Behind me is the earth

Chapter 338 336 The horse with strong official desires

Chapter 338 336. The horse with strong official desires

"handsome or not?"

Ren Pingsheng turned around in front of the floor-length mirror.

"Handsome! Young master looks handsome in whatever he wears!"

Xiaowan watched the young master put on a round-neck scholar's shirt, holding a folding fan with a splash-ink landscape and gently shaking it, and clapped his hands happily beside him.

She herself also wore a blue gown, with her hair in a bun, fixed with a sandalwood hairpin, which made her look elegant and a little more heroic.

"Xiaowan is also very beautiful."

Ren Pingsheng stared at her chest.

I remember that the last time she wore men's clothing, it didn't feel out of place, but now it's no longer the case. Her bulging breasts can make people tell at a glance that she is a Xibei.


When Xiaowan heard the young master praising her, her face couldn't stop being happy: "The young master has such good taste!"

To her, the young master is her eternal white moonlight.

"How do we go out for research? Do we drive?"

Xiaowan asked.

"That won't work. The goal of driving is too obvious. Let's go by carriage."

The reason why Ren Pingsheng made this year's research plan is, firstly, to go out for a field visit and truly observe what is happening at the grassroots level so that he can have a clear idea. The second is to observe the local customs and customs, relax and cultivate your state of mind. The third is to take some of the top young reserve officials out to broaden their horizons and lay a foundation for future political service.

It is necessary to really walk, watch and learn, and master first-hand information.

We also need to travel around the world to promote spiritual transformation.

It is also necessary to cultivate training and education to broaden the knowledge of officials.

Although he dressed up as a scribe, when Ren Pingsheng really went on the road, he still had a total of more than fifty warriors and strangers with cultivation levels above Huajin. Such a lineup would be able to defeat thousands of troops even if they encountered it. Quickly protect the target person and rush out.

In addition to the more than 20 young reserve cadres, as well as people from the Secretariat Office and Supervision Section, there was a team of about 200 people. A total of fifty carriages lined up on the roadside, attracting many passers-by. Frequent side glances.

"There are too many entourages. We have to reduce the number of people for the next trip. It will be difficult not to attract attention if we mobilize a large number of troops like this."

Ren Pingsheng got into the car under the respectful welcome of everyone, but he felt a little dissatisfied.

"Next time, we can divide the people into several research groups to go down. This way we can get more data and get more objective results."

Ruan Tang said as he put Ren Pingsheng into the car.

However, she was not with Ren Pingsheng.

Although Ren Pingsheng's destination this time is Yile County, he is slow and will also observe the public sentiment in various counties. As for the newly built oil wells in Yile County, she still needs to go back to guide the start-up.

After sending Ren Shengsheng off to the carriage, she took the off-road vehicle directly to Yile County.

"Da da da, da da da..."

The strong horses raised their iron hoofs. When the horseshoes collided with the asphalt road, they made a clear and rhythmic impact.

However, the interior of the cabin is very stable. The wide bottom of the cabin has been equipped with suspension, making walking on the road very smooth.

On the small square table in the carriage, Ren Pingsheng was lying on the sofa, gnawing on the apple that Xiaowan had peeled for him, and looking out the window at the endless green paddy fields.

The weather was not very good this year, with very little rain throughout March.

The paddy fields were better, but the wheat fields in the north of Wuzhou were somewhat affected. Fortunately, in the past two years when Ren Pingsheng was in the north, he took charge of the water conservancy projects in Yuntai County and Dongyang County. This year, with the opening of the gates and the release of water, a lot of losses were made up.

However, Fengqi County and Guyi County will definitely be affected, and grain production will be reduced a lot.

"Xiaowan, can you control the rainfall now?"

Ren Pingsheng asked Xiaowan who was washing fruits.

"It also depends on the amount of water vapor in the air. If there is very little water vapor in the air, the water element will be reduced accordingly. In this way, the amount of water I can control will be very small, making it difficult to form a real rain. "

Xiaowan said and cast a small spell.

In the carriage, water vapor condensed above, and several clouds of water vapor appeared out of thin air.

As the clouds collided, tiny thunderbolts appeared and made a crackling sound.

Then raindrops fell down and landed on the wool carpet on the floor of the carriage.

However, these water droplets did not wet the carpet, but when they landed on the carpet, they turned into water vapor again and were swept out of the car.

Ren Pingsheng looked at the small carriage space that seemed to have become a microclimate. It seemed like an exquisite scientific experiment. When the local climate occurs in such a small space, it gives people an especially stunning visual experience.

However, according to Xiaowan's description, her current ability is just like artificial intervention in rainfall. It is not possible to directly control rainwater artificially, but can only control the rainy clouds and control the condensation nuclei to achieve rainfall.

Of course, Xiaowan's special ability is stronger than artificial intervention in rainfall. It can artificially condense clouds at fixed locations to cause rainfall.

"The scope of my control over the water element is still too small now. If this scope can be wider, I can mobilize the water vapor in the distance, transport it to the corresponding location, and then implement rainfall."

Xiaowan dismissed the performance inside the carriage and said regretfully.

"What if you create rain clouds in a location with abundant water vapor, and then Wangshu controls the wind to blow the rain clouds to the corresponding location, and then it rains?"

Ren Pingsheng thought for a moment and asked.

When Xiaowan heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up: "I think you can give it a try!"

"Well, let's find a chance to try."

Ren Pingsheng threw the fruit core outside into the ditch on the side of the road.

With the development of supernatural powers now, they should not only be used in warfare, but also be used in the field of social and people's livelihood to benefit all people and improve productivity.

Xiaowan finished washing the fruit, peeled another mango for Ren Pingsheng, handed it to him and said at the same time: "Master, do you still remember the first horse we bought when we were in Qingcheng Town?"


Ren Pingsheng nodded: "When we returned to Liujia Village during the Chinese New Year, it was thanks to that horse."

Although it is just a pack horse, as the first horse, it is like the first car bought in life. It will not be easily forgotten.

Ren Pingsheng could still remember clearly the scene where Xiaowan was distressed and talked about it for several days because he spent 75 taels of silver.

"Later, didn't the young master reward the horse to Liu Qiang? Later, Liu Qiang rarely rode on the battlefield, so he gave it to Qin Sheng, and Qin Sheng kept it with him. Just a few days ago Qin Sheng reported that the red-maned horse actually became a spirit a year ago!"

Xiaowan said in surprise.

"Is he a sperm!?"

Ren Pingsheng was also a little surprised.

It was truly fate, that horse actually had such a chance.

But he was just surprised. Since the first monster Ren saw in his life was a piece of rotten wood in his boudoir, he rarely disturbed his emotions when he saw other monsters.

"Yes, and the intelligence is not low, and he can speak human language. According to what Qin Sheng said in the memorial, the red-maned horse is very motivated and actually wants to be a general!

Qin Sheng actually recommended Na Ma to be a squad leader at the end of the memorial. Of course, he was recommended to be the squad leader of the logistics force. "

Xiaowan covered her mouth and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ren Pingsheng couldn't help but smile: "That red-maned horse is also an idealist."

"Ah Qiu~"

Located in the Wangjiang County military camp, the dozing red-maned horse suddenly sneezed. Just in time to see Qin Sheng coming over, he stood up and shouted urgently: "General, general , I asked the general to give me the request, has the general asked the old master for me?"

"Please, please, please be patient."

Qin Sheng said to it.

"General, it's not that I can't bear it, it's just that I really want to make progress!"

The horse stayed in the military camp all year round and was used to seeing the fighting on the battlefield, but as a pack horse, he had imagined that one day he could be as commanding and majestic as those riding horses on the battlefield.

Now that he has become a spirit, both his head and body have been completely transformed, and are no longer comparable to ordinary horses. His dream of charging recklessly on the battlefield has been further enhanced by it, and he wants to become a horse leading soldiers and horses in battle. General!

"Really, I want to make progress so much!"

The red-maned horse repeated it again.

As a newly matured horse, he doesn't have as many twists and turns as humans, and he is very straightforward about what he wants.

"Wait a moment, don't worry."

Qin Sheng was helpless because of this guy, so he wrote a letter specifically for it.

After all, this horse was bought by Butler Xiaowan and given to General Liu by the prince, who in turn gave it to him. Its background is not small. Although it is just a pack horse, its connections are not much worse than mine.

"If you have any news, please inform me immediately!"

The red-maned horse shouted towards Qin Sheng's running back.

Seeing that Qin Sheng was gone and the red-maned horse was no longer drowsy, it kicked the ground with its hooves and ran to find a military instructor to learn how to read. It felt that it should be like those officers. Actively study cultural courses, and it is best to be admitted to a military academy for further studies in the future, so that you can have a better chance of becoming a General Ma and realize your ideal.

The expectations of the red-maned horse were not disappointed. When Ren Shengsheng passed through Wangjiang County, he actually came to the military camp to visit it.

He also promised that as long as he learned 500 words, he agreed to appoint him as the squad leader of the logistics unit, and let him start at the grassroots level, and then gradually be promoted after he was really recognized by other soldiers.

This made the red-maned horse very excited, and its enthusiasm for learning became even higher.

"Practice well. The Third Army may make some moves this year."

Ren Pingsheng took a look at the army's training and said to Qin Sheng before leaving.

Now, the recruitment of regular soldiers has been basically completed, and most of the expansion plan for Wuzhou Guard's five armies has been completed. After the third batch of new recruits were trained in Yuntai County in the first half of the year, the expansion plan for the five armies was basically completed. By then, Wuzhou Guard will have more than 150,000 regular soldiers.

In the second half of the year, troops will be recruited one after another and slowly added to each team. Finally, the plan of 200,000 regular soldiers will be completed by the end of this year.

These are not regular soldiers in production. Although the money and food they consume is huge, in fact, the percentage of military expenditures is not high given the current productivity of Wuzhou Province. It is even lower than the investment in road construction, urban construction, and education. There are many more of these.

"The final general will ensure that the training mission is completed with quality and quantity. By the middle of this year, the combat effectiveness of the newly formed 302nd Division and 303rd Division will definitely be formed!"

Qin Sheng assured.


Ren Pingsheng shook hands with Qin Sheng with satisfaction, got on the carriage, and left the Third Army barracks under the watch of Qin Sheng's officers and red-maned horses.

"This asphalt road runs quite smoothly."

When the carriage passed the Lan Yangtze River, Ren Pingsheng was surprised to find that the asphalt road named Qile Road actually ran underground!

Compared with building a bridge over water, the construction cost and construction difficulty of underwater travel are more than a little higher. Previously, it took more than half a year to build the Liusha River Bridge in Hukou Town. Later, with the help of Dongyang Giants and Sharks, the construction speed was accelerated and the railway connected the north and south of the Liusha River.

Ren Pingsheng couldn't believe for a moment that such a neat underground tunnel could be built in Wuzhou, a country with backward productivity!

"Slow down after entering the tunnel, be careful of collisions, and don't stay in the river tunnel!"

When the carriage team entered the underground tunnel along the gentle slope, the person on duty at the tunnel entrance told the team.

After entering the tunnel, there are gas lamps at regular intervals on the walls on both sides of the tunnel, illuminating the tunnel.

Through the light, you can see that the top of the entire tunnel is made of bluestone and is arched, holding the top firmly.

It goes without saying that this is a huge project. Even if it were placed on the earth, it would take a year of effort, but Qile Road was built in only a few months, including this underwater tunnel!

"Who built this?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

Xiaowan asked the people outside, and soon a clerk ran over and said outside: "Your Majesty, it was built by the Fourth Branch of the Highway Bureau of the Ministry of Industry."

Ren Pingsheng raised the curtain: "Get in the car and talk back."


The clerk jumped on the carriage, but he only sat in front of the carriage and did not enter the carriage.

"How was this underwater tunnel built?"

Ren Pingsheng mentally inspected the tunnel. The construction quality was very high, the road surface was wide, and the narrowest distance from the top was more than four meters. When trucks are produced in the future, this tunnel will still meet the transportation conditions.

"Back to your lord, the Ministry of Industry has dispatched aliens from the civil engineering department to participate in the construction. Not just here, the Ministry of Industry has been trying to involve aliens from the civil engineering department in many projects since the end of last year. , good results have been achieved in many projects.

In fact, the Ministry of Industry has begun to study the establishment of a foreign subject in the Department of Civil Engineering with the Yuntai University School of Foreign Studies. "

Well, before Ren Pingsheng was still thinking about turning Yiren into real productivity in the field of people's livelihood, he didn't expect that it had already been put into use.

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