The horse's belly did not expect that what the cook dismembered was a dead cow with the skin removed, leaving only bones and flesh, not a lively mad cow with tough skin and thick flesh.

The horse jumped up on its belly, and soon found that no matter how wide it opened its mouth, it could not suck the white hoof into its mouth. After swallowing it in one mouthful, it also extinguished the idea of ​​relying on the devouring magical power to win easily, and made up its mind. , fighting with White Hooves. It's a horse's belly. If it's facing a mad cow, it can't swallow it in one bite. How can it still be injured? It would be a better strategy to bite off a few pieces of meat and scare the mad cow into surrendering.

The sharp claws of the horse's front feet hit the marrow shield of the white hooves, and the bone claw sheaths of the five toes of the front feet reflected like ten inches of white light, like ten willow leaf flying knives as thin as cicada wings. It easily cut through White Hoof's marrow shield, causing it to dissipate in the air after a ripple.

While the horse's belly felt relieved, he was also secretly vigilant: The white hoof in front of him was obviously not weak in cultivation, but the protection of the marrow shield was surprisingly low. It was obvious that he was reluctant to waste the marrow power on the defensive shield. Could it be that it had something else? Do you rely on it, do you believe in the combat philosophy that offense is the best defense, or do you have a good physical defense?

After breaking through the defensive shield of White Hoof, the momentum of the horse's belly continued unabated. The white awns on its front paws quickly came into contact with White Hoof's body. However, this time, the horse's belly could not easily cut through the opponent's flesh. It only felt that its claws hit a piece of leather armor. It was not very hard, but it was so strong that its ten horned toes, which had always been sharpened like mud, had no use.

After a series of rough rubbing sounds, , the huge tiger body on the horse's belly began to descend, and the sharp toes were a bit dull as if they had been polished with sandpaper. There was a feeling of embarrassment in the horse's belly. How could he not get the fat meat into his mouth? The five claws dug down, the tiger lowered its head, revealing several white teeth, and bit into the white hoof. This time, it made up its mind to bite off a piece of meat from White Hoof no matter what.

The two sharp cone-like tiger teeth on the horse's belly finally penetrated into the strong and thick leather of Bai Hoof, but there were only those two. The horse's belly didn't even taste any blood, and then heard the familiar sound of friction again. It turned out that the lower teeth slipped from the cowhide of the white hoof and could not be embedded. Well, this time it still punched two holes in White Hoof's cowhide.

How could Bai Hoo be willing to let the horse's belly hang on his body like this, gnawing and scratching it? After jumping high, the whole body fell to the right, trying to press the horse's belly under him.

How could a horse's belly, which had been weighing the hegemon for several years, be crushed by a bull? Immediately, he ejected without hesitation, and his huge body ejected backwards as quickly as a cheetah, perfectly avoiding the pressure of the white hoof, allowing the white hoof to hit the ground alone, raising dust all over the sky.

However, the horse's belly did not take advantage of the situation to bully Bai Ho's body again. It had no interest in tickling the other party. It also needs to take this opportunity to think carefully about how to deal with this mad cow that cannot be scratched or bitten.

After the first confrontation, Ma Wei already knew that he had to give up the simple and rough fighting method that Ping was familiar with. Although Qiongqi jokingly calls it a reckless man, it is indeed too lazy to use its brain, but as a monster, Ma Wei definitely does not lack fighting wisdom. If you can't defeat them, you can only outwit them! In an instant, Ma Wei had a clear judgment on the situation in front of him. Fighting and exhausting the opponent's marrow power is its only chance.

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