Sandra Cardinal's Fleet Flagship Bridge

  So far, Sandra's Cardinal Archbishop's fleet is still fighting with the First Fleet of the Green Kite Legion.

  Although in the situation, the two sides are still relatively anxious.

  But in terms of the loss of starships, the Sandra Cardinal fleet far surpassed the other side.

  This is entirely due to three reasons.

  First of all, the enemy's T3 Destruction Flare-class heavy interstellar missile ship is too powerful, and when it strikes with a wave of firepower, there will always be dozens of T3 starships on the side of Cardinal's Sandra fleet, and many T3 starships will be affected and damaged to varying degrees.

  Fortunately, in the battle that lasted for several hours, the interstellar missiles of the T3 Destruction Flare-class heavy interstellar missile ships in the First Fleet seemed to have been exhausted, and they were replaced by good power, but they were far inferior to the other attack methods of the previous physical missiles.

  If the T3 Destruction Flare Class Heavy Interstellar Missile Ship had enough interstellar missiles, Cardinal Sandra couldn't imagine what the outcome of this battle would have been like so far, and the losses would have been quite heavy.

  The second reason is the advantage of the Green Kite Legion in air combat, although it has not yet reached the point of losing air supremacy, but the terrifying battle loss ratio of the enemy and the interstellar fighter still makes Cardinal Sandra feel pain.

  And those starfighters and drone swarms will also attack the starship from time to time.

  This has had a great impact on the starships of the Sandra Cardinal Archship's fleet, on the one hand, you have to pay attention to the starships of the first fleet of the Green Kite Legion in front of the front.

  On the other hand, you have to pay attention to the starfighters and drone swarms overhead.

  Combat power has been greatly affected.

  The third reason is the T4 Titan-class heavy interstellar frigate that the Green Kite Legion has invested for the first time in this campaign, and the defense and interception capabilities of this interstellar frigate are simply beyond their imagination.

  The T4 Shenwei-class heavy interstellar frigate that originally made them proud was not even qualified to carry shoes in front of this T4 Titan-class heavy interstellar frigate.

  The other is the younger brother of the T4 Titan-class heavy interstellar frigate, the T3 Dragon Shield-class heavy interstellar frigate.

  These two interstellar frigates formed an impregnable wall for the First Fleet, and made the First Fleet's losses in the early stages of the battle much smaller than those of the Sandra Cardinal Fleet.

  It is these three reasons that make this seemingly anxious battle on the surface actually suffer a big loss for the Sandra Cardinal fleet.

  The starship battle loss ratio between the two sides once reached a terrifying point of 3 to 1, and as for the starfighters and drone swarms, it was even more direct 10 to 1!

  Cardinal Sandra clearly felt that it was very unlikely that his own Sandra Cardinal Archbishop fleet would be able to level the first fleet in front of him, and even if he had the opportunity, he would have to pay a very heavy price, at least the battle loss rate would exceed 70%!

  That's what Cardinal Sandra doesn't want to see, and the only way to break the game is his own follow-up fleet.

  He put his expectations on the main fleet of the Holy See Empire Expeditionary Fleet, which was originally planned to support him, as long as the 80,000 starships arrived here, then no matter how strong the first fleet of the Blue Kite Legion was, it would not be their opponent.

  However, the main fleet, which was supposed to arrive here within an hour, was delayed.

  Even in the middle of the period, there was no news of contact.

  This made Cardinal Sandra a little at a loss, and the 80,000 starships suddenly lost contact, could it be that they encountered any danger?

  However, no matter how capable the Green Kite Legion is, it is impossible to swallow 80,000 starships.

  Or rather...... What intergalactic catastrophe has occurred?

  This is the only reason Cardinal Sandra can think of, and it is not uncommon for such an unfortunate thing to happen in interstellar history.

  Since you can't contact the main fleet, contact the other two paladin fleets.

  Surprisingly, the Paladin fleet of Grahide also lost contact at this time, and the only contact was Arthur Paladin.

  It should not be a coincidence that the two fleets could not be connected.

  This caused a feeling of unease to rise in Cardinal Sandra's heart.

  However, the first priority is to resolve the current situation.

  He directly gave the order to Arthur's paladin fleet to evacuate the current battle, and then use the space jump to support the interstellar battlefield on his side as soon as possible.

  Arthur Paladin was naturally very unhappy with such an order, after all, the battle on his side was also in full swing.

  If you want to retreat at this time, you will definitely be pursued by the enemy.

  And their starship can't make a space jump in front of the enemy, so it will become a meat target.

  So in this way, there must be a loss of some starships.

  This made Arthur Paladin's heart feel comfortable, but after all, this was the order of Cardinal Sandra, and in the Holy See Empire, Cardinal Sandra was the paladin's backer.

  Even if he didn't want to obey this order, Arthur Paladin still agreed.

  However, a time is given, and that is that it will take at least 30 minutes to support the interstellar battlefield on the Cardinal's side.

  After all, it will take a little time to evacuate the battle and look for opportunities to make space jumps.

  Cardinal Sandra didn't ask too much, just as soon as possible.

  And not long after Cardinal Sandra interrupted communication with Arthur Paladin, the main fleet, which had been out of contact for a while, took the initiative to contact them.

  This made Cardinal Sandra excited and angry at the same time, and he needed to find a place to vent the anger in his chest.

  Therefore, as soon as the communication was connected, Cardinal Sandra came up and scolded him.

  And unexpectedly, what the other party said.

  "We encountered the T5 starship of the Green Kite Legion......"

  At this moment, Cardinal Sandra felt as if his surroundings had suddenly quieted down, and he frowned slightly, did he hear it wrong just now?

  Listen to T4 as T5?

  However, Cardinal Sandra looked at his vice-captain, and because the vice-captain was next to Cardinal Sandra, Cardinal Sandra did not avoid suspicion just now.

  So, the co-captain also heard this.

  That expression was also very surprised and unbelievable.

  "You also heard him say that it was a T5 starship?" said Cardinal Sandra to interrogate the vice-captain.

  The deputy captain was stunned for a moment, and said in a somewhat surprised tone: "You also heard it? Didn't I hear wrong?"

  At this moment, Cardinal Sandra frowned and looked at Deputy Commander Sam on the other side of the video communication window.

  Deputy Commander Sam is a cardinal, second only to the cardinal archbishop in the Holy See Empire, on par with the Twelve Paladins, but the responsibilities of the two are different.

  That's why Cardinal Sam can be the deputy commander of the Holy See Empire's expeditionary fleet of 100,000 starships.

  "You just said you encountered a T5 starship?Sam, you're a cardinal, and you're responsible for what you say!" Cardinal Sandra said solemnly.

  T5 Starship.

  This is a technology that even the Holy See Empire is still in the research and development stage, and it is only in the theoretical stage.

  Now Cardinal Sam actually said that he had encountered a T5 starship, or a T5 starship of the Green Kite Legion.

  Cardinal Sandra felt like she was playing an interstellar joke.

  "Cardinal, I know what I'm saying now, and you probably don't want to believe it. But I have here the video footage and some data that I can transfer to you.

  You can see what I'm talking about, and that's true.

  And, the bad news is that our main fleet may not be able to support you on the battlefield.

  In fact...... I'm not in a lot of trouble. Cardinal Sam said with a wry smile.


  This can't be said to be a problem, it's a mess!

  In the campaign under his leadership, he lost 40,000 starships, although half of them were not directly under the Holy See Empire's fleet, but this number was also quite large.

  As a cardinal, I am afraid that after returning to China, the military court will inevitably go through.

  If you're lucky, you're the cardinal, but if you're unlucky, you're going to be the end......

  Cardinal Sandra was still skeptical of Cardinal Sam's words at the moment, but hearing that the other party had evidence, he did not immediately refute it, but looked at the evidence first.

  Although he didn't want to believe that the Blue Kite Legion had a T5 starship, Cardinal Sam couldn't have played such a joke on him at this time.

  Cardinal Sandra did not immediately check on the evidence of the messages sent by Cardinal Sam, but opened a secrecy area around him.

  However, he allowed the co-captain to stay in it, after all, he had also heard about the T5 starship just now.

  And this vice-captain is also one of his henchmen.

  Cardinal Sandra made some special handling of the informational evidence to ensure that no one on the starship system had access to the data, and that no trace of the data remained.

  In short, it just can't be seen by others.

  Cardinal Sandra and the vice-captain soon began to consult this 'evidence' of Cardinal Sam.

  There are two videos that are blurry, but you can roughly see what's going on.

  That's exactly what the hellish angel starship is in when it launches two attack modes!

  After reading these contents, Cardinal Sandra and the deputy couldn't calm the shock in their hearts for a long time.

  A few minutes later, Cardinal Sandra's gaze was fixed on the image of a starship in front of him.

  It was the Blue Kite Legion's Hellangels starship.

  "Jomons, you...... Do you think this starship is a T5 starship?" said Cardinal Sandra in a low voice.

  Jomons is the name of this vice-captain.

  Vice Captain Jomons was already covered with sweat on his forehead, and his eyes had an incredible look in his eyes.

  In the face of Cardinal Sandra's question, he couldn't give an answer for a while, which was a taboo for a deputy captain.

  "Just say what you think in your heart. Cardinal Sandra said.

  Vice Captain Jomons took a deep breath and looked at Cardinal Sandra: "If there is a T5 starship in my heart, it is undeniable that this starship is completely in line with my vision.

  Ultra-fast speed that can be achieved in a short period of time, a terrifyingly powerful energy shield, and an attack method that can be called a doomsday weapon!"

  Hearing Vice Captain Jomons' words, Cardinal Sandra's expression didn't change much.

  In fact, when he finished reading the content himself, he himself had a definition.

  Compared to Vice Captain Jomons and Deputy Commander Sam, he is a cardinal archbishop who is one of the few people who has access to the core technology of the Holy See Empire.

  So, he is more clear about the concept of the T5 starship.

  He had even seen several conceptual T5 starships that the Holy See Empire still had on the drawings, many of which were similar to the Hell Angel starship.

  It's just that, for a variety of reasons, those can only be a concept.

  But now, the starship that he thought would take hundreds of years to really appear appeared in front of his eyes at this moment, and it was still his opponent's starship.

  Cardinal Sandra still couldn't digest it for a while.

  Vice Captain Joymons took the initiative to speak at this time: "Cardinal Archbishop, the matter about this starship is very important.

  But now the priority is the battle at hand.

  Judging by the current situation, the situation on the battlefield is not very good.

  At the very least, Deputy Commander Sam lost 40,000 starships, which had a great impact on us. "

  Cardinal Sandra rubbed his eyes, he also knew that the most important thing now should be to take out the battle in front of him first.

  "Phew......" Cardinal Sandra took a deep breath: "Jomons, the matter about the possibility that this starship may be a T5 starship is tentatively classified as top secret, and these contents will be transmitted back to the empire by the most confidential means of communication." "

  "Understood!" Vice Captain Jomons nodded solemnly.

  The news of the T5 starship, this is not just a small problem of the local battle of the border interstellar forces.

  Once the news of the appearance of the T5 starship spreads in this universe, it will be like a supernova explosion.

  So, they have to block the news now!

  "Also...... Give orders to the fleets to evacuate the current battlefield first. Cardinal Sandra eventually gave the order to end the battle and evacuate the current battlefield.

  Let's not talk about the T5 starship, just because of the current battlefield situation, they don't want to fight anymore.

  If you continue to fight like this, what can you do if you win?

  When the time comes, he will return with a fleet of twenty or thirty thousand starships that are most likely left?

  The price of such a crushing victory, he Sandra can't afford it.

  Timely stop loss and long-term thinking is the most important thing to do now.

  But...... There's a little problem here.

  Want to withdraw?

  Then you have to ask the young ladies of the Blue Kite Legion first, agree or disagree!

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