Behind me is the earth

Chapter 144 142. The fall of Fengtai County will start a new chapter

Faced with the sudden concern, Liu Qiang was very moved.

"Now my true energy has penetrated my spleen and stomach, and I will soon be able to train my lungs."

Liu Qiang swallowed his breath, and a "moo" sound, like a thunderous sound, came from his abdomen.

"Yes, it seems that the trivial matters in the military camp have not slowed down your cultivation speed."

Ren Pingsheng praised.

"There is no war happening now. Apart from reading, studying, and training in the school field, I basically spend a lot of my free time practicing martial arts.

Practicing martial arts is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Only by practicing diligently can you make progress. "

Liu Qiang practices diligently every day and is very satisfied with his progress.

Ren Pingsheng nodded and agreed, "Yes, so do I. In addition to overall management, I also spend the rest of my time practicing martial arts. Today I finally broke through the viscera stage and developed dark strength."

When Liu Qiang heard this, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face: "My boss's speed in entering the country is really extraordinary."

Everyone started practicing from the same starting point. Unexpectedly, the master's practice has far surpassed theirs.

"It's all about practicing hard every day."

Ren Pingsheng waved his hand and said: "Let's see how the regiment soldiers are training. There are a lot of moves in Yinshan during this period, and the war will be about to break out.

Our team training cannot be slacked off for a moment, and we must always be prepared for war. "

Ren Pingsheng came to Liu Qiang. In addition to showing off his cultivation progress, he also wanted to know more about the current military construction in Qingcheng.

After all, this is what he needs to settle down.

"Soldiers follow my master's instructions and train diligently every day. They are always ready to deal with the war that may come at any time. Please come here, my master."

Liu Qiang took Ren Pingsheng to the high platform of the school grounds.

Looking from the high platform, many slogans were printed throughout the military camp.

"Sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in wartime."

"With my youth, I will guard Qingcheng!"

"When one person serves as a soldier, the whole family is honored!"

"If you are a soldier, don't be afraid of death. If you are afraid of death, don't be a soldier!"

"Train hard, don't be afraid of sacrifice!"

Many of the slogans were casually spoken by Ren Pingsheng, and Liu Qiang remembered them and sent people to print them on the walls of the group training camp.

Ren Pingsheng looked from the high platform and saw hundreds of soldiers training on the school field.

The trained soldiers are divided into several modules.

Those who were running obstacles, crawling forward with guns in hand, and those who were fighting with each other to practice bayonet fighting. The sweat on the soldiers' bodies had soaked their thin vests. Everyone was tanned, and many of them had sunburned skin.



The high-pitched shouts and sonorous chants gave the entire training ground an air of iron blood.

"My boss, now our regiment training is divided into regular soldiers who are financially supported, peasant soldiers who are trained in leisure time, and civilian soldiers who are recruited during wartime.

Among them, there are 500 regular soldiers who have come to fight, 2,000 militiamen who serve every three days, and 2,000 auxiliary soldiers. In addition, people are sent to each village for propaganda and registration on weekdays. Once a war breaks out, they can be dispatched at any time. More than 5,000 civilians were recruited for corvee service. "

After Liu Qiang stood next to Ren Pingsheng and introduced, he took the opportunity to talk about the difficulties he faced:

“However, our territory is still too small and we face many problems.

First, the population base is insufficient to support the number of soldiers. Now Fengtai County has become a place where the two armies confront each other, and the victims of Beiwan cannot get through. The people in Beiwan are very hard-working and fierce in fighting. They are a good source of troops. But now that there are fewer people, there are also fewer good sources of troops to expand the regiment training.

Second, food supply is insufficient. Once the war begins, the number of civilians who can be mobilized will not be enough, it will be difficult to guarantee the food routes in the rear, and it will be difficult to fully guarantee the food supply. "

Ren Pingsheng looked at the school field. Some soldiers were training in shooting events. The soldiers were in groups of twos and threes, shooting alternately.

The effective range of the shotgun is still a little short, and in comparison it is not as good as the powerful bow and crossbow.

But there is really no progress in the rifle project!

The Bureau's current team of hundreds of people can't defeat a bolt-action rifle with complete drawings and simple structure! It can only be said that the gap and gap between basic learning and basic materials is too big.

"You don't have to worry about people. The most indispensable thing in troubled times is population. Previously, I had ordered the Ministry of Civil Affairs to re-measure the land that had been abandoned at the beginning of the year, plus the large area of ​​​​the Xie family's land. The refugees who went south were registered, and those who were able-bodied were left to wait for their land allocation.

After registering and analyzing, there are now quite a few refugees from Fengtai County and the Mangshan Mountains in North Anhui. As long as we give out porridge and provide disaster relief, people will come in a steady stream. When the time comes, you will select soldiers. You are not physically fit enough. Those who are considered regular soldiers can also be trained to be used as militiamen. "

Ren Pingsheng said.

In fact, although the number of refugees heading south from North Anhui has decreased, there are still many refugees on official roads.

After all, Qingcheng is an important town on the north-south thoroughfare. Now there are signs that Yuntai County is falling into chaos. Many people have to go south through Qingcheng to escape the war in the relatively stable south.

However, when people leave their hometown, they are low-income people, and there are constant bandits and bandits on the road. It is easy to lose food and drink, and die unexpectedly.

As long as there are stutterers, safety guarantees, and land allocations, no one wants to continue wandering, living a life of one meal without a next meal, and a day without tomorrow.

In troubled times, for Qingcheng, population is not a scarce resource.

What is really lacking is food.

There is only so much land in Qingcheng Town, and the output of the land is countless. Moreover, because Yinshan has tens of thousands of soldiers stationed there, they are constantly sucking blood from the surrounding areas and plundering food to use as military rations, which has caused complaints from the people.

Although Ren had always relied on his strong military virtue, he refused to hand over the food.

However, once the Qingcheng regiment trains a large-scale recruitment, especially a large number of regular soldiers who are not engaged in production and are dedicated to fighting, it will be difficult to maintain food. Even if they want to buy food from the surrounding areas, they will not be able to buy it!

Before the troops and horses are moved, food and fodder must go first. This is the real headache.

In this chaotic time, food is the morale of the army. As long as there is food, it is not easy to attack the enemy!

"During the group training, someone came to report that he was from Qixing Trading Company and Le County Caravan."

When Ren Pingsheng was discussing the recruitment matter with Liu Qiang, the soldier on duty at the gate suddenly ran in and reported to Ren Pingsheng.

Ren Pingsheng frowned, feeling that something big had happened: "Bring it here."

Soon, a young man in black clothes with a tired face ran in, holding a letter in his hand: "Sir, this is a letter from the caravan captain Liu Wu. Fengtai County fell three days ago!"

"Fengtai fell?"

In just a few moments, the heartstrings of the woman in labor were suddenly stirred.

The impact of a few words was extremely huge for them!

The fall of Fengtai means that the more than 200,000 troops hoarded by Yinshan will officially come into contact with the Liu Ziqi rebels. Yinshan and its surrounding areas will officially fall into the quagmire of war, and the entire Yuntai County will soon enter a countdown to chaos!

Not only Yuntai County, but also the entire Wuzhou Province has begun to enter a new era of war.

In this environment, Qingcheng Town will inevitably face impacts.

Ren Pingsheng tore open the wax-sealed letter. The content of the letter was very brief.

"Fengtai County fell, Liu Zi's army occupied Fengtai, and the rebel troops were directed towards Yinshan. According to the information we learned from various government offices in Le County, the rebels claimed to have an army of 500,000 people, but in fact they had 300,000 troops. There are about 10,000 people, including civilian husbands, as well as refugees and rioters trapped along the way."

Ren Pingsheng read out the text message softly, and the stage was quiet. Everyone frowned, thinking about how to welcome the fall of Fengtai and the arrival of the era of chaos.

However, the fall of Fengtai County has long been expected by everyone and has been rehearsed countless times. This is a high probability event in itself. Even in the early stage, the imperial army had already abandoned the undefendable Fengtai County. , and concentrated the army in Yinshan County, and fought to the death with the rebels.

"Fengtai fell into the hands of the rebels, and the main tone has been clear."

Ren Pingsheng looked around at the people on the high platform and said: "Now, it depends on whether Yinshan can be defended, or how long it can be defended.

However, regardless of whether it can be defended or not, it is an indisputable fact that the entire Yuntai County will be in chaos.

Next, officers and soldiers harass local areas, government exploitation intensifies, and bandits and thieves take advantage of the chaos... These will become the norm.

Shiqiang, at this time, we must be ready to launch a rapid expansion plan for recruiting troops! "

When Liu Qiang saw Ren Pingsheng looking at him, he nodded fiercely and said: "My boss, you are far-sighted and have told us a long time ago, and we have already made this preparation.

In fact, in the camp outside the city, the 2,000 militiamen on Feihu's side are trained very hard. At least one-third of the militiamen can be recruited into the army at any time and enter the ranks of the regular soldiers. After a little training, they will be able to get used to it. Able to go to the battlefield.

In this way, regular soldiers can be expanded to a regiment at any time.

We will continue to replenish our troops and recruit a large number of refugees into the recruit training camp. As long as we train for two months and follow the orders and prohibitions, we can quickly form a certain combat effectiveness. "

Liu Qiang's words gave Ren Pingsheng more confidence.

"Now, Yuntai County has entered a wartime state, and I'm afraid we don't have much time left. Your current mission is to speed up recruitment and improve the combat effectiveness of the regiment training team as soon as possible!

As for food and logistics, I'll figure it out. "

Ren Pingsheng's responsibility also made Liu Qiang feel confident.

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