
After hearing the questions and answers between Lao Yang, Ji Zi and Lin Xian, Liu Ying on the side also asked her own question

“We want to temporarily let the tourists in the dream world escape before the decisive battle, but how do we let them leave the dream world?”

Liu Ying’s question hit a key part of the plan. You must know that tourists who come to Pinoconi come in all shapes and sizes, and their reactions to emergencies will never be the same.

Some ordinary tourists may hear that they continue If you stay in the dream, you will leave if there is danger, but this is not necessarily true for some courses.

For example, in Hot Sand Moment, a large number of people are adventurers, and many are even nameless visitors. These people know that the dream world is under attack. I am afraid that the first thought is not to escape but to draw a sword to help. There are also some people who have lived in the dream world for many years and have already regarded the dream world as real reality. These people would rather die than live with the dream world.

There will probably be a large number of unrelated people who stay in the dream world in danger for various reasons. Sam wants to know how to get people to leave the dream world, and how to deal with these people who stay.

“It’s very simple, just let the family do it.

Lin Xian smiled and replied.

“Let the family take action?”

“Yes, the family is the controller of the Pinocchio Dream World. Naturally, it has the power to kick tourists out collectively. We just need to force the family to do it.”

“Moreover, the family is definitely more familiar with the composition of people in the dream world than we are. Letting them take action can ensure that everyone sent out by them is an unrelated person.”

“So how exactly can we force the family to take action? March

7 on the side also asked

“Simple. Lin

Xian answered confidently

“Just make them believe that we are going to reveal their hidden secrets to the public.”

“The family definitely doesn’t want their secrets to be exposed, especially in front of everyone in the dream world.〃¨ 〃¨ ”

“So when there is a risk that their secret will be exposed in the dream world, they will naturally invite everyone except family members to leave.”

“As for how we should act specifically?……”

“We need to create panic first. Huang Quan, Liuying, and I will be responsible for carrying out destruction in various worlds, disguising all this as what the star core hunters are doing to recover the star core.”

“In the name of Star Train, you inform everyone in the dream world: the dream world will encounter a crisis, please evacuate immediately”

“Especially those unknown guests in Hot Sand Moment, you can ask them to help evacuate, and by the way bring a large number of adventurers there with them”

“Then we need to inform the family overtly or covertly through various channels that someone has found out the truth they hidden and plans to make this information public.”

“At that time, they will naturally cooperate with our needs and send out all irrelevant personnel in the dream world.”

“As for those who will find ways to stay in the dream world through various channels, I will personally send out those who should be sent out, and keep those who should be kept.”

“As for those places we will destroy.”

Lin Xian raised his head and looked maliciously at the building that he had once connected with the headquarters of the defense force in a special film in the world before reincarnation.

“Nature is a landmark in every world”

“The Grand Theater in Golden Hour”

“Gold Rush Tavern in Hot Sands Moment”

“Great museum in sun hour”

“Sports Center Venue in Star Hour”

“Talent gathering center in the hot stamping moment”

“Nikko Park in Oasis Moment”

“The big auction house in the twilight hours”

“Eternal Concert Hall for the Blues Moment”

“The morning dew moment is the family’s own territory, don’t worry about it”

“The Dawn Hour and the Quiet Hour are the pipeline area and the prison area respectively. Even if there are people, they are completely under the control of the family and don’t have to worry about them.”

“When these landmark buildings begin to collapse, it means that our decisive battle plan will begin.”

After explaining all the places he would attack in one breath, Lin Xian looked around at everyone and asked

“Any questions?”

This time everyone shook their heads, saying that they had no doubts.

Seeing that everyone understood his plan, Lin Xian believed in his heart that the tasks he had given would be well executed by everyone, so he said no more. , but took Huang Quan and Liu Ying to prepare.

Seeing Lin Xian pulling the two away, the remaining people also began to assign tasks.

After the operation started, the train crew had three tasks.

One was to inform each world. The dream world of people is in danger, Jizi decided to give priority to informing the hot sand of the moment, and then mobilized the unknown guests and adventurers among them to inform other worlds, making the most efficient use of time and manpower.

This task was handed over to Xing. and March 7, these two newcomers to the star train are most in line with the temperament of the unknown guests, and they can naturally gain the trust of those unknown guests.

The second is to inform the family that the star core hunter intends to expose the family’s secrets. This task is taken on by Ji Zi. Negotiation is her strength.

The third is to spread rumors about the identity of the attacker to assist Ji Zi’s actions. This task was given to Lao Yang. With his mind, this task was not difficult for him and he assigned the tasks. After the distribution was given to Lin Xian, the group of people went to where they needed to go, waiting for Lin Xian’s action signal.

On the other side, Lin Xian, who received the news from Ji Zi, took Huang Quan and Liu Ying to the bronzing room. moment and the moment of the oasis, and left some of their own power, allowing them to use Lin Xian’s power to attack with their own power when they receive the signal. He could destroy the local landmark Yiyi without harming anyone.

Of course, Lin Xian did not take action immediately. According to his plan, he needed to see how the people on Pinoconi were doing before making a decision. Some details of this operation.

Among these people were the sand gold whom he had ridiculed, the black swan who was now missing, the Robins, the Sunday brothers and sisters, and Gallagher.

At this time, Zhao Lu’s. moment.

Sunday took a deep breath, opened the door of the room in front of him, looked at Gallagher sitting in the room, took a deep breath and said to him

“¨「 ¨「 Let’s talk, Gallagher!”

On the other side, in the Daydream Hotel in reality, Sha Jin holds the cornerstone with Hanabi’s body sealed in one hand, and rubs his temple with the other hand, thinking about the gains and losses of the siege of Huangquan and what Lin Xian finally said to himself. words. Naruto.

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