Chapter 409: Fighting Again in the Horse's Belly

After hearing Bai Yang say this, Qiongqi couldn't help but feel like water. If he knows a secret he shouldn't know, he will definitely kill him and avoid future troubles forever! But the horse's belly is its brother, so how could it just watch the horse's belly fall and just let it go?

So he hurriedly sent out his spiritual thoughts:"Ma Wei will never tell the secrets of Wu Xianzong. I dare to guarantee it with my life!"

Bai Yang didn't even look at it, and said coldly:"I guarantee it with my life." ? Are you still qualified?"

Qiongqi was stunned, and was suddenly choked and speechless. There has always been an unwritten rule in the God Tempering Realm: if the master lives, the servants will live, and if the master dies, the servants will die. The life of a servant has always belonged to the master. Although it has an agreement with Wei Zi and Bai Yang, if they die, Qiongqi can regain his freedom. At least when the two of them were alive, its life was indeed not its own.

Although he signed a master-servant contract and handed over his corpse, Qiongqi always believed that it was Jinwu and Lili who controlled it, but they really did not regard themselves as servants, and Wei Zi and others also took a fancy to its magical powers. , the attitude towards it is no different from that of its partners. Now that Bai Yang had exposed its identity so unceremoniously, Qiongqi was angry for a moment, but couldn't refute it. However, even so, the huge tiger body blocking the horse's belly and chest did not move even half an inch.

When the horse belly saw this, he felt grateful. However, it made up its mind to follow Qiongqi, but it was here to help, not to cause trouble. What's the point of always hiding behind your brothers? After a tiger roar, Ma Wei stepped out from behind Qiongqi, and his spiritual thoughts immediately floated out:"If you want to fight or kill, you must have this ability! Tell me, are you fighting alone or in a group fight? ? But the ugly thing is ahead. If you choose to fight in a group, don’t blame me for calling all the monsters in the forest to fight in a group! If you are fighting alone, you can only send one person and one beast. Stop trying to bully the minority with more!"

Regarding Qiongqi's unexpected defeat, Ma Fu always believed that Qiongqi suffered the loss of having fewer people. It is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, not to mention that in addition to four hands, the opponent also has a pair of wings of the Golden Crow. The enemy is numerous and we are few, so Qiongqi fails to check for a moment and is defeated. Of course, falling into that situation is also the result of being poor. He would never make this mistake again.

Bai Yang narrowed his eyes and said,"Why, you still want to fight again?"

Ma Fu nodded:"Yes! If you win, take my life; if you lose, take my brother's life." Come back!"

Hearing that the horse's belly actually wanted to risk his life, Qiongqi was not willing to agree. Just as he was about to send out his spiritual thoughts, Wei Zi slowly nodded in agreement,"For the sake of your friendship with the big white cat, we I don't want your life either, lest you lose your life and make it sad. If you lose, just like the big white cat, hand over your body and sign a master-servant contract!" After hearing what

Wei Zi said, the horse's belly was full of anger. Nodding in agreement without hesitation, Chongqi pondered for a while and finally did not speak again.

In Qiongqi's view, handing over the body, although subject to human control, will not have a great impact on the cultivation of magical powers in a short period of time. The master-servant contract is time-limited, so it is better than losing one's life.

Ma Wei’s idea is different from Qiongqi’s. It doesn't have any lofty ambitions to create a world and establish a world of laws. Even if it hands over the corpse, if Wei Zi and the others go too far, it will fight for a trace of the corpse. If the soul is unstable and the cultivation level is greatly reduced, it will still want it. The monsters who led the expedition to the forest made the entire Yaoguang country restless. Didn’t it mean that the high priest of Yaoguang Kingdom was Wei Zi’s grandfather? snort! Even if it can't defeat this group of young men and women gathered together, can it still bully a few lonely monks? The nonsense about wrongs having ends and debts having owners is just a joke to Ma Wei, and it is only right to implicate the nine tribes! Of course, if Wei Zi and others treat Qiongqi and it kindly in the future, it will not give up its life in vain and foolishly fight to the detriment of both sides. Anyway, let’s talk about it later.

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