Beyond The World Plan

Chapter 24 - Ch. 24: The Hero and the Princess's Guardian

"Report your majesty, the princess's carriage have arrived at Sorst. They are currently heading to the castle." (Soldier)

One of the soldier just reported about the arrival of the princess. It's already night when the report came. I am just heading back to my room when I heard the conversation in the corridor. The king that saw me coming immediately approaching me when the report finished.

"Did you hear that, great hero? My daughter has come back now. Please prepare yourself because we will welcome her." (Eric)

Finally, the time has come to me to make her a part of my harem. After that, I regain the control among the castle when I succeed it.

"As you wish, your highness."

And with that, I fasten my walk to my room and prepare myself for her coming. I will use the best clothes I have with the best equipment for make a good first impression. I will try to make her fall for me without using [Charm] this time.

After changing, I walk to the hall and I see that the king is waiting for me. I approach him and have a little talk while heading out to the gate. Not long after that, I can see a march of carriage approaching here. Among those carriage, there is one who different in color and shape. The carriage is white and has the royal crest on the door. It is definitely the carriage where the princess is.

The march stopped and the white carriage's door opened in front of us. But it is not the princess that came out but a man that younger than me with a white hair and coat with a pair of blue eyes. After him, a girl that has a brown hair with wolf ears and deep red eyes come out. Just looking at their appearance I am certain that they are younger than me.

The man straighten his hand into the carriage and finally the one I was waiting come up. She has a blonde hair and a pair of charming purple eyes. At that time, the question pop up to my head. Who are they? Why they are inside the princess's carriage with her? Is they are slaves? But there are not a sign of slave crest anywhere. I who curious with them check their status with my [Divine Appraisal].

Name : Ray

Age : 16

Race : Human

Job : Magic Assassin

Lv : 63

Hp : 2663/2663

Atk : 1132

MAtk : 3194

Def : 880

MDef : 876

Speed : 1592

Mana : 8072/8072

Affinity : Dark

Skill :

[Dimension Storage] [Summon Weapon]

Ability :

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