Behind me is the earth

Chapter 201 199. Transforming strength

The soul can leave the body, but only a little.

After the soul leaves the body, it is subject to many restrictions.

I am afraid of the sun and the breeze.

Ren Pingsheng felt that if he hadn't had the Ningshen Xiang body protection just now, he would have been burned by the sun and cut by the breeze as soon as he went out.

If the soul leaves the body and comes to Wangshu, it may be blown to death by her mouth.

It can be said that for the soul, just like a newborn baby, there are dangers everywhere in the outside world!

"So, now the soul cannot easily leave the body. Even if it does, it can never leave the body too far."

Ren Pingsheng thought.

However, although the soul cannot easily leave the body, it becomes clearer when it reflects back on itself.

"Qi, blood and spirit complement each other and promote each other. Compared to Xiaowan and Wangshu, my mental strength grows much faster, which must have something to do with my martial arts training.

And with my mind power, I could see the skin, muscles, fascia and bones in the body before, and now I can even clearly see the movement of qi and blood in the body..."

Ren Yisheng's thought power reflected back on himself, achieving the effect of inward vision.

Within the body, the majestic energy and blood are like a vast ocean, constantly washing through the body, continuously strengthening the body's tissues.

And in the spine, the power of qi and blood is the strongest!

"These Qi meridians are running..." Ren Pingsheng suddenly noticed that near the spine, there were several Qi meridians that could not be seen in the past, and there was Qi circulating inside.

His eyes wandered along the Qi veins, and he soon discovered that the "Qi" was inside the body, completing a reincarnation.

And with the movement of "qi", your blood flow will become smoother and more surging.

During the viscera training stage, when Ren Pingsheng read medical books, he knew that in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, qi and blood complement each other.

The movement of Qi and the circulation of blood are interdependent. Once Qi and blood are out of balance, various diseases will occur.

Although Qi cannot be seen or touched, it represents human life energy. Once "qi" is insufficient, there will be direct physiological manifestations of physical weakness, night sweats, fatigue and weakness.

Now, for the first time in his life, Ren could intuitively see the movement of "qi".

Warriors train their bodies, train their skin, muscles, fascia, internal organs, bones and spinal cord, and finally reach the stage of blood exchange. The ultimate goal is still Qi and blood.

However, although warriors practice qi and blood, they can only cross the river by feeling the stones based on the boxing classics and previous experience. When practicing, they can only study the medical classics and the internal organs and bone veins of the human body to understand the energy. The movement of force is like a blind man touching an elephant to adjust the practice.

If you lack the guidance of famous teachers and make mistakes in your own judgment during martial arts training, it will cause trouble in your practice, and even cause serious and irreversible damage to your body.

And Ren Pingsheng can now see the movement of qi and blood, as if he has opened his eyes of heaven. He can intuitively see the movement of qi and blood, and knows where it is smooth and where it is blocked. He only needs targeted adjustments to speed up his practice. progress and will not harm the body.

Just like now, Ren Pingsheng saw that the energy and blood in his spine were extremely strong, and every bone was as crystal clear as jade, exuding a gleaming luster.

"Today is a good day. It seems that not only the supernatural powers have been promoted, but also the martial arts can be further improved!"

Ren Pingsheng thought to himself, got up from the futon, turned his mind as he pleased, moved his body as he pleased, and started to act recklessly.

As he punches, you can see that the qi and blood in his body begin to rotate with the punching path. Every movement pulls the qi and blood to flow to different places.

After a round of fighting, Ren Pingsheng already knew what he was doing and began to focus on practicing a few punches. Qi and blood gathered around the spine, washing away the 33 spinal segments.

Not long after, Ren Pingsheng suddenly heard a sound like a tidal wave in his ears.

Then, the spine was like a big dragon, pulling out strength from root to root, and the whole person seemed to be penetrated, and the strength in the body also changed.

Ren Pingsheng crossed the distance of four to five meters in one step, and the door of the house in front of him opened without any wind.



The sound of the door opening and Ren Pingsheng rushing out like the wind alerted Xiao Wan and Chen Dachui who were guarding the door.

"My supernatural powers and martial arts have both achieved breakthroughs. I'm very happy today and will have extra food tonight."

Ren Pingsheng had a smile on his face. He didn't even leave the door. He just tapped his toes and crossed the courtyard wall and the corridor outside. After a few ups and downs, he returned to his small courtyard and headed straight for the iron lump. go.

Xiao Wan and Da Zhui from behind also quickly followed.

Just in time to see Ren Pingsheng lightly slap the steel bump.

Silently, a deep slap mark was left on it.

There is no "bang bang bang bang" momentum like before, this palm is silent, but the shock is no less than the feeling of the fist hitting the flesh, but it is even more shocking.

Ren Pingsheng slapped a wall tile with his backhand again.

As he took his right hand away, the green bricks on the wall turned into powder, fell down with a "thuds", and floated in the air with the wind.

"Hua Jin! Brother, have you mastered Hua Jin!?"

Chen Dachui was shocked.

It is said that he is a genius in practicing martial arts, but he has only just broken through to An Jin.

Lan Feng, the eldest brother of the Lan Family Martial Arts School, is also a very good martial arts student, but after practicing for more than ten years, he has only just touched the threshold of transforming strength.

As for Brother Ren, it only took more than half a year for him to go from a martial arts layman to the realm of energy transformation. Although countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures were at his disposal, even so, he could not be described as a genius. He's not overdoing it.

"I have already trained the spinal cord, and my body is like a big dragon. All the strength has been integrated together, and I have developed Huajin.

Moreover, the bone marrow of the 33 bones of the spine has been trained, and the body's hematopoietic ability has also been greatly improved. The efficiency of new blood in transporting energy has been greatly improved. When the bone marrow of the whole body is penetrated by qi and blood, it will be able to break through to the realm of blood transfusion. He can also be called a martial arts master. "

Ren Pingsheng put his hands behind his back, standing in the distance.

Because he had just penetrated the dragon, his whole body was as tall as a pine. Standing there, he had the air of an outstanding master, which was heart-breaking!

Xiaowan felt her heart melt when she saw the young master's handsome appearance.

That night, there was a lot of joy and laughter in the county government house.

The maids and servants also got a sumptuous dinner because of the happiness of the master's family.

Let the happy atmosphere become stronger.

However, some are happy and some are sad. Liu Wen, who is far away in Renjiazhuang, Qingcheng Town, is now gloomy and feels like his body has been hollowed out.

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