Behind me is the earth

Chapter 329 327 Emperor Chongqing’s shock

Although Emperor Chongqing had been on the throne for 18 years, he was only 31 years old. When he ascended the throne, he was only 13 years old. After five years of listening to politics behind the curtain, he slowly took his power back into his hands and interacted with the courtiers. Two years were wasted in the struggle.

Later, when Emperor Chongqing had just gained a foothold, promoted a group of reformist courtiers, and prepared to take drastic measures to implement new policies, dig up carcasses, heal wounds, and scrape viruses to treat diseases, the meteorite fell from the sky in the seventh year of Chongqing.

Da Jingchao, which was already in turmoil, immediately fell into chaos and lost control amid this chaos of living corpses.

For 11 years, Emperor Chongqing worked hard and tried his best to support it, but the world was still getting more chaotic every year. Rebellions in the north came one after another, and there had never been peace in the past 11 years.

Although the South was nominally respectful, secretly it became increasingly disobedient to the imperial government's orders. The wealthy families were overtly respectful and secretly sarcastic, showing little respect for the imperial court.

There are frequent foreign movements outside the borders of the Northland, and the three guards of Wa City are also dissatisfied.

In times of war, exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes are unavoidable. We must collect money from the people at the edge of the town, suppress bandits, exterminate corpses, and subjugate monsters. We must also recruit civilians, which triggers more intense peasant riots.

This has formed a vicious cycle that is difficult to stop. It is like a hamster in a rolling cage. It can only run faster and faster. Once it stops, it will be thrown out immediately.

Nowadays, Emperor Chongqing's sense of control over Dajing's ministers is getting weaker and weaker, making him feel powerless.

The world was in chaos, and he often felt that there was no way to save the world.

"Daban is still injured. The ground is cold. Get up quickly."

Emperor Chongqing bent down and personally helped Li Fugui up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

With an moved smile on his face, Li Fugui stood up, but still bowed slightly.

He then looked at the three cabinet ministers in the Nuan Pavilion wearing crimson civil official uniforms, cupped their hands and said, "My lords!"

The three of them nodded.

"Thank you for your hard work along the way."

After Emperor Chongqing returned to the table, he asked someone to bring a brocade stool for Li Fugui to sit down.

Li Fugui said with a smile: "In order to share your Majesty's worries and to raise food and grass for the frontline soldiers, it is appropriate to work harder."

"Eunuch Li made a great contribution during this trip, otherwise this winter would not be easy!"

An old man with gray hair and beard, sitting on the brocade lantern, still a little tired, looked at Li Fugui with cloudy eyes, raised his hands to him and said.

"Mr. Yuan Zheng is right. Now these 33 shipments of food have really relieved my worries. At least this winter, the food and salary for the northern frontier army will be guaranteed."

A rare smile appeared on Emperor Chongqing's face.

He added: "Next time, my grain transport ship will not have to go through the North Sea and land from the tiger side, which will in vain increase the risk."

Li Fugui nodded and said distressedly: "Yes, this time we set out to sea from Dongyang County, detoured through the East China Sea, entered Beihai, landed at Hufang Port, passed through Xinpan Province, and then passed through Hudu City and Guguo County before entering the capital. There is really a lot of loss along the way.

I heard along the way that the Zhongzhou rebels were sending troops to attack Jingzhou, and I was extremely worried and angry. Fortunately, the government and the public were shocked to hear that General Wang Zhen had repelled the Zhongzhou rebels and recovered the four counties of Changyun, Liyuan, Hengfeng, and Hengbin one after another! "

"General Wang fought this battle beautifully!"

Emperor Chongqing also had a smile on his face: "This time, General Wang dispatched 5,000 Nanyang Guard soldiers and 2,000 Xiaolong Division captains to learn from King Qi's three-stage military formation, and combined with 20 Wandering Dragon Swords and Feiyu Swords, The rebels lost more than 2,000 people in a single charge, and the rebels collapsed immediately.

General Wang took the opportunity to order the Jingzhou Guardsmen to pursue and kill them one after another, and regained the four counties in one fell swoop. If it weren't for the vast roads and dangerous mountains in Shadong County, it would have been possible to directly regain Zhongzhou Province. "

It was a rare victory in recent years. After careful questioning after the war, Emperor Chongqing wrote down almost all the steps and processes of the battle. Whenever he couldn't sleep at night, he chewed it carefully and recalled it, wishing that he was there. On the battlefield, command thousands of troops and horses to regain the world, clean up the old rivers and mountains, and make the great scenery reborn with a new look.

"By the way, let's go to Wuzhou and see what we have learned along the way, how about it?"

Emperor Chongqing asked expectantly.

Emperor Chongqing had a good impression of Ren Pingsheng. Although Ren Pingsheng was an out-and-out local warlord who was not subject to the emperor's orders and was completely separated from central control. If he were to be considered seriously, he was a rebellious traitor. It’s no exaggeration.

However, the other party had already occupied Wuzhou, and the imperial court was unable to regain it, so it could only let it go.

Moreover, Ren Pingsheng was willing to give up the grain road and let the imperial court transport grain back from the south. This was a huge goodwill.

If the Dajing court had strength, Emperor Chongqing would definitely send troops to suppress it. But now that we don't have the strength, we can only pretend to be weak and seek skin from the tiger.

At least, Ren Pingsheng has not officially raised the flag of rebellion, and both sides can get along with each other on the surface.

"Wuzhou Province is really a bit unusual, very different from other places."

Li Fugui looked around and saw that His Majesty and the three cabinet ministers all looked curious and expectant. Knowing the development of Wuzhou is of great reference significance to them.

Therefore, I dare not say a few words, but talk about my experiences along the way in an overall and detailed manner.

"This time I went south to Wuzhou, it was different from last time. When I landed from Dongyang County, Dongyang Port was so big that I had never seen it before. I don't know how big a ship can be berthed in such a port!

Moreover, although several berths have been built at the port, it is still under construction. After landing, after I inquired about it, I found out that there is a shipyard not far from the port. The port was built to dock the ships built by the shipyard...

Afterwards, I led the delegation and after changing to carriages, I found that the road they were traveling on turned out to be extremely smooth stones, more than six meters wide and could accommodate four carriages traveling together!

After inquiry, I learned that the cement road was actually paved with a kind of cement slurry. It only needed to be smeared on the ground. After a few hours of solidification, it formed a road that was smoother and stronger than the stone road!

The cost is lower, the labor is less, and the roads are better.

Moreover, I inquired that all counties in northern Wu are connected by "cement roads". This cement road is so smooth that if a large army is rushing on the road, it will be very easy to travel hundreds of miles in a day! "

Li Fugui spoke in detail, and Emperor Chongqing listened attentively and couldn't help but ask: "Is it so magical?

Can we get this cement slurry? "

The three cabinet ministers also stared at Li Fugui, and they were obviously very concerned about the cement road.

Li Fugui shook his head: "I have asked, and it is very difficult to make, and it is not easy to transport."

"Oh, what a pity."

Emperor Chongqing said regretfully.

He could feel that the military role of this cement road greatly reduced the pressure on the army's logistics and accelerated the deployment of the army.

Next, when Li Fugui mentioned the train, Emperor Chongqing and the three cabinet ministers widened their eyes and their breathing became rapid.

"One car can pull nearly a thousand people?"

"Really travel a thousand miles in a day?"

"How is it possible? It's like listening to a book from heaven. It's really hard to imagine such a scene!"

"Is that true? Tens of thousands of troops can arrive in a blink of an eye. Logistics and food can be supplied in time by train without having to recruit civilians!"

"Then there are no living corpses in Wuzhou Province? Are there no monsters? How can the traffic be so smooth!"

"You said that train was like a black dragon descending into the world?"

"Is it true that Ren Shengsheng will be banished to immortality?"

The cabinet ministers discussed it one after another. Emperor Chongqing was shocked and confused.

Under questioning from the three cabinet ministers and Emperor Chongqing, Li Fugui kept answering the details. Answer their questions based on what you see and hear along the way.

“In only about half an hour by train, we had traveled hundreds of kilometers from Hukou Town to Qingcheng Town.

When I arrived at Qingcheng Town, I was in a trance for a moment. I had a strange and strange feeling, as if I was in another world! "

Li Fugui recalled that when he first arrived in Qingcheng Town, he saw the chimneys that were seventy or eighty meters high, the ten-meter-high buildings facing the street, and the people in the luxuriant city under the lights at night. When wearing colorful clothes and a confident and high-spirited posture, an unprecedented and shocking feeling that made the whole body tremble came out of my heart.

There is also the most prosperous place outside Qingcheng Town. Although it has not yet been completed, it is already more than 20 meters high. It is said that it will eventually be built into a 16-story building, and the final height will reach 46 meters. This makes him I can’t imagine what the 46-meter-tall building will look like after it is completed!


As Li Fugui spoke, he suddenly remembered something. He took out a stack of photos from his sleeves, handed them to the eunuch waiting next to him, and presented them to Emperor Chongqing and three cabinet ministers.

"What's this?"

"Who painted this? How can it be so real and clear?"

Group Assistant Zhan Yifu held the photo in his hand, looked at the Qingcheng street scene in the photo, and couldn't help but wonder.

"This is a photo, taken with a magical object of this size, not drawn by a human being.

On the way back, King Qi sent a specialist from the Propaganda Department to accompany him and take some photos. "

Li Fugui explained with gestures with his hands.

"The people in Qingcheng Town live and work in peace and contentment. They have a place to live, their children are taken care of, and their old age is supported. They live a prosperous life and have three meals a day. There are schools to teach children principles, hospitals to treat injuries and illnesses, and there are high-rise buildings with five or six floors outside the city. , a building more than 20 meters high..."

Listening to Li Fugui's description, Emperor Chongqing looked at the photos and sketched the image of Qingcheng Town in his mind.

"This is a great sage who governs the world! If he could be used by me, why would the great scene be like this? What a pity! What a pity! What a pity!"

Emperor Chongqing couldn't help but stood up from behind the desk, his face full of annoyance, but also full of envy for Ren's life.

Isn't this prosperous and peaceful Wuzhou exactly what he is pursuing?

Li Fugui said: "The King of Qi presented several bicycles produced by the factory to His Majesty, and I brought them all back this time."

"Send it up."

Soon, a brand new bicycle was pushed to the main hall.

"Go on, talk carefully, and talk about everything in detail. Tell us more about Wuzhou and talk about Ren Pingsheng."

The bicycle attracted the attention of Emperor Chongqing and three cabinet ministers. They looked at the bicycle while continuing to listen to Li Fugui's story.

When talking about firearms, cannons, and even airplanes, Emperor Chongqing and his cabinet ministers were so shocked that they became numb.

Li Fugui would never dare to make up such a story to deceive them. There is no doubt about what he said.

"Wuzhou will definitely become a serious problem in the future!"

Zhan Yifu was worried and couldn't help but said.

"It's better to get through the current difficulties first, and then talk about the future! Your Majesty, the current disease of the imperial court is in the north and the capital, not in the south.

According to what the veteran saw, Wuzhou's firearms were fierce, and their quality far exceeded those of the Ministry of Industry's War Bureau.

The veteran suggested that we purchase some firearms from Wuzhou and equip them with the Nanyang Forbidden Army to deal with the rebellion around the capital. "

Yu Yuanzheng is old and a little deaf, but his thinking is very clear.

"What Mr. Yu Ge said is true."

Second Assistant Li Guangyi spoke in support.

Li Guangyi looks to be in his fifties, with gray hair and a beard that is half black and half white, hanging down to his chest.

Regarding the discussion about Wuzhou Province, the emperor and his ministers continued to discuss it until noon. Based on the news brought back by Li Fugui, they made their future attitude towards Wuzhou Province and decided to purchase firearms from Wuzhou Province.

At this time, outside the main hall, the snow had fallen very thickly.

After the three cabinet ministers came out of the gate, the wind mixed with heavy snow blew straight into their necks.

"Under the management of His Highness King Qi, Wuzhou Province is probably like an iron bucket, and water cannot be poured into it."

Zhan Yifu sighed.

"Yisuke doesn't need to worry too much. The most important thing at hand is still the land of Yanzhao. The rebel forces are becoming more and more fierce. Just the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who defeated the thieves can bring down the household department and the court just by consuming food and grass.

Although Wuzhou Province is strong, it is still far away. "

Li Guangyi shook his head.

The imperial court is now surrounded by enemies on all sides, and it is already approaching the end of the dynasty. Who can really care about the threat from Wuzhou Province.

The three of them stepped on the snow and walked in the snow.

They didn't go far when they saw a red-robed captain running from the university, holding a brochure in his hand and running towards Nuange: "Letter from Wa City, urgent for 800 miles!"

"Who is that?"

Yu Yuanzheng squinted his eyes. He had poor eyesight and couldn't see clearly what the captain looked like, nor could he hear clearly what he was shouting. He could only vaguely hear Wacheng, and he couldn't help but frown. Now when he heard the letter from Beidi, he couldn't help but have a headache.

"Back to Grand Master, that is the captain of Nanyang Guard."

The little eunuch who was supporting Yu Yuanzheng closely replied.

"It's a troubled time, eight hundred miles is urgent. It seems that there is another war in the North!"

"It's bitterly cold in the north, and it's extremely cold this year. The aliens are determined to seize the border. We must defend ourselves well, otherwise the people in the border areas will suffer again."

"I'll just wait here. His Majesty may call me back again."

Sure enough, not long after, Emperor Chongqing summoned them back to Nuange and sent people to summon the Minister of War and the Minister of Hubu to discuss matters together.

"The three guards of Wa City rebelled?"

When he re-entered the Nuan Pavilion, he saw that Emperor Chongqing had a sad look on his face and his brows were furrowed.

This news made the three pavilion elders couldn't help but be shocked. They thought of the aliens seizing the border, but they never thought that the three guards of Nahua City would surrender and rebel again at this time! (End of chapter)

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