Behind me is the earth

Chapter 480 478 The King’s New Year’s Speech

Although the independent regiment is full of martial virtue, Ningyang City is the capital of the Daru Empire after all. Even if the current elites of the Daru Kingdom came to Nanyang with Emperor Daru's personal expedition and capital relocation plan, the senior warriors and strangers in the capital , and even powerful demon clans and temple priests must have many left behind.

If they were faced with these people, there would be a big question mark as to whether the independent group would be able to win.

"Isn't it too adventurous?"

Lu Xingwen dissuaded.

He himself was very courageous, but he still felt that Chen Dachui was too courageous.

"Recently, our work has been carried out smoothly, and the battlefield we opened behind enemy lines has basically met our expectations. According to the news from the front line, because we have joined forces with the rebels to destroy the supply line of the Daru army, the frontline troops of the Daru country have been destroyed. severely affected.

If we continue to work steadily, we will definitely achieve the desired results.

With the current work situation, I know you are in a hurry, but don’t be anxious yet..."

Lu Xingwen persuaded him earnestly.

"Of course I don't want to attack Ningyang City. I just want to set up an artillery position on the long mountain outside Ningyang City and bombard Ningyang City. I don't need more. I only need a few rounds of hundreds of artillery shells to be sure. It has a greater impact than the more than a month we have been struggling in Xinpan Province!"

In Chen Dachui's view, the price/performance ratio is too high.

He stretched out his fingers and drew a sketch of Ningyang City and Changshan on the snow.

"How far is Changshan from Ningyang City?"

Lu Xingwen said, taking out a map from the space ring.

This map is more detailed and has rulers on it. After a simple calculation, Changshan is about sixteen or seventeen kilometers away from Ningyang City.

"This distance is considered safe, but..."

Lu Xingwen raised his head, looked at Chen Dachui and said: "Captain, as a lone army, our carrying capacity is limited. It would be okay if it were a smaller mortar, but even if the mortar uses extended-range ammunition, it cannot To ensure that the artillery shells can penetrate into Ningyang City, with the help of the mountainous terrain, the range may be longer, but we are not completely sure after all."

"No, not just mortars, we use field artillery!"

Chen Dachui shook his head and said: "Zhang Shan and Wang Yue still have two space equipments in their hands. I asked them when I had dinner last time. One is 80 cubic meters and the other is 60 cubic meters. They are bigger than my space rings." Be big.

We dismantled the field artillery into parts, brought along the logistics ordnance division, and found a secret place to assemble it after arriving at Changshan.

We controlled the artillery firing time within three minutes. After the artillery bombardment mission was completed, we quickly broke these artillery pieces into parts and stored them as space props, and then evacuated immediately before the enemy chased us!

Compared with the effect achieved, destroying a mere ten or twenty artillery pieces is nothing! "

Chen Dachui said his thoughts.

Lu Xingwen listened, and after careful consideration in his mind, he unexpectedly discovered that although this move sounded dangerous and unbelievable, it was unexpectedly feasible.

"You can give it a try."

Lu Xingwen nodded and said.

"Then let someone send a telegram to the Dongyang and ask them to bring artillery, enough armorers, and snowmobiles in their supplies this time."

Chen Dachui said.

Lu Xingwen nodded: "The military base on Wen Island should have no shortage of artillery. I hope the supply ship has not set off yet."

"Once we set off, let other ships bring us."

Chen Dachui said.

Lu Xingwen glanced at his captain and thought to himself, as a confidant of the king, he has the confidence to speak!

After breakfast, the soldiers of the Independence Regiment rolled up their sleeping bags, put away their moisture-proof mats and snow-white tents, filled up their snowmobiles with oil, and headed in the direction of Hufang.

The place where they are located is Ning'an, which belongs to Ningguo County in Yuanzhou. It used to be the place where Jing Dynasty officials were exiled. The people here are fierce and fierce. Because it is close to Bailong Pass, they are often detained and plundered by the Luerte people. The Ertes are a feud!

After the Daru people entered the customs, they massacred villages and cities in Ningguo County, organized massacres, and massacred a large number of Han people.

Almost everyone among the Han people here has a relative who was killed by the Daru people. Even if they were beaten into slaves by the Daru people, the anger and hatred buried in their hearts have never been extinguished.

The independent regiment took a trip here and rescued a large number of slaves. Led by some remaining old Jing military generals, these people were another vigorous force that launched a war of resistance against the Daru people.

As the battles between the rebels and the Daru Army continued to unfold, the battles between them often did not have the perfect aftermath of the Independent Regiment. The number of living corpses in the North increased rapidly. The Independent Regiment flew all the way down, just to solve the problem. There must be thousands of living corpses dropped.

It's snowing in the evening.

In the afternoon, the wind blew bitterly and the sky became gloomy. In the evening, it began to snow, and it became heavier and heavier.

"Get some rest, you can't leave."

Warriors have to avoid it when facing natural weather.

Everyone found a sheltered place from the wind and set up Duoduo tents. For the soldiers of the independent regiment, who have traveled to three provinces and experienced countless battles for more than a month, being able to get into their sleeping bags early is a rare break.

It snowed all night.

The weather cleared the next morning and the independent regiment set off again.

By noon on the third day, the independent regiment finally returned to Hufang Port.

After conducting reconnaissance and discovering that there was no ambush of Daru's army, the independent regiment's large forces entered and stationed themselves there.


In the evening, a long whistle sounded.

The soldiers of the Independent Regiment who were packing their things and lighting a bonfire were suddenly drawn to the sea level.

They were excited.

Just outside the white embankment, on the dark ocean at night, bathed in moonlight, two huge ships that looked like sea fortresses were slowly approaching Hufang Port. As we got closer, the ship looked even bigger!

Du Sanliang looked in shock at the large ship approaching on the sea like a fortress. The strong sense of oppression made him breathless for a while.

As a guide, he has already completed his mission.

However, as a shrewd mountain runner, he quickly found his core competitiveness - his ability to deal with local people.

The goals of the Independent Group were too big, and sometimes such a person was needed to come forward, so he was left behind.

In addition, he is also actively demonstrating his value in other aspects.

Now, he has learned how to shoot.

With a handgun, he could hit a running hare within fifty meters with one or two shots.

With a rifle, he could kill a Daru barbarian with two or three shots at a distance of about 200 meters.

Compared with the soldiers of the independent regiment, he is still far behind, but at least he is no longer a burden.

Soon, the Dongyang and an armed merchant ship docked. The size of the armed merchant ship was even larger than the Dongyang.

Zhang Shan stood on the bow of the Dongyang. After seeing Chen Dachui, he jumped off with a slight jump. After landing on the snow, his feet dug deeply into the snow.

"Captain Chen is in a difficult situation. We have already sailed out of the port, and we received your telegram again, so we have to arrange for another boat. It is estimated that the second boat will arrive tomorrow morning."

After Zhang Shan landed, he complained to Chen Dachui.

As he spoke, he took off the space ring from his finger and handed it to Chen Dachui: "Wang Yue's is here too, and I'll lend it to you."

"Thank you Captain Zhang for your support."

Chen Dachui took the ring handed over by Zhang Shan with a smile.

Behind them, two large ships lowered their hanging ladders one after another, quickly set up their bridges, and began to carry a large amount of cargo down from the ships.

"Captain Chen, Deputy Commander Lu, Happy New Year!"

At this time, Wang Yue also walked over, with a festive smile on his face, and said to Chen Dachui and Lu Xingwen.

"Happy New Year!"

After saying New Year's greetings to each other, the atmosphere became heated.

In this strange and simple environment, the words "New Year" can make people feel enthusiastic.

"Today is New Year's Eve. Say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new year. A few days ago, the Ministry of National Defense specially sent a ship to Yaoguowen Island to send a batch of supplies specifically to you."

Zhang Shan said: "Tonight, His Highness will also deliver a New Year's speech. Let's wait and see if we can receive a signal from Qidu."

As he watched, a long wire was pulled from the Dongyang, and colorful light bulbs were propped up on bamboo poles, illuminating this flat area with colorful lights. At the same time, a circle of lights lit up on the two ships, and their reflections on the sea looked a bit colorful and dreamy.

Festive music was played from the speakers.

A large number of round tables were transported from merchant ships, the heavy snow on the ground was cleared, and more than a hundred tables were temporarily set up.

A copper stove was set up on the table. The copper stove was filled with charcoal fire. The butter stock was steaming, and the fragrance wafted in the air.

The New Year atmosphere suddenly came. The soldiers sat at the table in squads. At this moment, they seemed to have returned to Qidu among the laughter and laughter.

Dishes were quickly delivered to the table in the galleys of the two ships.

They have relatively abundant supplies, and they have destroyed many Daru lords' villages and round forts, and have hit many Daru people's supply lines. They are not short of food.

But at this moment, while they were cooking hot pot and eating vegetables, the copper stove dispelled the cold and the loneliness in their hearts that they felt deep behind enemy lines.


Suddenly bursts of electric current came from the speakers.

"What you are listening to is...Qi Guo...Guang... Radio..." The voice was intermittent. The radio soldier stood on the bow of the ship and fiddled with it for a long time. The sound from the radio finally became clearer and was transmitted steadily to the speakers on the shore.

At this time, I heard the host say: "Now, our beloved king will deliver a New Year's message to the people of the country!"

"Hello to all my friends, soldiers, and compatriots who have suffered and suffered under the iron heel of the Daru Empire.

This year is a very unusual year. The Nanyang earthquake at the beginning of the year took away the lives of many people in Jingzhou.

The year of turmoil also began.

The Daru people took the opportunity to invade the border, and Jingguo was destroyed. The destiny and the people handed the baton to me and Wuzhou.

We also felt unprepared, but fortunately, fate and all the people were on our side. We established the State of Qi, repelled the invasion of the Daru people, and completely shattered their plan to take over the whole country in one year! The southern land was saved! Half of the Han people were saved! The hope of the Han people was saved!

However, in November, the Daru people once again sent troops southward, increasing their holdings in Zhongzhou Province and marching into Yuzhou Province. However, our tenacious Qi soldiers blocked their path forward and curbed their arrogance!

Here, I would like to thank the people of Wuzhou. Your active production and generous donations have ensured the supplies on the front line. You have contributed to the results we have achieved!

I would like to thank the soldiers who are still on the battlefields of Zhongzhou and Yuzhou. You are not afraid of bloodshed or sacrifice. You have protected the land on which the 59.6 million people of Qi depend for their survival, and have protected the production and life of the people of Qi. affected by the war.

I would also like to thank a special force who are now walking alone through the ice and snow, performing extremely dangerous and important tasks among cunning and cruel enemies..."

Since Ren Pingsheng began to deliver his speech, the independent group, which was originally in lively conversation, became quiet.

When Ren Pingsheng said this, excitement appeared on the faces of the soldiers.

They all understood that the king was talking about them.

This gave them a strong sense of honor.

It was not until Ren Pingsheng expressed his blessings to the people of the country, all officers and soldiers, and his compatriots in the north during the broadcast that the soldiers of the independent regiment started talking enthusiastically again.

Their expressions clearly showed a sense of pride and mission.

Du Sanliang also heard the voice of the King of Qi for the first time. This was not like the emperor in his impression. His voice was aloof and majestic, but it also reflected compassion for all people. Although he was aloof, he seemed to be standing with them.

He quietly painted a portrait of the emperor in his mind.

The happy time is always short-lived. When night falls and the food is gone, the soldiers change their guard and most of them get into their sleeping bags.

Early the next morning, a third armed merchant ship arrived.

Fifteen field guns were pulled over and installed in the space equipment.

Along with the ship came more than sixty armorers, as well as several powerful strangers and monsters.

"Captain Chen, our Dongyang ship will be sailing outside Haohai County in Ningyang Province, which is about 80 kilometers away from Changshan.

After the independent regiment completes its assigned mission, if it encounters a strong enemy, send us a signal and we will provide immediate support.

For this mission, Wendao Military Base and the Navy will provide full support. "

Before the independent group set off, Zhang Shan and Chen Dachui gave instructions. (End of chapter)

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