Behind me is the earth

Chapter 334 332 Building a factory and preparing a mercenary organization

"I'm not a god, at least not the god you imagine."

Opening a factory in Mexico City, what Ren wants to do in his life is too down-to-earth, so there is no need for him to act like a "god", carry the baggage of a "god", and play a high-ranking role.

But if he can wear a "god" cloak, it will also help him achieve his goals in this strange country.

He was thinking as he spoke.

God does not only refer to supernatural power. Nowadays, apart from the specific title, it is also a general title, and it also refers to a kind of metaphysical spirit and thought.

Ren always wanted to rely on mysterious power to intimidate Sam, a broker who wanders in the gray area, and let him be used by me.

But he didn't expect that when such a power actually appeared in the real world, the impact on people would be so great that Sam subjectively gave him the identity of "god". After Ren Pingsheng thought about it, he didn't completely refuse.

So he went on to say: "You may understand that I am God's walker on earth."

"Your Majesty the Envoy of God!"

Sam, who grew up in a religious family, understood immediately and said respectfully.

Ren Pingsheng nodded: "When you walk in the world, just call me Mr. Qi."

"Yes! Mr. Qi."

Sam changed his words.

He had thousands of things in his mind that he wanted to ask the God who saved him, such as what is the name of our true God, what is our sect, should we preach, should we perform miracles...but this The adult didn't say anything, and he didn't dare to take the initiative to ask.


What a sacred, great, familiar, strange, close yet distant title!

Make him feel close, majestic, and distant.

In the endless flow of streets, surrounded by this familiar city, his mind was still a little dazed. When his eyes fell on Mr. Qi, who saved his life, he became firm.

Ren Pingsheng stood still: "Stand next to me."

After Seim carefully stood beside him, Ren Pingsheng continued to walk forward: "Can you give me a Mexican identity?"


Sam nodded. This was a small problem for him. He gave an example: "There are many channels, or you can use US dollars to clear the way and go to government personnel to handle it. If your identity is sensitive and it is inconvenient to go to the government to handle it, you can also buy it on the dark web."

"Any method is fine, apply for an identity for me. Then, open a company, deposit the money I give you, and then buy several manufacturing plants that can manufacture ammunition, firearms and other arms; they can produce tank fire control, communications Electronic factories such as electronic accessories; and communication equipment manufacturing factories.”

Ren Pingsheng silently took a piece of paper with more than a dozen lines of words written in English.

He handed it to Sam, who took it with both hands: "According to the requirements of this list, go and acquire the factory."

This was a list Ruan Tang gave him when he came back, to make demand-oriented purchases to prevent the wrong version of the goods.


When he opened the door, he hit the bell on the door and made a crisp ringing sound.

"Two lattes."

The two sat down by the window. Ren Pingsheng pointed to a toy house placed on the counter: "Waiter, get it for me."

The freckled girl looked at the pink cartoon candy house on the counter in surprise. Unexpectedly, this handsome oriental man had such a cute and childlike heart, so she brought it to him with a smile.

Ren Pingsheng pushed open the door of the candy hut and connected the transit space. A capsule flew out and fell into the palm of his hand.

"This is start-up capital."

Ren Pingsheng placed the capsule on the table.

Sam picked up the capsule doubtfully, but it was not as ordinary as it looked when it fell into his hand. It was cold and extremely heavy after he took it.

"Find a safe place to open."

Ren Pingsheng reminded him.

This capsule is a space capsule he asked Han Ling'er to make. The space inside is not big, only as big as two cubes. Moreover, because the spiritual materials used are poor and the production time is short, the space inside is not stable. After opening, the contents inside will fall out, and the space will collapse and disappear after opening.

Sam put away the capsule, looked at the list in his hand, and mentally remembered who among his connections could help him complete these tasks.

Ren Pingsheng looked out the window and looked at the people coming and going on the street.

There are also Chinese-looking faces in the crowd.

After drinking a cup of coffee, Sam put down the paper in his hand: "Sir, I will finish this in a month."


Ren Pingsheng nodded.

It’s just the end of the New Year, so I’ll come over again.

Ren Pingsheng added: "In addition to acquiring factories, we will also establish a mercenary company and form a mercenary group of about two thousand people."

Building factories abroad is just the first step.

On Earth, he has greater ambitions and plans.

"no problem."

Sam nodded.

It is naturally very difficult to form a mercenary organization between the government and the drug lord group.

But setting up a security company, with his connections and the money to clear the way, he could still do it.

"I'll come back to you in a month."

Ren Pingsheng stood up, patted Sam on the shoulder, made a "ding" sound, opened the door and walked out.

Sam stood up and chased towards the door, but when he opened the door and looked out, Ren Pingsheng was no longer there.

He searched confusedly among the crowd to no avail, took off his wife's coat and put it on his shoulders.

"It's amazing!"

Even the blood stains on his suit were gone.

Returning to his apartment in Brijos, Sam opened the door and returned home.

He stood at the bar and poured himself a glass of whiskey.

After drinking a glass of wine, everything that happened today still made him feel unreal.

He stretched out his hand, and the capsule lay quietly in his palm.

I tried to open this god-given capsule, but when I tried to break it open, the capsule was broken open.

As the capsule was opened, a large amount of stuff suddenly spewed out.


Bundles of colorful dollars fell to the ground. Some gold bricks also fell to the ground, making a sound when they collided with the ground.


Seeing the money falling out of the small capsule and forming a mountain of money, Sam's eyes widened.

The gold mountain greatly impacted his attention, but surprisingly, Sam found that he did not become greedy for money as before.

Because something even more magical happened to him, which has changed his worldview for more than thirty years, giving him a completely different view of the world.

Villa No. 4, Ruiyuan Beppu, Zi City.

When Seim returned home, Ren Pingsheng had already crossed the vast Pacific Ocean and returned to his home in Zishi.

For Mexico and his party, Ren has paid very little cost in his life.

For him now, the more than 20 million US dollars with unknown origins are completely something he can take and ask for. This kind of money can only be of value if it is given to people like Seim who wander in the gray area.

"There are so many drug lords in the world, they are like cash machines that give and take what they want. To me, money is no longer a scarce thing."

Ren Pingsheng took a bottle of milk beer from the refrigerator, walked to the terrace outside the third floor, sat on the rocking chair, and looked at the scenery outside.

“Although money is no longer important, spending money and then converting it into real productivity, influence and power still requires a process.

Only the accumulated assets can create the most solid throne. "

Ren Pingsheng shook the milk beer in his hand and placed it on the small square table nearby.

Lying on the rocking chair, I took out my mobile phone to check WeChat and email, and browsed short videos and headlines.

"Did Qingguo bear fruit?"

Ren Pingsheng saw Professor Fang’s message.

After reading the message, Ren Pingsheng scanned it with his mind and found an envelope from Qingcheng Biological Laboratory in the mailbox at the door.

The envelope flew into his hands from downstairs, and after opening it, there was a test result.

Ren Pingsheng didn't care about the experimental data inside, and he couldn't understand it either. He directly found the conclusion at the bottom, and the handwritten letter written by Professor Fang to him.

"It turns out that the first results have been obtained."

"Blockers can effectively block the toxicity of green fruits from invading the brain, but it is still difficult to completely eliminate the toxicity and requires an injection every month."

After reading the letter, Ren Pingsheng took out his cell phone and called Professor Fang and asked him to send someone to deliver a batch of blockers.

Not long after, a Mercedes-Benz G came to the downstairs of Villa No. 4, and Fang Shimin got out of the car carrying a silver suitcase.

"Why did Professor Fang come here in person?"

Ren Pingsheng opened the door for him and invited him in.

"Mr. Ren, apart from the blockers, our laboratory has made new discoveries. It's not convenient to tell you on the phone. I just happened to come over and report to Mr. Ren in person.

Thank you Mr. Ren! "

Fang Shimin said, took the cup of tea handed over by Ren Pingsheng, sniffed the mouth of the cup, and couldn't help but praise: "Good tea!"

"What was the discovery?"

Ren Pingsheng said curiously.

Ren Pingsheng was already pleasantly surprised by the blocker alone.

If the cost of this blocker is not high, we can rely on the blocker to create undead soldiers who can keep their minds clear!

"We found that this green fruit can form a symbiotic relationship with people. After symbiosis, it can achieve the effects of regeneration of severed limbs, enhanced strength, skin hardening, rapid recovery, enhanced activity, etc. Unfortunately, the side effects of green fruit cannot be removed now. Once they can be removed, ·······”

Fang Shimin looked very excited when he talked about it.

Ren Pingsheng frowned, looked at Fang Shimin, his eyes became a little cold: "Wait a minute, are you doing human experiments?"

The moment Fang Shimin and Ren Pingsheng looked into each other's eyes, it was as if cold water had been poured on them. Their excitement instantly cooled down, and they even couldn't help being shocked.

"A former student of mine had her legs amputated due to a fire last year. I gave her a job in the laboratory, and also got involved in the research on green fruits, and signed a confidentiality agreement.

After the blocker was successful, she strongly applied for human experiments, and last Thursday, she was injected with No. 14 green fruit extract. Now her body activity is increasing day by day, and earth-shaking changes are taking place every day. With continuous daily injections, her legs, which have already healed, are showing obvious signs of growth..."

Fang Shimin said, took out his tablet and played a recorded video.

In the video, the injection process and the daily changes of the experimental subject were recorded.

The experimental subject was a woman in her thirties, with gold-rimmed eyes on her face, and she looked somewhat similar to Jiang Shuying. She was wearing a pure white top and only a pair of loose white shorts underneath, revealing her broken leg that looked ferocious due to amputation.

In the video, the woman's complexion was getting better day by day. When the video was taken in the next few days, her face was already very surprised. She must have felt a change in her legs.

"Although the blocking agent can block the toxicity, it shouldn't be able to block the body's desire for green fruits, right?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

"Yes, but according to the diagnosis of the physical examination and the injection according to the dosage, it will not cause a big burden on the body."

Fang Shimin nodded and said.

"Although it can keep the brain awake despite the toxicity of green fruit, the side effects will still show up slowly, right?"

Up to now, Ren Pingsheng still has about 40,000 immortals in his hands. Although they are called immortals, they are not truly immortal.

As a living thing, what Qingguo pursues does not go beyond the biological instinct of breeding offspring. Even if their toxins do not affect the brain, it does not mean that their activities in the human body will stop. They will eventually penetrate the human body and become Become a green fruit tree.

Fang Shimin opened the suitcase, and with a casual "chi" sound, a burst of white gas came out, revealing 20 blue blocker injections arranged side by side inside.

"Mr. Ren, the side effects cannot be eliminated now, but as long as you conduct a physical examination every once in a while, and then adjust the content of Qingguo No. 14 extract based on the physical examination results to maintain the balance of the symbiotic relationship between Qingguo and the human body, your body's condition will not Favoring destruction."

Ren Pingsheng nodded to express understanding, picked up a blocker, and shook it slightly. You could see a faint blue fluorescence in the liquid in the injection: "How much does this blocker cost?"

"Now one is about 20,000 yuan."

Fang Shimin said.


The cost is not low either.

After the two communicated again about Qingguo's research for a while, Fang Shimin said goodbye and left.

"It won't happen again."

When Fang Shimin opened the door and was about to get in the car, he suddenly heard Mr. Ren's warning.

He was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Mr. Ren meant.

This was a warning to him about human experimentation.


Fang Shimin replied solemnly.

Watching Fang Shimin get into the car and leave, Ren Pingsheng closed the door.

Sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, although the winter in Zishi is very cold, when the sunlight shines on the body through the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window mirror, it still makes the whole body warm.

Ren Pingsheng shook the connection and looked at the sunlight outside the window. The blue liquid in the spiral needle tube became more and more brilliant in fluorescence. (End of chapter)

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