Siren Elven Tribal, Main Galaxy, Siren King

  This is the main star of the Kraken Elven Clan, and the situation here is a mess at the moment.

  "Report, our defense line was once again broken through by the enemy's fleet, and we lost nearly a hundred T2 starships, as well as four T3 starships!"

  "Report, a fleet of 300 starships is attacking our defense line at a very fast speed, and the target is the Kraken King as the command center! If it is not stopped, this fleet will enter the range of the Kraken King in less than three hours!"

  Hearing the news reported by her subordinates, the queens of these Kraken Elf tribes were really anxious, and their tails kept beating the ground.

  The biggest difference between Kraken Elves and other Elves in appearance is that they are a single-sex race, with only females, and are capable of asexual reproduction.

  Its body structure resembles that of a mermaid, with a fishtail on the lower body and a humanoid on the upper body.

  Their racial abilities allow them to move freely on land, and although they don't have legs, they can still move freely, although they choose to live in the ocean if they choose.

  It is worth mentioning that most of the planets in the interstellar territory of the Kraken Elf clan are ocean-type planets, and even some of them barely exist on land.

  Straight to the point.

  At this moment, the situation of the Kraken Elf clan has reached the most critical time.

  Siren is not only the main star, but also the presence of the command center.

  At the same time, in the low Earth orbit of the Siren, there are two starports as well as several interstellar space stations and starship factories.

  It can be said that the starships of the main star system of the entire Kraken Elf clan are fighting have to return here for starship maintenance and strategic supply.

  Once this place is breached, it means that the Kraken Elven starships that are still fighting will no longer have any supplies and support!

  "Immediately mobilize the rest of the fleet to intercept them!"

  "At present, there are less than 100 starships that can be mobilized, and the rest of the starships are fighting on the defensive line, or carrying out supply and maintenance in the starport, and they will not be able to support the battlefield in a short time. "

  "Damn it, these interstellar pirates!" the Siren Elven Queen clenched her fists with a resentful expression.

  "Report, Sea Pearl E11 planet has been invaded by interstellar pirates, and now it has entered the ground combat mode, the casualties of our race are very heavy, and the ground garrison of the planet has requested our support!"

  Leave the Siren Elf Queen at a loss.

  She never imagined that this would happen to her tribe.

  "Those bastards are usually better with us, and they seem to be allies. As a result, by the time we sent out a message for help, there was no one willing to help us!

  These guys who can't be saved!" The Siren Elf Queen looked desperate, and now they were in a situation where they had no way to recover.

  And the other tribes in the elven tribe, when they received the news of their request for help, either fell into the sea, or prevaricated under various excuses, even if they promised to support, they said that it would take at least a month to prepare the fleet.

  By that time, the Kraken Elven clan would have been doomed.

  These interstellar pirates have shown a completely unexpected strength, which has made their Kraken Elf clan completely have no room to fight back!

  Not to mention a month, a week may not be able to hold on.

  "Your Majesty, the result of our mastermind's computer simulation is. Within five hours, our Kraken will fall, and within two days, the entire main galaxy will fall.

  Within a week, we ...... The entire interstellar territory...... It's probably all going to fall......" said an old Siren elf staggering over.

  The Siren Elven Queen closed her eyes.

  The Kraken Elves in the entire command center seemed to be in despair at this moment.

  After half a minute of silence.

  The Siren Elf Queen took a long breath and said resolutely, "Start the final plan." Assemble a breakout fleet and bring all the civilization and technology of our tribe with you.

  In screening out the right clansmen, as young as possible. Get ready to break out.

  No matter what, we can't completely extinguish the hope of our Kraken Elves!"

  Hearing the words of the Siren Elf Queen, although everyone was sad, everyone knew that this was the last plan.

  In this battle, their Kraken Elves have already lost completely, and if they continue to consume here, there will be no reinforcements.

  Then they have only one outcome.


  If you think about these vicious interstellar pirates, their fate will not be much better.

  An hour later.

  "Report, the breakout fleet has been organized. Consisting of one T4 starship, 12 T3 starships, and the remaining T2 starships!

  And we have made a detailed breakout plan, and the rest of the fleet will cover this fleet to break through and evacuate smoothly when the evacuation operation begins!

  Now please prepare for your Majesty's evacuation!" said the subordinate.

  But the Siren Elf Queen sat unmoved in her chair, and she looked at the puzzled expressions of her subordinates, and she smiled and explained, "How can a queen abandon her people?"

  Her subordinates' eyes widened, and she looked at Her Majesty in disbelief.

  "In the evacuation fleet is my eldest daughter, although she is only 65 years old this year, she is not yet an adult. But I believe she can be your leader.

  Alright, give me orders. In 10 minutes, the order to retreat and break through will be executed!" said the Kraken Elf Queen.

  Seeing this, the subordinates endured their grief and offered their most respectful etiquette to the Siren Elf Queen, because this may be the last time they will salute His Majesty.

  The Siren Elven Queen raised her hand and projected the star map of the main galaxy in front of her.

  Although she had arranged an evacuation plan, the number of evacuees was less than one in 10,000 compared to the Kraken Elves who stayed here!

  So, as the queen, how can she have the face to leave.

  "All this is my responsibility, and the defeat of this battle needs to be borne by a sinner. The Siren Elf Queen said guiltily.

  Recall what happened in the past three months.

  The sporadic appearance of interstellar pirates from the interstellar territory, she didn't care at first.

  Just a few patrol fleets were sent to take charge of the encirclement and suppression.

  It was because of her indifference at the beginning that she buried one of her T4 starships first, and because of her carelessness, the fleet where the T4 starship was located was ambushed, and the entire fleet fell.

  After that, even several starports were attacked by interstellar pirates one after another, and the losses were very serious.

  And these interstellar pirates are in order, not at all like those interstellar pirates who have encountered before and are scattered at the touch of a button.

  At most, it is an unknown force among these interstellar pirates.

  "If we had started with a 12-point spirit, we wouldn't have ended up in the situation we are in now. The Siren Elf Queen muttered ashamedly.

  It was all because of their long period of stable life and their contempt for the existence of these enemies, which led to the result of this drastic battle.

  "Report, the evacuation plan has been activated! The breakout fleet has begun to prepare for a breakout and evacuation in the southeast direction, and the rest of the fleet is also preparing for fire attraction!"

  "The report showed a consequent increase in enemy attacks. "

  "Report, the fleet that is trying to attack our Kraken is less than 30 minutes away from us!"

  Because of the need to cover the withdrawal of that fleet, this also caused the defense line to become very chaotic all at once.

  Because only this chaotic situation can allow this hope-given fleet to escape.

  But the result is that the defenses they have maintained until now will fall apart!

  The Siren Elven Queen has been keeping an eye on the evacuation of that fleet.

  That's the only thing she can do now.

  Little by little, time passed.

  The battlefield in this star field has intensified, and the casualties caused by the melee have become even heavier.

  A T4 Holy Dragon-class light interstellar battleship was also under the constant siege of the surrounding enemy ships, and it was difficult to support, and the moment the energy shield was breached.

  Numerous attacks fell on its hull.

  Because it is a light starship, the hull defense is not very strong, and soon the hull is torn apart.

  "Report, T4 Holy Dragon-class light interstellar battleship No. 4...... Fallen. "

  Receiving this news, the Kraken Elf Queen's expression sank, and her heart was mixed.

  The T4 Holy Dragon-class light interstellar battleship is a T4 starship developed by the Elf clan of Light and the Dragon Elf clan among the elven tribes, although it has now been mass-produced.

  But the vast majority are used by themselves.

  There are very few that can circulate to the other elven tribes below, and in this year's time, the Kraken elven tribe has only purchased five T4 Holy Dragon-class light interstellar battleships.

  But so far, three T4 Holy Dragon-class light interstellar battleships have fallen one after another, and the one just reported is the third.

  Of the remaining two, one was incorporated into the breakout fleet to escort it.

  The other one is still fighting at the moment, relying on the energy shield to continuously destroy the surrounding interstellar pirate starships, but as long as the energy shield is broken.

  This T4 Holy Dragon-class light interstellar battleship could also be overwhelmed by enemy attacks at any time!

  These are all starships that the Kraken Elf clan has bought with great effort and real money.

  At this time, one after another fell, how could this queen not be heartbroken.

  "Oh no, on the route of the breakout fleet. Suddenly, 300 starships appeared to form a blockade line! Trying to encircle and suppress the breakout fleet!" Suddenly, the subordinate reported a rather bad news.

  "What? They even have a starship that can be mobilized! Damn. The Siren Elven Queen was stunned, originally thinking that her side was attracting firepower, and the enemy should not have the remaining strength to intercept the retreating fleet again.

  "And...... And...... It was ...... who intercepted our fleet It's still those starships!"

  The Siren Elven Queen stood up suddenly, her eyes filled with horror and fear.

  Although the subordinate only said 'those starships', she clearly knew what kind of starships this so-called 'those starships' were.

  It's those non-starships with dark red hulls or pitch black, and there is no information about these starships in the database.

  But the performance of these starships is quite terrifying, and it is almost crushing in the same class.

  The reason why their Kraken Elf clan suffered a crushing defeat in this battle was also because of the relationship between these starships.

  And ...... We also detected the intercepting fleet, which seems to be ...... It seems that there is a T4 starship!" The subordinate once again reported an even more shocking news.

  "What?T4 starship!Are you sure, these interstellar pirates actually have a T4 starship!" the Kraken Elven Queen had a look of disbelief.

  Because they didn't know anything about those unknown starships, they defaulted to them as interstellar pirates, a group of interstellar pirates with well-established starships.

  Originally, it was very rare for an interstellar pirate to have a well-made starship, and now a T4 starship has even appeared.

  It's a bit of a weird thing.

  This made the Kraken Elf Queen begin to wonder if this was a conspiracy planned by some top force?

  However, there was no time for her to doubt now.

  The fleet, which originally planned to take the opportunity to break through, is now entangled, and there is even a T4 starship in charge.

  It's very difficult to force a breakthrough at this moment.

  "Damn, how did this happen!" the Siren Elf Queen covered her eyes in a bit of frustration.

  All methods have been exhausted, and now all the starships that can be mobilized have been mobilized, and even some starships that were originally in the starport and were still repairing their hulls are now dragging their wrecks to join this final battle.

  Her Majesty is really powerless.

  Since then, news of the fall of the Kraken Elven starship has continued to come.

  At this moment, it was like the end of the world.

  "Your Majesty, the fleet that was originally preparing to break through. Now that it is surrounded by the enemy, there is no chance of breaking through at all......" the subordinate reported weakly.

  The Siren Elven Queen slumped in her chair and had nothing to say.

  Boom, boom, boom

  Suddenly, the battlefield in the distance shone with a dazzling crimson light, as if it were a burning cloud!

  "Report, a group of starships suddenly appeared on the radar star map, and these starships are attacking the starships of the Star Pirates!" the subordinate reported in surprise.

  "There are starships, could it be reinforcements sent by other elven tribes!" The Siren Elven Queen stood up excitedly, and the queen, who had already fallen into hell, saw the light again.

  "We are judging the identity of these starships......"

  "These starships are not the starships of the elven tribes. "

  Not a starship of the elven tribe?

  Hearing this news, the Kraken Elf clan was a little surprised, at this time, in addition to the starships of the elf tribe, will there be other forces that will come to support them?

  "Report, based on the identification of our database. These starships should be from a force called the Green Kite Legion!" The subordinate quickly searched the database for the information of these starships.

  The Kraken Elven Queen's eyes widened: "Green Kite Legion!"

  At this moment, she realized that she had sent a message for help to her neighboring Kapita Elf clan when she was at the end of her rope.

  It's just that they didn't have much hope at that time, because they heard that this Kapaya Elf tribe had secretly defected to the power of a galaxy human race, and other elf tribes were estranged from it, so their Kraken Elf tribe naturally didn't have much contact with it.

  Sending a message for help is also the act of a dead horse being a live horse doctor.

  But if I'm not mistaken, rumored to be the forces behind the Kazuya Elf clan!

  It seems to be called the Green Kite Army!

  The Siren Elven Queen swallowed and looked at the starships that loomed in the battlefield video.

  "The second fleet of the Green Kite Legion has completed a round of firepower coverage of the T3 Destruction Flare-class heavy interstellar missile ship! Next, it will begin to gradually control the battlefield ......"

  "This is the third fleet of the Blue Kite Legion, and it has begun to drop drone swarms...... Seeking the enemy is underway......"

  "This is the Fourth Fleet of the Green Kite Legion, and we will directly intersperse the enemy's formation and be responsible for the battlefield around the Kraken Elven Clan. "

  The starships of the three Blue Kite Legions joined the battle from three directions.

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