Behind me is the earth

Chapter 164 162. Tractor for transportation

The yard is very large, covering more than 2,000 square meters, but when it is filled with tractors and trailers, it looks full.

"Come in, everyone!"

Ren Pingsheng shouted.

When everyone pushed the door in and saw these things in the yard, their eyes were as wide as bells and their faces were confused.

This is tantamount to giving up pretending and showing off!

Lord Mayor, is this still a mortal method? This is an immortal descending to earth!

How can ordinary people create things out of thin air and come up with these things? Look at the beautiful green reflective color, look at the tall tubes full of metallic luster, look at the glass reflecting the crystal luster... Oh, there is a lot of goods in the bucket at the back!

Those present were all Ren Pingsheng's cronies, and now these cronies were doubting whether their lord was actually a man from heaven.

"You can think of these things as iron bulls."

Ren Pingsheng's voice brought them back to reality from their shock and contemplation.

Everyone looked at Ren Pingsheng with even more awe!

"Liu Wen, come here."

Ren Pingsheng called him.

Liu Wen himself is the kind of person who has a very lively mind and is not bound by the secular world. Ren Pingsheng had already understood this when he first came into contact with him.

After learning a lot about the earth through books, film and television materials, etc., my mind becomes more flexible as my knowledge opens up.

He has been obsessed with carpenters and mechanical creations since he was a child. Looking at these beautiful mechanical creations with a metallic luster, he was trembling with excitement.

"Come up here and I'll teach you how to use it."

Ren Pingsheng got on the tractor.

Liu Wen also sat astride the side tool box of the tractor.

The tractors Ren Pingsheng purchased were not the traditional hand-cranked ones, but the ones that started with one button. It is also relatively simple to use. Although limited by the size of the transfer space, Ren's life-long purchases were all miniature tractors, but each one was very powerful and was considered a small steel cannon among tractors.

After starting the tractor, the tractor drove out of the gate "bald".

Someone outside heard the sound and came out of the workshop to see the excitement. They saw this giant steel beast that ran away without anyone pulling it. They were stunned and stunned. How had they ever seen such a giant steel beast with such a loud voice that could run by itself without a horse?

These people in the inner city of the farm are all craftsmen who have access to electricity and have experienced machines. Their ability to accept new things is much stronger than that of the people outside.

But even though he was not frightened at this moment, the shock in his heart was still indescribable.

The tractor ran around outside, and Ren Pingsheng also taught Liu Wen the basics of accelerator, brake, steering wheel, etc.

Running on the open road, Liu Wen hurriedly practiced for two laps, and slowly mastered the use of the steering wheel and accelerator.

"You just need to become more proficient in it later. I will send you a video for the rest. You can learn slowly from the video.

After you become proficient, train dozens of tractor drivers for me. "

Ren Pingsheng took out a mobile phone, touched Liu Wen's tablet, and used face-to-face fast transfer to transfer a video of more than 20 Mp to his tablet.

“These tractors are good things, just like iron oxen. They can plow the land, pull goods, and pull people, but they consume diesel.

The diesel is not much, so use it sparingly. "

Ren Pingsheng jumped out of the car and pointed to some compressed biscuits, canned meat and other materials on several tractor trailers: "Find someone to move these things to the newly built granary. These things belong to the wartime No one is allowed to use the supplies during normal times.

These diesel fuels must not be exposed to open flames during storage and retrieval!

There are also these electric welding machines and steel plates. You send people to the manufacturing bureau to learn electric welding knowledge. "

Ren Pingsheng uploaded the introductory welding video that he had downloaded from Station B to Liu Wen's mobile phone.

After unloading these tractors, Ren's life's mission was completed.

He laboriously transported these 20 tractors, not for plowing the land. The main function is for transportation!

It is used for the transportation of food, soldiers, military supplies, etc. for the war that is likely to occur in the future. 20 tractors, each bucket is limited to 5 tons, but in fact, transporting 20 tons is not a big problem. 20 taels of tractors can transport 400 tons of materials at a time, which can reduce a lot of burden for the army's baggage and supplies. !

It was also one of the solutions that Ren Pingsheng came up with to solve the logistical problems in the rear after the war started.

If we find that tractors are really useful in future wars, we can continue to place additional orders for tractors and continue to transport them to other worlds.

Ren Pingsheng took the opportunity to visit the Zaozuo Bureau again.

"With the help of Mr. Ruan, smokeless gunpowder can now be produced, but it has not yet reached a large scale due to the collection of basic materials. Not much smokeless gunpowder is produced every day."

When they arrived at the game, Liu Wen and Ren Pingsheng explained.

During this time, he basically stayed at the farm, leading the craftsmen from the Manufacturing Bureau to work on smokeless gunpowder and making rifles and bullets according to the drawings.

Production bureau, testing ground.

This is a yard covering an area of ​​more than 2,000 square meters, where all the weapons produced by the Manufacturing Bureau are displayed.

Including shotguns, black powder grenades, steel crossbows, forged steel knives...

Ren Pingsheng picked up a rifle from the table.

Liu Wen introduced: "This is a rifle built for testing. So far, we are quite satisfied with it. The effective range can reach more than 1,000 meters."

Ren Pingsheng took out a row of yellow-orange bullets from the wooden box.

If you look closely, you can still see the traces of the interface on the cartridge case. However, it feels substantial in the hand and the quality is pretty good.

Withdraw the rifle magazine and press the bullet into the magazine to add 5 bullets.

"Because of the many problems with copper and iron, manpower, craftsmanship, and smokeless gunpowder, the production speed of bullets is too slow. Even if the rifles are partially equipped with troops in a short period of time, it is difficult to supply bullets, so the five bullets in the drawings are retained. magazine."

Liu Wen explained promptly from the side.

Ren Pingsheng nodded.

Insert the magazine into the gun body.


With a crisp sound, Ren Pingsheng pulled the gun bolt.

Aiming at a handle fifty meters away.

"Snap hook!"

After the design of the bolt-action rifle in my hand, the sound it made was a bit strange, and it was still a two-stage sound.

The liver is good for the eyes.

After mastering the internal organs stage of his life, Ren's eyes became very easy to use. At this moment, fifty meters away, he could vaguely see a small black eye on the target, and it seemed that he had hit the target.

"5 rings!"

Someone ran towards the target and counted them quickly.


"Snap hook!"


"Snap hook!"

Ren Pingsheng simply pulled the bolt of the gun and fired.

"7 rings!"

"9 rings!"

"10 rings!"

"10 rings!"

Count them over several times in a row.

With Ren's lifelong control over his body, plus the blessing of his mental power. Later, he scored ten rings with a gun!

This surprised Liu Wen and the people on the field: "A sharpshooter!"

"The stability is not bad, and the quality has reached the level of battlefield use. Produce a batch as soon as possible, select a group of good eyesight among the army, and give priority to training some sharpshooters. They will be of great use on the battlefield in the future. "

Ren Pingsheng put down the rifle in his hand.


Liu Wen responded.

"We must also hold on to the explosive packets and grenades made of smokeless gunpowder. But we must pay attention to their storage. I don't want to wake up one day and the production bureau will be blown to the ground."

Ren Pingsheng gave another instruction.

Liu Wen nodded and said: "Understood, the rules and regulations of the Bureau will be checked every morning."


Ren Pingsheng went to each workshop to look around.

In the shotgun production workshop, behind each skilled worker, there are two apprentices. One of these apprentices is responsible for delivering things to the master, and the other is responsible for learning the technology of making bullets.

Although the production of shotshells is relatively simple, it still takes two to three months for an apprentice to become a skilled worker.

The workers were all delighted when they saw the arrival of the mayor.

Before leaving, Ren Pingsheng gave him the shell casings he had ejected from previous shots and asked him to reload them so that he could reuse them in the future.

He asked Liu Wen to pack some bullets for himself.

Although the quality of these rolled bullets is not as good as our own, and there is a risk of jamming due to workmanship, they can be used in emergencies if needed.

"Liu Wen, this rifle has a good length and is easy to use. It's the same as a shotgun, and it's equipped with a bayonet buckle.

In addition, based on the data, several rifles of different models and lengths were designed, including pistols. There is no rush to produce these, they are just a reserve. The focus is still on the manufacturing of shotguns and rifles, as well as the reserves of bullets, explosives, and grenades.

In addition, when I first went to see it, the production of smokeless gunpowder still relied on the set of test tubes sent by Ruan Tang. How could this be done and how could the speed be increased?

I was trying to find a way to scale up the production of smokeless gunpowder. If I encountered a problem that couldn't be solved, I went to Mr. Ruan for consultation. "

After Ren Pingsheng conveyed the difficulties and pressure to Liu Wen without reservation, he left the inner city, leaving Liu Wen with his blood pressure rising and unable to help but scratch his head.

"I'll go back later and give some money to the Production Bureau. I'll reward you when it's time and increase production where it's time."

Ren Pingsheng told Xiaowan.


Xiaowan took out a small notebook and wrote it down, planning to make arrangements immediately after returning.

The outer city of Renjiazhuang is now not only populated by tenants, but also a large number of craftsman families.

There are more than 900 people in the village in total. Even after the expansion, the outer city now seems a bit cramped and crowded.

Fortunately, when the city was planned, it was planned according to the horizontal and vertical "well" shape. Now, although it is crowded, it is still orderly.

"Father, mother, please go back. The child will definitely study hard when he gets to the city!"

"It's good to learn, otherwise I will beat you to death when you come back!"

When Ren Pingsheng was walking on the middle road of the farm, he saw two large carriages parked in front of the school, and many adults were sending children into the carriages.

There were more than forty children, with an average age of about eleven or twelve. Each of them carried a cloth bag with what looked like books inside. They should be students at the farm school.

There is also a platoon of militiamen, carrying flintlock rifles and simple knives on their shoulders, to protect these children as they go to the city.

"Are you going to school in the city?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

"Yes, these children all studied well in primary schools and were admitted to middle schools in the city."

said Hu Laosan who was next to Ren Pingsheng.

He is now wearing new clothes, which are made of cotton made by Qingcheng Textile. They are breathable and look good.

And it's not just him, because the textile industry in Qingcheng has developed rapidly, and the prices of cotton, linen and other cloth have dropped a lot, making it possible for many people who used to share a pair of pants at home to wear them when they went out, can now afford cloth.

And because these cloths were Ren Pingsheng's property, they were called Qingtian cloth by many people who put on new clothes.

"Xiao Wan, I remember the Hanlin class at Qingcheng Middle School also starts tomorrow, right?"

Ren Pingsheng suddenly remembered that he had previously equipped Qingcheng Middle School with several computers and projectors as teaching aids for the newly opened Hanlin class.

Xiaowan took out her little notebook, opened it, looked at it, nodded and said, "Yes."

"Since Hanlin Class has started a new class, let's go listen and take a look tomorrow."

The students in the Hanlin class are all selected from the best among the ordinary classes at Qingcheng Middle School. The study courses will be more focused on basic education on earth. Ren Pingsheng has high hopes for these students and is eager to understand the level of these students.

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