Behind me is the earth

Chapter 182 180. Make money

"No wonder Si Nian specifically bolded the words 'visualization map' in the letter. It turned out to be a reminder to us."

Although Si Nian said in the letter, the visualization diagrams are not very precious. They are derived from Taoism and are some usable methods of practice that have been studied and proven by those who were the first to awaken in the past few years.

But these things are like a layer of window paper. Those who know know it, and those who don’t know just don’t know it.

"This Yuandu Tianjun Diagram only has basic lines. Si Nian said that to visualize the pattern, you must draw the pattern step by step in your own sea of ​​consciousness and fill it in.

Through the process of constructing the Yuandu Tianjun Diagram, the consumption of mental energy can be controlled and the practice can be accelerated. You can also practice the fine control of your mental power, and use less mental power to cast more powerful spells. "

Xiaowan read Si Nian's letter several times.

"Moreover, Master, Si Nian said in the letter that the Yuandu Heavenly Lord is the chief envoy of the Thunder Department in Taoism, and has the functions of suppressing evil, removing darkness, and attracting thunder. When the Yuandu Heavenly Lord is completed, Perhaps such an ability will also be born.

However, so far, no one has completely reproduced the visualization diagram. It is only a guess based on its extraordinary power of frightening people when suppressing demons and eliminating ghosts. "


Ren Pingsheng nodded.

He carefully memorized all the lines of this picture in his mind, and according to the posture in the visualization picture, he sat cross-legged, pinched the magic with his hands, gathered his mind, and turned the outer consciousness back to his own consciousness. In the sea.

This process is not smooth and requires a stable mood and a calm mind.

More than ten minutes passed.

Xiaowan, who was protecting the young master, found that the young master's breathing had calmed down. After another ten minutes, I found that the young master's breathing had become less and less, and his whole person suddenly became quiet. He sat cross-legged, like a statue sitting on the altar in a temple, giving people An unreal feeling.

After a while, she noticed that the young master's breathing suddenly became faster and his brows furrowed, as if he was about to wake up at any moment.

Xiaowan thought of what was said in the letter. When visualizing, it is better to practice with incense sticks, essential oils, etc.

She took the last remaining incense stick, inserted it into the incense burner, and placed it in front of the young master.

The light smoke floated up and into Ren Pingsheng's mouth and nose, and was inhaled as he breathed.

At this moment, he looked even less like a living person!

Miaomiao, like a god eating incense and fire.

Ren Pingsheng finally came to his sea of ​​consciousness again. As soon as his mind moved, the surrounding scenery turned into a high peak and cliff. He sat cross-legged on it and watched the sea of ​​clouds flowing in front of him.

Looking into the sky, a figure bathed in golden light appeared. She was extremely white, sitting high on the lotus platform. Her face was not clear, but her figure was bumpy. Coupled with the lingering golden light, he was fascinated by it. Suddenly I thought of the bumpy Spider-Man, Ultraman, and zippers in the short video... Well... thinking about it, the scene of mountains and sea of ​​clouds in front of me began to shatter!

No, mental pollution!

"No, no, the sky is as clear as ice!"

Ren Pingsheng quickly calmed down and didn't dare to think about it again. In the sky, Ultraman, who was sitting high on the lotus platform with a curvy figure, quickly dispersed, and the scene of mountains and seas of clouds gradually recovered.

This time, Ren Pingsheng began to stop the delusions that had formed in his heart, and slowly and focused on depicting the picture of Yuandu Tianjun.

First, he started to outline the head. As his mental power turned into lines, following the impression of the visualization diagram, when he outlined the lines of the head, he felt that his mental power had begun to dry up.

But at this moment, a cool energy suddenly entered his body, making his already nearly exhausted mental strength rejuvenate!

Stable mental power continued to be output, outlining the position of his neck in the void.

It was only when he was carving the lines of his arms that he felt low on energy again. He knew that if he continued like this, once his mental power was completely exhausted, it would not only be detrimental to his practice, but would also slow down his recovery and delay his practice.

After he stopped writing, the lines in the void dispersed.

Ren Pingsheng opened his eyes.

"Master, how do you feel?"

Xiaowan asked curiously.

"There is no problem with the visualization diagram. Moreover, only when the mind is like a flat lake, an ancient well has no waves, and has no thoughts or thoughts can it enter the sea of ​​consciousness. The speed of cultivation in the sea of ​​consciousness is faster than that of meditation practice in the outside world. , come out a lot quickly.

Every time you draw a visualization diagram, you can understand your mental strength more clearly based on the completeness of the visualization. "

Ren Pingsheng looked at the ashes on the table in front of him and knew that the last incense stick had been used up.

"Si Nian said in the letter that the two families that make Ningshen Incense are the Bai family in Guangnan and the Huang family in Kyoto. Send a telegram to Liu Wu tomorrow and ask him to find Zheng Shaoguan to buy Ningshen incense. I heard that Zheng Shaoguan and Guangnan We’ve dealt with him there.”

Ren Pingsheng said.


Xiaowan responded.

Ren Pingsheng walked to the window and looked at the bright moonlight outside the window. The curved moon shuttled through the clouds, like a small boat.

The food is heated in the kitchen and delivered to the dining table.

"Isn't there any evil news recently?"

There has been no monster meat on the dining table for a long time, which slowed down his martial arts practice.

Xiaowan said: "We have collected some information about monsters one after another, but after investigation, many of them are false. There is also some information, because the organization's energy is involved in the war, and there is no time to spare manpower to investigate.

Now that the war is over, the demon investigation will be restarted. "

"Well, this time Qingcheng Tuanlian is reorganized into Yuntaiwei. After the army establishment is expanded, a new round of expansion will begin.

The Night Owl organization will also expand accordingly.

The current Night Cat organization is insufficient in terms of business scope and geographical coverage, and needs to be expanded. "

The two of them were eating and communicating.

"In addition, collect some prescriptions and elixirs for me, whether they are used to treat difficult diseases, detoxify and nourish the skin, or to strengthen the body. Collect some for me."

These few times, whether he was buying a tractor or buying compressed biscuits, cans and other food in large quantities, his already tight life became even more embarrassing.

I still owe a lot of money to the bank.

Now, he was thinking that if there was a suitable one, he might be able to make profits through medicines, prescriptions, etc., and then find a way to open a biopharmaceutical company.

Xiaowan nodded: "Okay, I'll note it down."

After dinner, it was already dark, so Xiaowan returned to the west wing to sleep.

In the prison in Qingshui County, Liu Dajiang suddenly heard someone calling his name.

"who is it?"

Liu Dajiang stared, but didn't see anyone, and couldn't help but feel angry.

"Master Liu, it's me! I'm General Liu's man!"

Just outside the cell door, a naked man slowly appeared from the air, slowly transforming into a somewhat perverted young figure.

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