Behind me is the earth

Chapter 506 504 Quantum Computer Gifted by Nature

People were coming and going at the gate of the palace. Many people noticed that the special car of the Minister of Integrity had been parked at the gate of the palace for three and a half hours.

This has aroused the imagination of many sensitive people.

On that day, the Ministry of Integrity began to make big moves in the compound. Many officials from the Ministry of Integrity in black uniforms moved around and went to various departments to check and collect materials.

From this day on, officials from various departments began to see them frequently.

Soon, Minister of Integrity Liu Shiliu and Minister of Political and Legal Affairs Xi Jian led people straight to Yuntai County.

At first, everyone thought this was a special supervision of the "Black Heart Cotton Clothes" case that had a negative impact.

After a plan for the Ministry of Integrity's work group dispatched was submitted to Zhongshu Pavilion, under the King's instruction, a draft opinion was quickly formed and distributed to various departments.

Immediately afterwards, a top-down ZF movement began to spread across Wuzhou and even across the country.

First, there was an article signed by the king published in Qi State Monthly.

Then there are the case warning materials compiled one by one by the task force as they investigate the case.

Next is the theoretical study materials compiled by the Political Research Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Another one started in Wuzhou, where a joint working group from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Integrity, and the Ministry of Finance and Taxation conducted a financial audit of each county.

A set of combined punches deeply shocked countless officials and even some big businessmen who were concerned about political affairs.

This wind will continue to blow until the end of the year.

This is a political mission with political ideology as the purpose, the construction of a clean government as the starting point, social security as the bottom line, and compliance with laws and regulations as the foundation. It is also a cleansing of erroneous ideas.

Promote correct ideas and oppose wrong ideas with a clear-cut stand. For the healthy development of Qi State, strengthen the foundation and cultivate the people. Driven by the continuous wave of opposition to gang chaos, corruption, violations of law and discipline, and dereliction of duty, the trend began to take a big turn.

Overcorrection, overcorrection must be overcorrection.

This is also a problem in policy implementation. In real work, it is basically very difficult to achieve an expected goal and to achieve the goal exactly. You can only add a little bit to see the feedback on the completion of the goal. If you make a judgment after you come back, during this feedback process, you will often have overcorrected.

This is also the reason why overcorrection must be overcorrected.

However, after Ren Shengsheng continued to implement these tasks, they would naturally be run by the political machine of the court, and he did not have much to do.

On March 12, rice sowing began in the south.

Since the second crop of rice last summer was sown with the improved seeds that the king brought from the sky, the people of the entire southern land now still have rice grains full of white flowers in their rice jars at home!

This kind of stable happiness of being able to have enough to eat makes them respect the king from the bottom of their hearts whenever they mention the king who brought them such a good life.

This year, in the fields in the south, when the people were sowing high-quality seeds in full swing, they no longer felt the uneasiness they felt last year because of their distrust of seeds.

At the same time, agricultural stations set up in various counties have purchased and transported mountains of fertilizers from Le County, Qingcheng Town, Yile County, Yunmeng County and other places through trains, river boats, horse-drawn carriages, etc.

Since this year, factories have been operating at full capacity for production. Compared with last year's war period, which was frugal and frugal, the supply and richness of goods this year have been much alleviated.

It is conceivable that when there is a bumper grain harvest this year, there will definitely be more grain harvested than last year.


Zhai Yun came on the Qingcheng and did not choose the closer Healthy Port in Jian'an Province. Instead, he returned to Dongyang Port along the same route.

First, the Qingcheng has a fixed route mission. Second, Healthy Port is a small port, and its specifications cannot meet the requirements for the Qingcheng liner to dock.

After disembarking at Dongyang Port, take the train to Qidu.

Although Zhai Yun had already known about Qi through newspapers, pictures, rumors, and letters with his son, he was still shocked by what he saw and heard since he set foot on this land in person!

Whether it was the tall buildings, industrialized factories, and transportation extending in all directions in the big cities of Qi, or the clothes and spirit of the people of Qi, all gave him a great impact.

Along the way from north to south, he was even more sure that King Qi would definitely become emperor in the future!

Taking refuge with the future emperor now is definitely the most correct choice in this life.

After meeting the emperor in the palace, he was given the position of deputy commander of the Qingcheng Fleet.

He was satisfied.

Although under the hands of Master Zheng.

But Mr. Zheng was the original investor. Now that he has come here, he has even passed the angel round, and the company has already been listed on the market. It is already very good to get such a position at this time.

After meeting the emperor, Zhai Yun hurriedly put on an earl's dress and went to Wuzhou University to look for his son.

After he planned to show his holiness in front of his son, he took his son straight to his hometown of Guiyang County, Pingshan Province.

In his opinion, wealth that does not return home is like walking in brocade at night!

Little did he know that Ren Pingsheng had a high impression of him.

Ren Pingsheng's decision to recruit Zhai Yun was mainly to stabilize Qi's financial system and to go to the winding silver mines.

Unexpectedly, this pirate leader actually traveled around the world. Although he did not complete this goal in the end, he reached as far as the distant Holy Law Continent. He must have full experience in sea navigation and routes.

This was an unexpected surprise.

Qi is also lacking such talents.

Now letting him serve as the deputy commander of the Qingcheng Fleet is not only an inspection of him, but also an opportunity for him to adapt to and learn new warships and tactics.

After the Yile fleet under construction is put into service next year, he will be a relatively good candidate.

Royal palace, back garden.

Ren Pingsheng was on Dule Mountain, looking at the little humans who had settled here.

More than a hundred little people, using some iron wire, wooden boards, and glass provided by Ren Pingsheng, mixed with some local earth and rocks, and after more than ten days of struggle, they have built a small village.

Each room is only the size of a glass held in one's hand. Little people go in and out of the village, pulling back some moss and using it as green plants to beautify their living environment.

To them, a few small daisies outside the village are already towering trees!

Ji Ran did not participate in labor, but stood in a small square specially set aside in the middle of the village, practicing boxing.

Xiaobai stood on the outskirts of the village and looked at this group of villains.

She, who was as big as a palm, turned into a veritable big man in front of this group of small humans.

Attack on Titan doesn't count, but these villains can only reach up to her thighs in front of her.

"Ji Ran, your martial arts are quite solid."

Ji Ran was practicing when a giant's voice suddenly came to his ears.

But the strange thing is that the giant's voice is not loud, as if it is ringing in his own ears.

He looked up and found that the giant didn't open his mouth, and he didn't know how he was talking to him.

After getting along with him these days, he already knew that this giant not only had unimaginable power, he was also the king of the giant country.

"Thank you for the compliment, His Royal Highness."

Ji Ran stopped practicing her fists and kicks, bowed to the giant and said.

"However, your realm is still high, and you have just developed your secret strength. This old wild ginseng is given to you."

Ren Pingsheng casually placed a ginseng root on the square, and it suddenly occupied most of the square!

Ji Ran, who was in front of the ginseng, just smelled the strong medicinal fragrance, and the essence in her body began to flow, and the pores of her skin opened.

Such a big piece of old ginseng made Ji Ran unable to hold her breath for a moment.

I'm afraid I won't be able to finish this amount until I develop my inner strength!

"I have this thing for you. It can answer some of your questions on the road to martial arts."

Ren Pingsheng put a screen about the same size as an Apple Watch inside.

It has a built-in "Martial Arts Man" AI. Although it has not been completed yet, with Ji Ran's solid practice, even if the AI ​​occasionally answers incorrectly, it still has the ability to correct the mistakes, which can be regarded as helping to train the AI.

"Thank you, His Majesty the King, for the reward!"

Ji Ran was grateful to Ren Pingsheng.

After all, the other party gave them shelter, food, and shelter.

Now he is also given resources for his practice.

"Husband, come down~"

At the bottom of the mountain, Ruan Tang shouted to him.

After solving the problem in the materials laboratory, she had already returned from Yile County.

"What's wrong?"

Ren Pingsheng looked down at Dule Mountain, and thick clouds and fog blocked his sight.

He floated lightly and slowly fell down from Dule Mountain.

After passing through the lingering clouds and mist, Ren Pingsheng landed on the ground.

At this time, in Miaoshan Hunan, in this flower garden in the north of Qiushuishe, more than thirty maids who were tending flowers and plants in the back garden were gathered here to transplant these blue flowers presented by Zhai Yun.

Xiao Wanzheng is taken care of here by a stranger from the wood type.

Ruan Tang was twirling two iron beads the size of glass balls in her hands and looking at the flowers they transplanted.


Seven or eight meters above the flower, under Xiaowan's spell, among the thick clouds that condensed, the lightning flashed, and after a rumbling sound, fine raindrops began to fall, hazy. The hazy rain fell on these newly transplanted flower fields, soaking the land.

Under the cover of clouds, the light in the flower field is dim, and the flowers glow with a faint blue.

"Husband, I discovered that there is really a weak consciousness transmitting between these flowers!"

Ruan Tang came to Ren Pingsheng's side and said with a rather excited expression.

"Like those iron ants?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

Ruan Tang shook his head: "No, it's different. Those iron ants are a kind of collective brain. Once they are gathered together, they will possess advanced wisdom and become ant monsters.

But these flowers are not just simple flower monsters. Signals are being transmitted between each of them, and each individual has a certain computing power. It feels to me that they are more like a natural-quantum computer! "


Ren Pingsheng looked at this flower bed and found it difficult to connect these flowers with the computer.


Ruan Tang nodded affirmatively.

She has electromagnetic powers, and was very surprised when she felt the information transmitted between these flowers.

The ability of these flowers to transmit information is different from the bioelectric signals when Wang Anguo controlled the Qingguo Puppet. Instead, it is more like a radio wave. The transmission method is like the data transmission between computers, encoding, transmission, decoding process.

Ren Pingsheng listened to Ruan Tang's introduction to blue flowers, and looked at these flowers with eager eyes: "Could these flowers be used for calculations like computers?"

"I think it's possible."

Ruan Tang nodded, "I don't know how these flowers developed this ability to process and transmit information. In my opinion, it's too science fiction. It's hard to imagine that they were formed by natural evolution."

Ren Pingsheng nodded. Because he didn't know enough about this knowledge, he didn't feel as shocked as Ruan Tang: "Perhaps the mystery of this world is beyond our imagination. All kinds of strange abilities can appear in the world. This plant There has been a change, so there’s nothing strange about it.”

Ruan Tang also nodded when he heard the words: "You are right, but I still have a little difficulty understanding it. It even gives me the kind of virtual feeling that Musk said that this world is carefully designed.

This even leads to self-doubt. "

"The place of consciousness between you and me, whether the world is real or not, is similar to unfounded worries. It doesn't make much sense to get into trouble with this."

Ren Pingsheng is not as good as Ruan Tang in academic theory, but he is good at management. His management art has risen to the philosophical level. He also has his own views on the meaning of human existence, which some ordinary people cannot get around. , things that are easy to get into trouble, in his opinion, are nothing worth delving into.

Every creature, every person, every stage has limitations. Things beyond this limit are beyond your control, and there is no point in being suspicious and wasting your mind in vain over these things that are beyond your control.

The right thing to do is to make your own thoughts and efforts within the range that you can touch.

"Since these flowers can perform calculations, does it mean that we can use these flowers to replace computers?"

Ren Pingsheng is more concerned about the practicality of these things.

"I'm not an expert on this, but..."

Ruan Tang thought for a while: "It can be studied, but it is very difficult, and it may not be much faster than the speed at which our industry can develop quantum computers.

Of course, not necessarily, after all, the world is full of miracles. If we can overcome the interface technology with them, establish a technical interface to communicate with them, and be able to understand and utilize its quantum computing capabilities, it is foreseeable to use them to replace computers. "

She said, reaching out and touching a blue flower with her finger.

This flower has blue light shining on it.

Ren Pingsheng observed this flower carefully. He sensed that at this moment, energy was flowing inside the flower from the rhizome to the branches and leaves. The faint green light of the calyx was imperceptible, the flower appeared blue, and the filaments of the stamens The upper part has a more brilliant color change, transporting this essence of energy into the anthers, and the pollen rises like a sparkling brilliance. (End of chapter)

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