Behind me is the earth

Chapter 545 543 Thriving

"Let's go."

He is the official in charge of publicity in the county. He came here this time because he wanted to see the effect of the publicity so that he could write a research report and send it to his superiors.

In his opinion, the publicity effect has been achieved.

Since the latest article published by the King in Qi Guo Monthly in September, he demanded that in the process of economic development, social atmosphere cannot be ignored, "only money comes first" and "only wealth comes first", and public opinion guidance on correct values ​​cannot be lacking. , received attention from top to bottom, and quickly launched a publicity for the correct ethos.

This main theme movie was also shot against this background.

It is a criticism and shock to unhealthy tendencies, and it is also another confirmation of correct moral values.

The Propaganda Department received very good feedback after local screenings, so it required the film's promotion to be carried out to the grassroots level, to create moral and legal concepts in the whole society, and to unify the correct values ​​throughout the country. thought of.

Tang Xiaoer, who returned home after watching the movie, felt excited.

“The officials of the Ministry of Integrity are so majestic!”

What he saw was different.

The figure wearing a black official robe, peeling off cocoons to search for clues, and arresting corrupt officials is so intimidating and handsome!

"Uphold justice, obey the king's laws, and rectify officials..."

Thinking of what the anti-corruption officials said in the movie, he couldn't sleep due to tossing and turning, so he simply sat up and ate popcorn bought from the small square.

"It's a pity that I didn't go to college. If you want to be an official, you must graduate from college."

Tang Xiaoer is considered an official, the most basic official of the medical clinic.

It can also be regarded as an identity within the system.

But it is far from being an official. It is very difficult for a civil servant to become an official. Even if he can become an official through selection, it will be difficult for him to reach the senior level in his life because of his poor background.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much."

Tang Xiaoer shook his head, drank a sip of water, rinsed his mouth, swallowed it, and got into bed.

On the third day, early in the morning, Niu Niu sent Tang Xiaoer to the county station.

"The bus to the provincial capital leaves at half past two in the afternoon."

said the ticket seller.

"It's too late then. Could you please do it earlier?"

Tang Xiaoer asked.

The train departed at half past two and arrived at the provincial capital, delaying the training and admission to the association in the evening.

“There are only so many trains every day, so what’s the use of being anxious?

Let's do this, you take the bus to Chenshi County at 7:30, and there is a train to the provincial capital at 10:30, and you can reach the provincial capital before 12 o'clock. "

Seeing that Tang Xiaoer was really anxious, the ticket seller suggested.


Tang Xiaoer agreed.

After bidding farewell to Niuniu, Tang Xiaoer got on the bus.

The bus is also produced by Qixing Vehicle Manufacturing Factory. It is said that the tanks in the army are also produced by this factory.

There is a long stretch of dirt road on the road to Chen City, which is full of loess and shaky when driving. After entering Chenshi County, the road suddenly became smoother, and the bus's driving on the wide road became smoother.

The uneven economic development of the city can be easily felt from the road.

After arriving in the city, this comparison became even more obvious.

Tang Xiaoer called a rickshaw and took him to the train station in the south of the city.

I bought my ticket here and boarded the train.

As soon as I got on the train, the different smells from the train penetrated my nose.

"The people on this old-fashioned train are so unqualified that they even brought chickens with them!"

A woman next to Tang Xiaoer complained.

Without saying a few words, he started having sex with the woman over there carrying a chicken cage.

Tang Xiaoer took a look and retreated behind the others.

There were no seats in the carriage, and it was only for one stop anyway. Tang Xiaoer simply squeezed into the junction of the carriages. There was no one here, so he squatted here and found a book to read.

"Little brother, you are a middle school student, are you ready to take the college entrance examination?"

After watching for who knows how long, Tang Xiaoer pulled out his eyes and was about to look out the car window to see the scenery when someone next to him spoke to him.

When he looked, he saw a young man looking at the book he was holding in his hand.

This is the book he dug out from the bottom of the box yesterday. After he had the idea of ​​​​taking the university entrance examination, he took a few books with him to pass the time while studying.

"No, I'm already working. I just want to try my luck next year."

Tang Xiaoer said a little shyly.

"Then you are very perseverant, come on."

The man made a cheering gesture.

Now, state-owned and private gas stations everywhere have begun to gradually appear in people's lives.

The word "come on" has been spread and has become a word of blessing and encouragement.

"Brother, where are you going?"

On the train, people often chat to kill the boring time during the journey. Seeing that the elder brother was so kind, Tang Xiaoer also asked with a smile.

"Go to Chujiang Province."

Li Baosheng took out a box of cigarettes and smoked one: "Do you want to smoke?"


Tang Xiaoer wanted to try it, but since he had never smoked it before, he still refused.

Li Baosheng thought about himself.

"Brother, are you going to transfer to Qidu?"

Tang Xiaoer asked.

Li Baosheng blew out a smoke ring: "Yes, the current Qi State Railway is generally two horizontal and two vertical, and it is quite troublesome to transfer.

I heard that the Ministry of Transportation has re-planned seven routes, but I don’t know when construction will start.

Those of us who often run outside are looking forward to it.

Little brother, have you ever seen an airplane? "

Li Baosheng was also bored on the train, chatting in front of his new little brother.

Tang Xiaoer has stayed in the mountains all year round and has never left Guo County since he was a child. When he saw the well-informed Li Baosheng, his eyes revealed his longing for the outside world.

"We ordinary people will also be able to fly to the sky soon!"

Li Baosheng said: "The country will build a civil aviation airport, and then we will be able to take flights to other places..."

The two of them were chatting, and suddenly there was a "ta-da-da-da" sound above their heads. The dull sound was like a firecracker, and it was deafening.

"What's wrong?"

"What's going on? What happened?"

Strange sounds from passengers also sounded in the carriages on both sides.

People looked out of the windows one after another, wanting to see what was going on.

“Dear travelers, the latest notice is that our police are chasing fugitives, and the gunfire just now was the sound of shots fired at the railway outpost to drive away fugitives.

Now that the fugitives have been driven away from the railway, travelers don't have to worry. "

The train announcer's voice came from the carriage.

People's emotions were also relieved.

The train is also equipped with heavy machine guns, and there are railway police outposts at intervals along the train. The entire railway line is a very safe area. Nothing has happened since the train started running. Big accident.

"If you can use a machine gun to drive away criminals, you must be a very capable criminal, right?"

Tang Xiaoer said in surprise.

"Yes, it's most likely a monster in the mountains."

There are some monsters in the mountains that become spirits, especially some monsters in the deep mountains.

Although the central court and local government offices have prepared plans for this situation, they will publicize the policy of the demon clan through word of mouth among the demons, continuous broadcasting through loudspeakers outside the mountain villages, and spray painting through pictures.

But it is inevitable that some unwarranted monsters will come out to do evil.

"Is there a doctor in the car?"

"There are people injured!"

In the carriage on the right, there was suddenly a shout.

Two railway policemen in black uniforms also hurried past the two people and ran towards the carriage on the right side.

"Brother, let me go and take a look."

Tang Xiaoer said, running towards the right side of the car behind the policeman.

"Hey, little brother, why are you joining in the fun?"

Li Baosheng threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, rubbed it with his feet, and ran away.

When they arrived, they saw Tang Xiaoer holding down the wrist of a young man whose wrist was bleeding.

It was quite miraculous. As Tang Xiaoer pinched him, the bleeding stopped almost instantly.

"What's going on?"

Li Baosheng asked curiously.

Someone next to him said: "Someone cut off his circumference just now. He found out and got into an argument, and the circumcision stabbed his wrist."

Li Baosheng looked at the two people who were pinned to the ground and handcuffed. They must be thieves.

"Be honest, you still dare to commit crimes despite repeated orders from above. You two will suffer the same consequences when you go to jail!"

The police did not behave in a civilized way in enforcing the law. They slapped the dishonest thief hard and forcefully made him become honest immediately.

The surrounding passengers suddenly applauded: "Well done!"

Soon, the doctors in the car rushed over, and Tang Xiaoer handed the injured person over to them.

By this time, the car had arrived at Zhangucheng.

Li Baosheng and Tang Xiaoer arrived to say goodbye.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Li Baosheng got off the bus in Qidu.

Every time I come to Qidu, I can see new changes in the city.

The area around the train station was still desolate when I arrived last year, but now it is full of high-rise buildings rising from the ground.

"Guest, would you like to take a car?"

As soon as he left the station, a solicitor shouted to him.

"Is this a motorcycle?"

Li Baosheng asked in surprise.

There are bicycles all around, and a motorcycle appears here, as conspicuous as a swan among ducks.

"Yes, the Daxing brand! The price is only five yuan more than theirs, and it runs fast! I'll take you to the city in ten minutes!"

My brother patted the back seat of the car and said.

"Okay, take your seat."

Li Baosheng got into the back seat.

He wanted to know where he could buy a motorcycle.

It's a pity that the guy here bought it because someone in his family works in a motorcycle factory.

"However, the production of motorcycles will increase early next year. By then, more motorcycles will be launched on the market, which will be easier to buy!"

Brother said when he sent Li Baosheng to his destination.

Li Baosheng said goodbye to his brother and came to the business hall of Qiguo Development Bank.

In Qi State now, there is Qi State Development Bank, which was renamed from the original Wuzhou Development Bank.

There is Qiguo Agricultural Bank, a bank that focuses on policy support for agriculture.

There is Qiguo Construction Bank, which focuses on policy support for Qiguo’s real estate, infrastructure and other aspects.

There is Qiguo Commercial Bank, which focuses on the development of Qiguo's industry and commerce, as well as investment in the entrepreneurship of some private businessmen.

However, it is a bank after all, and stability is still the priority. It's hard to get their venture capital.

Li Baosheng's career was able to start mainly because he made a fortune by purchasing the first stock in Qi - the stock of the First Steel Works.

"Open a public account for me."

Li Baosheng came to the counter and said.

Since he and Brown opened a pig farm, he has always opened an account at Wuzhou Development Bank and is used to conducting transactions here.

"Director Li!"

While I was doing business, a voice saying hello suddenly came from behind me.

He turned around and saw a woman in a blue-gray sweater greeting him.

"President Gu, why are you here?"

He stood up in surprise and excitement, held his hands towards her and asked.

"Here from Dongyang transfer headquarters."

Gu Xiao said with a smile.

Li Baosheng quickly handed over his hand: "Congratulations to President Gu on your promotion."

"haha, thank you."

Gu Xiao smiled: "Director Li has done all the business now, and it is getting bigger and bigger."

"No, I opened an account here. The new factory is in Jinshan County, Chujiang Province."

Li Baosheng said.


Gu Xiao said: "Chujiang Heavy Industry Base!"

"Yes, I opened a hardware market there."

Li Baosheng said.

"I wish you prosperity and prosperity."

Gu Xiao said a blessing: "Director Li, please do your work first. I still have work to do, so I will leave first."

"Okay! You go to work first!"

Li Baosheng watched Gu Xiao carry his bag out of the gate and get into a black car waiting outside.

I secretly thought in my heart that this bank manager I knew from Dongyang County is now very prosperous: "It turns out that women can rise to such a high level!"

Gu Xiao quickly arrived at the gate of the Central Bank by car.

At this time, the gate of Qixing Bank was under martial law.

Many guards are here, covertly or covertly.

There was a pass on the car, and after stopping for a short inspection, it entered the compound.

"The king is in the president's office on the top floor. President Gu, please hurry up."

There were several people in the hall. When they saw Gu Xiao coming, they quickly came up and said.


Gu Xiao nodded, stepped on a pair of black deerskin boots, and entered the elevator.

As she watched the elevator go up, she couldn't help but feel uneasy.

After receiving the notice, she felt that she still had plenty of time. When she came here, she didn't expect that the king had already arrived, which made her feel a little more panicked.

Since ancient times, kings have never been asked to wait for their ministers!

With a "ding" sound, she hurriedly got out of the elevator, and naturally someone guided her into the small conference room of the president of Qixing Bank.

Sitting in the middle of the conference table, the figure of the King came into her eyes.

When she saw the king, she couldn't help but feel excited.

"Gu Xiao, come here."

She was about to find a place to stand quietly, but Ren Pingsheng saw her.

Ren Pingsheng pointed at a place relatively close to his position, and Gu Xiao quickly walked over and sat down with excitement.

She quietly took a look and found that besides the king, there were also Qin Wan, the Minister of Finance and Taxation, Lu Junyi, the president of Qixing Group, Du Huimin, the president of Qixing Bank, the presidents of three other banks, and several securities companies. department, and several people from the transportation department.

Come to think of it, the king's research on this trip is about the country's economy. (End of chapter)

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