Behind me is the earth

Chapter 352 350 Consecrated God

The gongs and drums are noisy, and firecrackers are blasting.

There are ripples in Huaxian Lake, and water splashes appear on the water, like gushes from a fountain below.

Countless colorful fish rotate clockwise around the water splash, like a beautiful flower.

"It turned out to be a golden loach."

Ren Pingsheng reached into the water with his telekinesis, searched for it, and saw the source of the trouble.

It is a golden loach. This loach is eight feet long, has a beard, and has golden fins on both sides of its neck. When the fins flap in the water, they look like a pair of wings.

Moreover, this loach actually grew two claws under its belly. It seems that after becoming a spirit, it has turned into an amphibian.

At this time, he was swimming under the water, and his huge body stirred up waves.

"Sacrifice humans!"

An old man wearing a silk gown, with a gray beard and a bookish look on his body was the host of the sacrifice. He stood on the shore of the lake. When he saw this magical scene in front of him, he immediately beamed with joy and raised his hands to shout loudly. shouted the people behind.

Over there, six men, six women, and twelve children had their hands tied, and everyone put them on the boat.

At this time, some of the twelve children, who were only five or six years old, did not know what was going on. They just felt that the scene was extremely lively. They were also laughing and joking on the small boat that was swaying with the waves. There are also precocious ones who burst into tears after seeing their parents crying in frustration and having their hands tied.


A loud shout.

Du Wenye, the magistrate of Yutai County, strode over.

He was a son of the Du family in Dongyang County, and he was only in his early twenties. At this time, he and the county captain crowded in with dozens of government officials and nearly a hundred armed militiamen.

"Master Du!"

The old man bowed his hands towards Du Wenye and saluted.

"Mr. Lu, you are also a scholar, how can you kill these children?"

Du Wenye walked up to the front and directly put the murder label on Mr. Lu's head, hoping that the old man would be cautious and achieve his goal without bloodshed.

There are too many people here, and Du Wenye doesn't want bloodshed to happen.

Once a large-scale bloodshed occurs, it will not be a good thing for his political career.

However, if today's sacrifice is successfully completed and the six pairs of boys and girls are really drowned in the lake, then for him, it will not be a simple issue like a stain on his political career. Once the official website is online, the official hat will definitely be removed from the head.

Therefore, his gaze was extremely firm and he was ready to use force.

"This is an activity to worship gods. Thousands of people from eight villages in ten miles witnessed it. Even the parents of the child agreed. How can it be considered murder?"

Faced with the magistrate's statement, Mr. Lu said very calmly.


Du Wenye frowned.

A lot of work had been done in the early stage, and he no longer had any illusions about being able to get the job done when facing these gentry and landlords at this last moment.

He took a loudspeaker from his staff, turned on the switch, and said loudly: "Folks, I am Du Wenye, the magistrate of Yutai County. I took office as the magistrate of Yutai County in September last year. I served from the end of last year to the middle of April this year. , presided over and completed the first round of household registration, land measurement, and farm distribution to each household."

The tweeter spread his voice, even suppressing the sound of the gongs and drums.

Suddenly, thousands of people cheered.

Obviously, through the work of establishing a household system and allocating fields to each household, a large number of people obtained land and benefited from it, so they naturally supported the magistrate who allocated their fields to them.

Du Wenye also took advantage of this opportunity and continued: "I know why the folks gathered here today. It is simply to sacrifice human sacrifices to the Water Dragon King in the lake, to pray for good weather next year, to pray for a fruitful fishing trip, and to pray for good harvests next year. Be safe and sound.”

"The magistrate is right!"

someone shouted.

"But don't you know?"

Du Wenye asked someone to pull the carriage over. He stood on the carriage and stood on a high place so that the people present could see him.

He continued: "The reason for your good harvest this year is not the so-called Water Dragon King. It is His Highness King Qi!

It is the fairy seeds he brought down from the sky for you to cultivate!

It was he who built the fertilizer factory and sprinkled the fertilizer on the ground, giving the earth a spiritual energy.

Only in this way can we have the great harvest that is coming this year.

And the good weather is not the result of the Water Dragon King in the lake, but His Highness King Qi's protection for all the people!

Who is His Highness King Qi? He is a banished immortal from heaven who came down to earth, and he is the most noble immortal in the world. You don’t know how to worship King Qi, but what kind of Water Dragon King are you worshiping here? Aren't you worried about offending the true gods in the world by worshiping these wild gods and hairy gods in such a grand manner? "

Du Wenbin scolded in a high-pitched voice.

For a moment, the thousands of people gathered here were really suppressed.

For a while, the gongs and drums stopped, and the shore was silent. Only the water splashing on the water surface became more and more churning. The ripples on the water surface have turned into layers of waves, lapping on the lake shore with a "crash" sound. superior.

Defeat magic with magic, this is what Du Wenbin thought about on his way here today.

Don’t you believe in gods?

Is there a nobler god in this world than His Royal Highness King Qi?

He looked around at the silent people and saw that they were indeed moved by him.

Du Wenbin knew that he was able to do this with the help of His Highness King Qi's high prestige among the people, and not by relying on his personal ability.

Although Fengqi County just won the county seat last year, Ren Pingsheng's influence here is weaker than that in Yuntai County and Dongyang County, and it is also weaker than Changguo County and Fuzhou County.

However, with the tangible benefits brought to the people by immortal seeds, transportation infrastructure, and farm distribution to households, as well as the spread of mythical deeds such as King Qi slaying the demon dragon, the prestige of King Qi has definitely occupied the hearts of the people. Important portion!

What's more, there is also the authority of the government here.

Du Wenbin worked hard and took advantage of the opportunity of the thousands of people being restrained by him to continue: "Folks, when I come here today, I will not let you make a big mistake!

The code promulgated by His Highness the King of Qi has a clear explanation. For murder, if it is discovered at the planning stage, the principal culprit will be beheaded, and the accomplices will be sentenced to hanging, a hundred sticks, and three thousand miles of exile. , Three generations of descendants will not be able to hold office!

Sacrifice of humans and animals is inherently unethical and unethical, but we still use our own children!

What you are doing is so stupid!

Is it necessary to violate the laws of the country and the orders of His Highness King Qi by worshiping this wild god who has never been enshrined by the government? "

As Du Wenbin finished speaking in a stern voice, many people in the scene actually woke up from the madman who had just been involved in the sacrificial ceremony. They were not afraid of Du Wenbin using the law to argue their case. After all, these thousands of people gathered here, and they had always been They all have a tradition of not punishing everyone according to the law.

But they are not afraid of the law, but they are a little afraid that such sacrifices will be held accountable by the King of Qi.

"This Du Wenbin is quite clever."

Ren Pingsheng, who was on the edge of the crowd, couldn't help but smile when he saw Du Wenbin giving a passionate speech.

The reserve officials around Ren Shengsheng were also studying silently as they looked at Du Wenbin.

In fact, this is also a unique emergency response lesson for them.

In the career of an official, when he later becomes a local official, especially when he is a grassroots official such as a county magistrate or a town mayor, he will definitely face many emergencies. How to face and handle such emergencies well? Emergencies are a direct test of the capabilities of grassroots officials.

"Show your identity, close the distance, gain trust, leverage your strength, and explain the laws..."

Zhang Huaian looked at Du Wenbin's speech and summarized it, trying to form a framework to integrate it into his own knowledge system.


The sound of water floated, and the waves rippling on the lake became bigger and bigger, washing against the shore of the lake and causing the boat carrying the children to shake violently.

"Pay attention, there is something strange about the 'Water Dragon King'!"

Ren Pingsheng asked Han Jun.

Han Jun nodded and walked silently towards the lake, ready to rescue the children at any time.


Among the thousands of people who were being attracted by the magistrate, only a few noticed that the hemp rope tied to the wooden stake on the boat on the lake had broken very tightly. With a soft sound, the rope broke instantly, and that moment The small wooden boat, as if attracted, quickly rushed towards the fountain surrounded by fish.

At the same time, a staff member next to Du Wenbin suddenly jumped up, unsheathed the sword in his hand, stepped on the lake water with his feet, and the water exploded. He caught up with the boat after only two ups and downs, and stood on the bow of the boat, facing the fish on the lake. With one slash, a huge force exploded into the water in an instant. The mouth of the "gududu" spring was split open, and a large amount of blood emerged from the fish, dyeing the water red!

At this time, the fountain that was scattered by his knife had turned into a bloody vortex, and the suction force became even greater!

Even the boat was spinning.

The children in the boat were frightened.

The staff member straightened his waist and stood firmly on the bow of the rotating boat. He frowned and looked at the whirlpool. He flicked the hand holding the knife, and the blade suddenly buzzed. Then he jumped up and headed towards Plunge into the center of the vortex!

As his wrist vibrated, the horizontal knife in his hand quickly stirred against the direction of the vortex. Under the huge mutual force, he was suspended above the water. The vortex was actually stirred by him, becoming smaller and smaller, and tended to dissipate.


Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly saw sparkling golden light emerging from the water.

The next moment, he only saw a flash of golden light and had to put the knife away to protect himself. The next moment, a surging force suddenly broke the carbon steel knife in his hand and hit him in the chest and abdomen.


Blood spilled into the sky.

This scene attracted the attention of countless people. A golden light and shadow appeared on the water, shining under the sun. Before they could see clearly what the light and shadow was, they saw the staff member spitting blood and being knocked away. A parabola was drawn in the air and fell to the river bank.

Someone stepped forward, caught the staff member and took a dozen steps back, neutralizing the impact, and placed the angry staff member on the ground.

This man was wearing a black moiré brocade robe and a big hat, looking seriously at the churning lake surface that seemed to be boiling.

"Lord Linghu!"

Zhang Wenbin, the county magistrate, jumped down from the top of the sedan and ran to Linghu Ming.

Linghu Ming is the captain of the Shenjian Division stationed in Yutai County.

Nowadays, the Shenjian Division and the Night Cat Organization, one overt and the other covert, form the main force against extraordinary forces in Wuzhou Province. This kind of sacrificial activity took place in Huaxian Lake today, and he also came here early with the people from Yutai Shenjian Division.

"Can you handle it?"

Zhang Wenbin first looked at his staff, then looked at Linghu Ming, and asked worriedly.

He looked around and saw the expressions of the people on the shore. It was obvious that the people were in an uproar because of the sudden appearance of the golden fish tail.

This Water Dragon King looks difficult to deal with!

Linghu Ming held the long sword in his hand tightly and shook his head.

He didn't know if he could deal with the Water Dragon King himself, but at this time, the boat on the lake was still carrying crying children, heading towards the whirlpool on the lake. If he didn't take action, he would soon be killed by Huaxian Lake. Devoured.

"Sir, those boys and girls must be sacrificed to the Water Dragon King. Otherwise, if the Water Dragon King becomes angry, what will happen to our eight villages in the future? When the Water Dragon King is angry, what will happen to our fishing villages that rely on fishing? You can't help us. Leave a way to survive!"

Nalu scholar complained loudly.

At this time, it also attracted the support of many people.

"Hmph, you foolish man, if you dare to say more, I will kill you and sacrifice you to this monster!"

Linghu Ming felt irritated when he heard this. He glanced at Lu Xiucai with his slender red phoenix eyes, revealing his murderous intent. It was actually much more effective than Zhang Wenbin's sincere words. He frightened the scholar all of a sudden. He originally wanted to cheer up. He shut up decisively.

The nature of the Shenjian Division and the Yamen are fundamentally different.

The Shenjian Division itself is a violent department belonging to the military. It does not have as many twists and turns as in the Yamen, and people's livelihood politics have nothing to do with them. If he really violated them, these killers could really brave the disapproval of the world and cut off his head with a sword.

"Lian Guang, Chang Shu, you two, let me raid the formation, and I'll go meet this monster!

If anyone takes the opportunity to stir up trouble, he will be killed without mercy! "

After Linghu Ming finished speaking, he glanced at Lu Xiucai, and then jumped directly into the water.

As soon as he entered the water, he was like an arrow leaving the string. A white line was drawn in the water. In a few breaths, he was already close to the boat. The embroidered robe was rolled up and several children were thrown to the shore.

Lian Guang and Chang Shu caught the crying children one by one and placed them on the ground.

"Disaster, disaster! The Water Dragon King protects our fishing villages. If the Water Dragon King hadn't secretly helped us, how could we have been able to catch a lot of fish every time we went out on the boat? It doesn't matter if you offended the Dragon King, we will suffer... ·”

Lu Xiucai was mumbling there.

But because the two killers around him were eyeing him, he only dared to whisper.


As Linghu Ming dives into the water, a column of water explodes from time to time on the water. When blown by the wind, it suddenly disperses into water vapor all over the sky. The lake water drips and falls on the faces of the people on the lakeside. The people on the shore quickly get wet. , a piece of coolness.

They looked at the lake nervously.

Ten minutes later, red blood suddenly appeared in the water.

"hold head high!"

There was a high-pitched cry, and the next moment a golden shadow rushed out of the water, soared into the sky, spiraled above the lake, and floated in the air. The eight-foot-long figure glowed golden under the sunlight. It radiated in all directions, as if wrapped in a golden light, and shocked thousands of people by the Huaxian Lake at a glance.

A pair of claws were hooked tightly, a pair of golden wings on the neck were vibrating, and a pair of eyes were staring at the bloody water.

I have to say, this golden loach has become a spirit, and it looks really good!

Suddenly, countless people knelt down and worshiped.

He shouted "Water Dragon King."

"The Water Dragon King has appeared. If you don't pay homage, there will be disaster afterwards!"

Nalu scholar raised his arms and shouted. (End of chapter)

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