Become a Cat and Be Pampered by Everyone

Chapter 366 School starts (2)

After getting out of the car and taking Ruan Lin in personally, he saw Ruan Jiaojiao following behind and wanted to go in. He quickly picked her up and carried her to the front seat. He smiled and said, "Jiaojiao and uncle, sit down alone. Uncle will sit alone." It’s so lonely, and there’s no room to sit in the back.”

Xu Xu, who had not yet gotten into the car, had an ugly expression on his face.

Staring at the "iron box" in front of him, he had already made up his mind. He would also study hard and buy the "iron box" bought by this male in the future, so that this male could show off in front of him now!

The expression on Ruan Jiaojiao's face, who was pushed into the front seat, was hard to describe. In the past, the elementary school was less than three miles away from their old house. It took ten or twenty minutes to walk. Now that they have moved to the village head, the school is even closer. It is absolutely impossible to walk there. It wouldn't take more than twenty minutes, and it wouldn't take more than five minutes for this car, right?

Just five minutes away, lonely?

She doesn't understand the adult world.

The journey was short, and Shu Lang had to talk all the way. Ruan Jiaojiao rarely remained aloof and said nothing, which made Shu Lang a little disappointed.

When we arrived at the entrance of the Central Primary School, as soon as the car stopped, it attracted a lot of attention.

Several boys got out of the car one after another, their little breasts puffed up, and they looked very impressive.

The children who knew them from school were all envious when they saw them. They swarmed up and surrounded a few boys chattering and asking questions, which made them very proud.

Ruan Jiaojiao got out of the car, held Ruan Lin's hand, and began to look at the elementary school where she would live for six years.

The primary school is the central primary school of several nearby villages and the entire town. There are about 200 people in grades one to six, including preschool. The school is quite big, but it is relatively poor, so most of the things inside are rusty and rotten.

The gate is four or five meters wide, with a rusty iron door on each side.

After entering the gate, there is a track about 800 meters long. The track is filled with burned cinders. There is a playground in the middle of the track. Usually the whole school gathering is held here. There is a basketball hoop on both ends of the playground, which is already very large. It's terrible. Several senior students are playing basketball. Every time they score a goal, the basket trembles, as if it will fall down in the next second.

Outside the playground, next to the track, there are two billiard tables made of cement. They are the most polite sports equipment in this school. Opposite the tables, next to the school wall, are three levers, which are also rusty and have been used by students. The black layer of iron inside has been exposed by touching it, but because students often do somersaults on the surface, it is still quite clean.

Behind the entire playground is the teaching building, a red brick house and a bungalow with six classrooms side by side. There is a small corridor in the middle, which separates the six classrooms, three on each side. The small corridor can lead to the canteen and the teacher's classroom at the back. offices as well as preschools.

After Shu Lang got out of the car, he frowned tightly when he looked at such a teaching environment.

There wasn't even a decent bell, but a large piece of iron tied and suspended in mid-air, next to an iron rod hung with a red rope.

You Qi passed through the small corridor and walked to the back, and when he discovered that the student toilet was still connected to the pig pen, his brows never relaxed.

Ruan Lin rarely comes to the school. Ruan Jianguo came to run it in the past, and he never expected that the school would be like this.

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