Zhang Yi came to the stage, wiped away his tears, and said with a smile: "I lost my composure. Although it's not the first time I've listened to "Ordinary Road", when I listened to it just now, I couldn't help but think of myself as a trainee. The years when I was born and the time when I first debuted, 'I have crossed mountains and seas and people; I have asked the whole world and never got an answer', these two lines of lyrics are just right, directly hitting the depths of my soul."

Chen Minhao smiled, but did not speak.

When others praise you, just keep smiling. In Chinese traditional culture, when others praise you, it may be out of politeness and politeness. If you take it all, others will think you are too proud, but China is also influenced by modern Western trends. If others praise you, If you choose to be humble, others will think that you are not confident enough.

So just keep smiling.

Zhang Yi continued to speak:

"I have a question, and I believe the audience here also have this question. You became popular on the Internet two years ago because of a video, and then you signed a contract with the well-known Shenmeng Brokerage Company in the industry as a trainee. Afterwards, you participated in "The Artist" "Trainee" is even more smooth sailing, ranking first three times."

"Although this song made several old men in our audience cry, if I hadn't watched the video of your creation process, I would not have believed that this song would have been written by a nineteen-year-old boy. Because I feel that your life is completely smooth sailing, how could you have the mood to create "The Ordinary Road", are you afraid that someone will say on the Internet that you created this song because you wrote new words to express your sorrow?"

Chen Minhao was stunned for a moment, and said with an ugly face: "I never thought about it. When I create, I don't consider what others think about it."

Chen Minhao was overjoyed, thinking, the fish finally took the bait. It's easy for me to tell stories when the songs are controversial.

"I think a singer's creation is based on his life experience, at least I am. The opportunity for me to write the song "Ordinary Road" was that after we played my parents' video at the hot pot restaurant that day, someone said to me I said a few words, 'Did you work hard when you were young?' 'I saw your parents were very hard.'”

"The night I went back from the hot pot restaurant, I tossed and turned and stayed up all night. I was thinking about two questions all night: 'Did my parents work hard?' and 'Did I have a hard life when I was young.' "

"When I was young, I worked hard. I don't think it counts. After all, in my memory, especially when I was in elementary school and junior high school, compared with my classmates, my family was not bad. At least my parents would often give I have pocket money, and every time I leave school, I can buy snacks at the canteen."

"As for my parents, as long as I can remember, I wake up every morning, and I can't see my parents because they have to get up very early every day to steam buns. It’s better, my parents are still getting up early and working late.”

"So, I think my parents are working hard."

"But from the video of the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is not difficult to see that my parents' smiles are not staged. My mother also said in the video that I am their pride, and I think they are really happy. Recalling when I was a child, my family was very poor and They are also happy when they are suffering. So, I think, if you ask my parents if they have worked hard, they will definitely say no."

"They're not lying, because they really feel that they don't work hard. In our small town, the parents of my classmates feel the same way, work hard or do a small business, and then support their families. Said Just kidding, I think that as the young owner of the bun shop, I felt very happy when I was a child."

"Work at sunrise and rest at sunset. I can only use words like ordinary to describe my parents. Although it's a bit bad to say that my parents are ordinary, they really haven't done anything great."

"However, in fact, they also had their own ideals. When my mother was young, she had a star dream, but in the end due to some objective reasons, this dream ended without a problem. My father's dream before marriage was to become a successful businessman. He once went to Wuhan to wholesale leather gloves and sold them back in our small town. Although the leather gloves were unsalable in the end, there are still some gloves at home. Later, my father’s dream after marriage became to buy a villa for my mother. Dad’s two dreams can’t be said to have ended without a problem, but they still haven’t come true.”

"So, when I wrote this song, I was thinking about my parents' experience, this song is actually sung by my parents, or ordinary people like my parents, they were young, they also had ideal."

As the host, Zhang Yi knew very well that Chen Minhao obviously ran out of time when answering, but he didn't intend to interrupt Chen Minhao's speech. Instead, he continued to ask:

"To be honest, I thought you would sing a song similar to "Sing If You Want", similar to inspirational or youthful themes. After all, it is more suitable for the current stage. Why did you choose such a song?"

Chen Minhao thought to himself that Zhang Yi was popular for a reason, and he has a strong ability to assess the situation and add drama to others.

"I feel that since I was a child, I have always asked my parents for things, but I have never thanked them. Now that I have grown up, I have gradually understood their difficulties. Although in the video, my parents always pretend to be relaxed. ,, but I haven’t been home for a long time as a trainee, I know they miss me very much in their hearts. So, I hope that on the stage of "Artist Trainee", I can write a song for them, which is a trivial matter concern."

After speaking, Chen Minhao bowed deeply to the audience.

Backstage waiting area.

Lin Xiuzi had a sad expression on his face. He was reminded of his parents whom he hadn't seen for almost a year because of Chen Minhao's words. On the other hand, he was also complaining in his heart. "mmp, I came back to sleep like a pig that night after eating hot pot, and said that I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't sleep all night."

Xiao Jing's face was pale, and there were only four words in his heart, and the misfortune came out of his mouth.

The program hasn't been aired yet, but he might have imagined that there is such a story behind a song of the level of "Ordinary Road". The popularity must be extremely high! After all, the song and the story behind it complement each other.

You must contact your agent immediately, block the news, and prevent others from knowing the two sentences "Are your parents very hard?" On the pillar of shame of the song "Ordinary Road".


In Chen Minhao's support club, "Chen's Little Tail" looked at his group leader Da Dada with a dazed expression, "The wind is calm and the clouds are calm".

She racked her brains and couldn't figure out why the group leader was crying like this today. Even if people who are older and experienced have more feelings for this song, they shouldn't be crying like this.

When Chen Minhao stepped off the stage, he felt a little more melancholy that he couldn't explain.

However, he did not forget to remind himself, "The fourth stage performance, the second step of the battle plan was perfectly realized."

He knew that audiences wanted stories, so he decided to give them stories they would love to tell.

Chen Minhao only hated that he didn't listen to more songs in his previous life, and he also hated that he didn't have hyperamnesia in his previous life or that he didn't bring a system in time travel. After all, in that case, all the works in his previous life could be stored in his mind.

He encouraged himself and said: I have already won at the starting line compared to others, and there are many songs in my memory. I want to use this trump card to become a global superstar step by step! It's not in vain for me to travel here.

Where Chen Minhao couldn't see it, the Internet had exploded.


Author's words——

I was finally able to get on Qidian APP for a day’s recommendation, and was criticized by many people, but I also saw some cute little ones encouraging me, thank you very much.

When doing poetry appreciation in junior high school, we often start with the poet's life experience. In fact, the song is the same. We often analyze a song from the background of the singer.

In this world, "Ordinary Road" was composed by Chen Minhao, and people will naturally analyze this song from his story.

In fact, the first time I listened to "The Ordinary Road", I didn't know it was sung by Pu Shu. I really remembered my parents. Although they didn't open a bun shop, they were also doing small business in a small town. But when they were young, they also had dreams in their hearts.

Nonsense, I will not say more, many people may think that the protagonist does not need to "do" like this.

I won’t spoil it first, you take your time, I can’t guarantee that you will like every choice of the protagonist, but I can guarantee that every choice of the protagonist is IQ online.

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