Behind me is the earth

Chapter 468 466 Discussing the State of Qi

Chapter 468 466. Discussing the State of Qi

The Daru Kingdom is almost a country born for war. The barren land has allowed them to develop a brave and ruthless character.

They are not like the Han court, which has the moral bottom line of "propriety, justice, integrity and shame". Everything is for profit and everything is driven by profit. In their barbaric cultural genes, plunder and banditry seem to be engraved in their bones.

After the Ruarts annexed a large number of people of various ethnic groups and established their country, the population grew rapidly.

Now, going south occupies half of the northern Han Dynasty, and a huge amount of wealth has accumulated. They have entered an exciting carnival.

Now, although the army in the middle led by Tuoba Feng suffered a heavy defeat, while fighting against Jiujing, their army in the north was not idle either. They went north again and annexed more than a dozen "strong fighting" troops. Savage” tribe.

And a new demon king was canonized-"White Bear King".

As the empire looks towards the vast old land, under the collective push of interest groups, the center of the empire has moved from Kurong City to Ningyang City in Ningyang Province.

Ningyang City is a large northern city with a very long history. It was also during the Jing Dynasty that a military town integrated the military and civilians. It was described as a ten-mile military market where thousands of merchants gathered. Businessmen from all over the world gathered here, and commerce and handicrafts were extremely developed.

The black land is even more fertile, and the food grown there is no worse than the fertile land in the south. It is a famous northern granary.

Because of its developed transportation, convenient trade, and fertile land, this place has attracted a large number of people to gather here. It is the most populous city in several northeastern provinces.

Of course, after the disaster of living corpses in Chongqing seven years ago, these have long become distant memories of the locals.


As a bell rang throughout the city, it was still dark, and many people woke up in the faint morning light.

Morning bells and evening drums are a Han method learned by the Daru people, which is called morning awakening.

As soon as the bell rang, it was time for Daru officials to go to court.

Zhongshu Sheren's newly acquired (robbed) mansion.

"Sir, it's not that your health is not good. Why do you get up earlier than a chicken every day after coming to Ningyang?"

Tong Jia yawned and personally arranged the collar and collar of her third-ranking husband.

"No nonsense!"

Nafeng straightened his appearance in the mirror and casually scolded Tong Jia: "Your Majesty is physically strong and has excellent martial arts skills. Even if you are attacked by the false emperor, you will definitely recover quickly."


Tong Jiashi said no more.

"The mirrors from Qi State are very easy to use. I don't know how they produced such a delicate thing."

Nafeng sighed in the mirror, and then went out with the help of his servant.


When Tong Jiashi chased him out, the sky and the earth were all white.

The heavy snow last night covered almost the entire Ningyang City. After opening the door, it was already up to the knees when I stepped down. The cold wind blew in through the gaps in his collar, cuffs, and ankles. The cold air penetrated directly into his bones, and the seams between his bones felt like needles pricking them.

Nafeng took the ear protection and put it on his ears that were blown red by the wind: "It's cold outside, go back inside quickly, don't freeze."

"Okay, husband, please be safe and be careful in what you say and do in court."

Tong Jiashi ordered.

"I know these things better than you, come back."

Nafeng waved his hand and walked outside along the corridor eaves.

Tong Jia returned to the room coldly, took off her coat and got into bed. The foot warmer quickly climbed onto the bed, took off her clothes, picked up Tong Jia's feet, put them on her chest, and used her chest's Warmth, to warm Tong Jia's feet that had been frozen in the snow.

"Ding ding~"

Tong Jiashi pulled the drawstring on the bed frame, and the maid in the next room immediately heard the noise and came over quickly. When she opened the door outside, she was afraid of the cold wind blowing in, so she only dared to open the door a crack and squeezed in. Come in.


After the eldest maid came in, she knelt down in front of Tong Jia.

"We followed His Majesty from Kurong City. We moved in a hurry and didn't bring many servants to the mansion.

But you shouldn't be lazy. You know clearly that the snow in the courtyard has not been cleared yet, so I have to step on the snow to go to court. How can you act like a slave? "

Tong Jiashi had a straight face and her tone seemed calm and calm, but when she heard it, her whole body trembled involuntarily.

"I've been with you for many years, and it's only because of my appreciation that I'm here today. I've really neglected my duty today. Please punish me."

The eldest maid kowtowed and said.

"I won't punish you today, just go and clean the courtyard."

Seeing the maid like this, Mrs. Tong Jia lost her temper and waved her hand.

At this time, Nafeng had already left the mansion. The sedan chair outside was already ready. He stepped on the back of a slave and got on the sedan chair.

"Get up the sedan~"

With a shout, the sedan was lifted up and staggered towards the imperial city.

"Compared to Kurong City, it is still a bit desolate."

He lifted up the sedan curtain and looked at the still dark and deserted streets outside, and sighed.

But this is really normal. Since Kurong City moved here, all the Han people in the city have been expelled without leaving any trace. The houses, property, and young women of those Han people have been divided up, and most of them have been sent to them. They worked as slaves in the farms occupied by the horse racing enclosure outside the city, and a few stayed in the house as slaves.

As a result, Ningyang City naturally became deserted.

There wasn't even anyone to buy breakfast.

He could only take out a biscuit, but looking at the biscuit, he found it hard to swallow.

He couldn't get up in the morning, and didn't even have time to eat. When he thought of standing hungry for several hours, he still stuffed the biscuits into his mouth. At this time, a burst of laughter like silver bells suddenly came from outside. Nafeng couldn't help but curiously lifted the curtain and looked outside.

But I saw a large, square sedan, carried by more than twenty people, painted with gold and silver. This big sedan is like a house, with all doors and windows, and the four corners of the wings are like eagle beaks, forming a sharp curve, as if to pierce the air.

Coincidentally, the car window on the opposite side also opened, and the person pushing the window was a fair-skinned woman with her breasts exposed. Through the car window, you can still see the red charcoal pot burning inside, as well as the beautiful women sitting around the charcoal pot.

On a small square table, there were steaming dishes and wine.

"Damn it..."

Na Feng was holding Hu Pancake in his mouth and rubbing his hands to keep warm. At this moment, he looked like a loser.

I felt even more jealous.

But he had only finished half of what he wanted to curse, when suddenly a pair of sharp eyes pierced him like sword light. At that moment, Nafeng's eyes stung, and he quickly showed a flattering smile, only to see the other party's contemptuous smile. .

Seeing that the other party withdrew his gaze, he breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Eagle Demon King."

He took a few deep breaths and thought of the other party's title.

Unlike the other eight kings, the Eagle Demon King truly has a high status and great influence in the Daru Kingdom.

It is rumored that the emperor's favor towards him even exceeds that of the eldest prince!

Although he didn't believe it, he felt that these rumors were not groundless.

When we arrived in front of the imperial city gate, many officials were already waiting here. But most of them are petty officials. In the Daru Empire, only members of the capital above the fifth rank can go to court, while those below the fifth rank can only go to court when summoned by the emperor.

Therefore, this seemingly abnormal early dynasty was actually a privilege for high-ranking officials of the imperial court.

"Then my lord."

As soon as Nafeng got off the sedan, several people came over, nodding and bowing.

Several of them were officials of Zhongshu Province and officials under him.


Na Feng stepped off the sedan on the back of his servant. When he saw several "lower officials", he snorted and said hello.

"Nafeng, Master Wanyan will present the regulations to the court this morning. When the time comes, you must stand up and respond."

A familiar voice came from behind, causing Nafeng's waist to soften immediately. He turned his head and hunched over, sticking out his butt. A flattering smile appeared on his face, and a pair of triangular eyes revealed a flattering loyalty.

His appearance finally converged with that of the men around him who had turned their flattery towards the visitor.

"Sir, Sir, I will definitely cooperate with Mr. Wanyan, don't worry."

Nafeng said firmly and loyally.


The Lord Assistant snorted from his nostrils and understood.

At this time, a burst of laughter came, and a sedan carried by more than a dozen people was carried over. The cold wind blew by, and the copper bells hanging on the four corners of the wings made a "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding."

Outside the gate of the imperial city, groups of civil servants formed a group and looked at the sedan in unison.

"The Eagle Demon King's sedan chair."

People were talking.

"Usually the Eagle Demon King doesn't go to the morning court. Why are you here today?"

"Is there something big going to happen this morning?"

Small groups speculated and discussed.

The sedan walked straight towards the imperial city gate that had not yet been opened. As I was passing by, the curtain suddenly lifted.

The waiter subconsciously bent his stiff waist, raised his butt, and showed a flattering smile on his face, becoming unified with Na Feng and others behind him.

However, the people in the sedan did not look here.

Those who are close to the sedan can clearly feel the heat hitting their faces when the sedan passes by.

When the sedan chair was carried to the gate of the imperial city, a young man in a yellow mandarin came out, walked to the gate and knocked a few times, each time it was like knocking on the gate and waiting. In the hearts of civil servants.

"Open the door!"

The Eagle Demon King shouted.

The door slowly opened, and the Eagle Demon King strutted in under everyone's gaze.

Moreover, they vaguely saw through the crack in the door that a black-scaled horse was prepared for the Eagle Demon King inside the door. The flames spurting out of its nose were particularly obvious in this cold winter.

"The emperor's favor towards the Eagle Demon King is indeed true!"

People looked at each other, already understanding each other's meaning.

As soon as the Eagle Demon King left, the minister immediately straightened up his waist and walked towards Zhongshu Ling Wanyanzong, who was standing closer to the door.

As soon as the waiter left, Na Feng straightened up his waist and walked towards the scholar of Zhongshu who was eating steamed buns with pickles not far away.

As soon as Na Feng left, several fifth-rank officials finally breathed a sigh of relief and stood up straight for a short time, feeling relieved.

After waiting for who knows how long, the gate of the imperial city finally officially opened.

Hundreds of people swung the beads on their chests, lined up their order, and walked towards the imperial city.

The heavy snow in the imperial city has already been cleared away. When we arrived in front of the main hall, there was not even a trace of snow on the huge square. The glazed tiles of the main hall reflected the rising sun, reflecting the golden light.

In the hearts of the courtiers, the newly born Daru Empire will be as bright as this palace under the rising sun.

After arriving at the main hall, the high dragon chair still stood there empty, but even if there was no one, the bright yellow color still gave people a sense of majesty, dignity, and authority, making people unconsciously turn their eyes to it. avoid.

Nafeng stood in his position very familiarly.

Not to the front, not to the back, but in the middle and forward position. Behind and behind him were mostly third-rank officials.

Because of the war on the front line, there were very few martial arts schools above the main hall, and most of them were civil servants.

The civil service system of the Daru Empire generally referred to and followed the official system of the Jing Dynasty.

This empire, which developed from tribes, learned advanced management systems while fighting wars during the development process, so it was able to develop rapidly to what it is today.

The Daru Empire is what it is today. As the helmsman, Emperor Tuoba Yuan's talents and achievements are unparalleled.

"What is Master Wanyan going to report today? Do you know?"

Zhongshu Bachelor came close to Na Feng's ear and whispered.

Nafeng shook his head.

He doesn't know either.

Na Feng glanced behind him. The officials at the end had even lined up outside the hall, standing in the cold wind, shivering.

The imperial palace here is just an old emperor's palace. According to its regulations, it cannot be regarded as a palace, but the emperor was not willing to build a palace here, and instead ordered people to repair the palace in Nanyang.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that although the capital has been moved to Ningyang City, this is just a transition. Sooner or later, the emperor has to go to Nanyang City, which is the center of Jiujing's hometown, and only when he gets there can he truly become the master of the vast land in the center of the world!

"The emperor has arrived! All ministers kneel down!"

Just as the court officials were whispering to each other, a sharp and loud voice spread throughout the hall.

Tuoba Yuan, wearing a black-based dragon robe with a yellow dragon embroidered face, walked into the hall from the back, walked around the majestic axe, and sat on the dragon chair.

Below, Nafeng followed the ministers and kowtowed three times and bowed nine times, shouting: "Long live my emperor!"

"Flat body."

The attendant stood beside the throne, waiting for the ceremony to end. When he saw the emperor raising his hand to support him, he shouted loudly.

When Nafeng stood up, he glanced forward and saw an extra chair at the front, next to the imperial steps, and the Eagle Demon King sat on it.

Going up further, Nafeng didn't dare to look any further.

The light of power was so dazzling that he was afraid that if he made one wrong look, his head would meet his body again.

"Today, we will discuss the state of Qi."

From the royal platform, the emperor's voice came down.

Na Feng could hear that the emperor's voice still seemed weak.

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