mediavalli. If you lose it, you will be in trouble, so please be careful!”

Ruid gave her a slight nod and kicked her bracelet.

…… It was loose because of her thin wrists. Ruid narrowed her eyes and used her magic to shrink her in size.

‘By the way, the nobles here really like gold.’

Ruid entered the auction house with Hercy and looked around. Red and gold were attached everywhere as if they were symbolic colors of nobility.

“Is Ruid new to Mediavali?”


I visited the auction house today at the recommendation of the president. Because if you carelessly transfer Lark’s marbles, you’ll get into gossip, so I told you to win the bid through an auction. That side is neat.

They said that the winning bid amount would be whatever it was. No matter how much he was a money-loving president, he didn’t think he would devour the money of the academy students.

“Should I buy something while I’m here?”

“Ah, then go get the catalog over there.”

“No. It’s boring if you look at it ahead of time.”

“Is that so?”

“What will come out next, you have to have the same expectations so it won’t get boring.”

Ruid sat in any of the regular seats at the auction house.

The bracelet on his wrist pointed to the special seat, but he was afraid he would face Irene.

This is because Irene is much stricter than she looks, and scolds her for even the slightest misbehavior.

She was on a different level from Amelia, who pretended to be strict but was dumbfounded. Really scolds Irene.

“By the way, what does Ruid want?”

“… Well. Shall I buy one when the materials for the blanket come out?”

“This, a blanket?”

“Phoenix’s feathers are shiny, so it’s a bit too much to use as a blanket.”

Actually, Louis didn’t feel the need for a futon. She released mana to make it thicker, and when it was lightly wrapped around her body, it felt warm.

Ruid said as she lay halfway down in her chair.

“Is there anything Hersy can buy?”

“… Greatness. It’s a video of Ruid’s briefing session. I want to try it once.”

“Why? You have already seen it yourself.”

Hercy quietly turned away from her gaze.

“It’s just… there is such a thing.”

-We will start the auction by saying thank you for visiting Mediavalli today.

A woman’s voice filled the auction hall. She was the woman who was doing the ID check earlier.

‘You’re sincere.’

The auctioneer is the organizer. She seemed to be the owner of Mediah Vali, Countess Carolina Valli. A person in that position even takes care of chores……

‘As expected, there is a reason to be rich.’

People who live hard are recognized.

-The first item is ‘Rene’s Heart’, an artifact. Forms a shield against hostile magic, or amplifies the wizard’s magic so that he can cast powerful spells…….

One of Ruid’s eyes was stained with blue light. It was to know the magical value of that artifact.

“What is it, isn’t it a big deal?”

“Even if you say it like that, it’s usually used as a necklace. Rene’s heart has more value as a jewel.”

-#124, 1,000 Gold. Three thousand gold!

-Ah, the gentleman over there has 50,000 gold! Whoever your fiancée is, you must be very happy!

‘50,000 Gold is roughly 500 million… 500 million won for a necklace?’

Ruid shook her head.

“No matter how much money you have, you spend 50,000 gold on luxury items.”

“I’m thinking the same thing! If I were my fiancée, I would think it pitiful for a man to waste 50,000 gold on an artifact like that.”

Hercy responded with a bright smile.

“I thought about it before, but Ruid has a good mindset with me!”

Actually, Hercy thought that people were important, and that was not so important.

If Louis De gave her a present, she would think that it was good because it was frugal if it was cheap, and if it was expensive, she would like it, thinking that she put her heart into it.

“I really don’t understand spending money on useless things. After all, the more money you spend, the less you spend.”

Ruid thought so and she calmly watched her auction.

She was definitely the largest auction house in the system, so the price was different. Expensive things used to be traded for 1 million gold.

If it was worth the price, he would have been convinced, but from Ruid’s point of view, these things were really useless.

– These are pets, not objects. Maybe it’s time to take a break! They only inhabited little by little in the north, and it took a lot of effort to get them. This is a very cute arctic fox!

Ruid’s eyes widened.

A white, chubby fox came in, twitching her ass.

Compact size. From the eyes of arctic fox lover Louie De, she looks like she’s about a year old.

Her face was clean, and the point was that her black nose, which looked particularly moist, was twitching.

Hersie helped her like Louis had ever done.

“It’s cute. But buying such a pet at such a high price is a luxury no matter how you look at it…… “

-Let’s start with 100 gold…….

Ruid repeatedly hit the red button on her seat.

– Poem, 100,000 gold…… This is the 34th bid.


“I should have brought one from home.”

Irene won the arctic fox and smiled quietly as she looked at her favorite Louis de.

At times like that, I was a perfect kid.

“Did you miss the North?”

She tilted her head.

Amelia’s a peculiar personality, so even so, she couldn’t understand why Louis, who she hated the most, was attached to the academy.

Like herself, she thinks cool and hits once and gets expelled.

‘Hmm. Should she carry the entire Louis de, not the video sphere?’

Irene thinks dangerously for a moment.

Next to her, a mysterious person wearing a white robe sat down.

Irene didn’t even look to her side, she said quietly.

“It looks like it’s hiding, so I’ll skip the etiquette.”

The man in the robe smiled and pulled back the hood.

It was the young emperor of the empire, Lucius.

“You can’t lie. Or, the effect of this robe, which is said to be able to deceive even the archmage for a while, is wrong.”

“Because not many people can sit next to me.”

Irene smiled quietly.

The first row where she sat was completely empty. She was because of Irene’s heaviness.

The only people who can withstand this momentum are those with more than a certain level of power or absolute rulers.

“Do I really have to sit like that?”

Irene turned her head and looked directly at the emperor.

“If you are rude, I will take it.”

The Emperor shook his hand.

“It has been done. Jim doesn’t like crowds either.”

Irene is always smiling. However, her eyes couldn’t detect any emotion, and the way she spoke was dry.

She also dares to treat the emperor, but her attitude is rude in her dignified manner, but she does not cross the line and her tone is polite.

I usually follow the etiquette, but at unexpected times, I pull out a line and jump rope.

In a word, she was someone who had no idea what she was thinking.

So when the emperor describes her Irene Windsor, she always says:

Crazy b*tch.

‘If one day inherits the title…… That must be a headache.’

To be honest, the emperor wanted Amelia to inherit the title rather than Irene.

Because Irene is someone I am reluctant to face.

She is, but no matter how much she is the emperor, she cannot intrude into Windsor’s succession plan.

‘I’m not expecting too much from this, but the Duke of Windsor might be a bit disappointed.’

Ruid’s crystal ball.

She came to get it herself, even though she coveted it-

She knew that any Duke of Windsor she knew would definitely send her Irene to get it.

The Duke of Windsor is quite an idiot.

The emperor asked to check Irene’s intentions.

“You must have come for ‘that’ too.”

“If you are referring to my sister’s crystal ball, yes. You’re right.”

The emperor suddenly opened his eyes and spoke without much expectation.

“… Hand over It is an order from the emperor.”

Irene Windsor smiled brightly and replied immediately, as if her words were not even worth a hemisphere.

“I don’t like it.”

The emperor sighed.

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