Big Country Sports

Chapter 471: The usage of legendary cards

The date for the "Seoul Olympic Games" has been determined. The opening ceremony will be held on September 17, and the closing ceremony will be on October 2.

The Chinese people are looking forward to this Olympic Games, mainly because of the time difference. They finally don't have to stay up late to watch the games this time.

But when talking about the Olympics, the first thing I have to mention is the "theme song", and then Wu Jie's name will follow.

Wu Jie is now a phenomenal singer with record sales surpassing mj in addition to the two identities of "Football Alien" and "Basketball Peter Pan".

His status in the "music circle" is not even worse than in football.

Just look at him since he wrote the theme song for the World Cup in 1982, the theme song for the next 84 Olympic Games, and the theme song for the 86 World Cup, were all contracted by him.

Many people in Nan Bang are resistant to finding a Chinese to compose the theme song for the Olympics. However, Wu Jie’s influence is so great that it will no longer be able to cover his name on the island. Naturally, Nan Bang also has many foreigners. Fans of Starren, even the Olympic Games Organizing Committee of Bangzi, have many people who have invited Wu Jie to compose. It is best to sing the theme song of the Seoul Olympics.

This "singing" proposal was naturally not approved, but inviting Wu Jie to compose the theme song was not opposed by anyone. After all, the aliens had already created the theme song for two World Cups and one Olympic Games. This has become a convention in the World Series. .

Wu Jie received an invitation from Bangzi last summer. To be honest, he didn't really want to help. As for asking him to sing the theme song, it was even more joking. How could he have such spare time to help Gaoli Bangzi platform.

However, he agreed to create the theme song. Who would let him have a ready-made song to copy?

Wu Jie has always been obsessed with plagiarizing those foreign divine comedies that have not yet been born. The original theme song of the Seoul Olympics is "hand·in·hand", which is almost the only theme song that can be popular all over the world in all Olympics. .

Of course, it was not "Hand in Hand" that created this record on this plane, but the theme song and propaganda song he composed for the Los Angeles Olympics.

After the end of the last Olympic Games, he also used the heat to release an all-English album that is still selling globally today.

But no one knew that he had laid the groundwork for the theme song of this Olympics. There was a beautiful electronic music in the English album, which was actually similar to this song "Hand in Hand". Of course, the lyrics were completely filled. Can't find the side with the Olympics.

Of course, he did this to prevent this song "Hand in Hand" from being snatched back by the original author, so when the stick came to him half a year ago, he pretended to be embarrassed on the surface, but in fact it only took one night. He changed the original song back and gave it to the stick.

Now that the New Year holidays on both sides are over, Bangzi’s Olympic Organizing Committee finally contacted him, saying that he had selected his "Hand in Hand" as the theme song from thousands of songs collected from all over the world.

Wu Jie said "Bah", this is what a fool believes!

He knew that Bacheng Zhibang still had resistance to the theme song composed by the Chinese, but he couldn't find a more suitable song after more than half a year, so he could only adopt his work.

Wu Jie never worried that this song would not be selected. The original president of the International Olympic Committee Samaranch had planned to make this song the permanent song of the Olympics, which shows how successful this Olympic theme song is.

As for making such a classic song cheap, is it too wasteful?

Wu Jie said that there are many more classic songs in his song library, and every capital can be used for the Olympic Games and World Cup held by his own, and even the "Women's World Cup" next year, and the "Beijing Asian Games" the following year. Can come up with works that are not inferior.

Moreover, the sales and production of this song are all under the responsibility of "Umbrella Records". Anyone who wants to sing after the Olympics must obtain permission, because all the copyrights are in his hands. Now he only allows the sticks to be used in the Olympics. .

After Wu Jie got the theme song of the Seoul Olympics, he suddenly discovered that his business was not much before the start of the Olympics, and there were no important matches for the men's basketball team during this period.

As soon as the guys who returned to Europe after the winter break left, Wu Jie could only go to play him and he was very interested. In fact, he was just playing the Chinese First Division Basketball League.

In addition, he can only watch the games of Shen Lang, Qin Jian, Yang Menghua and others, and this day is a bit idle.

When people are idle, they naturally tend to think wildly. Especially recently, even the Chinese media are reporting the phrase "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" during Reagan’s speech last year. Now the two Germanys may be unified. The matter is already the biggest hot spot in the world.

At this time, Wu Jie naturally thought that Mao Xiong seemed to be unable to hold on for too long, and the rabbit and eagle sauce in 1988 had entered the final sweet countdown.

This had to think about it a bit more. He was actually not sure if it would be better for the rabbit if the bear died in 1991, or if it would be better for the rabbit to die for two more years.

This new year is a rare gathering of people. He called all the friends who joined in the early days and discussed this issue several times.

The final result of the discussion is that most people believe that if the ending of the bear will not be changed, then the rabbits, especially for them, will definitely have more advantages than disadvantages if you die a few years later!

Luda’s Heishan Group is now the main business of "home appliance manufacturing", in addition to "automobile manufacturing" and "mechanical design and manufacturing" are also beginning to go on track, even relying on the Jinan and Lanzhou army rabbits behind them, even military industry and aviation Manufacturing is all plugged in.

It is conceivable how much the current Heishan Group relies on the relatively loose external environment. Of course, those truly high-end equipment and machine tools are still difficult to buy, but most of the production lines in the civilian field, and even some less sensitive equipment, They can all get it through Isabella's fight.

Lin Yaodong needs the current relatively loose external environment for rapid development. In the past few years, he can be regarded as a fisherman in the "US-Japan Semiconductor War". In the field of software, it has unknowingly walked to the forefront of the world.

But if it returns to the external environment that has been blocked and sanctioned, the huge profits of "Aperture Technology" will attract money, the operating system, office software, and industrial software of "Lenovo", the semiconductor integrated circuit research and development of "Compaq", and consumer electronics. Products, even the recently bought "Marvel Animation", all of which have to bear huge losses.

Of course, even if these industries are unable to maintain their current rapid growth after being blocked and sanctioned, they are still a hundred times stronger than the original situation where there was no Chinese operating system.

But people are greedy. If this external environment can be extended for another two or three years, and even during the extended years, Yingjiang will rely more on rabbits and remove some more sensitive things from the banned list. Of course it couldn't be better.

Wu Jie actually meant this too, so these days I couldn't help but pull out the "legendary cards" that I had accumulated unused, and almost couldn't help but use it on the bear several times.

In the past eight years, he has accumulated 6 legendary cards from the "World Cup" and the "Olympic Games", but he has not used them once until now.

He now has a total of 6 legendary cards in his hand in the warehouse, but what is the power of such legendary cards, he can only guess through the diamond-level card effects at present.

Over the years, he has used a large number of diamond-level cards. The effect is so strong that he often feels surprised. At this time, combined with the huge gap between the four-star talent and the five-star talent, he believes in the power of this legendary card. Power is more than just doubling, it may be super doubling, or even super doubling after doubling.

What he was thinking at this time was: If all the six legendary cards are exchanged for "shock therapy cards" for Teddy Bear, is there a chance for Teddy Bear to enter a two- to three-year rebirth period?

If this kind of back light can make the bears burst out more power in a short period of time, so that the bald eagles have to rely more heavily on rabbits, is it best for them?


"Recommending a game for you!"

Wu Jie no longer knows how many times he has selected the "shock therapy card" in the store, and then put his finger on the "redeem" button and hesitated wildly.

But this time the system didn't know what went crazy, and suddenly recommended a game called "Plague Company" to him!

"What does it mean?"

Wu Jie has naturally played future games through the system’s backup library, but the ones who can see him are all 3a masterpieces such as "Half-Life 3", "Black Myth Wukong", and "The Elder Scrolls 6". He is not interested in "Plague Company".

But thinking about the content of this game carefully, Wu Jie seems to understand what the system means, and he also has a new inspiration!

"Yes, why do I have to suckle a bear alone!"

Although Wu Jie is not interested in this game, as a traverser in 2025, he certainly knows how much the epidemic caused by the bald eagle has had an impact on the world structure. It can even be said that he directly helped the rabbit’s revival plan to use a super acceleration, typical The harm of others will end up harming yourself!

"It's still wrong, doesn't this benefit Mao Xiong too!"

Wu Jie immediately shook his head again. Of course he knew that even the rabbits of this period would definitely be able to hand in high scores in the face of the epidemic, and even the physical advantage would be even more obvious.

But the problem is that Mao Xiong also has this advantage!

If he uses these cards in Fort Detrick, or places like the University of North Carolina, there is a chance that the "Second Beautiful Country Flu" will come out in advance.

But I'm afraid that this will make Teddy Bear take a bite. In case the milk is alive, it will do more harm than good!

Every time they discuss, they agree that this neighbor is still the cutest half-dead.

But when he felt wrong, Wu Jie suddenly thought that he had six legendary cards in his hand. He could take them apart and use them!

If this year’s Olympics is no surprise, he still has at least one legendary card to get.

Then you can use three cards each for Eagle Soup and Teddy Bear before the Olympics, and then wait for the end of the Olympics to see which side is in better shape, and then post the seventh one to him.

The advantages and disadvantages of the early and late death of bears will not be mentioned, but the harder the two are pinched, the better the rabbits will definitely be. This principle will never change.

Thinking of this, Wu Jie couldn't help but immediately exchanged out three "Self-digging Grave Cards", and used them for places like Fort Detrick first.

As for the "shock therapy card" for Teddy Bear, in addition to planning to lose two to the Kremlin, the third one actually wanted to be replaced with a "color change card" for use in Siberia.

If this place is also separated into a little bear in a few years, it would be perfect for rabbits.

Wu Jie has this idea in his heart, but it is not a day or two. The biggest advantage of separating families here is that it gives him the opportunity to recruit one or two of his own people in Vladivostok.

Vladivostok is in the system, it is the land since ancient times, even if it is not the Han nationality, it can join.

Therefore, recruiting people from here can be like Shang Yun. When they are full of wings in the future, there is no resistance at all when they join together to climb to the top of the pyramid.

If this area can really be separated and independent in the future, he can operate like Shangyun. In contrast, such an operation is much simpler. At that time, they are likely to turn this piece of land as high as 13.22 million square kilometers into Own territory.

This idea Ruda is much stronger than him. In his plan, the Black Mountain base is the most suitable location to be located in Vladivostok!

It is entirely possible to build a super-large city here relying on the "Black Mountain Base" and the "Umbrella Group", and the core lifeblood of this city, or the real control, is naturally the "Black Mountain Group" and the "Umbrella Group".

If it is not lively enough, then Lin Yaodong can also set up an aperture base here specifically responsible for "artificial intelligence" and "automation technology", it is really a fight between gods.

Wu Jie thought that the usage of the six legendary cards had been decided here, but the time needed to be used had to wait, at least it was not a good time now.

At this time, there are still nine months to go before the Olympics. If there is a problem with Fort Detrick now, the Olympics will probably be cancelled directly.

It’s best to wait until July to use these cards. The two-month fermentation time is just enough for Eagle Sauce to perceive, and it is also enough to spread to Europe, Japan, South Korea and other places, but these areas are not strong for the time being. Will affect the progress of the Olympic Games.

Wu Jie feels that even in the United States, where it originated, 80% of people will be treated as influenza in two months based on the current level of people's awareness of this new virus. Anyway, the Olympics will definitely not be affected.

As for how much the rabbit will be affected, considering that although the bald eagle is currently in the honeymoon period, this honeymoon mostly refers to the field of intellectual disability. In fact, there are not many personnel exchanges between the two sides, and most of them are China studying in the United States, so it is affected. Not too big.

In addition, the poor rabbit has another advantage, that is, not many people will go to Seoul to watch the Olympics, but in Europe, America, Japan, and the Four Little Dragons in Asia, many people from these countries will go to Seoul, where all drugs meet.

Then it is conceivable that After the Olympics, Seoul will surely be the beginning of a global outbreak, and these tourists from all over the world will completely detonate the world.

The bald eagle on this plane is estimated to be madly throwing the pot, but no matter how it is thrown this time, the rabbit will not be able to pick it up. Maybe it will become a stick virus or a bear virus.

But it's not easy even if you want to throw the pot, don't forget that Teddy Bear is returning to the light, they will not let this opportunity to hit the bald eagle, these two can be pinched.

In this case, as long as the rabbit becomes the best country for epidemic prevention in Asia, then taking advantage of the fiercest eagle-bear confrontation in the future, it can completely replace the middle and low-end manufacturing industries of the four little dragons in advance, and rely on their subordinates. The company has eaten part of the high-end industries, and even cut the original share of noodle sticks and the island’s semiconductors in half.

Of course, the bald eagle does not want to see this situation, but after the leak of his own virus has caused the global epidemic to get out of control, Mao Xiong took this opportunity to have a resurgence.

At this time, let alone share a piece of the high-end industry, even if the rabbit wants to take the opportunity to strangle the frog, I am afraid that Eagle sauce will have to compromise!

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