Behind me is the earth

Chapter 107 Remarks on the launch

Available tomorrow at noon.

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This book was not prepared hastily, but several changes were made during its preparation.

At the beginning, I planned to write a book with a similar background, but you can travel into some games that come with the game console, such as Resident Evil, City Skylines, League of Legends, Diablo, etc., and go on adventures to obtain props, improve your strength, and also Obtaining supplies is such a golden finger story. (If anyone likes to watch this kind of thing, you can deduct 1 here and maybe write it down.)

Later, as anyone who has read my remarks at the end of my last book knows, I went to take the exam last year, but it was a pity that I missed the exam by less than one point and failed.

After that, I plan to write a novel about officialdom - this kind of novel really fits the selected subject matter completely. Form cases through social news, then raise questions, analyze problems, solve problems, improve heights, interpersonal relationships, etc., and then follow the protagonist step by step in this natural level of the workplace, whether it is a sense of excitement or a breakthrough, you can It's easy to complete, and it can also improve your exam level. It's like Qin Shihuang touching the wires - winning.

Unfortunately, this type has been completely locked and cannot be touched.

Then, I planned to write an ancient entrepreneurial article, and this one came out. But it is still often blocked, and sometimes it cannot be sent out directly, so it often needs to be modified - which is tiring.

It was a little dull in the early days, but after it is put on the shelves, it will be more interesting and make the content more interesting. But when it comes to some relevant departments, supervision, and social news, don’t ask Guo Jia whether he cares about it or whether others will find out. In this case, everyone just assumes that the protagonist has the ability to solve the problem, and there will be differences later. Supported by supernatural powers such as energy and magic.

I talked about my thoughts on this book, but the most important thing is the support of all the readers who are handsome, handsome, beautiful like Pan An, and surpass Song Yu!

After the update is released, the first chapter will be subscribed for the first time, based on 500 subscriptions. For every additional 200 subscriptions, one more chapter will be added. The additional updates will be completed before the end of the month.

The paid chapter will be updated tomorrow afternoon or tomorrow evening at the latest. I hope everyone can support it!

Thank you!

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