Begin the Holy Grail War with the Sombra Legion

Chapter 75 Kenneth's Cheating

"That idiot! Not only is he arrogant, he doesn't understand the true meaning of the devil, but he dared to provoke me! This time, he must make him kneel on the ground and apologize to me with an unstoppable victory!"

Kenneth roared with anger, but the movements of his hands were fine and stable. Like his magic circuit, he was best at the precision operation of the atmosphere and the water infiltration operation. The dual compound attributes and excellent talent allowed Kenneth to advance to the next level. Sebit quickly inherited the position of monarch.

He should have continued to climb the peak of magic, until he became a pivotal figure, won the highest crown evaluation, and left his name in the history of the development of magic.

That would have been the case, were it not for the provocation of that stupid little man.

Although Kenneth's suppression of the paper was an act of good intentions no matter how you looked at it, but because of the high-spirited personality of both parties involved, neither of them felt that they were giving favors or receiving favors.

But the fermentation of the matter could not be stopped. The news that the students challenged the lecturer made Kenneth instantly pushed to the forefront. Among the acquaintances he met occasionally when he went out, many people were already questioning his authority in a strange way.

This was unbearable for the proud Kenneth. In order to ensure that he did not lose his face, he also worked a little harder and carefully collected information about the Holy Grail War.

Currently, he is preparing for the last step before the battle.

"Phew," Kenneth heaved a sigh of relief looking at the dazzlingly sophisticated magic circle in front of him, and stood up from the side of the circle.

In the final analysis, it is just a magic competition organized by families in the Far East. Although the core part is indeed difficult to understand, the external details are full of mistakes and omissions in the eyes of a first-class academic magician like Kenneth. .

In the past few days, he has been busy tampering with the master's identity, and is responsible for supplying the magic power channels of the heroic spirits.

In the initial thought, Kenneth planned to let his fiancée Sola be responsible for providing magic power, while he completely let go of his hands and feet to concentrate on fighting tactics.

The Holy Grail War is nothing more than a match between familiars and familiars, magicians against magicians. Among all the participating magicians, their strength is well-deserved number one. Excellent King Arthur.

The victory of this war is already in his pocket!

Although Kenneth thought so... But this challenge caused too much trouble, so he had to be more cautious.

"It's done." As an expert in séance, alchemy, and summoning, Kenneth also made a slight mistake, "Dual-core demon offering channel."

On the original basis, he has an additional link with his fiancée. When Sola can't support it due to excessive mana consumption, the heroic spirit's demon offering object will be transferred to him again, so that , his servants will always maintain peak combat effectiveness, which is twice as long as that of conventional magicians.

"Now, the victory of the servant is also guaranteed," Kenneth sneered, "Except for this King Arthur's own treasure, this holy relic named Avalon can also be delivered to him as the second treasure. , This time, I have already purchased two more magic stoves in the name of El-Melloi, a total of five more. The magic studio built with him as the core is not comparable to the second- and third-rate magicians. "

Kenneth has always been arrogant and has a low EQ, but he is not without a brain at all. He really didn't think that the Yusanjia was a threat to him. These five magic furnaces are a guarantee. Even if he fights against the three knights at the same time, he can remain invincible place.

However, in a sense, the value of these five magic furnaces is already far higher than the results brought about by the apparent victory of this Holy Grail War.

"With such insurance, you are indeed a second-rate fighter."

Sitting on the sofa in the room, not a magician at all,

Sola, who was more like a luxurious noble, looked at Kenneth and uttered sarcasm.

If ordinary people dared to speak to him like this, Kenneth would have already bet on the name of the family and let the other party double the return, but this woman was the only exception.

"Sola, when the war starts, you will withdraw this evaluation soon."

Kenneth said confidently, he knew that his fiancée had been bored in the room these days because he had to cooperate with his tampering, and he didn't care about this sarcasm.

"Then I don't expect to wait."

"It won't be long," Kenneth held his head high, stroking the gorgeous scabbard on the table, "tomorrow, let's start the heroic spirit summoning."

Inside the Matou House, Roland looked at the man who came out of the wormhole with a smile, a little amazed.

"Matou, now you are more like a magician than me."

Because the transformation doesn't require Matou's visceral research, which is slow to death and inefficient, during this year, Matou Kariya also began to absorb the knowledge of the magic way again.

Like worms eating carrion.

This is not a subjective metaphor from Roland, but reality.

Since Matou Kariya abandoned Kariya's name, his whole body has thrown himself into the bug magic that he had abandoned so much before—thanks to the foundation laid by the old bug, although his qualifications are poor, Matou Kariya's entry Not too slow.

The current appearance of Matou Kariya is quite different from before. His long gray hair hangs down to his shoulders, his muddy pupils are rippling with green light, he is wearing a large robe with a hood on his head, covering his Most of his face was covered.

From the gaps in the robe, many utensils of unknown purpose can be seen, but without exception, they all have the brilliance of magic power. These are all excellent dresses.

On the surface of Matou Kariya's skin, worms wriggling in the blood vessels still surfaced from time to time, but this man turned a blind eye to it.

Cold, cruel, indifferent, the qualities of an orthodox magician are fully displayed in him.

Those beast-like bloodthirsty pupils will only become docile when they see Roland, Matou Kariya said in a voice like insects: "It's just a meaningless crash, after all, the way weapons are forged It is completely different from cultivating successors."

The weapon that killed Tosaka Tokiomi was what Kariya Matou demanded of himself from Roland.

He did indeed do it. After the first round of transformation was completed, he asked more than once to implant more engraving worms on his body, and also took the initiative to transform his body into a nest of insects according to the classics of the Matou family. It is very similar to the Matou Zouyan back then. Unlike the excellent longevity technique of Matou Zouyan, this kind of transformation is relatively low-level.

Just like his self-mockery, maybe there really is a distorted obsession flowing in the blood of the Matou family.

The organs and flesh and blood that maintain the necessary life cycle are piled up together, and the rest of the space is used to build an ecological environment for insects to live in. This is the approach of Matou Kariya.

Now, his vitality is like a candle in the wind. If it is not for the obsession to maintain the magic power of shadow given to him by Roland, Matou Kariya may die at any time.

But in exchange, he also became a magician with excellent combat effectiveness in just one year.

The man named Matou Kariya spent a long year in the overlapping of the two, making the costumes and transforming the bugs. With the flame of revenge, he forged himself into a slender, fragile, but Incomparably sharp blade.

Just waiting for the time to cut it out.

"Well, now you, as a master, have excellent qualities. So, have you decided on the job you want to summon?"

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