Behind me is the earth

Chapter 463 461 The arms trade is the most profitable

Chapter 463 461. The arms trade is the most profitable

After a whole morning, the negotiations were over.

In the end, a total of 30,000 flintlock muskets and shotguns were sold to Zhu Kan at a price of twenty taels of silver each.

At the same time, there are no conditions for manufacturing shotguns in Yanzhao. They will be provided later and calculated at one tael of silver for ten bullets.

Moreover, Qi State will build a military airport in Yueyang City. Zhu Kan can purchase an air raid and bombing service and dispatch a plane to bomb once. Calculated at ten thousand taels of silver, the bomber can assist the Yanzhao army in bombing specific targets as agreed.

In terms of guns and ammunition alone, one million taels of silver were collected this time.

In fact, Zhu Kan is very rich. Moreover, at this moment of life and death, being able to exchange money for combat power is a very cost-effective deal for the entire Yanzhao Group.

Now, for them, there is almost no other way out except fighting the Daru Kingdom.

It is not possible to work as an apartment in Qingcheng like Zhao Fu.

Because Zhao Fu also fought until the last moment, and after being defeated, he took the gold and silver treasures to the country of Qi.

"This will be beneficial to both parties and help achieve a win-win situation."

Ren Pingsheng looked at the final result of the negotiation.

“Both the Manufacturing Bureau and Qixing Group can use this money to update production lines and expand production.

Yanzhao can also cooperate with us to hold on to its territory and defend its war defense line. "

Through the arms trade, a large amount of gold and silver can be earned, which increases the central bank's silver reserves and can issue more currency to activate the private economy.

Now, with the establishment of Qi State, Wuzhou Development Bank has officially changed its name to Qi State Development Bank, and has begun to open a large number of bank branches in various provinces, counties and counties.

Efforts will be made to promote and popularize the use of banknotes in various places.

However, due to the silver standard system, the officially issued currency is no longer enough, and there are still a large number of people in the newly occupied provinces who do not recognize banknotes. Many older people have been harmed by the treasure banknotes issued by the Jing Dynasty before. For banknotes With a natural distrust, I feel more secure holding silver and copper coins in my hands.

This resulted in insufficient silver reserves in the national treasury and insufficient money supply, which led to inconvenience in payment transactions and also affected economic development to a certain extent.

This problem will have to be solved until the next summer grain tax collection, when the grain tax amount is converted into banknotes and collected.

That afternoon, Ren Pingsheng summoned Zhu Qing again.

After some encouragement, a river ship was dispatched the next day to escort the delegation headed by Zhu Qing and transport 30,000 rifles back to Zhuoya County, Zhaozhou Province.

The time soon came to mid-November.

Perhaps because the weather is getting colder, the Daru Kingdom's armies on both the east and west fronts have increased the frequency and intensity of battles.

On this day, Xiaowan came to Jingxinzhai with a telegram.

Ren Pingsheng was sitting under the eaves, admiring the heavy snowfall in the yard.

Seeing Xiao Wan walking out of the snow wearing a red hood and cloak, she was like a touch of red in the white world, jumping in the snow like a jumping flame, full of bright vitality.

"In the past few years, the weather has been getting colder year by year. In previous years, Qifeng County could not get such heavy snow at this time of year."

Xiaowan came to the eaves and shook off the snow on her body.

Qifeng County is considered the junction of the north and the south in the traditional sense, but it is usually classified as the south.

Although it does snow here, the temperature is usually not very cold.

But the past two years have been unusually cold, no warmer than the winters in Yuntai County.

However, the snowflakes in the south are not as dry as the snow in the north when they fall on the body. They appear a bit sticky and tend to stick to the clothes, making them easy to get wet after the snow melts.

Xiaowan gently stretched out her hand to grab it, and the moisture on her clothes turned into wisps of water vapor, which finally fell into her palm. She gradually turned it into a crystal clear ring, which she put on her finger while playing with it. .

"Maybe the climate has changed too."

Ren Pingsheng vaguely remembered that when he was studying geography in middle school, there was some talk about the Little Ice Age. He couldn't remember it exactly, so he said casually at this time.

Xiaowan took out the telegram from her sleeves, handed it to Ren Pingsheng, and then sat next to Ren Pingsheng. She naturally picked up the grapefruit on the table next to her and peeled off the thin part of the grapefruit for him. Put the skin on the fruit plate, leaving only the pulp, break it into pieces of suitable size, and then bring it to the young master's mouth.

While feeding the young master, she said: "According to the news from Zhongzhou, the living corpses have mutated and been used on the battlefield by the Daru people."

"Did the mutated living corpses be used by the Daru people on the battlefield? Or did the Daru people create mutated living corpses and use them on the battlefield?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

These are two different concepts with very different impacts.

"It's a mutated living corpse created by the Daru people."

Xiaowan replied.

"What a bunch of despicable barbarians!"

Ren Pingsheng cursed.

The telegram clearly described the scene during the siege battle in Taiming County, Guo County.

"In the early morning of November 9th, the Daru people suddenly launched an attack on the city. Hundreds of people attacking the city screamed wildly and looked like crazy. They were called madmen.

It has infinite manpower and extremely fast speed. It can use weapons. After stepping on the city, it can kill people with swords. Anyone who is contaminated with the "mad blood" of a madman will be infected in a moment. It is extremely aggressive and does not distinguish between friend and foe. "

This is a description of a living corpse.

Ren Pingsheng remembered that the research on living corpses in Duoyu Country had also yielded some results.

What was a casual chess move at that time now has some clues.

The viruses in the living corpses have been studied and analyzed, and they look like bacteriophages, the kind of viruses that are like nanorobots. After it is pierced into human cells, its six symmetrical legs are like a lander landing on a small planet. After piercing the cell wall, it injects its own genetic material into it and continuously replicates itself.

However, it is different from ordinary viruses.

They are extremely lethal and can kill someone within a few hours. At the same time, when they come together, a certain consciousness is formed - this consciousness is actively spreading.

After they infect the host until it dies for a period of time, they can spread themselves by reactivating neurons and controlling the host's body to bite other people.

In the research of the Fish Country, the infection speed of this virus has been greatly enhanced, allowing the virus to complete the infection and control of the host in a very short time after invading the host.

Moreover, when the host body is still fresh, it has extremely fast speed and great strength, and these are because the human body has lost its self-protection mechanism and is driven entirely at the cost of body collapse under the control of the virus. Realize the full potential of this body.

What’s even more amazing is that after these viruses were cultivated in the Jingguo Fish Country and formed into aggregates, they would even inherit much of human muscle memory, and even some of the shallow memories in the brain.

Now, the description of the living corpse in the telegram is almost the same as the content of the research on the living corpse virus in the Fish Country.

"The fierce root of mankind."

Ren Pingsheng sighed.

There’s nothing to say about this, it’s just about the interests.

Even on Earth, aren’t major countries also studying bacterial warfare and viral warfare?

It's just that a virus that originally harmed countless people was studied in the laboratory, made more contagious and harmful, and then released to hurt and kill people. How ironic! How contrary to human moral consensus! But how realistic!

"A zombie virus that terrified humans back then has now been exploited by humans themselves."

Ren Pingsheng threw the telegram in his hand on the table.

"Forget the letter, go to the Secretariat and ask Huang Wenguang to pass this telegram to the Ministry of National Defense so that the entire army will be on guard against this."

"In addition, the barbarian army has approached Yuntai County. Send 50,000 regular soldiers north to Guo County and Boming County. The barbarian army is not allowed to approach Yuntai County."

Ren Pingsheng ordered.

Wangshu nodded and hurried away.

Today, although there is no war in Yuzhou Province. However, outside Yueyang County, there were a large number of Daru spies and a large number of cavalry active in Shishan County and Jiangfu County. There were constant frictions every day, and conflicts often broke out on the other side of the Wenchang River.

Both sides suffered casualties almost daily.

On the Yanzhao battlefield on the western front, with the support of Qi, the Yanzhao army once advanced dozens of kilometers. But then, the Daru people's offensive intensified, and they learned to dig holes and trenches without any teachers. Once they found a bomber coming from the sky, they immediately jumped into the hole.

Without the momentum of Qi's saturation bombing, the damage it can cause is relatively limited.

Zhu Kan was once again at a disadvantage and lost a large area of ​​land.

"Master, Hai Dongqing will be back soon."

Xiaowan said again.


Ren Pingsheng was stunned for a moment, and then remembered who Hai Dongqing was.

This is the bodyguard he sent to protect Lan Feng and his son from the Lan Family Martial Arts School in Qingcheng Town in name when they went to Suring Mountain to listen to Qinghui's sermon. In fact, they were the people who learned the scriptures for themselves.

However, with the emergence of Taoist Master Qingyuan and Su Qianyun later, the scriptures and meanings of the exercises were left to be picked up, and the sermons of Master Qinghui had lost their meaning to him. Hai Dongqing, the leader of the night owl organization at that time, was gradually forgotten by him.


Ren Pingsheng nodded. He had no desire to understand Hai Dongqing.

Xiao Wan said: "Lan Feng is also coming back, and according to what Hai Dongqing said, Suling Mountain sent a representative who wants to come to Qifeng City to meet him."

"Suling Mountain?"

Ren Pingsheng stretched out his hand, and the snow in the courtyard outside the eaves was suddenly stirred by the power of his mind, swirling and creating a vortex, and the snowflakes floated in and fell into the palm of his hand: "Do they want to come to our country to develop? "

Xiaowan smiled and said: "That's right. Now, Caiyun Province, where the gate of Suling Mountain is located, has become the territory of our Qi State, so Suling Mountain is naturally anxious."

Moreover, Qi State conquered Caiyun Province, but regarded Suling Mountain as nothing, and never sent anyone to contact it.

As time passed, Su Lingshan became anxious.

After all, this is related to the struggle for the Dao lineage. Now the power of Qi is like a raging fire cooking oil.

Qi, the country with the greatest potential to dominate the world, ignored Suling Mountain, and now the good situation of Suring Mountain may disappear.

"In that case, spread the news about Su Lingshan's upcoming visit."

Ren Pingsheng made a small snowman in his hand and added a nose and eyes to it.

"Master, what do you want?"

Xiaowan asked for advice.

"The first is to give Tian Dao some sense of crisis. By the way, you send someone to make up a ballad, incorporate the three words 'Daxianting' into it, and sing it around Shangshui Fang where Yunlong Temple is located.

The second is to create some difficulties for Suring Mountain. Tian Daoyun, and even some forces under the water, will definitely not watch the arrival of Suling Mountain, so we can weigh its true quality. "

Ren Pingsheng said.

"Then do we accept the Taiyi Path represented by Suring Mountain?"

Xiaowan asked again.

"Of course, it is easy to master it when there is competition. Perhaps using their competition, we can get more and more core information. I always feel that the world is not simple, and there may be some amazing secrets in it."

Ren Pingsheng gave the snowman in his hand to Xiaowan, stood up and entered the meditation room behind him.

On that day, news spread that Su Lingshan, the Taoist Sect of the World, was about to visit Qifeng City.

In Shangshui Fang, Taoist priest Qingyuan was furious after learning the news.

"Su Lingshan is breaking the rules! The Great Immortal has been favored by me, Tianyi Yiyi, so why should he, Su Lingshan?"

Tianyi Yiyi has invested a lot of money, and now Sulingshan wants to pick peaches, but he is the first to disagree!

Although the King of Qi did not fully support Tianyi Yiyi, he still granted privileges such as preaching, selecting disciples, and building temples, but there were restrictions in all aspects.

During the Jing Dynasty, the Taoist tradition of Tianyi was suppressed by Taiyi, represented by Suling Mountain, and the number and location of Taoist temples in various places were clearly arranged.

Now that Tianyi Yiyi has finally seen hope of turning around, how can he allow Sulingshan to interfere again and take away their interests?


Just when Taoist Master Qingyuan was thinking hard about a good idea, the door of the Taoist temple was opened and Xia Yuan ran back.

"You are not supervising the work at the foot of Yunmen Mountain. Why are you coming back now?"

Taoist Priest Qingyuan glared at Xia Yuan who was making a fuss and said displeasedly.

"Master, I heard a child singing a nursery rhyme, it seems to be related to the Great Immortal Court!"

Xia Yuan said quickly.


Taoist priest Qingyuan suddenly stood up: "What are you singing?"

"When night falls and the moon shines brightly, songs are heard in the Great Immortal Courtyard. The bright moon in the mountains illuminates the immortal road, and the light shines into the fairy dream..."

Xia Yuan hummed softly.

"The sound of singing in the Great Immortal Courtyard... doesn't seem like a coincidence."

Taoist Priest Qingyuan paced with frowning eyebrows, his steps looking messy.

Xia Yuan knew this, and his master's Qi-nurturing skills were broken.

"Is it Suling Mountain? Did it come from Suling Mountain? We haven't yet found out whether the Great Immortal Court is true or not. Do they really dare to reveal the Great Immortal Courtyard's plan?"

Taoist Priest Qingyuan murmured.

After a long time, Taoist Master Qingyuan suddenly stopped and said solemnly: "Songzhen, I have to go out in the next two days. After I leave, the Taoist temple will be closed temporarily and I will focus on the Taibai Shenjun Temple in Yunmen Mountain!"

Create a golden talisman soldier as soon as possible. "


Xia Yuan blinked and touched the back of his head.

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