Behind me is the earth

Chapter 237 235. Dried fish and road design institute

"I want to see the boss! Let me go!"

"Is there any more royal law? Is there any more law?"

"Robbing civilian cats in broad daylight!"

"Ya Zhudie~"

Black Cat didn't know what kind of dramas he had watched, and all kinds of strange words came out.

"Don't make any noise, you will be the cat of my night owl organization from now on."

Xiaowan grabbed the black cat Destiny's neck meat, and carried the black cat's head to the backyard. At the same time, she ordered the kitchen to fry a plate of dried fish.

The black cat, who was still kicking and fighting, fell silent when he saw a plate of dried fish brought from the kitchen.

It stared at the dried fish for a long time and said, "If I work for you humans, will I have dried fish to eat every day?"

"It depends on whether you do well or not, whether you are outstanding or not."

Xiaowan said.


The black cat fell to the ground and picked up a small dried fish.

It smells so good!

Very chewy!

Human food is still delicious!

Black Cat shed tears of emotion.

Cats are born just to get a bite of delicious food, right?

When the plate of dried fish was finished, the black cat stroked his belly, slowly convincing himself and completing his self-guided strategy.

Since you can't run away, why not enjoy it?

"No wonder I can't find my phone these days. It turns out it was stolen by a cat!"

Ruan Tang listened to the bizarre stories told by Ren Pingsheng and took back his mobile phone in surprise.

She never expected that her cell phone would be stolen by a cat!

Those glass beads were also produced in her glass workshop. Originally, the cat demon just liked these shiny things. He accidentally touched the mobile phone, and the phone glowed. The cat demon immediately felt like he had found a treasure, wrapped the mobile phone in the black mist, and stole it together.

After putting away their mobile phones, the two dressed up and went out.

Because of Ren Pingsheng's impromptu speech, many people in the city remembered his appearance. When the two of them were shopping, they were often recognized. Ren Pingsheng felt a little disappointed, but Ruan Tang saw that the people respected him. Although he looked sweet in his heart, he felt that the man he had found was excellent.

At noon, we had dinner at the Guihua Building in the city. From the clinical location on the third floor, looking out the window at the busy streets, the busy figures of the people gave it a sense of life.

"It would be great if we could recruit a few more pastry chefs."

Ruan Tang, who loves sweets, suddenly sighed.

"It's simple. Next time you go back to Earth, you can find some pastry-making instructions and cultivate a batch of them."

Ren Pingsheng feels that this is not difficult. This is the benefit of power. When you want to do something, you just need to give instructions, and there will naturally be people to find ways to solve it.

Just like in a small grassroots unit where he used to work, the top leader wanted to eat donkey meat, but the people below him got up at five o'clock in the morning and drove hundreds of kilometers to the provincial capital to buy it back, without delaying the delicious taste of the lunch. Delicious donkey meat.

Absolute power breeds absolute corruption, and Ren Pingsheng knew this very well.

But no matter what the organizational structure is, it is difficult to completely avoid the willfulness of power. He can only try his best to break the absolute one-person responsibility system and provide equal responsibilities and internal and external supervision with rights.


Ruan Tang's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"I just thought about some things about clean government management."

Ren Pingsheng smiled apologetically and gave her a piece of fragrant donkey meat.

"Buza at that time, this is what you said."

Ruan Tang said with a smile: “When a group works hard for a goal, there are usually not many corruption problems.

Only when the development of this group has stagnated and it is difficult to achieve the goal, or has been completed, will the problem of corruption become more likely to arise.

Now, your prestige has been so high throughout your life. Your subordinates admire you, the people respect you, and your enemies are afraid of you. As the core of the regime, you don't have to worry so much. "

"Yes, but regarding the organizational structure, the sooner it is established and matured, the smaller the cost of trial and error will be, and the more stable the foundation will be.

However, some problems are only exposed after they have developed to a certain stage. It is really useless to think too much now.

If you think too much, you will be exhausted and exhausted. "

Ren Pingsheng smiled and didn't want to discuss this topic with Ruan Tang anymore: "By the way, last time you said you wanted to develop an external combustion engine, how about it? Has there been any results?"

"Of course, you work for your dear husband, how can you be lazy?"

Ruan Tang showed a sweet smile, her eyes curved into crescent moons, looking gentle and sweet.

She said: "The trial production machine has been completed and is now in trial operation in Qingcheng. The structure of the external combustion engine is very simple, and it should not take long to go into mass production. By then, trains, ships, industrial and agricultural production will all can use.

Moreover, the trial production of the train is already in progress. It will not take long for the test run to be carried out. As long as there are no problems along the way, hubby, you will soon be able to see the train emitting black smoke running across this vast world. .

We will wait until our weak basic industries have improved before we upgrade external combustion engines. "

Ruan Tang's efficiency is really high. In such a short period of time, he has completed the development of an external combustion engine.

Based on her efficiency, it seems that it won’t be long before coal-fired external combustion engines will enter the public eye!

Unlike the local changes such as electricity, local area networks, and modern improved seeds that Ren Pingsheng had promoted, the external combustion engine is close to the underlying industrial foundation of this era. This is an invention that truly changes the world, just like the first industrial revolution. Human influence is pervasive and pervasive.

"Also, I think we should start planning the construction of the railway network."

Ruan Tang stretched out his green onion finger, dipped it in some tea, and drew two railway tracks on the table: "The laying of railway lines has a great relationship with politics, war, economy, people's livelihood, etc., and needs to be considered comprehensively. matter.

Now the production capacity of steel plants has gradually increased, steam engines can also be successfully trial-produced, and train projects can be launched at any time.

Planning and design must come first. "

"Well, you're right, I didn't think much about this before."

Ren Pingsheng nodded: "Let's see, I'll ask the Highway Department to set up a road design institute to be responsible for planning railways and highways.

When you get there, give them some professional advice. "

"no problem."

Ruan Tang has also done some research on this.

These questions are neither urgent nor urgent, but urgent.

Now Ren Pingsheng only has one county and five towns. Counting the four towns in northern Yunlong that will soon be taken over, it is only two counties. It seems that there is not much demand for trains. However, next year, he planned to use troops against the entire Yuntai County and bring the entire Yuntai County into his territory.

By that time, the territory was so large that trains became necessary. Moreover, as the commander-in-chief of Wuzhou Province, he can also ensure that the railway lines are rolled out in Wuzhou Province and enhance the contact between Yuntai County and other counties - as long as the rails are laid wherever they are, his influence will be Wherever it expands, his power can affect it!

And start preparing now. We need to prepare steel for smelting rails, manufacturing external combustion engine locomotives, training workers to make trains and rails, etc. These processes are not simple. When Yuntaiwei takes over the entire Yuntai County, how can this big project be completed? Just in time to get on the horse, it is very efficient.

Because the external combustion engine has been successfully trial-produced and the team is running the inspection, Ruan Tang has nothing to do these two days, so he stayed in Qingshui County for two days. At the same time, she plans to research a signal station. If it is built, she and Ren Pingsheng can connect the signal through the base station and make videos through their mobile phones.

"Master, two pieces of news came today, one from Dongyang County and the other from Baijia Village in the county."

At around 11 o'clock in the evening, Xiaowan came in with a piece of information, took a look at the young master and Ruan Tang was not together, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

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