"Robin! Batgirl! Answer soon!"

Suddenly, Batman sent a transmission to Robin and Batgirl.

"Batman! You finally answered. Why didn't you respond to my previous calls?"

Robin asked first after hearing Batman's voice.

"Do you know that Gotham is now filled with overwhelming man-bats? What is going on? Does it have anything to do with Black Mask?"

"Someone spread a large amount of human bat serum in the East District... No, it should be called human bat virus."

Batman replied.

"I have detected a large number of elements of human bat serum in the air components in the East District. They have spread through the air to every corner of the East District, and are still spreading further afield."

"Do you know what you're talking about? Are you sure you're not kidding us?"

On the other side, Batgirl asked urgently.

"If the human bat serum spreads through the air, and people can mutate just by breathing the air! This means that the entire East District..."

"Yes, preliminary estimates indicate that at least 90% of the population in the Eastern District has been transformed into man-bats!"

At this point, Batman suddenly gave an urgent order: "Report your current location and physical condition!"

The Man-Bat Virus spread from the East District, and it is currently impossible to calculate where it has spread. What if Robin and Bat Girl already have the Man-Bat Virus in their location, and if they did not wear gas masks without knowing it, The consequences could be disastrous.

What's even more frightening is that as the man-bat virus spreads, more and more people will mutate, until everyone in Gotham has turned into man-bats.

Fortunately, the man-bat virus can only be transmitted through the air and cannot be transmitted through physical contact. You will not be infected by the virus if you are bitten or scratched by a man-bat.

"Currently, there is no discomfort in the body, and the scan of the DNA in the body has not found any abnormalities."

Robin and Batgirl knew the seriousness of the matter, put on their gas masks immediately, and then began to report their respective experiences.

Fortunately, their physical condition at this time was still normal, and there were no signs of mutation.

After receiving the replies from the two men, Batman, who was far away in the East District, felt a lot more relaxed, but he didn't show it on his face.

Not only was it not shown on his face, there was not even the slightest emotion in his tone of voice.

"It's unclear who spread the Man-Bat Virus, but it's definitely not Black Mask. I suspect Roman Sionis was used, and he may not even be aware of it."

Batman began to analyze the case.

"Who could be the person who spread the virus? What was his purpose? Is it Kurt Langstone? Isn't he in Arkham Asylum?"

Batgirl asked.

"While there is no basis for this, I think it is unlikely that Dr. Longstone would do such a thing."

Robin spoke his mind.

"The most important question is, who can get the sample or formula of the human-bat serum?"

"That is your next task."

Batman continued.

"From now on, you no longer have to contend with the endless human bats. You only need to complete the tasks I give you."

"Find out how the human-bat serum was leaked!"

"Robin, you go to Arkham Asylum and ask Kurt Langstone who he has met recently. Batgirl, you go to Francine Langstone and ask if there are any hidden Man-bats. Serum samples.”

The order was given, and Robin and Batgirl had no objections and agreed.

"But how to deal with all the bat freaks in Gotham? There is also a virus that is spreading. Can you do it alone? Batman, are you sure you don't need help?"

Robin asked rather worriedly.

"The matter of the Man-Bat Virus will be solved by Kaitou Kidd and I. You just need to complete your tasks and hurry up! We must solve the crisis as soon as possible and find out who is behind it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Batman cut off the communication, leaving only a busy signal.

Robin was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses and hurriedly asked: "Excuse me? Who did you say you would settle with just now?"

"Kidd, would you like me to make an appointment for you to go to the ear emergency department at Gotham Central Hospital, Robin?"

Batgirl asked jokingly.

"I'm not deaf, I hear, but Kaito Kidd... Batman and Kaito Kidd will solve the Man-Bat Virus, but how is that possible?"

Robin said in disbelief.

"Batgirl, do you think the Batman just now could be Kaitou Kidd in disguise?"

After pondering for a moment, Robin asked seriously.

"Do you want to say that Kaitou Kidd knocked down Batman and stole his helmet, and then used the communicator to contact us, or do you want to say that Kaitou Kidd hacked into Batman's communication system?"

Batgirl asked rhetorically.


After Robin was silent for a while, he replied: "After watching Kaitou Kidd's live broadcast before, I think this is not impossible."


Batgirl fell silent.

"Okay, no matter what, the task of finding out the mastermind behind the scenes must be done. Let's complete our task with peace of mind."

"Well, you're right."

The two reached an agreement, and then cut off communication at the same time and set off on the road, rushing to Arkham Asylum and Francine's address respectively.

"First there was a riot by the escapees from Black Gate Prison, and then there was the Man-Bat Plague that swept across the city. It's going to be a long night tonight."

Robin sighed and couldn't help but complain as he hurried on.


Gotham, Eastside, Heartland.

In the urban area of ​​​​Nuoda, there was not even a single living person to be seen at this time.

Countless human bats were flying wildly in the sky, and the sky was filled with darkness, like dark clouds covering the sky.

"It seems that this is where the man-bat virus was originally released."

In a deep alley, Batman and Kidd were looking at a large broken glass jar in front of them.

Under countless glass jar fragments, a pool of viscous green liquid flowed, and not far away were several corpses wearing gas masks.

"It's obvious that the people behind them only told them that the virus they put in was dangerous, but they didn't tell them what the danger actually was."

Kaitou Kidd, who had put on a gas mask at some point, came over, looked at the several corpses on the ground, shook his head slightly and said.

"As expected, there are no clues here. The person who planned the leak of the Man-Bat Virus is not simple-minded and will not reveal flaws easily."

After searching, Kaitou Kidd said slowly, then turned to look at Batman.

"Can you consider my proposal now?"

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