After some shelling, although the light elf fleet had already prepared, it couldn't bear the T4 Heavenly Fury-class heavy interstellar missile ship opposite.

  It was just a round of attack by five T4 Heaven's Fury-class heavy interstellar missile ships, but it directly destroyed nearly three hundred starships of the Light Elf Fleet!

  Nearly 1,000 ships were affected and damaged to varying degrees.

  Fortunately, one-third of the Light Elf fleet is made up of T3 starships, which have activated their energy shields early, so they have resisted most of the damage.

  But this was far from over, those T4 Green Kite starships began to start, sailing towards the light elf fleet at a very fast speed, and the weapon systems on the hull were all aimed at those light elf starships.

  At the same time, those 'Green Kite Starships' located around the T4 Kunpeng-class Starport Ninth Harbor seemed to have received orders at this moment, and they all became active.

  There is a great intention to go to war.

  This really made the elders and elders of the light elf clan panic, and without waiting for the light elf patriarch to give an order, they let their subordinate starships retreat one after another.

  In an instant, one-third of the light elf fleet, which was already less than three thousand, withdrew from its original camp, and the remaining light elf starships were wavering.

  But in their current state, even if they really want to fight, they can't win at all.

  "You can withdraw it, I have already arranged for the Life Elf Patriarch to communicate with the Blue Kite Fleet, saying that this time it was a misunderstanding. The picture window of the dragon elf patriarch appeared, and he said lightly.

  That expression didn't care at all about the fact that three hundred starships had fallen from his compatriots just now.

  The corners of the Light Elf Patriarch's mouth twitched slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Withdraw." "

  When the captains of the other Light Elf starships received the retreat order, the efficiency of executing the orders one by one was called fast.

  Fortunately, the elven starships are all light starships, and the speed is leveraged, and the retreat is naturally quite fast, and in an instant, it is out of the combat range of the Blue Kite starship.

  The light elf fleet retreated to the defense line of the North Dragon Fort in disarray, and the Blue Kite Starship retreated to its original position as if it had received an order after a few minutes of pursuit.

  With the exception of the Starsupply Ships, which were reloading the five T4 HeavenFury-class heavy starmissile ships that had launched a round with Celestial Missiles, the other Blue Kite starships really acted as if nothing had happened.

  At the same time, the Elven Patriarch Meeting

  "Hmph, I warned you not to play with fire and set yourself on fire. Well, now that nearly three hundred light elf starships have been buried in vain.

  That's nearly 100,000 light elves!" said the matriarch of the life elves indignantly.

  She is a woman with a great respect for life, and in her opinion such behavior is nothing short of murder.

  The other elven patriarchs were silent, as if nothing had happened.

  Anyway, this time it wasn't their direct starship that suffered, so it didn't matter.

  As for the loss of the Light Elf Starship, they naturally didn't care about it, and even speculated in their hearts that if the Light Elf Fleet was lost.

  When the light elf territory is recovered in the future, won't they still be able to get a piece of the pie at that time?

  "Who contacted you from the Blue Kite Fleet just now?" asked the Dragon Elf Patriarch.

  "At first, it was the commander of the starport, named Mu Siqi. Later, after I persuaded the other party, the commander of the Twentieth Fleet, Murong Yun, appeared and strongly rebuked this behavior, warning that there would be no next time. The matriarch of the life elves said.

  "Is there a record of the communication screen? The dragon elf patriarch asked.

  The life elf matriarch stared at the dragon elf patriarch with a blank eye: "Could it be that you are still doubting the reality of the Twentieth Fleet of the Green Kite?"

  The dragon elf patriarch didn't answer: "Transmit the record of the communication screen to me." "

  The matriarch of the Life Elf was a little annoyed: "Long Sen, don't go too far!"

  "Is it too much to ask for a communication screen?" said the Dragon Elf Patriarch Yun lightly, but there was a hint of threat in his tone.

  "Alright, alright. Isn't it just a communication record, so why lose your temper? The Earth Elf Patriarch stood up to be a peacemaker, he comforted both sides, and then persuaded the Life Elf Matriarch to transmit the communication record to the Dragon Elf Patriarch.

  End of communication.

  The Dragon Elf Patriarch stared at the communication record, and he looked at every frame carefully.

  The process was basically similar to what the Life Elf Matriarch said, first the Star Harbor Commander spoke, and then the Commander Murong Yun of the Twentieth Fleet stood up and said a paragraph, and then it was interrupted without waiting for the Life Elf Matriarch to speak.

  It was as if the other party was very annoyed.

  The dragon elf patriarch watched it three times, and he closed his eyes and recalled the entire fragment.

  What the matriarch of the Life Elf said before was right, in fact, he was still doubting whether the Twentieth Fleet of the Green Kite was still in the Green Kite station.

  However, he was very cautious, he didn't dare to take risks, and seeing what happened to the Light Elf Fleet originally dispelled most of his doubts.

  But for some reason, when he saw this video communication, he always had a feeling that something was not quite right.

  "What the hell is wrong. "

  The dragon elf patriarch fell into a long test, and then kept checking that video communication.

  It took two whole days before and after this view.

  The Dragon Elf Patriarch stood up from his chair abruptly, and he zoomed in on a video screen that was the image of Commander Murong Yun speaking.

  He kept zooming in and out, his gaze on the background behind Commander Murong Yun, as if he had found something.

  "Damn, we've been deceived!"

  The dragon elf patriarch immediately gave an urgent order to his dragon elf fleet, and at the same time, through the elven clan's high-level command system, he also issued this instruction to other elven patriarchs.

  "Long Sen, what the hell do you want to do!" The matriarch of the life elves said indignantly on the other side of the video window: "It's not enough for Ferdinand to do that before, you want to do it again now!"

  At the same time, the video windows of the other patriarchs also appeared.

  Among them, the light elf patriarch looked the most embarrassed, even disheveled, and still held fruit wine in his hand.

  "Ferdinand was right before, the Twentieth Fleet of the First Army of the Green Kite is indeed not here. Dragon Elf Patriarch Masase said.

  The Light Elf Patriarch's eyes lit up suddenly, because of the previous incident, his prestige had also fallen to the extreme among his cronies, and there were even rumors that someone had begun to plan to overthrow Ferdinand, the Light Elf Patriarch.

  "What nonsense are you talking about! What evidence do you have!" the Life Elf matriarch questioned.

  The Dragon Elf Patriarch said lightly: "The evidence is in the video communication between you and the high-level of the Green Kite before. "

  As he spoke, the Dragon Elf Patriarch released that clip, and at the same time froze in the picture of Commander Murong Yun speaking.

  "This section has actually been recorded a long time ago, you see that the female soldier with glasses behind this woman can see a blue star reflected on the lenses.

  Based on its shape and approximate position, it can be determined that it is the third star of North Longbao, and it is also a star that changes color at regular intervals.

  Every 24 hours, it turns from red to blue.

  However, I checked the records, and when you negotiated with the Blue Kite Fleet, the color of the third star of the Northern Dragon Castle was red, not blue!

  Suffice it to say that this video was recorded in advance.

  So why did they put on a pre-recorded video? It was to convince us that the commander of the Twentieth Fleet was here, and her fleet was here.

  So, what is behind this lie, it is obvious. "

  The Light Elf Patriarch had red eyes, and almost roared, "Because the Twentieth Fleet of the First Army of the Green Kite is not here at all!"

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