Behind me is the earth

Chapter 285 283 Black Leather Box

Chapter 285 283. Black leather box


The woman gave a side spin kick and directly kicked away the mindless little dirty dog ​​that rushed towards her.

I never expected that in this polluted place, even a dog would mutate!

Are there any normal creatures in this place?

"If I had known this, I, Lin Luoying, should not have come in with my fellow gangsters to investigate in the first place. It would be better for me to quit and report to the officials as soon as I noticed something was wrong. As a gangster, why should I worry about all this?

But now, if the situation here cannot be controlled and these horrific things are spread, wouldn't it be even more terrifying than the living zombie rebellion ten years ago? "

Ten years ago, her life was ruined. She had just lost her parents when she was just ten years old. If her master hadn't picked her up, she would have been eaten by a living corpse that year.

She touched her shriveled bear, and a wry smile appeared on her face that was so skinny and disfigured.

You must be ugly now that you are covered with skin and bones, right?

She took off a piece of cloth from the hem of her clothes and put it on her face, covering her cheeks. Then, his ears moved, he grabbed the black leather box and ran towards the direction of the sound.

"Beep beep~"

She took out a bronze horse whistle from her chest and hung it around her neck, put it in her mouth and blew hard several times.

Her horse had long been dismembered by the undead, but this horse whistle was a treasure of hers, and now it was time to use this sharp whistle to say hello to visitors.

After saying hello, Lin Luoying found that she had fallen into the thick green fog. There is a thick green mist all around. This colored mist blocks the line of sight even more than the dense fog. The endless mist leaves no place for sight to rest.

She waved her sleeves, and a strong wind swept past her.

However, after the wind blows, the omnipresent fog will flow in, which will not have the effect of broadening the horizons at all.

She touched the building next to her, exerted strength with her feet, and jumped up to the roof. Because she used too much strength, she jumped relatively high and suddenly landed on the roof. If her weight hadn't been too light, she might have directly smashed through the tiles on the roof and fell!

She lifted up a few tiles, crushed them with her hands, and threw them around.

She tilted her head and listened to the sounds coming back after the rubble collided with objects. As these sounds built up, a picture had been formed in her mind. She was carrying a black leather box and walking on one building after another. Jumping around, we finally came to the city wall.

The thick fog outside the city wall is slightly better than that inside the county town, but the distance of sight is only one or two meters, so you can't see far at all.

However, the faint sound coming from outside still reached her ears.

She shrunk and hid under the wall, held her breath, and controlled her heartbeat and blood flow rate. Her whole body had fallen into a turtle's breath, and there was no breath at all, as if she was gone. Like a corpse with the breath of life.

"That whistle just now came from the city! It shouldn't be from the undead, right?"

"Are you from Wang Anguo?"

"It's possible. I don't think any people will survive in a place like this!"

"Should we enter the city? The fog here is too heavy. According to previous experience, the undead inside will be even weirder! Moreover, in this environment, drones cannot fly out to explore. We have no vision, and the enemy will hide us. Ming, if you meet a strange person from the Governor's Mansion, you will definitely not be able to get a good deal!"

"The task assigned to us by the Governor is to collect evidence that Governor Wang Anguo used Qingguo to create an undead legion. This is crucial to the Governor, to the Yuntai Guards, and to the people of the world. Yes, everyone, what are our ideals and beliefs?”

"The world is for the common good and we serve the people wholeheartedly!"

"Okay! Enter the city!"

Changfeng gave the order and strode towards the city gate. The team members followed him closely and walked towards the city together.

"A good world is for the common good and one heart is for the people!"

Lin Luoying, who was hiding on the city wall, was shocked.

She has been traveling all over the country for several years, and this is the first time she heard someone not shouting slogans, but actually working for this ideal and belief, showing no fear in the face of danger, and calmly walking into Yile County, which looked extremely dangerous at first glance.

"However, the governor of Wuzhou Province actually wants to use such a terrifying thing to organize an undead army? This is too appalling!

On the other hand, this governor must be an upright, great and upright person if he has such an upright subordinate! "

Lin Luoying stood up, grabbed her black leather box, and ran along the city wall towards the city gate.


A sharp shout came from the city gate.

At the same time, the sound of sliding handguards sounded one after another.


Lin Luoying, who came out of the breathless state, coughed lightly: "Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm."

In order not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts, she did not climb down directly from the city wall, but slowly walked down the city steps next to her.

As she got closer, her ears moved slightly, and she could tell from their breathing that there were 25 people on the other side. Among them, there is also a master of transforming energy, and the rest are not weak in strength. There are also 7 dark energy warriors, and the rest are all bright energy warriors.

No matter where they are, such a strong team can go sideways.

"This girl, we are businessmen from other places. We accidentally broke into this place. She is a local..."

The sound of Changfeng came.

"I just heard it. You are the governor's men and you are investigating the matter in Yile County."

Lin Luoying said directly and honestly.

"Who is the girl!"

Changfeng tapped his headset lightly to alert the team members around him.

After receiving the hint, the team members raised their guns, and more than twenty trolls pointed in the direction of the sound.

"I don't mean any harm! We came here to check after discovering something abnormal in Yile County."

Lin Luoying immediately felt the danger and quickly explained: "We all have the same purpose, we don't want the poisonous fruit here to spread and harm the people all over the world.

We don’t want to cause misunderstandings with you, so we have just come out to meet you. We ask you to calm down. We don’t mean any harm. "

She had quietly opened the black suitcase in her hand and reached in.


The person on the other side seemed to have listened to her words and responded: "Put the gun away!"


The team members moved the muzzles of their shotguns away.

Lin Luoying immediately sensed that the danger was gone, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and pulled out his hand from the black leather box.

"I'm Changfeng, the people from Wuzhou are commanding the envoys."

Changfeng took a few steps forward. Under his goggles, he finally vaguely saw the person opposite. But I can only see the outline of a human figure clearly. As for whether the outline is male or female, fat or thin, it is difficult to tell clearly.

"Lin Luoying, from Miaozhou."

Lin Luoying said after announcing her name.

When Changfeng heard this, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart as he savored the slightly awkward accent of this girl Lin. Miaozhou is located in the southwest corner of Dajing, tens of thousands of miles away from Wuzhou. If he hadn't attended Yuntai Military Academy for three months this year and studied the map of Jingchao, he wouldn't even know about Miaozhou. Where is the province?

And this Lin Luoying, to be able to appear here, must have either superhuman abilities or human abilities.

Combined with this, they didn't notice Lin Luoying just now, but the other party overheard their own words. It can be judged that Lin Luoying must have unusual abilities!

Moreover, according to Lin Luoying, she also has some accomplices, but she doesn't know where they are or what their strength is.

In this environment, Changfeng never dared to let go of his vigilance towards Lin Luoying.

Changfeng called the team members to the base of the city wall and randomly found an empty house to repair.

After entering the house and closing the door to cut off the spread of mist, Changfeng saw the girl's appearance.

Although she wore a scarf to cover her face, her withered hair, protruding cheekbones, deeply sunken eye sockets, and dull skin looked black and green because of the green mist, plus those pair of The skinny hands that looked like chicken paws were exposed, as well as the clothes that hung reluctantly on her body.

Changfeng would believe this appearance, saying that the old man in the coffin suddenly pretended to be dead!

It looks scarier than those living corpses.

Lin Luoyin, who was standing at the door, looked up and caught the eyes of these people.

She didn't explain anything and quietly observed the equipment on these people. Everyone has firearms on their bodies, as well as long knives, daggers, etc., masks on their faces, and transparent mirrors made of crystal on their eyes. They look fully armed, and they all have their own power. You can tell at a glance that they are A group of elites!

She was still wary of these people and stood at the door. If there was a conflict, she could quickly break through the door and escape.

Changfeng suppressed his curiosity about the woman and asked, "Since Miss Lin came earlier, do you know what the city looks like now?"

Lin Luoying sat on a small wooden stool at the door and asked, "Do you have anything to eat or drink?"


Changfeng casually took out two compressed biscuits from his pocket and threw a bottle of water to Lin Luoying.

Lin Luoying pulled off the scarf on her face, revealing a skull, which could stop the child from crying at night.

She was also very hungry. She glanced at the silver plastic packaging outside with some doubts. After a moment's thought, she tore open the plastic packaging outside. A smell of scallion oil burst out, making her take a bite.

She chewed the hard compressed biscuits and swallowed them. She choked and rolled her eyes. I swallowed the biscuit in my mouth with water!

Originally, this kind of compressed biscuit was actually unpalatable because of its heavy oil and salt content. But Lin Roy, who was already starving, had only one impression of compressed biscuits at this time -


Lin Luoying quickly ate the two high-calorie compressed biscuits and drank all the water in the kettle.

"Any more?"


Changfeng threw another four or five yuan to her.

Normally, he would be full even if he only ate two pieces.

Moreover, this food consumes water and makes it uncomfortable to eat too much. He rarely eats this food when he is not performing tasks like this and his own weight is limited.

However, he didn't expect that this skeleton girl, who looked skinny and skinny, could be so edible!

After eating seven or eight compressed biscuits in a row, there was finally something in the stomach, and the intestines began to wriggle rapidly, quickly and greedily absorbing the nutrients in the compressed biscuits, converting them into energy, and the heart began to beat rapidly. , the blood surges rapidly, transporting energy to all parts of the body.

His skinny body quickly became fuller.

Lin Luoying touched her little bear. The little bear that was dry just now has become plump, and her clothes are lifted up in a small arc. She then breathed a sigh of relief.

The feeling of being hungry is so uncomfortable!

Changfeng watched as the color on Lin Luoying's face became visible to the naked eye. The dull skin turned to blood, and the original skull face also gained some flesh, becoming more human-like, at least it was no longer so oozing.

However, such a rapid change is abnormal in itself!

This made the members of the task force couldn't help but be more vigilant towards this woman.

"It's funny."

When Lin Luoying saw a pair of embarrassing eyes staring at her, she couldn't help but smile awkwardly, sandwiched the black leather box between her legs, and then began to answer Changfeng's question: "Ten days." Not long ago, I was visiting friends as a teacher in Hehe Province. I heard that some fellow Jianghu people from Hehe Province had discovered something abnormal in Yile County, and some people said that traces of the poisonous fruit had been found here, so we went there seven times. People formed a team, and those who came in here..."

"Wait a minute, poisonous fruit? Miss Lin has seen this kind of green fruit elsewhere?"

Changfeng interrupted and asked.

Lin Luoying said: "I have seen it in the River Valley Province, but this kind of thing will pollute the land, and it doesn't look good. People don't dare to eat it, so they were burned by the local people."

The bell on the side recorded this important information on the mobile phone.

Fortunately, this thing appeared in the wealthy River Valley Province. If it had appeared in Yuntai County two years earlier, it would not have been eaten by refugees who were so hungry that they ate tree bark.

That situation is really difficult to deal with!

"Miss Lin, please continue."

Changfeng said.

"We came to Yile County from the border of Hehe Province. However, after we entered, we found that many important intersections were guarded by people.

We climbed over mountains and ridges to bypass these people and entered Yile County.

You must have seen the things found outside, so I won’t go into details. "

Lin Luoying paused and continued: "I think your purpose is also to destroy those green fruit trees. Just to the east of the county, there are thousands of green fruit trees, forming a forest, and the trees bear countless fruits. One hundred thousand!

Moreover, there are some strangers and warriors over there, they should be the people from the Governor's Mansion that you mentioned. We got close and saw that these people were talking about how these green fruits were pickled with sugar, made into preserves, and stored. They also brought many people back to do experiments there!

However, these people are very powerful. We wanted to destroy those fruit trees, but they found out and had a fight. We suffered heavy casualties! "

This chapter is really written too late. Tomorrow I have to sort out the plot and smooth out the plot. I have been writing it too hastily recently, and many of the colorful points have not been shown. If I don’t post it early tomorrow morning, I will post it again tomorrow afternoon.

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