Begin the Holy Grail War with the Sombra Legion

Chapter 78: Heroic Spirit Summoning

"Starting today, the masters will all start to act. Has there been news from Tokiomi?"

"The answer given by the master is that the official handover will take place this morning, and it is estimated that he will be back in the evening."

"That's okay," Yanfeng Lizheng breathed a sigh of relief after getting a definite answer, and turned his gaze to the spirit disk in his hand again.

"Today, let us witness the appearance of other heroic spirits."

Kotomine Kirei nodded his head, staring at the Lingpan, but his thoughts drifted far away.

Will that mysterious young man also participate in the Holy Grail War?

Is he an enemy or a friend? What do I have to give to get an answer?


Kotomine Kirei, you must never associate with evil, and there is more than one person who knows the answer.

He remembered that he had collected information about another person, the man who abandoned the common sense way of life and ignored everything.

Emiya Kiritsugu, don't let me down.

In the distant Einzbern Castle, Emiya Kiritsugu looked towards Fuyuki's direction if he felt something, and then settled down again, concentrating on drawing the magic circle in front of him.

Under the touch of his fingertips, the flowing mercury smoothly transformed into the shape of the formation. He didn't stand up again until he checked that the magic formation was in good condition.

"Is it done?"

Irisviel, who was holding her breath at the side, for fear of disturbing Emiya Kiritsugu, walked over gently, looking at the formation on the ground.

"Yes, the Holy Grail War's requirement for the master is essentially just to draw this specific spirit-sentence ceremony."

"After all, it is the Holy Grail's own power that really summons the servants. As masters, we only need to provide a contract as a bond of existence."

Emiya Kiritsugu explained, "Mercury itself is a very good carrier. If it is really difficult, it can be done with the most basic blood. Examples of magical solutions."

"But for me, there's no need for that."

Irisviel looked over the formation and looked at the empty area in front of her.

If you want to summon a specific Heroic Spirit, you need to place a catalyst there, and Einzbern finally adopted Emiya Kiritsugu's tactic.

As a continuation of artificial humans, although they have high talents in alchemy under the inheritance of the previous generation, they know nothing about combat. A large part of the reason for losing the Holy Grail War before is related to this.

They failed to capture the holy relic of the Knight King for Emiya Kiritsugu, so they had no choice but to let this professional killer and combat expert do nothing.

"I hope that the one who can answer my call is a reliable Heroic Spirit."

Even though the indifferent and assertive Emiya Kiritsugu had always shown himself, in front of his wife who had been with him for three years, he let go of his defenses and expressed his inner thoughts.

"There's no point in worrying before summoning."

Irisviel has long been used to Kiritsugu's appearance. For her, this kind of scene that is only shown in front of her is a precious treasure.

"This is a compatibility call. Although it may not be possible to call the most suitable one, it will definitely call out the heroic spirit who is most similar to your personality."

"Such a person, even if he knows your dreams and ideals, he will definitely understand you."

"Am I the kind of executioner?"

Emiya Kiritsugu laughed self-deprecatingly, "I'm not qualified to hug anyone, what supports me is just my past innocence, I don't even believe in myself."

"I believe that I also understand your ideal, and I am really happy for it."

Irisviel smiled softly, walked away a little bit, and gave up the home field to Emiya Kiritsugu who walked to the front of the formation.

Emiya Kiritsugu stood in front of the formation,

He raised his arms, stared at the empty altar in front of him, and suppressed the unspoken words in his heart with chants.

Ellie, of course you are different, you are my


The engraving on Emiya Kiritsugu's hand lit up together with the circuit, and he began to assist in the chanting of the spell. His heart began to beat rapidly, and the magic circuit was also carrying it crazily, making his thinking almost stand still.

Now, in his mind, only the last words before the summoning, the last word.

The extraction of magic power began to slow down, and the light of the formation was slowly extinguished. Irisviel, who was guarding at the side, subconsciously covered her mouth and suppressed the cry.

Emiya Kiritsugu also raised his head, looking at the figure in front of him.

The young man in red clothes, white hair, and the same dull complexion as that in the Middle East stood in front of him like this.

Then, the other party opened his eyes, but a very strange expression appeared on his proud face, and he froze in place.

Although he didn't have any expectations, Emiya Kiritsugu still asked.

"What's the matter, an expression that is under control, but also seems to be completely unexpected?"

"Since as a Servant, it is a basic etiquette to report your name to the Master. Let me introduce myself. I am Emiya Kiritsugu, your Master and future collaborator."

"Well," the young man in red gave an ambiguous answer, his expression gradually calmed down, and there was even a faint intimacy.

The heroic spirit is indeed an existence independent of the timeline, and it is not surprising to be summoned by anyone. Although it is different from falling from the ceiling in memory and waiting for a girl named Tohsaka Rin to push the door open, such a situation is rather different. Not bad either.

"The Heroic Guard... is nameless, I joined in response to the call, just call me Acher."

"I will be your sword, and fate will coexist with Emiya. Please use me with trustworthy tactics...Master."

"Be full, be full..."

Kenneth and Sola stood in front of the summoning circle, looking at the gorgeous scabbard in front of them. Even with the passage of time, he still maintained a complete and exquisite appearance, unlike other catalysts that were purely holy relics. different.

This scabbard itself is a conceptual weapon, so it will not be weathered in a thousand years. Legend has it that as long as you hold it, you can heal the holder's injuries and stagnate aging.

The premise is that his real master provides it with magic power. Such a holy relic with such a perfect origin must come in response to the call, and it must be the King Arthur who resounds throughout the UK.

Cooperating with the legendary holy sword and this scabbard, as well as his excellent master, Kenneth could hardly think of the possibility of failure.

The pressure brought by the ceremony was nothing to him. After finishing the chanting, Kenneth couldn't wait to look at the figure in the center of the formation.

Before the fog cleared, the awe-inspiring voice made an announcement before Kenneth.

"Servant Saber, you came here as you were summoned, let me ask you."

"—Are you my Master?"

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