Big Time 1958

Chapter 843: the Soviet Union

   is really like a joke, neither country is a white lotus, what kind of judgment criteria will there be in the future. Still waiting for the public's test, such as the communication between the two governments, there may not be any results.

   The most unreasonable communication is the communication between the two communist parties. From wearing a pair of trousers well to seeing each other in battle, that is an instant thing. And once he turned his face, it would definitely be more excessive than before.

"I believe that China will not be a **** for the United States. On the one hand, China's independent thinking is not only facing us. On the other hand, this is not 20 years ago." Serov whispered, "That kind of era of one heart and one mind. In the past, China's spiritual strength is weakening. For us, such a China is not terrible. Their weapons themselves are far from ours, and the strength of solidarity is gradually weakening, and it is impossible to cause harm to us. threatened."

   "Yes, we have 100,000 tanks, the most powerful ground armed forces on the planet, and no one is our opponent!" Andropov said, he was also very confident in the construction of the Soviet Union for decades.

   Shelov remained silent. He didn't say that. No matter how much stronger the Soviet Union's army was than China's, as long as the two countries bordered, the Soviet Union would be based on defense. Offensive defense was also defense. No matter how strong the Soviet Red Army is and how fast it moves, the Far East will never be as meaningful as Europe.

   In addition, China is no longer able to challenge the Soviet Union's position in the socialist camp. For the Soviet Union, from now on, there is only one leader left in the international communist movement, and that is the Soviet Union. There will be no more challengers, it only needs to overturn the United States to carry out the final step of Stalinism, the establishment of a communist state in one country.

   If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. Andropov didn’t ask carefully, and Serov didn’t want to say more. However, the general political commissar has always believed that a long time to live, under the cover of time, many problems will not be problems after all.

At this moment, the mobile phone carried by his waist suddenly rang, Serov answered, and he jumped up when he heard the first sentence, "Contact the submarine, absolutely not allow the Swedes to board the ship, contact the Stockholm Outpost Team, and let the Swedish keep cool."

   "What's the matter?" Andropov rarely saw the chief political commissar so excited, eager to know what happened.

   "One of our nuclear submarines ran aground in Swedish waters and was discovered by NATO." Serov said while putting on his hat. Not long after, Defense Minister Marshal Ustinov also got the news. It was learned that a nuclear submarine of the Red Navy ran aground in Swedish waters, and that an old W-class S-363 submarine of the Red Flag Baltic Fleet secretly infiltrated Sweden to perform a reconnaissance mission. It was an ordinary training voyage, but it was unexpectedly stranded.

   "It seems that after entering 1981, many factors are contributing to our confrontation with the United States." Seeing Serov's figure hurriedly leaving, Andropov shook his head. Since confrontation was inevitable, he could only face it.

When    set off, there was no indication that anything would go wrong with the voyage, although the submarine carried several nuclear-tipped torpedoes. Late that night, the submarine floated up and sailed. Suddenly, a loud noise came from the bottom of the submarine, the sailing speed suddenly decreased, the hull began to vibrate and tilted, and the officers and soldiers in the upper command tower of the submarine fell heavily to the ground by this sudden bump. It is only about two kilometers away from Karlskrona, Sweden's largest naval base, where the main warships and submarines of the Swedish Navy are stationed here.

  Because the local channel is less than ten meters, the Soviet W-class S-363 submarine accidentally deviates from the barely passable channel, causing this accidental grounding. An hour later, just in time for the low tide, the Soviet submarine was spotted by a patrol boat of the Swedish Navy. After all, this is Sweden's largest naval base, and the submarines that ran aground were soon surrounded by groups.

   After learning of the invasion of Soviet submarines, the Swedish military immediately dispatched anti-submarine helicopters and warships to round up and alert, and immediately blocked the bay. The Swedish Army was tasked with guarding the shore. Anti-aircraft guns were also set up and artillery positions were set up on the shore. Swedish soldiers with camouflage painted on their faces and nervous expressions were loaded with live ammunition, pulling the trigger and closely monitoring the every move of the Soviet submarine; However, the roar of jet engines and the screeching noise of ripping through the air gave the scene an impromptu wartime tension.

After a short time, Defense Minister Ustinov and General Political Commissar Serov Syna came to the Grand Kremlin and had to disturb the great leader who was resting, "First, our nuclear submarines cannot be captured. Second, we will take Western Europe Separate from the United States, confrontation is confrontation with the United States, and try to keep Western Europe out of the picture.”

   "Then let's communicate through Finland and Sweden, and hope that this matter will be treated as a downplay and strive for a quick solution." Shelov thought about it and decided to let Finland come forward. Finland is a pro-Soviet country and is currently responsible for manufacturing some cutting-edge equipment. That's not to mention the world's largest mobile phone maker, whose name is Nokia. That's right, the arms company.

   "The Ministry of Defense has decided to send a fleet of the Red Flag Baltic Sea to the waters where the incident occurred to bring back our stranded nuclear submarine!" Defense Minister Ustinov also presented the Ministry of Defense's preparation plan.

Brezhnev listened to the thoughts of the General Political Commissar and the Minister of Defense, and finally nodded, "That's it, it is best to resolve it peacefully." From the great leader, both of them felt something called twilight, but Neither of them said a word, they nodded and left the general secretary's office, respectively adopting corresponding policies.

  Instigation of Ustinov, the Red Navy immediately formed a special task force to sail to the Swedish waters after learning the news of the submarine's seizure. The formation consisted of Cassin-class and Kilding-class destroyers, Riga-class frigates, Nanuchka-class large missile boats and three ocean-going tugboats. The Soviet Union demanded that Sweden immediately release the submarines.

   On the same day, Sweden rejected NATO's wishes for help, saying it was an issue between the Soviet Union and Sweden. It is not an issue between the Warsaw Pact and NATO. You must know that Sweden is a neutral country and will not participate in the dispute between the Soviet Union and the United States.

   Serov personally sent a telegram asking Finland to help the Soviet Union and Sweden communicate, expressing the hope that Finland would serve as a bridge between the Soviet Union and Northern Europe and even capitalism, and that Finland could help the Soviet Union in this matter, and the Soviet Union would appreciate Finland’s help. This was a public telegram, and Finland was not asked to keep it secret.

"The grounding of the submarine of our Red Flag Baltic Fleet is just a simple accident. It is not aimed at Sweden. The Soviet Union has always respected Sweden's neutrality and will not deliberately destroy Sweden's armed neutrality. Here I must criticize some of the media that fan the flames, especially those who want to expand this isolated incident into a conflict between NATO and the Warsaw Pact, which is very irresponsible." Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko mentioned the nuclear submarine grounding. At that time, they did not hold the strong against the weak, and expressed their understanding of Sweden's response.

  The Soviet Union is not a mad dog, it will rush to take a bite of any country it sees. For a neutral country like Sweden, if the Soviet Union takes on the demeanor of social imperialism, the Americans are the happiest. Or Reagan, if Reagan had two eyes, one and a half were staring at the Soviet Union for making mistakes, and he would spread rumors if he did anything.

The next day, when the Soviet fleet was about to arrive at the location, Serov said in his capacity as the General Political Commissar of National Security, "This accident is not what the two countries want to see. The Soviet Union appreciates Sweden's restraint. This is the two countries of the Soviet Union and Sweden. The matter of this country does not involve the confrontation between the Soviet Union and imperialism. As a practitioner of socialist theory, the Soviet Union has never been hostile to Sweden, and has never been prepared to threaten Sweden.”

When he said this, Serov wanted to give himself two mouths. The countries of the Soviet Union are indeed not as rich as Northern Europe, but at least they are not brainless. Unlike these Second International countries, they are about to educate their own people to be brainless. .

   But in order to solve this incident, Serov must have a relationship with the second international, the white left Virgin Lara. Although he never wanted to do it himself. There is no doubt that European countries and the United States must be treated separately.

Serov knew that Reagan's various policies toward the Soviet Union, whether economic or military, were all seven-killing punches. That is, the United States won in history, and Reagan was blown to the sky. On the other hand, the Reagan administration's hard-line strategy toward the Soviet Union was not conducive to the United States. It has also had a negative impact that cannot be underestimated: it has had a great impact on the US economy, with a sharp increase in fiscal deficit and constant trade deficit; Conflict intensifies.

   At this time, he must grab the hearts of these idiots of the Second International and kneel and lick their soft flesh. The Soviet Union continuously expressed goodwill within a few days, and with the presence of Finland, the richest country per capita in the Soviet camp, Sweden began to negotiate with the Soviet ambassador in Stockholm.

   Later, the Swedish Navy, Land and Air Force opened the local waters, and the Red Flag Baltic Rescue Fleet sent by the Soviet Union entered the grounding site and pulled the stranded submarine out of the Swedish waters. The Soviet nuclear submarine stranding incident ended.

   The restraint expressed by the two countries won applause from the surrounding countries, which coincided with the beginning of the Soviet Union's second de-escalation offensive. It's just that the relaxation this time will never mention the word relaxation again for Western Europe and the United States and the Soviet Union.

   "The Soviet Union is not terrible, Sweden can make the Soviet Union calm, there is no reason why we can't do it in the United States!" Reagan brought this matter out in Congress.

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