Behind me is the earth

Chapter 138 136. I can’t travel through time, can I?

Those people outside are obviously Ren Pingsheng, but there are a lot of people killing people outside, but the two of them are talking and laughing here, calmly and calmly not caring about the killing outside. Is this still in China?

The Black Earth Country isn't that chaotic, right?

Ruan Tang covered her mouth and did not dare to speak, for fear that if she said the wrong thing, the murderous man and woman opposite him would kill her!

Finally, she had a chance to live again. She was still nostalgic for this world, and she didn't want to fall into despair again as soon as she saw hope.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Ren Pingsheng saw the change in her eyes.

"Nothing, nothing, I'm fine."

Ruan Tang waved his hands sincerely, but he didn't know how to get out of the current dangerous environment.

Moreover, those people were wearing ancient costumes and riding horses.

Those who were killed also looked very strange. Not only did they not run away after being hacked, they even rushed towards these people who looked very powerful at first sight!

When she thought of the scene just now, she felt a strong sense of weirdness.

As if she had just woken up, there was a weird feeling lingering around her. Moreover, this weird feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

The strange title between Ren Pingsheng and Xiaowan.

What's under the butt is not a car, but a large carriage.

The cavalry outside was killing people with machetes unscrupulously.

There are also those who move strangely and are not afraid of death.

"I won't be able to travel through time, right?" This thought suddenly popped into her mind.

Although she doesn't know much about online novels, she is not out of touch with this society. She is still aware of the overwhelming elements of time travel in recent years.

She also felt that the ideas in her mind were really unreliable! Time travel only exists in film and television novels, so how could it really happen?

But at this moment, the scenes in front of her made her think of the word 'travel'.

Thinking of time travel, somehow she suddenly gained some courage and asked the two of them, "Who are those people outside?"

"Who are they? They're just living corpses."

Xiaowan gave her a strange look.

"Living corpse?"

Ruan Tang boldly went to lift the curtains, but after seeing no reaction from either of them, he pulled the curtains up.

The scene was obviously bloody and the picture was terrifying, but she just couldn't help her curiosity like a kitten's tail.

This time, she looked carefully and finally saw the strangeness of those people rushing up one after another!

Each one of them staggered, and their limbs were very uncoordinated.

But the most obvious thing is the face. Each face is rotten, and some even have white maggots on their skin. When they come into view, they make people feel extremely sick to their stomachs!

Even after losing arms and legs, they will not give up their goal and continue to rush toward people without feeling any pain.

She took a closer look at the living corpses behind the beheaded heads. Although they were rotten, they still had the appearance of human structures. The internal organs that fell out of the abdominal cavity were bleeding out black and even caked blood, blowing in the wind. There's a bit of a fishy smell.

She licked her lips, feeling that something so realistic didn't look like it could be made with props.

This scene reminded her of the zombies in movies and TV shows on Earth!

"Isn't this a zombie?"

"Did I really travel through time?"

"Traveled to ancient times?"

"Is there still an ancient time when there were zombies?"

At this moment, she really confirmed that she had traveled through time.

Otherwise, how could he have the medical skills to cure his terminal illness? There will be these living zombies that look like zombies! There are also these well-trained cavalry who wield their swords carefully!

She looked outside, thinking of her family, the old friends she almost had but hadn't had the chance to meet yet, and the career she once loved.

After traveling through time, it seems like saying goodbye to that world, right?

To that world, is he another form of death?

But after gathering her mood, she quickly accepted her time travel.

Although everything she saw in front of her was very unscientific and broke her world view for more than 20 years.

But at least, in this world, my terminal illness can be cured and I can live!

Ren Pingsheng looked at Ruan Tang's expression and could almost guess what she was thinking.

Jie Jie Jie Jie, he laughed secretly in his heart!

For some reason, Ren Pingsheng wanted to tease her: "By the way, the girl just said she was from Jiangsu. Where is Jiangsu? In what country is it?"


Ruan Tang was stunned for a moment, his head was as big as a bucket, and he didn't know how to reply to the other party.

You can’t say that you came from the earth, right?

Not to mention whether the other party believes it or not, even if he believes it, will he be sliced ​​and studied?

"I, I seem to have lost my memory."

She covered her head and couldn't think of how to make it up for a moment.

"Pretend to have amnesia?"

Ren Pingsheng was speechless for a moment.

That's it?

A dignified chief engineer, is this his level?

However, Ruan Tang's performance was still calmer than he imagined.

Although she is a member of a large state-owned enterprise, she is still a woman after all. When faced with such a situation suddenly, she can still remain calm and answer calmly, which is already very good.

When he first traveled through time, he was panicked for a long time. It wasn't until he found out that he could travel back to Earth that he really felt relieved.

And Ruan Tang did the whole show, holding his head with his arms as if he was recalling something carefully, which looked very hard.

While pretending to recall carefully, she quietly peeked at the expressions of Ren Pingsheng and Xiaowan through the gap in her arms, and was relieved to find that they did not show any suspicious expressions.

"It will be troublesome if you lose your memory. Let's do this. My housekeeper Xiaowan has very superb medical skills. When I return to Qingcheng, let her help you take a look."

Ren Pingsheng also understood the mood of Chief Engineer Ruan and gave her a step down the slope.

By the way, I gave her some basic knowledge about this world.

"Outside the city, there are such zombies everywhere. Don't leave the city easily in the future, otherwise you will be bitten by any zombies if you encounter them!

If you're lucky, you'll have your head, arms, and thighs ripped off by a living corpse, your stomach will be cut open, your intestines will be pulled out, your head will be opened, and your brains will be eaten... If you're not lucky, you'll be able to see the full transformation of your corpse. Process, after death, you will become a wandering living corpse..."

Under Ren Pingsheng's deliberate exaggeration, Ruan Tang deeply understood the dangers of this world.

Especially outside the city, there are living corpses wandering everywhere!

There are also man-eating monsters!

Looking at Ruan Tang's face, Ren Pingsheng nodded.

She should be frightened, and by staying in the city obediently, she can save herself a lot of trouble.

Not long after, the convoy had returned to Qingcheng. After entering the gate, Ren Pingsheng waved his hand and asked Zheng Fangxing to take the people back to the camp first.

"This is Qingcheng. I'll find a place to stay here first. We'll do the rest after you recover your memory."

Ren Pingsheng said in a very kind manner.

With his current amiable appearance, it is easy for people to feel that he is a sunny and cheerful boy.

But Ruan Tang is not an inexperienced little girl. In many cases, there is no good without reason. Most of the courtesy is purposeful.

Growing up, there were many men of all kinds surrounding her, including many who played the role of enthusiastic big brother.

It wasn't until she made some achievements in her career and became more and more dazzling that there were fewer and fewer men around her.

And because of her beauty and excellence, rumors spread about whether she had been in love or not, and the men who pursued her felt more and more distant from her. This also led to her, who was in extremely advantageous conditions, to eventually become a leftover girl.

However, although Ruan Tang was wary at this time, she did not reject Ren Pingsheng's kindness. She had just traveled to this world alone and really needed someone to help her understand this world.

"Let's just take this courtyard. The security in Qingcheng Town is very good. The government officials and regiment officers often patrol the streets. You don't have to worry about safety if you live here.

These ten taels of silver are lent to you by me, and you can pay them back to me later. "

Ren Pingsheng and Xiaowan took Ruan Tang around for a while, helped her find a small courtyard in Yungui Fang to rent, and lent her 10 taels of silver.

After sending Ren Pingsheng and Xiaowan away, Ruan Tang let out a breath, and his tense nerves suddenly relaxed.

I closed the door and walked around the small courtyard.

The yard is not big, with a north room, a west wing, an east wing, and an inverted room, totaling more than a dozen rooms.

There is also a well in the southeast of the yard, where you can draw water for drinking.

There is also a pomegranate tree at the door of the north house in the yard. Several split pomegranates are hanging on the tree, revealing the ruby-like fruit inside.

She walked towards the yard, and the surroundings became quiet except for her footsteps.

Once she relaxed, the boundless loneliness really hit her heart.

"I'm really alone!"

She looked up at the sky. There were white clouds floating in the blue sky. It was also the sun, just like the earth.

The sparrows on the wall were chirping.

The same gray sparrow, just like the earth.

However, the environment along the way and what she saw and heard after entering the city all told her that she was no longer on earth.

She took out the mobile phone in her arms.

As expected, the upper right corner shows no signal at all.

She looked at her phone, which still had half a battery left. After flipping through the messages and photo albums in boredom, she saw that in the QQ messages, everyone's avatars had turned gray, including those who were almost able to meet in person. old friend.

She sat on the steps under the eaves and took out her wish list.

"2, 5, 7, 8"

She looked at the list and felt that 2 and 8 might never get the chance to be completed.

This will also become my eternal regret.

A gust of wind blew across the hall, causing countless strands of her hair to sway.

Perhaps in order to drive away the loneliness in her heart, she found some random things, made a few simple tools, and began to do experiments to verify whether she was really no longer on the earth.

After all, the same language and similar culture still made her feel dubious.

The final result finally broke the last illusion in her heart.

It is indeed time travel!

"Master, she obviously has no amnesia."

Xiaowan said on the street outside the yard.

Ren Pingsheng nodded and said, "Yes, but just think that she has lost her memory."

"She's not from here, is she?"

Xiaowan opened her mouth and finally asked.


Ren Pingsheng nodded, there was nothing to hide from this girl.

Although there is still a layer of window paper in the middle that has not been punctured, it is no different than if it was punctured. The remaining layer of paper is just a tacit understanding between the two of them.

"Bear Two."

Ren Pingsheng waved to Xiong Er, who was leading a patrol.

Xiong Er trotted over quickly: "Master, you are looking for me."

Ren Pingsheng pointed to the small courtyard: "Have you seen that small courtyard? Arrange two people to protect the safety of the woman in the small courtyard without letting her find out.

This person is very important to me. "

"I understand!"

Xiong Er understood immediately when he heard that she was a woman and that she was very important to the master.

In the next few days, Ren felt relaxed for the first time in his life.

Qingcheng Town is running in an orderly manner, and the renovation of Ren Mansion has been completed.

With the completion of the east and west courtyards, rock gardens and artificial streams are very suitable for summer enjoyment.

The number of maids has also increased to 16, and the four of Qingyin have naturally been upgraded to big maids. Daily tasks such as washing clothes and sweeping the courtyard no longer need to be done by themselves.

Also added were 4 rough ladies, 2 cooks, 6 servants, and 2 grooms.

In Dongkua Courtyard, a platoon of regimental drills is on duty every day to protect the safety of the house.

The configuration of the Gaomen Courtyard is almost complete.

"Master, this watermelon is so sweet."

Holding a piece of watermelon, Ruhua hurriedly passed through the moon gate, turned around the verandah, and came to the pavilion in the middle of the lake in the west courtyard.

Ren Pingsheng is here listening to Qingyin playing the flute.

The melodious music floats in the garden.

The koi on the lake were fat and plump. Ren Shengsheng casually sprinkled a handful of fish food, and then they writhed their fat and plump bodies one by one to fight for it, like a ball of orange-red waves rolling up on the lake.

"Yeah, it's really sweet."

Ren Pingsheng took a spoonful and said with great satisfaction.

"That's right, when this watermelon opened, I smelled sweetness. As soon as I saw such a sweet watermelon, I thought I must let you eat it first!"

Ruhua said with a smile.

Among the four maids, Ren's favorite thing is her lively personality, which always makes her feel better.

"Master, Butler Xiaowan just said that the secret guard sent back news, saying that they had found out that there is a monster in Yunlong Mountain, and they have sent people there."

Ruhua knelt down next to him and made a cup of fruit tea for the master while talking to him.

"Well, I hope the news this time is true. In the past few days, there have been a lot of such news. After investigating, I found that they are all false.

It's all common people spreading lies. "

There is too much fake news like this and it cannot withstand investigation.

Just like what Si Nian said, there are not that many monsters in this world, and most of them are still deep in the mountains.

"What have Ruan Tang been doing these two days?"

Ren Pingsheng sprinkled a handful of fish food, and suddenly thought of Ruan Tang, and pointed to a maid standing outside the pavilion: "You, ask someone to find Xiong Er."

"Yes, sir."

The maid left quickly.

Not long after, Xiong Er ran over in a hurry, his face covered in sweat from exhaustion in the hot weather.

"Eat a bowl of shaved ice and cool off the heat."

Ren Pingsheng signaled the maid to take out a bowl of red bean shaved ice from the incubator and handed it to Xiong Er.

"Thank you sir for the reward!"

Xiong Er took the red bean shaved ice with both hands.

"What is Ruan Tang doing these days?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

Before Xiong Er came, he thought that the master might have asked him to come here to ask about Miss Ruan, and that was indeed the case!

"Miss Ruan went out twice in the past few days. In addition to going out to buy food, she also went to the blacksmith shop, carpenter shop, and Baiqiao Pavilion in the city to customize some things. After that, she didn't come out in the yard. We People outside often hear "ding-ding-ding-ding-ding" business coming from the yard, as if something is being made.

We only protected Miss Ruan and did not look into the yard. Do you need me to arrange for someone to investigate? "

Xiong Er asked tentatively.


Ren Pingsheng raised his eyelids and felt cold for a moment: "Just protect people well. Remember not to look at things you shouldn't see, ask about things you shouldn't ask, and say things you shouldn't say."

"Yes, yes, I understand!"

Cold sweat broke out on Xiong Er's forehead instantly.

Xiong Er felt a chill on his back from the moment he came out of Ren Mansion.

But from this point of view, this Miss Ruan does have a lot of weight in the master's heart, and this job must be done well!

If you do it well, you will definitely be rewarded, but if you don't do it well, you won't end up well.

In the small courtyard of Yun Guifang, Ruan Tang looked at the tools and materials on the workbench that had been set up in front of him, and his handsome brows furrowed.


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