Behind me is the earth

Chapter 522 520 Resources

The white clouds dispersed in the sky, the blue sky was exceptionally pure, and birds soared and danced in the sky.

The small world cannot breed large birds. They chatter and chase each other, but they are happy and free.

"Yao Lao, is it too hasty to choose Luzhou this time?"

Saint Yunting was riding on a white horse and looked back at the bird.

"Yunding Peak has bet on the wrong treasure three times in a row. It has not served as a sect leader for more than three hundred years. Regardless of resources and disciples, it is already weaker than Yuzhu Peak and Zidian Peak. We are at a disadvantage this time and can only choose The Wu family in Luzhou.”

Yao Lao said.

In Fangyuan Sect, every time there is a major reshuffle in the world, it is also a competition for Sanfeng. Any mountain that succeeds in the big reshuffle will get the position of suzerain. The position of the sect leader represents resources!

“But Luzhou is bounded by Xilushan Mountain to the west and Anran Mountain to the east. It is blocked in the middle basin and its location is not good.

If they were besieged from the north and south by the Lu family in Yingzhou and the Zhao family in Kaizhou, they might not even have a chance to leave Luzhou.

If things go on like this, wouldn't it be true that the strong in the sect will always be strong and the weak will always be weak? Wouldn't there be no chance for Yunding Ding? "

Saint Yunting is not optimistic about the Wu family in Luzhou, and she is also worried at this time.

This is the most important thing for Yifeng.

"These arrangements are the orders of the Supreme Being. Who can disobey them?"

Yao Lao sighed and whispered: "Holy girl, not long after entering Luzhou, I noticed someone peeping at us. From this, it seems that the Wu family in Luzhou should not be weak in terms of organization. This time we There may not be a chance.”


The saint snorted, obviously not having any confidence in the Wu family: "The total population of Huang County in Wuzhou is only more than 10,000 people. It will be difficult to form an effective defense if the defense line is raised in the future. If Yingzhou organizes troops, I'm afraid It is very easy to break.

When the time comes, we will have to arrange a few more experts here. "

She has already begun to think about the next war to fight for the world.

Originally, all the states were already at war, but now that the Saint of the Immortal Sect has come down from the mountain, the war is about to begin.

We have entered the boundaries of Lin'an County. The Anbo River flows through here, and Liujiangyan is located here, which brings abundant water nourishment to the Lin'an basin. Rice is grown in the fields beside the road and is growing very fast. gratifying.

The farmers on the roadside have not yet sensed that the war is coming. They have finished their farm work in the fields. At this time, they go home together in twos and threes, bragging and chatting with each other, with smiles on their faces. Under the sunset, they are quite happy. Warm.

Yunting looked at the person walking on the road ahead in the sunset. A father caressed the head of his six or seven-year-old daughter. The little girl let out a burst of laughter that echoed far down the path.

"It would be great if this world could accommodate more people..."

She murmured.

"The Wu family's response is really slow. It looks like they haven't started gathering troops yet!"

Yao Lao frowned.

When they passed by on horseback, the people got out of the way and looked at them with envy on the roadside as they rode their tall horses.

In the eyes of the common people, the lives of these big shots must be another fairy-like world!

But in Yunting's eyes, isn't a stable and ordinary life a kind of happiness?

Soon, a city standing under the sunset fell into everyone's eyes.

Under the shining of the setting sun, this city seemed to turn into gold, brilliant and quiet, located there.

"Enter the city!"

Saint Yunting called out, and everyone clamped down on the horse's belly and sped up.

Soon, the news of the arrival of the Immortal Sect Saintess spread in the Wu Mansion.

All the members of the Wu family were dispatched, the middle door was opened wide, and they went out to greet him.

The maids began to sweep the courtyard and started a meticulous cleaning.

"What are the results of the experiment of taking people out?"

Ren Pingsheng asked.

"We found a Ming Jin warrior to conduct an experiment. After he was taken out of the box, his strength did not decline significantly like those in the outside world.

This person has now arranged for him to be in the Yunmen Martial Arts School. "

Wangshu said behind him.

"From this point of view, the population of this world is also a resource. Unfortunately, normal communication cannot be achieved."

Ren Pingsheng has some regrets.

The population of this world is equivalent to a small county town on Earth. However, the connection between this world and the outside world is only a room in a box. If you want to get in and out, you have to go through the stairs in that small room.

With half a million people coming in and out, it would be difficult to communicate normally just by relying on that small staircase as an exit.

For Qi State, it can only be regarded as a place to cultivate talents, but it cannot be expanded into a county of Qi State.

For Ren Pingsheng personally, this world is undoubtedly a very huge resource. But for the size of Qi State, the small world in this box still has great limitations and is not very conspicuous.

"Go and arrange for people to build the suspension bridge."

Since people from the outside can come in, people from the inside can also go out. According to Ren Shengsheng's plan, a folding bridge for people to pass through is built in the fog for bilateral communication.

"I'll make arrangements."

I forgot my book and went out.

The sky was gradually getting dark, but the lights in Wu Mansion were brightly lit. Only the small courtyard where Ren Pingsheng and the others were located was not affected by the bustle outside.

Ren Pingsheng came to the small courtyard and looked up at the sky.

"Tell me, how come the sky here is the same as the sky outside?"

He was confused and asked Ruan Tang, who was holding tools and making a small robot in the yard.

"Logically speaking, it is impossible unless we are in the same world. This world is completely different from the outside world in terms of gravity, time of day and night, magnetic field, animals and plants, etc.

It seems to be an environment specially created to imitate the outside world. "

Ruan Tang said without raising his head: "Is it possible that the black box is just a portal, and this continent is actually just a large island surrounded by restrictions on the other side of the planet?

Or is this really a small world in a box specially created by someone, and the night in the sky is just an illusion? "

She not only put forward her conjecture, but also directly took out a camera from the space ring.

On the table, the metal was constantly deforming, forming a rocket-like thing that covered the camera.

Also formed at the same time is a sleeve.

She put the rocket into the sleeve, and with a "chish" sound, electric light appeared on the sleeve.

With an explosion of "Zila", a bolt of lightning suddenly shot straight into the sky, but in an instant it had passed through the night and disappeared in the sky.


Ruan Tang suddenly let out a cry of surprise. He tapped his finger lightly in the air, and electromagnetic light waves suddenly converged and hit the air. The picture displayed by the camera was as if he was actually there, with a 3D effect. In the eyes of two people.

Countless streams of light passed quickly in front of the eyes, and the deep darkness was like a small boat sailing in the deep sea, making people feel uneasy and uneasy.

Gradually, Ren Pingsheng also discovered the strangeness here.

The distance to the moon marked on the lens has not changed at all!

Even if it is moving at high speed, this distance does not change at all.

"Can you make the screen face the ground?"

Out of caution, Ren Pingsheng did not leave his body to observe the world.

Even the important people around him, including Ruan Tang, Xiaowan, Chen Dachui, etc., all stayed by Ren Pingsheng's side honestly. Once they encountered unpredictable danger, they could open the door and escape from the world at any time.


Ruan Tang gave an order and the screen turned to the ground.

The distance from the ground marked by the lens has not changed either.

"The sky is the same as the southern barrier? Is the space also folded?"

Ren Pingsheng suddenly felt that this world was like the world under a dome, and the creatures inside were like fish raised in a landscape fish tank, so that he suddenly felt uncomfortable all over.

Just when Ruan Tang was about to say something, there was suddenly a loud noise outside, and many people were walking quickly towards this side.

She removed the light and shadow around her and looked outside the yard with Ren Pingsheng.

Soon, a woman wearing a bamboo hat walked in at the lead.

Behind her, there was an old man with gray hair and beard, but he was walking like a tiger.

"The strong light that just flew into the sky came from here? Did you two just see it?"

As soon as the woman came in, she saw a group of people standing in the yard.

From her point of view, the man and woman under the moonlight are really handsome, a pair of gods and gods!

"Are you talking about this? It's the magic weapon used for lighting our Yunyin Gate."

Xiaowan walked out of the wing, holding a bright flashlight in her hand. As she pressed the button once or twice, a bright light shone toward the sky.

A fleeting moment.

"It's interesting, can you let me see it?"

the woman said.

The head of the Wu family at the back introduced him at this time: "Sect Master Ren, this is the Saint of Yunting from Yunding of the Immortal Sect.

Come down the mountain and help my Wu family compete in the world. "

"Saint Yunting, of course."

Xiaowan walked to the courtyard, came to Yunting, and handed her the bright flashlight in her hand.

"Good iron."

As soon as he bought the flashlight, Yunting felt that the material was unusual.

Looking at the lamp beads inside under the moonlight, she touched the light in her hand and wanted to turn it on, but Xiaowan reached out to hold it down: "This magic weapon is extremely bright. If it shines into your eyes, you may risk blindness."

"Thank you."

Yunting followed Shanruliu and shined towards the wall of the yard.

As she pressed the switch, strong light shone on the wall, making the entire courtyard of the Heshi family as bright as day. The light was even dazzling and painful to the eyes.

"It's a good thing. If you fight at night, as long as the enemy does not exceed An Jin, there is a risk of being blinded."

Yunting turned off the flashlight and returned it to Xiaowan: "What drives this magic weapon?"

"Electrical energy."

Ren Pingsheng came over.

"Electric energy?"

Yunting looked at Ren Pingsheng.

"That's right, the kind of electric energy like lightning in the sky. It's also the kind of electric energy in Guixian Sect's purple electric crystal."

Ren Pingsheng said.


Yunting nodded and said she understood the purple electric crystal.

As for the other party knowing about the Purple Electric Crystal, this is not a secret. Over the years, in the Fangyuan Sect, the magical weapons developed by relying on the Purple Electric Crystal have already formed a system of magical weapons, which is known to the outside world.

"Holy Maiden, do you want to know if the purple electric crystal of Guixian Sect can be sold? Although our magic weapon uses electricity and the battery inside, it is far less powerful than the power contained in the purple electric crystal."

Ren Pingsheng said, took the flashlight from Xiaowan's hand, turned on the bright flashlight, and took out a dark battery from inside.

Yunting looked at the battery in Ren Pingsheng's hand. Compared with the purple electric crystal, its appearance was indeed far behind.

She shook her head: "The purple electric crystals in the sect are all obtained by Zidian Peak from the chaotic sky. The amount obtained each time is not very large, and will not be given to outsiders."

"That's such a shame."

Ren Pingsheng said regretfully, thinking in his heart——

This purple electric crystal actually came from the chaotic airspace outside Yingzhou.

There is indeed danger here, but it can be explored by space aliens.

After watching Yunting and others leave, the small courtyard became quiet again.

"The few people from Yunyin Sect just now should not be weak in strength."

Yao Lao whispered in Yunting's ear.

"So what if you're awesome?"

Although Yunting didn't show it on his face, he actually didn't notice the people in the hidden door.

In this world, only Fangyuan Zongfang is the undisputed number one.

The so-called Hidden Sect is just some casual cultivators who rely on the breath of Fangyuan Sect to survive.

If she hadn't represented Yunding now to help the Wu family in Luzhou fight for the world, and the two sides were barely in the same camp, she wouldn't have condescended to talk to these people.

Next, although Ren Pingsheng stayed in this small courtyard, the changes in the small world could not escape his eyes.

His mind power covers the whole world, observing the changes in the world.

At the same time, information from various states is also transmitted back with the night owl.

To everyone's surprise, among the Saints of the Three Peaks who came down the mountain, Yunding Peak chose Luzhou, Yuzhu Peak chose Yingzhou, Zidian Peak chose the royal Yuan family, and no one chose the quite powerful Zhao family of Kaizhou!

This also made Saint Yunting shout that she had been fooled!

Apparently when they came down from the mountain, they heard that Zidian Peak, the strongest member of the Fangyuan Sect, chose Kaizhou Zhao, but after they came down from the mountain, they changed their mind and chose the Yuan family!

The Yuan family has been in power for two hundred years, and the secular power is not a good thing for the otherworldly Fangyuan Sect——

Even a dog will forget the majesty of its owner if it is not beaten.

Although what Zidian Peak did was not a bad rule, it was not in the interests of Fangyuan Sect.

The Kaizhou Zhao family, who had made full preparations, did not receive help from the Xianzong, but they had no choice but to take action. Instead, they jumped out first and attacked the state army, setting off the prelude to a world-wide war.

Then, the Lu family of Yingzhou also started to rebel in the north, killing officials.

The Wu family in Luzhou also raised the flag of rebellion. The Wu family, which had been carefully managed for a long time, had already instigated the Luzhou Yamen and the state army to rebel, and was the first to unify the entire territory of Luzhou.

However, because Luzhou is mountainous, with mountains on the left and right, and only a narrow basin for living, there are few people and little land, so it is more than enough to defend, but not enough to attack.

If the army wants to win, it can only go south to open a state or go north to win a state. If it doesn't go out and wait for others to unify the states, it will definitely lose.

Just when the Wu family was anxious, Yuanzhou also became chaotic!

It was the Prime Minister Li family who rebelled!

This emerging family also wants to participate in the war for imperial power.

As the Li family took control of the capital, their family in Suizhou also led troops to fight against the imperial army.

At this time, everyone knew that the Saint of Zidian Peak chose not the royal Yuan family, but the Prime Minister Li family!

To the common people, it seemed that suddenly, the originally peaceful and peaceful world had plunged into chaos and death. (End of chapter)

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