Best of Hollywood

Chapter 450 The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility

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"Is this a similar superhero movie?"

Sitting on the guest seat, Scarlett Johansson finally calmed down. She glanced sideways at Helen and asked, "It's still a normal commercial film."

Now Hollywood's positioning of superhero films is almost equal to commercial films with large investment, or similar films.

For the time being, there is no specific concept of a superhero movie.

"not sure."

Helen shook her head and said, "I haven't seen it either, the internal test screening of this film."

"However, I heard that the evaluation given by the theater company is very high."

The evaluation of theater companies is not based on the art of the film, but on the commercial value.

It is far more reliable and important than the evaluations of the media and film critics.

Of course, no matter what, at least at the moment in the Chinese Grand Theater, there are densely packed audiences, all of whom look forward to it.

Visible attraction.

Not long after, the short interactive session ended, the lights above the theater went out, and the screen gradually began to light up.

In the sound of the opening soundtrack, the classic pictures of Spider-Man in the comics are quickly flipped through. All the people who have read the original comics can't help but stare at the screen with wide eyes, for fear of missing any picture.

Immediately afterwards, countless spider webs were stacked on top of each other, and an acronym appeared on the screen, a name belonging to Spider-Man.

"Who am I, do you really know!"

The subtitles on the screen gradually disappeared, and a very young man's voice sounded, "Coward, don't listen to my story."

"If someone says, this is a comedy, and I'm just an ordinary, carefree, ordinary person."

Hearing this, Dan Logan showed a serious look on his face, "It seems that Ryan has not changed the setting and style of Marvel Comics."

Compared with DC Comics, the superhero characters of Marvel Comics are closer to the lives of ordinary audiences.

Even the famous Spider-Man was just an ordinary person at first.

Greg Silverman didn't say anything, he just sighed. The release of the movie is a kind of pressure on Warner Bros. internally.

$140 million filming cost!

$75 million publicity budget!

Undoubtedly, Ryan Gosling, Orion Pictures, and Marvel Pictures are full of confidence in the films on the screen.

As the sound continued, the beautiful face of Natalie Portman appeared on the screen.

A hilarious scene followed, with Tobey Maguire chasing the school bus, drawing loud jeers.

In the Hollywood Chinese Theater, there was also a burst of laughter. This is Spider-Man, an ordinary student.

A girl who looks at the girl he likes but dare not confess. He is teased all day long in school, and is even called a fool and a bad guy by his classmates.

However, fans of the original comics are waiting, waiting for the sharp change of Spider-Man.

The camera turned and came to the campus. Toby-Maguire, Natalie-Portman, James-Franco and others walked into a laboratory.

"There are more than 23,000 kinds of spiders in the world, which can be roughly divided into three categories."

Listening to the introductory voice in his ear, Toby Maguire's attention was on various advanced instruments.

Even viewers who haven't read the original comics can easily think that Spider-Man is about to be born in the film.

Only true fans of the original comics will know that before reading it is just an opportunity,

Not really the birth of Spider-Man.

In the next scene, Tobey Maguire, who is taking pictures of Natalie Portman, is bitten by a sneaky spider.

On the screen, you can clearly see the hairs on the spider's body, which startled some attentive viewers.

Looking at the spider on the screen, William Fell felt numb all over, subconsciously said: "What a clear picture!"

"It's a bit like the picture feeling."

"This is the computer special effects synthesis technology of the digital field and Industrial Light \u0026 Magic." Dean Jimmy next to him said excitedly: "No wonder Ryan Gosling keeps investing in the digital field."

William Fair nodded thoughtfully. It seems that he can write a special report on the digital field and Industrial Light and Magic when he goes back.

As soon as the screen changed, it came to Aoshi Enterprise, and a scene familiar to fans of the original comics appeared, a very sci-fi aircraft.

At the same time, I heard the name of Stark Industries for the first time.

The competitor of the original Aoshi Enterprise is a company called Exploration Aerospace, which also wants to get the support of the military.

Ryan changed it to Stark Industries, though.

For ordinary audiences and people in the guest seats, Stark Industries is just a very common name.

Even most fans of Marvel comics only feel a little familiar.

Only a very small number of fanatical fans recognized it at a glance, and even exclaimed.

"This is a business under the Iron Man name."

"The chairman of Stark Industries is Iron Man."

"What? Iron Man!"

No special effects, no Spider-Man, no action scenes, just a Stark Industries name ignited the passion of fans of the original comics.

Especially thinking of what Ryan said, Orion Pictures and Marvel Pictures are planning to create a world belonging to the Marvel Comics universe.

Many people suddenly became excited.

When Dan Logan heard someone mention Stark Industries and Iron Man, he couldn't help but took a deep look in the direction where Ryan was sitting.

Compared with Ryan Gosling, Orion Pictures, and Marvel Pictures, Warner Bros.'s pace is too slow.

The pace of the film gradually became faster, Tobey Maguire's genetic changes, Willem Dafoe's human experiments, the plot reached a critical moment.

In the end, Willem Dafoe's human experiments resulted in the appearance of the evil incarnation-the Green Goblin.

Tobey Maguire got the spider's super powers.

First, he had extraordinary vision, his body became stronger, and he could even clearly see Natalie Portman who was changing clothes in the opposite room through the window.

The next moment, the same scene as the beginning of the film appeared, and Tobey Maguire chased the school bus again.

However, this time the school bus didn't stop, there were only countless laughing voices.

When he came to the school, Toby Maguire was caught off guard by the sudden spider silk, and there were quite a few accidents.

Even got into a fight with someone.

Similar to the slow motion inside, it makes people's eyes shine.

In the next scene, a dense layer of small barbs grew on Tobey Maguire's thumb, and he could easily climb to the roof with only his hands.

As soon as the camera turned, Toby Maguire leaped lightly, continuously jumping over the roofs of houses, and for the first time made a trapeze with spider silk.

Back home at night, Tobey Maguire and Natalie Portman were talking across the fence, the original heroine Kirsten Dunst, here is the ugliest scene in the film.

And Natalie Portman's exquisite face is absolutely eye-catching.

On the screen, Tobey Maguire saw Natalie Portman being picked up by a cool sports car, which made him want to buy a car.

When he saw the expensive prices of Bentley, Porsche and other sports cars, he couldn't help showing a look of helplessness. Even the best choice of second-hand cars, he couldn't afford thousands of dollars.

Until Tobey Maguire saw the amateur wrestlers' competition published in the newspaper, as long as they survived for three minutes, they could get $3,000 in income, the picture of the sports car and Natalie Portman appeared in his mind.

When Tobey Maguire pulled out a diary and started designing an outfit for the game, he clearly didn't want to be recognized.

At this point, the plot of the whole film becomes clearer. The costume designed by Tobey Maguire is the familiar classic Spider-Man suit.

However, the next scene surprised Dan Logan, a conversation between Toby Maguire and his uncle Ben Parker, "With great power comes great responsibility".

The inner world of the characters is gradually brewing. The robber who was let go by Tobey Maguire shot and killed Uncle Ben Parker and Aunt May Parker's persuasion.

At this point, Tobey Maguire gradually understood the last sentence of Uncle Ben Parker, "With great power comes great responsibility".

A superhero Spider-Man was born in New York.

In a short period of time, countless criminals were arrested, and Spider-Man became the guardian of justice.

Since the beginning of the film, the Spider-Man played by Toby Maguire has finally shown a charm beyond imagination.

Dan-Logan opened his mouth, looking at the screen full of heroic Spider-Man, he knew that Ryan-Gosling, Orion Pictures and Marvel Pictures had achieved another success.

The impact of the 911 incident has just passed away, and the pain brought to the people is far from completely healed.

However, the Washington government did nothing, and only used external wars to divert attention.

At this time, the incarnation of justice in New York, the appearance of a superhero Spiderman, can easily enter the hearts of the people.

To put it bluntly, when the reality is hopeless, people tend to vent in other ways, and even look for a kind of spiritual sustenance.

Like superheroes.

This is one of the reasons why past life superhero movies are rampant.

According to the words on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, it has the right time, place and people.

"A film that can't fail." Dan Logan said to himself.

Next, the fight between Toby Maguire and the Green Goblin made the audience even more hooked.

In the past superhero movies in Hollywood, there has never been a superhero of ordinary origin in the true sense, and "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility" seems to have become synonymous with Spider-Man.

The previous superhero movies produced by Warner Bros. were either from aliens or the super rich. Spider-Man is completely different.

Perhaps when Marvel movies were flooded in the previous life, this one is not so unusual. There are countless similar movies, such as,,, and so on.

However, these films have not yet been released, and the Avengers plan is still on paper at Orion Pictures and Marvel Pictures.

The appearance of an alternative superhero undoubtedly brought a new sense of experience.

This is definitely a feeling that other films in the past cannot bring, and it is impossible to refuse the charm of Spider-Man.

Even, when Dan Logan saw the scene just now, he seemed to think of it. When Luke Skywalker swung his lightsaber for the first time, the entire North American cinema was almost boiling.

The Spider-Man in front of him gave him the same feeling.

Looking at the audience seats not far away, everyone looked excited and wanted to shout.

A righteous superhero is desperately needed right now.

In addition, Dan Logan also realized that there seem to be many images of other superheroes in the film, such as Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America and so on.

Although it is only a flash, it is a specious shot.

But it undoubtedly reveals the ambitions of Ryan Gosling, Orion Pictures, and Marvel Pictures.

"The Avengers!" Dan-Logan sighed.

Obviously, Orion Films and Marvel Films have the Avengers filming plan. All Ryan Gosling needs is time to expand the concept of superhero movies belonging to Marvel Comics from North America to the whole world.

Let countless movie fans and audiences around the world recognize the superheroes of Marvel Comics.

When the time is right, Orion Pictures and Marvel Pictures will inevitably shoot the Avengers plan.

The only thing that puzzled him was how Ryan Gosling would build the Avengers plan.

However, he knew that this was probably a huge long-term plan, and what happened on the screen was only the prelude to the whole plan.

"Orion Films or Marvel Films, is planning to prepare the Avengers plan?"

Seeing the end of the movie on the screen, George Lucas asked curiously, "Are you going to shoot other superhero movies first?"

In fact, many people are curious about the next shooting plan of Marvel Studios

"Marvel Pictures has no plans to make films related to the Avengers Alliance for the time being."

Ryan shook his head and replied, "The next step is to try to shoot a few low-budget films."

"In the short term, the focus of Marvel Studios will be on it."

It's hardly a secret.

"Very wise decision." George Lucas looked at Ryan with praise.

This is a person who will not be easily blinded by immediate interests.

He changed his voice, and suddenly said: "After the filming is over, are you interested in directing a Star Wars film?"

Ryan froze for a moment, directing a Star Wars series of films!

"George, why do you say that!" Ryan showed a puzzled look.

From the release of the first film until next year's summer release.

There is only one director of the entire Star Wars series, and that is George Lucas.

"I plan to finish filming the third Star Wars prequel film and take a special break."

George Lucas shrugged and said in a joking tone: "I can't let me be like old Coppola, without any rest time."

"My father plans to officially retire from Hollywood in a few years and go home to concentrate on running the wine estate." Sofia Coppola next to him interjected.

In his previous life, Francis Ford Coppola did not officially retire until 2011.

At that time, Sofia Coppola had grown up, not only directed blockbuster films, but also waited for good films, enough to support the Coppola family.

Of course, with Sofia Coppola's current position in Orion Films, her influence has long surpassed that of her previous life.

"Yes, the Stone Castle Winery?" George Lucas was very surprised.

Regarding this, Sofia Coppola said with quite a headache: "He intends to buy a winery owned by Chateau Meret."

Even if it is just a wine garden, the price is as high as tens of millions of dollars.

Not a small fortune for Francis Ford Coppola.

Moreover, his investment in the wine estate over the years has already reached tens of millions of dollars.

For this purpose, a stone castle was specially built.

"A persistent old stubborn."

George Lucas seemed to recall something, "Since he bought the first wine estate, he has always wanted to make the best red wine."

"It's a pity that the Rubicon he makes tastes terrible."

Speaking of this, George Lucas flashed a smile on his face, "Next time, we can go to the Stone Castle as a guest, although the taste of Rubicon red wine is not very good."

"However, there are many treasures in his castle wine cellar. We can taste them while continuing to talk about the topic just now."

As early as 1975, Francis Ford Coppola bought a winery with 1,560 acres of land with the money earned from filming, and in 1978, he produced the first vintage of Rubicon red wine.

In addition, the treasures in his wine cellar are very rich, not that of Ryan's wine cellar, which can be compared.

"Of course." Ryan agreed.

However, he wants to know George Lucas' plans more than directing the Star Wars series and tasting old Coppola's treasures.

No one would have thought that after filming, George Lucas would really choose to retire and sell Lucasfilm, which he founded, to Disney at a high price.

That's where Ryan really cared.

Whether it is industrial light and magic, or the series of films and series of film copyrights, they are all areas that Orion Films lacks.

After Disney acquired Lucasfilm in the previous life, it not only started to restart the Star Wars series of films, but also gradually began to shoot Star Wars spin-off films, intending to create a series of independent films around the copyright of the series of films.

Just like the same, from the theme plot characters, we continue to take out individual characters, stories, races, etc., and shoot them into independent films.

At first glance, this plan seems a bit unreliable, but it is actually a very good plan.

For example, Disney cost $200 million to shoot.

North America alone earned $532 million at the box office, overseas $523 million, and a global box office of $1.056 billion.

Disney is definitely making a lot of money.

Let's put it this way.

Don't look at , , , and other series of films have sold well at the box office one after another.

But the first series of films in North America in the minds of the media and the public is still a series of films.

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