Behind me is the earth

Chapter 210 208. Appearance

"General, you must hold still. This is the enemy's plan to attack the enemy's heart. Don't be affected by it."

Lieutenant General Wu hurried over to Liu Heima's battalion commander. Because he arrived in such a hurry, he didn't even have time to put on his clothes. He was shirtless and only wearing a pair of trousers.

He knew that the general had a bad temper and was easily irritated. Liu Guanjun originally placed him next to Liu Heima just so that he could dissuade Liu Heima at the critical moment.

"These bastards, I must kill them!"

Liu Heima yelled and cursed loudly, and the camp was in chaos. Several maidservants knelt on the ground and shivered. They all buried their heads on the ground like ostriches and did not dare to move.

"Brother Wu, go down and pass the order. Whoever kills one person tomorrow will be rewarded with 500 yuan... No, the reward is the same!

Anyone who kills five people will be promoted to the head of the Jin Dynasty and will be rewarded with fifty acres of farmland!

Whoever enters the enemy's camp first will be promoted to a thousand households and rewarded with 5,000 acres of fertile land!

Tomorrow, I will make the Qingshui soldiers bleed into rivers! ! "

Liu Heima suppressed the anger in his heart with an extremely gloomy expression.


Seeing that his mood was relatively stable, Vice General Wu nodded and left the camp.

"Brothers, this world is not your fault. It is all the fault of the corrupt bureaucrats and the shameless rebels. It is their exorbitant taxes that have forced you to despair. It is their fault that has caused wars and chaos. Home!

As for Qingshui County, there are thousands of hectares of fertile land, and the county magistrate loves the people like his children. The yield of the fields is eight hundred kilograms per mu, which can keep you fed and clothed. As long as you put down your weapons, you can return to the fields, marry a wife and have children, and live a life like this. , isn’t it beautiful? "

When Lieutenant General Wu came out of the camp, he heard loud voices from the other side, urging them to surrender.

Moreover, what is even more strange is that the entire camp is silent, without any noise.

He was a little frightened in his heart. The soldiers all heard it!

Although the man's voice was loud, his tone was calm, and the words he spoke seemed to have some magic power, inciting conflict between the soldiers and the rebel officers.

He took the time to pass on Liu Heima's words to the ordering soldiers, which could at least stabilize the morale of the troops.

Soon, the messengers were running around, conveying Liu Heima's words to each camp.

The man on the other side of the river was not too tired. He kept shouting for half the night, repeating those words over and over again. Liu Heima was so angry that his teeth hurt!

I stayed awake for half the night and endured it until daybreak the next day. The three drums were beating, the army was in order, and under the cover of the cavalry on the other side of the river, they quickly began to cross the pontoon bridge.

The rebel soldier's eyes were red. He was not only tired from not sleeping for half the night, but also had the strong stimulation of head = money = official position swirling in his mind.

Most of the people who had this idea were veterans. As for the new recruits and the auxiliary soldiers, they often thought about the copywriting full of inflammatory words that Ren Pingsheng played through the loudspeaker. What a wonderful experience it is to have your wife and children warm on the bed when you are worried about food and clothing.

However, the war was cruel. They could only be carried forward by the old soldiers and crossed the pontoon. Their shoes and trouser legs were soaked.

The weather at the end of December was already very cold.

After running a few steps, the soles of my feet felt cold and uncomfortable.

Hutou held the broadsword tightly in his hand and tied the broadsword to his wrist with a piece of gray cloth. He was prepared to immediately raise and lower the sword with his hand as soon as he came into contact with the enemy, killing them one by one. In the past, the heads of these enemies were exchanged for money, official positions, and land. After returning home, they could return home in fine clothes and let my mother live a good life.

“Puff puff puff~ puff puff~”

There was a commotion in front, and Hu Tou followed behind, not knowing what was happening in front of him.

But under the urging of the crowd, they swarmed the people in front and ran forward.

"Boom, boom, boom~boom, boom, boom~"

While the army was running, they suddenly heard a brief drumming sound from behind.

The tiger head firmly remembers the message of the military drum, which is a signal for the entire army to stop advancing. He immediately stopped, but someone behind him didn't know why and was still pushing forward, causing chaos in the formation. The noise in front was even louder, and people could be heard wailing and screaming.

"Have we already met the enemy?"

Huzi thought in confusion.

It was obvious that the Chinese army had not been ashore for long, so the vanguard battalion should be the first to engage the enemy now - because a fortune-telling sentence made him often think about problems from the perspective of a general.

The others didn't have so many thoughts. They just listened to the drums and Chang Shen shouted loudly, and the whole team slowly stopped.

"Spread out, spread out! Keep your distance, spread out!"

The officers saw the flags from the rear and loudly ordered their troops. The army that was originally forming a fish scale formation began to disperse in a chaotic manner, and in units of ten people, they began to rush forward to the beat of the drum.

This time, Hutou saw the scene in front of him.

There were corpses on the ground, and the blood stained the ground red, gathering into flowing streams. The entire battlefield exuded a disgusting stench.

However, Hu Tou licked his lips and felt that the smell in the air was very exciting.

"Rumble, rumble..."

This is the cavalry running across the battlefield, bypassing the two wings, and rushing towards the enemy's musketeer camp.

"Pa bang bang bang..."

A hail of bullets came, and countless soldiers fell to the ground.

However, since the soldiers were dispersed, there were many fewer soldiers who fell this time.

A bullet came right in front of him and shot through the long head in front of the tiger's head. His face was covered with red and white, and he suddenly felt warm!

"Breathe~ breathe~"

Hutou sat down on the ground, his heart beating wildly.

And because he was choked by the long hair, there was a burning, tearing pain in his chest.

My heart, which had been exciting just now, was suddenly filled with great fear, and my hands felt like they were trembling.

He felt a little dizzy, and the people and silence in front of him were shaking.

Wiping the blood and brain stains on his face with his sleeve, when he looked up, he saw a strange big square bird flying across the sky... more than one, There are several big birds not far away, hovering strangely in the sky, looking very weird.

At this time, these "big birds" transmitted the information on the battlefield back to Yuntaiwei's general's camp on the hillside.

On the big screen, you can have a panoramic view of the entire battlefield.

Liu Qiang looked at the soldiers from both sides on the screen. They were like black ants in the screen. At this moment, who can think that he is also the child of his parents, the parents of his children, and the husband of his wife?

He didn't have so much emotion. He picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand and calmly gave the order: "Liu Heima's 150,000 troops have all crossed the river, and the pockets can start to be sealed!"

"Qin Sheng, adjust your artillery and blow up the pontoon first!"

"After that, bombard the enemy's central army and kill Liu Heima for me first!"

"The artillery battalion gives me ten minutes to shoot out all the artillery shells!"

"The artillery battalion makes its first appearance, show me your spirit!"

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