The remains of the "fire chaser" were torn apart by the gravity of the black hole, and then rubbed at high speed in the accretion disk, releasing a large amount of energy outward.

This is a common cosmic phenomenon. Not only black holes, but also some massive celestial bodies can form similar accretion disks.

Most of the energy that erupts from the black hole's accretion disk is released in the form of X-rays. Since this kind of thing is too common, and the vicinity of the accretion disk is also extremely dangerous, few people will focus on an ordinary " A black hole devours".

But this time, the phenomenon of "black hole engulfment" is not ordinary.

In addition to X-rays, Li Wenyuan also detected a low-energy level of radiation that exploded with the jet stream through the transport spacecraft. Although it was basically covered by the X-ray burst, it was still possible to detect it with conscious detection. The uniqueness of this ray.

The most obvious is that it does not simply fly outward with energy, but after meeting certain molecules, it will stimulate a weak electrical signal.

Only at such a distance can Li Wenyuan use the spaceship controlled by him and his own "monitoring terminal" to accurately detect this series of signals.

And after more than five years of continuous testing, he finally "listened" to the string of signals completely.

During this process, the "Light Chasers" thought that their spaceship carrying the original genes had crashed as it approached the black hole, but since it is an unmanned spaceship itself, and its main purpose - to destroy the original genes It has been completed, and they simply no longer care about the spaceship.

This gave Li Wenyuan plenty of time for detection. He was not sure at first, but after the detection, after a period of signal deciphering and reorganization, he confirmed that it was an extremely large string of "data".

【Pre-Era Organic Encyclopedia】

[Introduction: "Fire Chaser" itself is a huge gene pool. It is conservatively estimated that the amount of genes it carries comes from at least two trillion different creatures, most of which are species from the previous era. However, there are also very few creatures of this era]

[Although the "fire chasers" thought it was a kind of data that brought destruction, and decided to bring it into the grave together with their disappearance, in fact, after being "purified" by the black hole, these data are no longer Recognized as a "foreign object" by the universe. With the support of this data, in theory, we can now revive any kind of creature from the previous era and let them reappear in this universe]

[But that's all. What is resurrected is life, not "civilization". In terms of actual effect, it may just be that the genetic characteristics of some life are relatively special, which can be used as a reference for genetic evolution]

Yes, the signal that Li Wenyuan has monitored for more than five years is actually the genetic data of more than two trillion different organisms in the body of the "Fire Chaser".

Although they have already died, under the gravitational force of the black hole, they have displayed all the information stored in their genes, which was collected and recorded by Li Wenyuan.

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for this situation to be formed "naturally". If the black hole itself has this ability, then the civilization in this universe has long regarded the black hole as a "universal interpreter".

Almost instantly, Li Wenyuan began to think about the reasons for this phenomenon, and soon realized the greatest possibility.

That is the greatest essence of the "fire chasers". They are from the civilization of the last era, and they do not belong to the "now".

They will suffer from "dimension erosion" and be locked by this universe, and they will be cleared by "shrinking". The fundamental reason is that they are not civilizations here.

They chose to throw everything into the black hole to completely perish themselves, but the information they stored was dissociated by the black hole and transformed into content belonging to this universe.

"...In other words, things from the last epoch can be transformed by black holes into things that can be recognized by the current universe?"

Li Wenyuan thought so. At this time, the black hole seems to have some connection with the special situation of the "cradle" galaxy.

According to the "Light Chasers", the shrinking speed of this galaxy was quite fast, and it was only because they blasted the stars into black holes that the speed was delayed.

Forget it, the current black hole even resolved the secret of the "Fire Chaser", no matter what kind, it was something that Li Wenyuan had never thought of before.

However, he still lacks enough experimental data to support the idea of ​​the "decryption function" of black holes. After all, there is nothing around him from the last era that he can squander.

His eyes focused on the "greenhouse dragon nest" galaxy where the ether dragon was located through countless observation devices.

The ether dragon wearing a giant bow-shaped "dimension adaptor" on her head is still lying on her "egg" that also wears a dimension adaptor. She seems to feel Li Wenyuan's gaze, and lifts her huge head around. He looked around for a while, and wagged his tail.

And Li Wenyuan also looked away at this time. Of course, he couldn't throw the ether dragon into the black hole just to test whether the black hole can "transform" her into an existence that can be recognized by this universe, regardless of life or death.

"But her scales may be used for experimentation... Besides, the things I have related to the 'Last Era' seem to be the Aether Dragon and the 'Archives' buildings, right?"

It is impossible for him to throw the "Archive" building into the black hole. He has not been able to analyze these buildings that are suspected to be left by the civilization of the last era. No one knows if it will become useful after being thrown into the black hole. There are no "disposable props", if that is the case, it would be a bit outweighed the gain.

And judging from the situation of "Fire Chaser", deciphering the information emitted by the black hole also requires corresponding methods, and it cannot be solved at will.

At least Li Wenyuan will not throw the "archive" into the black hole unless it is absolutely necessary, but you can try the scales of the Aether Dragon, which has a lot of Aether Dragons.

"In addition, why does the 'Fire Chaser' carry so many species genes? Is it to rebuild the original civilization after the end of the era? What kind of cosmic Noah's Ark is this..."

The "Pre-Era Organic Encyclopedia" analyzed through the "Fire Chaser" reminded Li Wenyuan. Judging from what he knew about the "Fire Chaser", this civilization seems to have done this in the last era.

"Or, is this some kind of 'division of labor and cooperation', where the 'fire chasers' are responsible for collecting and passing on the genetic fire? But the civilizations of the last era seemed to have no idea that the 'fire chasers' chose to live until Now……"

"Thinking about it this way, should we do the same thing in this era? Collect as many genes as possible to prepare for the future in advance?"

Thinking this way, he will create a new "to-do list" for himself, and prepare to create an "organic encyclopedia" for this era.

After that, he put his current energy back on "Spiral Galaxy Alpha", this galaxy divided by "Sky Moat", he still has a lot of things to do.

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