Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 80 The war is over, come back!

Li Wei received news of victory in the war.

It was already four days after he learned about the decisive battle from Gus.

The news of victory was told to him by Gu Ze.

Furusawa: "The war is over. A great victory. I should go back in a few days."

Levi: "Teacher, the orcs' military strength is more than twice that of humans. How did they achieve such a complete victory?"

He was very curious about this matter.

Gu Ze: "Marshal Ornn made a breakthrough in the decisive battle, which greatly increased the strength of the entire army and defeated the orc army in one fell swoop."

He didn't want to tell Li Wei the details.

Even he was shocked and frightened by that last scene.

Humans are less human and more orcs than orcs.

The night the war ended, he had nightmares.

Rumor has it that the wizards of the orc tribe also possess a spell that can make people fearless of pain, life and death, and increase their strength.


But rage can only be used on a single target.

Even mass rage can only be used on a small number of targets.

Ornn's violent aura affects tens of thousands of people, which is too terrifying.

War Knight, so terrifying!

Not only the violent aura, but also the intimidating aura, otherwise the orc army would not have collapsed so quickly.

Levi showed surprise when he saw Ornn advance in the final battle.

He suddenly thought of Lena.

Reina told him before that Aoun arranged an advancement ceremony for her during the war.

Levi was thoughtful.

"Is the advancement ceremony of the war knight profession war?"

He seemed to understand why Ornn wanted to help Oates build a kingdom.

I see.

Spark Literary Society has not yet received news of a complete victory in the decisive battle on the front lines.

They are also publishing a large number of books to promote the great achievements of the city lord Otzi.

Newspapers are distributed free to the public and posted on notice boards.

They also paid bards to adapt the stories and tell them to illiterate people for free.

Not only Maple Leaf City, but also Spark Literary Society mobilized various relationships to distribute newspapers promoting Otzi's great achievements to various places.

Anyway, everything is paid for by the city lord's palace.

Xinghuo Literary Society only needs to vigorously promote and carry out the important tasks assigned to them by the city lord.

The newspaper has spread to the towns under the Machir Kingdom.

The king's first reaction when he heard the news was to laugh at Oates for spreading the word about his slight achievements, just like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world.

At first, he watched the newspapers proclaiming Oates's exploits as if he were watching a monkey show.

He and the ministers around him laughed at Maple Leaf City for exaggerating its achievements, and ridiculed Oates for being so happy with his achievements.

After a few days, he realized something was wrong.

It seems that the people in the kingdom are beginning to support the hero who drove away the orcs.

The king immediately ordered all newspapers and leaflets to be confiscated, and it was forbidden to publicize Otzi's achievements.

The news from the front line made the king feel so happy that he temporarily forgot about the newspaper.

The Orcs' Western Front Army took the initiative to retreat on the third day after the Eastern Front Army was defeated by Ornn.

The orc kingdom is afraid of being attacked from both sides.

On the other hand, I was also frightened by Ornn's record.

The news of the orcs' retreat made the king happy for a while, and the whole country celebrated.

Originally, he should have invited the city lords who responded to the call in this war to come to the royal city to gather together to participate in the celebration banquet, and then commend the city lords who made the most outstanding contributions as a reward.

But because of the newspaper incident, the king had a grudge and suspicion towards Oates, the lord of Maple Leaf City.

Oates was not invited.

The city lords who had made the most outstanding contributions were not invited, and the king did not want to invite anyone else.

After all, this time it was entirely thanks to Oates' victory on the Eastern Front that the Maciel Kingdom repelled the invasion of the Orc Kingdom.

The king did not have the shame to brag about the achievements of the Maciel Kingdom to other city lords.

There is no point in inviting others to the celebration party.

When the king held a celebration banquet, Oates and Orn met.

Oates looked at Aoun and smiled: "Congratulations on your successful advancement."

Aoun was stern, but happiness could be seen on his face, and his expression was not as serious as before.

"Not expected."

Aoun said: "The army has been reorganized, the wounded are staying in Jiye City to recuperate, and the remaining 14,000 people are ready to go out at any time."

"Use 20,000 orc captives as the leading siege force to reduce the casualties of our soldiers."

Oates raised the corners of his mouth, already seeing the future results in his eyes.

He said: "Let's go!"

"The orc captives consume so much food, it's time for them to contribute value."

Aoun led a huge team of more than 30,000 people and embarked on the return journey towards Maple Leaf City.

In name, it was said to be sending soldiers from various cities home.

Tens of thousands of people came rolling in. The soldiers guarding the city wall were frightened and overwhelmed when they felt the vibrations of the ground as tens of thousands of people moved around.

Wherever Aoun went, all the city lords felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

He first sent soldiers corresponding to the city, and led the army closer to the city in the name of returning the soldiers.

Seeing this scene, the city lord dared to open the door to welcome people.

He was afraid that after the city gate was opened, Orn gave an order, tens of thousands of people would pour into the city, and the city would collapse without attack.

The legion of more than 30,000 people is more than the residents of some small cities.

The city lord refused to drive the invading warriors home, causing internal dissatisfaction and losing the loyalty of external soldiers.

Ornn took the opportunity to win over people's hearts, retreated the human soldiers to the rear, and sent 20,000 orc prisoners towards the city wall.

Twenty thousand people, overwhelming.

Just standing under the city wall without launching an attack made the guards on the city wall feel tremendous pressure.

The city lord has lost his support and his morale is low.

The atmosphere on the city wall was extremely depressing.

Just by besieging the city without attacking it, the city lord was forced into a desperate situation.

Oates took the opportunity to appear and persuade him to surrender.

"Submission or destruction? Choose."

The weak city lord acted decisively and chose to surrender.

The slightly stronger city lord did not dare to open the door, but he did not choose to surrender.

Ornn didn't attack hard.

The city lord who refused to surrender immediately discovered that the city gate had opened by itself.

A group of special forces composed entirely of professionals had already sneaked into the city during the confrontation and opened the city gate from the inside.

This group never appeared on the battlefield.

When the city lord who tries to resist appears, they will appear like ghosts and break through the city's defenses from within.

The city gates were wide open, and the city lord had no choice but to surrender.

It takes five days to return to Maple Leaf City from Jiye City.

Not many battles broke out along the way, and the orc prisoners used as cannon fodder for the siege did not suffer many casualties.

It was the continuous days of traveling that exhausted the energy of the orc captives, making them more and more tired and unable to escape.

From Jiye City to Hansha City and then to Maple Leaf City, there are a total of twelve cities along the way.

The five cities surrendered quickly and surrendered decisively.

The two cities were broken through by special forces, the gates were opened wide, and they were forced to surrender.

There were two other cities that had their gates opened and resisted for a while before surrendering after seeing that the situation was not going well.

Three cities larger than Maple Leaf City were indifferent to Ornn's siege.

Relying on the strong soldiers and horses, the high walls and thick walls, they are not afraid of attacking the city at all.

After Orn besieged the city for a day, seeing that there was no chance, he took the initiative to retreat.

In addition, Jiye City, which originally supported the founding of Oates, was the first to take control of Hansha City.

Oz already controls twelve cities and occupies most of the eastern territory of the Maciel Kingdom.

The three powerful cities were firmly separated from the Kingdom of Maciel.

Thanks to the vigorous publicity of Spark Literary Society, people in various cities did not have much resistance after learning that their immediate boss had become the heroic city lord Otzi. Instead, they were happy to tell each other and celebrate.

On the second day of the conquest, the Machir Kingdom received news.

Trying to send troops to stop it.

After learning that Aoun had more than 30,000 troops.

The army that was already on the way immediately turned around and returned.

It was too late to mobilize troops from the front line, so they could only watch Oates return to Maple Leaf City.

On this day, Li Wei was waiting on the city wall early for everyone to return.

He looked into the distance and saw an endless stream of soldiers and horses slowly walking towards Maple Leaf City.

Return with great victory!

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