"A man is simply believable, a man with a natural appearance, a strong man locks a man down..."

Probably because he said it smoothly, a few more idioms popped out of Gu Xue's mouth, as if he was reciting them...

Looking at Gu Xue who was very resistant, both the supervisor Abe Shinichi and the actor Misawa Hiro showed unexpected expressions. It seemed that they had not considered that Gu Xue would refuse the matter at all, which was a bit embarrassing.

Gu Xue was not too excited, except for standing up for a moment at the beginning. But she recited a lot of difficult words, which made many original animators in the conference room laugh. At the same time, they were also a little surprised. They saw that Misawa Hiroshi handed over the series of difficult shots to Gu Xue. It's actually quite puzzling.

After all, only a few people know what happened in the sixth episode of the anime.

In fact, not many people will pay attention to the list of original animators that appears in the animation ED. Even if Gu Xue's name is very high on the list of original animators, not many people will pay attention. Most people only remember that the sixth episode was released. During the painting meeting, Gu Xue wanted to draw part of the original painting, but Misawa Hiroshi, who was still in the state of "I'm going to make big news this episode", ruthlessly rejected...

At first you disliked others, but now you act like this, aren't you deliberately making things difficult for others?

Evict people?

Many people began to cast meaningful glances at the supervisor and performance in the first place.

Mihara Chisa's face was also very ugly. He looked at Gu Xue who was still talking about idioms. His petite body burst out with amazing momentum. He supported the table with both hands and gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Misawa, this is what you call thinking. To present better content to the audience? By relying on a little girl? Or by embarrassment for a little girl?"

"..." Gu Xue stopped talking in idioms, and there was a black line on one end.

How dare you say that...

You look about the same age as me...

Feeling the look that was more or less contemptuous, and being pressed by Mihara Chisa, Misawa Hiroshi became more and more embarrassed. He bit the bullet and explained: "Well... everyone, maybe you don't know, Gu Xue's The level of painting has improved a lot. The original painting for the last part of the sixth episode of "Uncle" was painted by Miss Gu Xue. It is the two cards that caused a heated discussion on the Internet. The effect is really very good. Because of this, I I just came up with the idea of ​​changing the storyboard, it’s not what you think, and I didn’t deliberately make things difficult for her, I didn’t need to do that.”

"That's right." Supervisor Shinichi Abe helped from the side, "When Misawa told me that he wanted to change the storyboards, I didn't agree until he showed me the final performance effect of the original painting drawn by Gu Xue. , I was convinced. We are really not deliberately making things difficult for Gu Xue, we are asking Gu Xue to take over this job. Although it is indeed a bit messy... But I believe that we will be able to overcome the difficulties. After all, all animators We all want to make animation that satisfies the audience, right?”

Abe Shinichi is indeed a veteran. He seems to be asking everyone, but his eyes always stay on Gu Xue, making it clear that he wants to play the emotional card.

Mihara Chisa's face softened slightly, but it was still a bit ugly. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Gu Xue, who was a little too young, with some doubts.

Others didn't think so much.

The two big guys stood up to explain one after another. Everyone listened in confusion. Then someone said "Eh~~~?" and everyone's attention shifted and focused on Gu Xue.

First I was praised, and then I was stared at by so many people.

Gu Xue took a deep breath and tried to put on a calm, cool, "I'm awesome" expression, but she found that she simply couldn't do it...

"I'm just doing my job well, I can't say I'm very good..." Gu Xue, who looked a little embarrassed, sat down secretly while saying polite words, and slightly turned his head to the side in order to hide part of his sight. ,

To be honest, Gu Xue has always been a relatively introverted person. He is not the kind of person who remains silent in the face of praise and can even be complacent. This is the case on Earth. If he performs well in a certain work, supervision or related work The staff tweeted @her to thank her for her efforts, and she would be very happy, accept compliments with peace of mind, and even interact with her, after all, there is a screen. But if she was praised in reality, in a conference room, with dozens of people watching, she wouldn't be able to accept it. Although she would feel happy afterwards, at the time she would only feel scared and embarrassed, not at all. Can't be happy.

Gu Xue has always envied two kinds of people, one is those who can fall asleep quickly and are still talking one second, then fall asleep and even start snoring the next second, and the other are those who can accept praises in public with peace of mind. People, these two kinds of people are very powerful in Gu Xue's eyes.

"Mr. Misawa, even if Miss Gu Xue is really capable of drawing the scene you expect, I don't think she can achieve it within the time limit. The time problem cannot be solved by perseverance, unless the final episode is really delayed. Play time. Moreover, you drew such random storyboards without consulting anyone in advance. Please don’t do this next time.” Chisa Mihara stared at Gu Xue for a while, and finally chose to put aside her suspicion of Gu Xue’s ability temporarily. Suspicious, he turned to Misawa Hiro and said.

This time her words were much less explosive. It was more like discussing than questioning.

It seems that he has accepted his fate.

Misawa was silent for a moment and did not refute Mihara Chisa's words. He recalled his performance in the sixth episode and the psychological journey from the initial "I'm going to make a big news!" to "Forget it." After a moment of silence, he said hoarsely: "Miss Gu Xue, I know that the shots assigned to you this time are a bit messy and difficult, but I still want you to take them. You can make some requests appropriately. For example, if there are some jams, you don't want to take them. If you are good at it or it is really impossible to complete it, I can eliminate it and find someone else to draw it. Also, if you feel that the task is a bit heavy, then you can just draw the first original painting, and I will find someone else to clear the second original painting, and I will discuss the amount of each card with Miss Mihara later and try to increase the unit price as much as possible."

Chisa Mihara hesitated for a moment and had no words to refute Misawa Hiro's unreasonable approach of raising the unit price.

Managers in the animation production process, whether they are in charge of production, the production director who supervises them, or a higher-level on-site producer, except for some really hopeless people, as long as they have the ability, responsibility and professionalism, they generally complain Once the creators mess up, they will fully cooperate with the creators...

Of course, they do not blindly cooperate and accompany the creators to have fun. They will find a "balance point" between "quality" and "delivery budget" and try their best to allow the creators to create basically satisfactory animations while also delivering them on time. goods.

It's obvious that Chisa Mihara is this type of manager.

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