《This program “I Am a Singer” has 7 singers in each episode, and each singer performs a song.

The duration of one song is about 5 minutes at best.

The performance of 7 singers can be completed in about half an hour.

Then the program team added water in some ways, and the program could easily meet the 90-minute time requirement.

Precisely because the singers are very professional, the performance period is very short.

Therefore, the program will be conducted directly through live broadcast.

A little different from “Tomorrow’s Son”。

《”I’m a Singer” was performed simultaneously on the TV station and in the live broadcast room.

It is equivalent to inviting the audience in front of the screen to watch a concert.

In order to ensure smooth recording of the program, each singer will have 1 hour of rehearsal time.

Since the morning, singer “853” has entered the studio one after another for rehearsals.

Su Wenhao, as a replacement singer, defaults to the last rehearsal.

Boom boom.

There was a knock on the door in the lounge, and Li Shayanzi opened the door and came in.

Although she had lingering fears about interviewing Su Wenhao, she had just watched the response to the pre-heating video. That video had the best response from the audience among all the pre-heating videos this season.

Because Su Wenhao’s answers were unconventional, the audience was used to hearing formulaic answers. This was the first time they had seen such a free answer, so they were very interested.

Moreover, the interview process was very joyful. Although only Li Shayanzi was injured, the performance of the program made the chief director personally call to praise.

Li Shayanzi felt mixed emotions, because this interview turned out to be the highlight of her hosting career!

So she really loves and hates Su Wenhao, a handsome guy who doesn’t act according to common sense.。

“Writer, it’s our turn to rehearse! ”

She opened the door, with a professional smile on her face, and said to Su Wenhao.

Su Wenhao stood up and answered again in a smooth dialect:

“middle! ”


Although I had expected that Su Wenhao might reply like this, after hearing it with my own ears, Li Shayanzi was still speechless in her heart.

Okay, get used to it slowly.

At this time, the radio rang.。

“Attention all singers Attention all singers。”

“Next it’s the replacement singer’s turn to attend the rehearsal. Please don’t leave the lounge for the time being!”



It was Su Wenhao’s turn to be speechless.。

“Why did those words just said on the radio make me have the illusion that a fierce ghost is out and strangers are not allowed to enter? ”



The photographer who came over with his mobile device to follow the shooting was amused again after hearing this.


Li Shayanzi was speechless in her heart.

What kind of brain circuit does she have to think of fierce ghosts? What about the word travel?

“Let’s go quickly. After the rehearsal, our show will start recording officially! ”

Under urging, Su Wenhao walked out of the lounge, followed by Li Shayanzi and the photographer.

There are seven lounges in the rest area. As a replacement singer, Su Wenhao’s default room is No. 7 at the end of the corridor. room.

The remaining six singers will choose the remaining lounges on a first-come, first-served basis.

Because the program team had just announced it on the radio, when Su Wenhao took Li Shayanzi and the photographer from the room at the end of the corridor

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] When he came out, the entire corridor was empty.

Su Wenhao couldn’t help laughing and said: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“This situation really looks like a ghost is traveling.。”

“If we add dark tones and eerie music in the later stage, it will be even more interesting! ”


Li Sha Yanzi wanted to say something, but looking at the silent room, it really felt strange. I

didn’t think there was any problem before, but after listening to what Su Wenhao said just now, I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Fortunately, there was someone beside her. If she were alone, the lights around her would suddenly go out, and her scream would probably fill the entire Mango Terrace! As

Su Wenhao walked, he looked at the six room doors on both sides of the corridor. There were only room numbers on them, and… There was no name of the singer.

But when he was in the lounge just now, he had already searched for information about “I Am a Singer” on his mobile phone.

Several of them were old acquaintances.

Unexpectedly, after seeing “Tomorrow’s Son”, he could still Meet in this show 0…

The difference is that in the last show, Su Wenhao stood on the stage, while others stood in the audience to listen and comment.

But now, their relationship is no longer that of judges and contestants, but that of competing on the same stage.

The corners of Su Wenhao’s mouth raised slightly, “Let me see the strength of these professional singers!”



In the room, Deng Ziqi pursed her lips and looked at the door of the lounge.

Who will be the replacement singer this time?

Could it be another company sending a gold-plated traffic singer?

《”I Am a Singer” has been recorded for five seasons so far, and it is now in its sixth season.

In the first three seasons, it was indeed a battle between gods and gods. All the people invited were all-powerful figures in the music industry, and there were even a few palace-level singers.

When every episode of the program is broadcast, there will be a cliff-shaping number one in the ratings rankings!

It is precisely because of such high popularity that it has attracted a lot of capital. Many brokerage companies want to arrange for their own popular singers to be gold-plated.

In the first three seasons, the program team was able to maintain its own attitude and rejected such requests from capital.

However, starting from the fourth season, I could no longer hold on, and two popular singers participated.

Due to the entry of popular singers, the quality of the program has declined significantly, and the number one ratings position has been lost to 0.7 many times.

In the fifth season, it went even further. There were actually 7 popular singers coming in. During the breakout and semi-finals, it was just young talents fighting against each other.

If it weren’t for a few talented actors at the time, this show would have died in the last season.

The reason is that the program team has too many singers who have no ability and are packaged with capital.。

《The stage of “I’m a Singer” uses top-notch speakers and top-notch bands.

Such configuration conditions require singers to turn on the microphone and really sing.

However, among those fresh traffic products, which one can stand the real test?

While singing, there were various car accident scenes.

In that case, why bother asking?


Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for evaluation votes! .

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