Behind me is the earth

Chapter 510 508 Prayer


The sound of the engine suddenly woke up the blond girl Lisa who had been hypnotized by Ren Pingsheng.

She found that the ball had been stuffed into her mouth and was stuck on her teeth. The rope was tightly tied to her head, and she could not push it open with her tongue.

Her hands and feet were tightly bound because she tore off her coat herself. At this time, the skin of her upper body was touching the metal floor of the back of the pickup truck, and she could feel the slightest chill coming from it at night.

"What just happened? Who is that man? SHIELD?" She felt an extremely absurd feeling in her heart, and even felt that there was a huge gap between the world and her knowledge!

"Could it be that in this world, there are still a group of supermen like this, hidden above ordinary people?"

She couldn't understand.

She didn't even have the memory of being hypnotized just now.

The car drove forward, heading towards the sacred mountain, which made Lisa suddenly nervous: "Am I going to be killed?"

She wanted to get out of her current predicament, but she was tied tightly and couldn't move at all.

She frowned tightly, her eyes became firm, she tightened her buttocks, her sphincter clamped hard, and she felt a shock, and her expression became a little more relaxed.

“As soon as the news reaches Bravel, there will definitely be some action on the line.

As long as that man doesn't kill me immediately, maybe I still have a chance to survive. "

Lisa thought.

As agents and spies, they are like rats in the gutter. Even if they die in the dark, they will not be recognized, and even their identities after death will not be visible to the light.

Everyone has the instinct to survive. In this case, she didn't want to die, and her death was so worthless.

The vehicle gradually left the town, and the darkness gradually swallowed up the lights. Lisa also entered the darkness with extreme anxiety.

Red building, office.

After a brief contact, Ren Pingsheng saw off the guests.

After Bliss left the Red Mansion, it was already late at night. Seim took him directly onto the helicopter and sent him back to the military base in Taicun.

Until he boarded his own plane, Bliss was still immersed in the scene of his recent contact with the divine envoy.

Among Hollywood blockbusters, those superhero movies have infinitely lowered the threshold of the so-called "god" in the hearts of ordinary people.

In the eyes of Bliss, the methods of the God Envoy, like Lisa, made her mind go crazy, and she kept thinking about whether there was a group of people with superpowers secretly in this world.

"However, the divinity in his eyes, the feeling of tolerance, compassion and detachment, when I saw him, I felt my heart calmed down. He seemed to be a link to the universe. When I get close to him, I feel that my wisdom is expanding, as if I am getting closer to the universe... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not close to the universe, but close to God!

In other words, is he really an envoy of God? "

When he thought of the feeling when he came into contact with the divine messenger, Brice's heart felt shaken again.

He really felt that that divine envoy was like a god.

When you are close to him, wisdom grows!

He thought of what Sam said when he sent him off to board the plane: "Bliss, human beings are small. Compared with this world, compared with the universe, compared with God, human beings are as small as the air." The dust is insignificant.

But our existence is not meaningless. Our bodies and spirits belong to this universe, and they that make up our bodies have existed forever. Our lives are also in this reincarnation and will eventually come to an end, but our bodies will return to this universe, and our spirits and consciousness will return to the embrace of God!

Therefore, it is better for people to have faith. "

Brees pondered this sentence.

"So, after my death, my soul will return to the embrace of God, and my consciousness will live forever in the kingdom of God? The East says that if you believe in it, you will have it, if you don't believe it, you will have nothing. This means that if you believe in the gods, you will reach the kingdom of God, and if you don't believe in the gods, your consciousness will be there. Will it return to the endless darkness of 'nothing'?"

Brees went to school in the East and learned some esoteric Eastern philosophy.

However, he did not learn these philosophies systematically and did not seek to understand them in detail. He only absorbed the literal meaning under the influence of his own knowledge system.

He thought over and over again in his mind and kept regurgitating this sentence. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that there might be a real god standing behind the divine envoy.

The adjutant on the plane fell into deep thought after seeing Brees boarding the plane.

He didn't dare to speak either.

As time passed, he suddenly saw Brees clasping his hands together and placing them on his forehead, as if praying.

The adjutant was stunned.

Because Brees had never done this before, and no one had ever mentioned that General Brees was a believer in God.

Lights dotting the ground began to appear below.

At this time, most of the entire Bravel area was plunged into darkness.

Indicators were on on planes on the outskirts of the city, crews contacted the tower, and airport staff ran out waving glow sticks.

The plane began to land slowly.

Bravel's airport has four runways. It is not very small, but it is old everywhere.

Even the daily maintenance here depends on the Gauls.

The plane gradually came to a stop on the runway and lowered the spiral staircase. When Brees and several entourage got off the car, a car had parked under the plane. Bliss got into the car and the vehicle drove towards his manor on the outskirts of the city, not far from the plane.

"Bravel has a quiet beauty at night."

Bliss looked at the city in the distance, bathed in moonlight. He liked this city that he had just captured, and looking at it was like looking at a graceful black pearl with world-famous beauty.

Every time he looks at this city, he is fascinated by the sense of self-realization it brings him.

The vehicle followed a bifurcated asphalt road and entered a redwood forest. Soon, a manor hidden in the forest came into his eyes.

This was given to him by a foreign consortium that owned two large mines in Bravel after he conquered Bravel. He liked it very much. Just on the edge of Bravel, still hidden in the forest, safe and private.

Inside and outside the manor, there were soldiers patrolling with guns.

There were about a battalion of men.

When the vehicle passed by, the patrolling soldiers raised their hands in salute.

Whenever this happens, Brees will feel a strong sense of satisfaction in his heart.

But now, he thought of the mercenaries of Aurora Defense he had seen on Domei Island. Their elite appearance made him look down on his soldiers, even these "elite soldiers" he had selected.

This caused a big gap in his heart.

The vehicle stopped in front of a small white building. A white housekeeper ran over and opened the door for him respectfully.

Brees enjoys the feeling of being served by a white man. Moreover, this white butler is a butler from London, which is the place where the best butlers are produced in the world!

But at this time, he couldn't help but take another look at the white butler.

After all, his white bedmate was a spy for MI6!

"Welcome the general home. Hot water has been made and pastries are warming in the kitchen..."

The white butler, as usual, with a strict attitude and a smile on his face, accompanied him and said.

This made Brees less wary, after all, the white butler had been following him for some time.

However, this relaxed mood suddenly disappeared after he entered the house!

As the door closed, something cold and hard hit his head.

Out of professional sensitivity, he immediately felt that it was a pistol.

"General Bliss, I think you should tell me, what happened on Dome Island? Where did Lisa go?"

The old housekeeper turned around, still smiling, but with a different smile.

From the humble smile just now, to a smile with a hint of cruelty, Bristos was surprised by how quickly his face changed.

"Adjutant Aida, I advise you to relax and not make too much noise."

The old housekeeper looked at the adjutant behind Bliss, who was pulling out a gun: "However, there is no point even if you make a noise. Everyone in this manor is already ours."


Bliss glared at the old butler.

From his eyes, you can see the anger and the fear that cannot be concealed.

"In the account of the battalion commander outside, there are 20 million US dollars that we sent him, as well as a mansion in Paris.

Do you think he listens to you now or to me? "

The old housekeeper looked at Bliss and said.

When Brees heard this, his heart sank.

Now, not only in this room, but also outside, there is no possibility for him to make a comeback.

"The consortium that gave me the manor was played by someone from MI6?"

Brees stood there, not daring to move.


The old housekeeper's face suddenly became serious, his eyes became sharp, and he stared at Bliss closely: "Lisa was indeed exposed!

Duomei Island, Aurora Defense Company, is indeed not simple. "

So familiar with MI6! Lisa could be exposed in such a short period of time! Which force is behind this Aurora Defense?

The old housekeeper's mind was running wildly.

"Sir, I don't think you will kill me here. You are lurking around me and have put in so much energy. Are you going to kill me here?"

Kill me and you will gain nothing. Not a good deal, is it? "

Bliss turned his head and persuaded.

"No, the battalion commander outside can also take your place and become the uncrowned king of Bravel and even Weishan Province.

In Camai, coups are as simple and common as a daily occurrence, aren't they? "

The old housekeeper shook his head and continued: "So, you must show your value to us in order to survive.

First of all, tell me, what is going on on Dome Island? How was Lisa exposed? "

"I went to visit the military exercise on Duomei Island. Their strength is beyond your imagination. I have obtained the support of Duomei Island. Maybe you should face up to their strength. If you kill me, or continue to ask this question , you will be in trouble!"

Bliss thought of the divine envoy, and the god-like eyes magnified infinitely in his heart. The longer the time passed, the deeper the impression became, and the more it occupied his heart.

But the muzzle of the gun on his head poked him hard, and the pain made him tremble all over.

When he felt the other party open the safety door with a click, cold sweat broke out on his head.

"General Bliss, are you telling me a joke? Are you threatening me with Dome Island? Threatening MI6? Threatening the great empire on which the sun never sets?

Are you telling me a joke?

Why is Domei Island against us?

Is there a god living up there? "

The old housekeeper said loudly: "Since you don't want to say it, there are your adjutants and the other four people who followed you to Duomei Island. We can get the answer from their mouths.

Let’s do it! "

He waved at the gunman.

"Lord God Envoy! HELP!"

Brees shouted loudly in panic.

He was betting on whether the angel who could observe him on the plane could respond to his call for help.


Because Bruce shouted the first half of the sentence in Chinese dialect, the old housekeeper didn't understand and was a little confused for a moment.

He looked around cautiously, trying to see who Bruce was calling for help.

Brees also watched the gunman pull the trigger, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and opened his mouth, ready to confess to save his life.

At this time, the gunman suddenly found that the trigger seemed to be stuck there, and he could not pull the trigger.

"What's wrong?"

Brees and the old housekeeper noticed something was wrong with the gunman at the same time.

"Did God really hear my call?"

Bliss trembled all over.

It was as exciting as an electric shock.

"You've crossed a line."

A voice sounded in the vast manor hall.


The old housekeeper almost instantly took out the pistol in his arms, listened to the sound to identify the location, and raised the gun to find the source of the sound.

When Chris heard this voice, he couldn't help but get excited and his whole body trembled with excitement!

The old housekeeper didn't get an answer, but in the quiet environment, the crisp "click" sound of broken bones was very clear.

He watched helplessly as the eyes of the gunman behind Chris lost focus. At the same time, the gunman's body rose up, and a ball of fire appeared out of thin air, wrapping the gunman. In the golden and hot firelight, his It was as if the body was purified by flames and turned into a pile of ashes in a short time, filling and scattering in the air.

"This is······"

The huge impact caused an incredible look on the old housekeeper's face.

He couldn't believe that this was actually happening before his eyes.

Adjutant Aida was also in disbelief when faced with this scene. He saw Brees, who had looked frightened just now, and now his expression slowly changed from excitement to calmness, as if he had found a refuge in his heart and became calm.

He clasped his hands together and prayed devoutly. (End of chapter)

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