Best Actor

Vol 2 Chapter 175: go to europe

, is far from being merged together. Therefore, Levitt's article posted on his blog did not cause too much repercussions in the traditional media.

However, on the Internet, this comment has received one-sided support, and countless fans have left a message below to express their support.

"Sean's performance is impeccable." This is the average fan.

"I like him so much, I've seen every one of his movies!" This is a die-hard fan.

"I have all the videotapes and DVDs of his movies, and I have seen his commercials! I hope to see him in person! I hope to get his autograph, preferably Sign it!" At this time, the more crazy fans.

"He looks so good, I really want to date him if I can." This is a female fan.

"I didn't think he was from San Francisco, it's a beautiful city, I've always wanted to go, maybe somewhere I can have a beautiful encounter with him." This is... um... some male Movie fans.

In short, 90% of the comments are supportive, even some offensive things are quickly brushed down. This is also a return on Sean's original investment. As early as the filming of "Eleven Arhats", he discussed with Frederick and publicist Richard Lesson how to promote himself on the Internet.

"The era of stars attracting fans by maintaining a sense of mystery has passed. It is foreseeable that in the next few years, the more they can show a gesture of closeness to the people, the more they can win the favor of fans. Of course, certain The sense of distance also needs to be maintained. We don’t have to be too close to the people in reality, but we can do this on the Internet. Moreover, gossip tabloids always exist. Whatever the problem, as long as it is not serious, the fans will be on my side for the first time." This is what Sean said to his agent and PR at the time.

The PR figured it out for himself. Fortunately, both Frederick and Leyson are capable people, and among the agents and public relations, it is not that no one sees the energy of the Internet.

So, even if their method is very simple, it is probably to contact some people and let them create some topics on the Internet when a new movie is released, Sean did not ask in detail, anyway, this above He didn't quite understand it, and the current network level is still very different from those experienced in previous lives. But the effect is very good, it was already obvious when five films in five months were released, and it is no surprise that it is now.

And Sean also learned something, he also thought of something that could be used when he recalled these news, but he didn't know what to do under the current conditions, he could only wait for the opportunity, no matter what In other words, he is closer to ordinary people in his own job.

Even if Levitt's article doesn't cause too many waves in the traditional media, Sean's fame is still rising, and no one can deny that "Sniper Phone Booth" is a wonderful movie with a unique perspective , even if there are many flaws, and Sean's performance is also very eye-catching.

Who would have thought that a young man who was only a nameless young man more than three years ago is now a star on the verge of becoming a first-line star. This speed is enough to make many actors who have been sluggish for a long time to become famous are envious, jealous and hateful . It's not that they're narrow-minded—although there are certainly cases—there have been instances of young actors getting hit with a movie, but the point is that Sean's acting skills are recognized.

Those popular young actors are basically idols. Once people are not interested in him, or there is the same new idol to replace him, it is easy to fall from the cloud. Moreover, even if there is no such thing, or if they survived it, if they want to remain popular after a few years, they must transform, and idol stars are the most difficult to transform.

But Sean is different from them. He took a literary and artistic route when he first came up, and then he was nominated for an Oscar. It was easy to draw a clear line with idols. Even after that, he also participated in commercial films such as "Charlie's Angels" and "Eleven Arhats", but the former was only a cameo, and the latter did not have many roles. However, after the release of "Speed ​​and Passion", there were rumors that he would develop into an idol. But after the release of "Sniper Phone Booth", it came back again.

"I have to say, luck plays a big part, as some have said, I always get good scripts and directors who appreciate me, and I want to thank them." Sean said so on a talk show shortly after the movie hit theaters.

At this time, there is no need to brag, six films for six consecutive months, plus the good reputation and good box office of "Sniper Phone Booth", and then promote Sean's surprising acting experience, The limelight can be regarded as a momentary disappearance, and even the box office of "Fast and the Furious" has risen by a few points. Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to show your modesty at the right time, so as to avoid too much limelight.

The facts are there anyway, not to be attacked at will, and now no one can think of - including Sean - that something will happen in a few months The "Sniper Phone Booth", which was about to go offline at the time, has been paid attention to again.

"Then I came to Europe. The crew allowed me to go on a show very leniently. If it drags on, Tony will probably get angry. I don't want to see him get angry. , although I've never seen it before." Sean, who said this, was sitting on a chair under the tent, with a towel around his neck, his hair a little wet.

Just now while shooting in the pond, he fell and got wet all over. In order to prevent the cold from hindering the shooting, Minghella deliberately allowed him to rest for a few minutes.

"I don't think so, I mean Tony never gets angry, of course, maybe no one ever made him really angry, so the threshold for his anger is high." One sitting in front of him A slightly fat man who looked to be in his forties shook his fingers and smiled.

"So you made Tony go too far without us knowing, Philip?" Sean asked immediately.

"Hey Sean, this is slander." Philip Seymour Hoffman exclaimed immediately, followed by a low chuckle.

After appearing on the talk show, Sean set off on a leased private jet to report to the European crew. As mentioned above, Miramax just agreed to let him play in the "Sniper Phone Booth" "Reported after the release, but did not say that he would still be able to appear on the show. However, no one expected that the movie would receive such attention. Even if due to budget reasons, Fox would not organize the creative team to promote city by city, but if it doesn't take advantage of the fact that Sean is in front of the media now, he will be strengthened in front of the public. image, it would be a bit of a loss.

So Frederick hurriedly communicated with Miramax, after all, he finally made a small concession and agreed to participate in at least one show. It's not enough, but otherwise, it's possible to keep the distance in real life and reduce the distance on the Internet - the broker has suggested that Sean consider starting his own blog.

Well, this is a really embarrassing thing, as a rebirth, but someone else reminds this.

During the delay, Minghella completed almost all the scenes that did not require him in this scene, and only his was left. Naturally, it would be a little harder, so when he came here, Sean jumped into the pond.

"Hey, Sean, the director said to prepare to continue." Sanders ran over at this time, as an assistant, he would naturally go wherever Sean went.

"I know, I'll come." Sean answered weakly, you know, he rested for at most ten minutes.

"Cheer up, Sean, you can do it, just like you can do "The Genius Ripley"." Hoffman booed next to him.

"Shut up, Philip, if you dare to talk again, next time we play against each other, I will let you NG ten times." Sean said half-threateningly and half-jokingly.

"No problem, Tony won't blame me anyway." The guy whistled, which caused another chuckle.

"What?" Stretching Hoffman looked at him strangely, then laughed, "Okay, if you're really worried, change it to five times, Then Tony will believe it."

Sean rolled his eyes immediately, then took a deep breath and pretended to be sneer: "I thought about it, let's change it to let you NG twenty times."

"Then wait and see." Hoffman laughed.

Listening to this laughter, Sean, who walked to the studio again, sighed in his heart. He actually wanted to remind him.

When I worked with Hoffman on "Genius Ripley" before, because of the other party's unpretentious and casual personality, the two became friends. Played a minor role in it, so I went to visit him for the first time. Unexpectedly, when Sean went to Hoffman's room, because the door was unlocked, he pushed in directly, so he saw him hurriedly trying to wipe the powder off the coffee table.

"Just a little heroin, no big deal." Hoffman replied with a twinkle in his eyes when Sean asked.

Honestly, Sean was taken aback, Hoffman had used drugs, and he knew that, because the other party didn't shy away from it when chatting before. However, he also said that he had quit, but now it seems that he has relapsed again.

But Sean didn't say much, just persuaded him a few words, and then shut up after Hoffman said he would control it. It's not easy to interfere with this kind of thing. If you talk about it too much, you will probably turn your back on it. After all... Hoffman has rehabilitated and relapsed, so although he wants to remind him a few more words as a friend, the words come to his mouth. Changed again.

It should be fine as long as he can control himself. Sean finally thought so.

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