Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 66 Magic Network!

After destroying the second-level nightmare core, Levi took a rest in the room.

After recovering, he left the safe house again.


As soon as he went out, several streaks of light flew past his eyes.

Li Wei took a closer look and saw that they were several arrows.

One arrow missed, and the rest hit the nightmare orc on the other side of the street.

He turned his head and looked in the direction where the arrow flew, and saw the figures of Lanya and Lisa.

Levi was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that they hadn't died in the dream yet.

The dreams of Hansha City are filled with first- and second-order nightmares.

He was also a little surprised that the two of them could survive until now.

After thinking about it, Levi did not interfere with their dreams.

There are pros and cons to experiencing nightmares.

The downside is of course having nightmares and feeling weak the next day.

Ordinary people would think that the lack of energy caused by not sleeping well is actually due to the nightmare devouring part of the strength.

If it is beneficial, the subconscious mind will record the combat experience in the dream.

After waking up from a dream, ordinary people forget the specific events that occurred in the dream.

But when encountering similar events, there will be an inexplicable sense of repetition and familiarity.

The expression in life is that I remember that I have been to this place, done this thing, and seen this person...

It manifests itself in combat as a knee-jerk reaction when faced with an enemy.

Since possessing the Great Sleepwalker, Levi's combat experience has skyrocketed.

He will not forget the dream, so the combat experience in the dream will not be lost.

No need to rely on a flash of inspiration or a knee-jerk reaction.

Levi was walking on the road, and when he encountered a lone nightmare, he used a small fireball to kill him.

The double-power Dacheng Small Fireball Technique is enough to pose a sufficient threat to first-level low- and intermediate-level nightmares.

To deal with first-level advanced nightmares, you need to use fireball or small charged fireball.

"The nightmare itself is relatively fragile and is considered relatively weak among monsters of the same level."

"In reality, nightmares are difficult to deal with because in reality, nightmares can occupy the body of a living creature and gain the power of the possessed person."

"In the dream, although the nightmare loses the ability to occupy the body, it has terrifying recovery capabilities."

"Each has his or her own strengths!"

Levi was thinking and summarizing his experience while hunting nightmares.

"Mage Vince?"

Levi looked up and saw a familiar figure.

Vince is fighting a fierce battle with two nightmare orcs.

Both nightmare orcs are first-level advanced nightmares.

It was a bit difficult to beat Vince.

"Tangled with vines!"

The ground was broken, and a large number of vines grew out to entangle the nightmare orcs.

The nightmare orcs swung their weapons, slashed at the vines, and broke free.

Vince took the opportunity to cast an attack spell.

"Spiky thorns!"

A huge and thick thorn python emerged from the ground, entangled the two nightmare orcs and tightened them tightly.

Click, click, click!

The armor on the Nightmare Orc was ripped apart by the huge force, turning into gray mist and scattering.

Hoo ho ho!

The gray mist dispersed, emerged from the gaps between the thorn python's bodies, and re-formed into the form of an orc beside Vince.

In Vince's eyes, after the two orcs were killed, he turned around and suddenly saw two more orcs standing behind him.

He was so frightened that a cold sweat broke out on his back.

Ordinary people cannot see the gray fog on the nightmare.


The Nightmare Orc's weapon struck Vince's magic shield.

Vince reacted, quickly retreated and distanced himself, and cast spells to try to control the two orcs.


A mace hit the magic shield, knocking Vince's figure sideways, and the spell in his hand was also forcibly interrupted.

Vince, who was approached by the Nightmare Orcs, was beaten repeatedly and had no strength to fight back.

Even if you want to distance yourself, you can't.

The Nightmare Orcs were much faster than him.

Levi stood aside, frowning as he watched this scene.

Think about how to respond in this situation.

This is a pain point for mages. They are entangled by melee enemies and cannot even release complete spells.


Vince tore open a spell scroll, and a cold wind swept out, freezing the two nightmare orcs around him into ice.

"Well, using magic items is a good choice."

Levi thought in his mind.

Vince finally gets a chance to cast the full spell.

"Spiky thorns!"

The thorn python crushed the two frozen orcs, and the gray mist dispersed and regrouped not far away.

Levi shook his head, Vince's grass spells were tightly restrained by Nightmare.

Nightmare cannot be trapped or killed.

He couldn't stand it anymore and took action directly, throwing a charged fireball.


The huge flames drowned the figures of Vince and the two orcs, and the three disappeared, leaving a large crater in place.

Levi picked up Vince's memory fragments and destroyed the two nightmare cores.

Disappear invisible, walking on the road, holding memory fragments to absorb memories.

"Huh? So this is what the Magic Network is like?"

I couldn't get the spell model from Vince's memory, because the ring mage's mastery of spell models was all at the lowest level, as long as he could use it.

A very small number of ring mages take the time to practice their spells and master the more proficient spell models.

After so long, Levi has almost figured out the rules.

The owner of the spell model must practice to at least a minor level, so that the spell model in memory can be fully presented.

Obviously, Vince did not master any minor level spells.

His spells are also less powerful than those of many traditional mages.

Although I didn't learn any new spells, I knew how the magic network existed and how to enter it.

Levi feels he has gained a lot.

The magic network relies on magic elements to exist. In theory, any area with magic elements will be covered by the magic network.

However, the exchange of information on the Magic Network relies on the flow of magical elements.

Therefore, if the magic elements in a certain area are closed and cannot be exchanged between the inside and outside, the magic network cannot enter.

After reading Vince's memories, Levi realized that the conflict between the ring mage and the traditional mage was not as big as imagined.

In other words, the goddess of magic makes no difference between traditional mages and ring mages.

All mages can enter the Weave.

Circle mage can do it, traditional mage can do it too.

Furthermore, the power of the magic network was used to draw the boundary between the two.

Traditional mages can only transmit information in the magic network and cannot use the magic network to cast spells.

After a ring mage believes in the goddess of magic, he can obtain higher-level magic net permissions. The magic net permissions correspond to the spellcasting permissions of ring mages of each level.

Ring Mage apprentices can only unlock zero-level spellcasting permissions, and can only cast zero-level spells with the help of magic nets.

A first-level ring mage can only unlock first-level spellcasting permissions and use the magic network to cast first-level spells.

And so on.

In the magic network system, the strength of each level of mage is fixed and cannot be overcome.

Unlike traditional mages, as long as they can learn it, a trainee mage can also release first-level spells, and a first-level mage may also release second-level spells.

But just the threshold of learning magic baffles countless people.

That's why so many people choose to become ring mages.

Levi gets the way to enter the magic network from Vince's memory.

At the same time, he also knew one thing.

The Mage Tower in Maple Leaf City has actually always mastered the way to enter the magic network and become a ring mage.

Allen told Vince that he occasionally chatted with the mage Marina in the magic network.

Before coming to challenge the Maple Leaf City Mage Tower, he also sent a challenge letter to Martin through the magic network, but Martin did not respond to his message.

Al never used Ley Lines because he firmly believed they would have negative effects.

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