Simultaneously with the "Assimilation Fighters" gradually discovering the traces of the "Sentinel" organization, the "Far Travelers" also discovered the past history of this galaxy during the galaxy exploration process.

Unlike the "Assimilation Fighter", which mainly uses infiltration methods, the "Far Traveler" is more inclined to directly search for alien relics, and rarely infiltrates.

At the same time, they are also responsible for finding the "observation terminal" and "purification terminal" here, so as to thoroughly grasp the movement of this galaxy and confirm the remains left by human beings.

Because of the particularity of the "purification terminal", human beings basically only leave information in such a place where it is basically impossible to be destroyed.

During this process, the "far traveler" discovered an unexpected thing through the investigation of many alien relics, that is, this galaxy has been attacked by "natural disasters".

And this "natural disaster" is none other than "Pressolin" who also came to the galaxy.

More precisely, the ones driven from the galaxy.

The information left by human beings in the "incubator" clearly stated that after the "Presolin" attacked the galaxy, they threw the "rotten wood" part back into the subspace, and now the galaxy preserves the "children" Teachable" one.

As for the group that was driven away, after testing and comparing the age of the ruins, the "far traveler" can basically confirm that they came here.

The news quickly reached Li Wenyuan, and with such a big discovery, he immediately checked this part of the news.

[Hi, respected "Guardian", we found something related to "Pressolin" in that galaxy, we think it is necessary to inform you]

[This is a colony site belonging to an ancient civilization. During the excavation, we found that these colonies had suffered extremely serious signs of "biological erosion"... Yes, it is the "hatching" of "Pressolin" Planet", traces left after being purified]

[Theoretically, the "incubating planet" will completely transform the planet itself, and even if it is purified, the planets left behind will no longer be habitable, but this civilization seems to have solved this problem and allowed these planets to be reused]

[As for similar planets, we have found many in this galaxy, and the distribution distance scale is extremely large. We believe that the "bug disaster" that happened here has indeed been raging for a long time]

The first thing Li Wenyuan saw were the images of several planets with extremely weird surface conditions. Even from the perspective of space, he could clearly feel the "uneven" state of the planet itself, and some of them were even conspicuously lacking. There is no doubt that it has been severely damaged.

However, this kind of destruction is very regular, and it looks more like it was caused by some kind of creature for its own reproduction needs, and in the restoration map drawn by "far traveler", the "hatching planet" is most similar to it.

[On these planetary ruins, most of the records are praises of civilizations working together to fight against "natural disasters\

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