Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 21 I heard that mages are very smart

"What do you want to ask, hurry up, he seems to be dying."

Levi reminded.

Only then did Reina react. She quickly picked up the orc on the ground and asked loudly, "Where are the people you captured?"

Orc: "¥%...\u0026"

Reina looked at Levi, who looked at her with big eyes and small eyes.

Levi asked with a strange look on his face: "You don't know orc language?"

Reina asked back: "You don't know how?"

Levi: "..."

Rena looked at the orc and tried to communicate with him.

The orc tilted his head and died completely.

Levi felt his head hurt when he looked at Reina. Did this guy consider the consequences before doing anything?

Lena dropped the body and took out a small notebook from her pocket.

After comparing it for a long time, she said: "He said he never caught humans."

Levi glanced at the small notebook in her hand, a handwritten orc translation.

Okay, I wronged Reina.

She still used some brains.

Levi said: "I think it's better for you to leave this matter to your family and mobilize the power of the Golden Shield family to find the missing person. It's better than searching for the missing person by yourself like a headless fly."

Reina put away the notebook, looked at him and said, "I looked for it, but my father didn't agree."

"Ah this..."

Li Wei didn't even know how to persuade him.

Rena said: "Aren't all mages smart? That's why I asked you for help."

Levi felt that this sentence was full of criticism and didn't know how to complain about it.

"Solving crimes is a matter for detectives. What does this have to do with my mage?"

Reina looked at him and muttered in a low voice without hearing clearly, "What did you say?"

"It's nothing. The missing people in the escort team must not have been kidnapped by the orcs." Levi said with certainty.

Reina stared at him and asked, "Why?"

Levi explained it to her.

"Teacher Gu Ze said that when they caught up with the convoy, only the carriage and food were left on the spot, everyone disappeared, and there were no traces of anyone leaving in the surrounding snow."

"Unless orcs can fly, this thing cannot be done by orcs." Levi concluded.

After hearing this, Reina nodded.

Previously, she had only heard that members of the escort team had disappeared mysteriously, but she did not know the details.

This is where the weirdness lies.

Reina quickly asked: "Then what should we do next?"

Levi said: "Go back."

Reina shook her head, "I won't go back until I find Susan."


Levi took a breath of air and sobered up for a moment.

"Let's go take a look at the scene first, but I don't think we can see anything. It's been five or six days."

Reina nodded when she heard this, and she placed her hope on Levi.

Li Wei touched the corpses and found that the most valuable thing on the two orc corpses was the animal skin coat.

Other than that, there were only a few unknown dried meats left.

"So poor!"

Levi grabbed a handful of snow, washed his hands, and cursed angrily.

Reina saw this and said, "If you help me find Susan, I will pay you a generous reward!"

Levi glanced at her and said, "You have money, why don't you entrust others to help? You have to run out and take risks yourself."

Reina said: "I didn't think of it before."

"It's not too late," Levi said.

Reina didn't say anything, and Levi gave up trying to persuade her to go back, "Let's go."

The two left the maple forest and came to the road.

The road was covered with snow and littered with footprints, horse hoof prints and wheel tracks.

Li Wei roughly understood the route of Guze and others.

Tracking in reverse, it didn't take long to find a wheel mark that was off the road.

There are also many horse hoof prints and footprints near the wheel marks.

Looking at the thin white snow on the wheels, Levi said: "I'm lucky, it hasn't snowed in the past few days, and you can basically still see the wheel marks."

Reina hurriedly came over, her hot breath almost hitting Levi's face, and asked, "What can you tell from this?"

Levi turned to look at her and almost bumped his head.

"Can't see anything, keep going."

The two of them continued walking forward.

Hearing Levi gasp, Reina asked: "Are you tired? Do you want me to carry you?"

Levi glanced at her, shook his head and said, "No need."

"You are so physically fit! Just now you were breathing heavily after the battle, but now you are not breathing after walking for several kilometers."

Reina said with a smile: "My master's training method is completely different from other people's training methods. Most knights only ask to practice fighting spirit and combat skills. In addition to practicing fighting spirit and combat skills, my master requires me to at least surround the maple leaves every day. Run three laps of the city wall to build up your physical fitness.”

"My master said that the most important thing for a knight is physical fitness and endurance. Even if the fighting spirit is exhausted, as long as there is still a trace of physical fitness, you can continue to fight!"

Li Wei was a little surprised and asked curiously: "Who is your master?"

Reina said proudly: "Maple Leaf City's only great knight and war knight, Orn Kurt!"

Levi looked surprised.

Now he knew why Master El wanted to "beg" Rena's master.

It turns out that Rena's master is actually a great knight.

At least he is also a fourth-level professional.

There are only a handful of fourth-level professionals in Maple Leaf City, and even the city lord has to give them face.

While walking and chatting, Levi stopped after a while.

"Here we are, right here."

Reina looked at the snow in front of her and asked doubtfully, "How do you know?"

Levi explained: "Look at the footprints on the ground. From here on, the footprints before and after start to look different, which means that the escort team disappeared here."

Reina looked in the direction he was pointing, and after walking a few meters further, the footprints began to become scattered, and there was indeed something different.

"Masters are really smart!"

Levi didn't want to speak when he heard her emotion.

He looked around carefully and found that indeed, as Mr. Furusawa said, there were no traces of anyone leaving.

The biggest question now is how did those escorts disappear?

Fly away? impossible.

Levi squatted down, observed carefully, and thought deeply.

Upon seeing this, Reina stood beside him and consciously alerted her surroundings to protect his safety.

This is the duty of a knight.

"First rule out kidnapping by others. The kidnappers can fly and at least there will be traces of battle left at the scene."

"The space transfer spell...well! This skill is too high, even the Archmage can't do it."

Levi eliminated all possibilities in his mind and finally settled on one thing.

The people in the escort left on their own and were not kidnapped and taken away by others.

Only by leaving voluntarily will no traces of the battle be left behind.

"But how did more than ten people leave here quietly without leaving any traces behind so many mages?"

Levi replaced himself as a member of the escort team and thought about how to leave here without leaving any footprints.

His first thought was to return along the road.

It is impossible to go back along the road. If you go back, you will encounter the mage who came.

"You can't go back along the road, and you can't leave any footprints."

Li Wei looked at the wheel prints and horse hoof prints under his feet, and suddenly his heart moved.

"If those people were hiding on the carriage, the mage would transport the people back to Maple Leaf City without knowing it."

"The food returned to the city, and the people disappeared out of thin air!"

Levi's eyes lit up.

He thinks this possibility is very high.

All that's left is to find evidence.

Levi lowered his head and gestured on the ground, and found that the wheel marks on the second half of the road were deeper than those on the first half of the road, and the carriage became heavier.

After a while, he stood up.

He turned around and looked in the direction he was going back with a smile on his lips.

"I found them!"

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