Big Time 1958

Chapter 845: Tashkent speech

   From Brezhnev's reaction, it can be seen that he is very happy. From various channels, Brezhnev has expressed his desire to receive the fifth Hero of the Soviet Union, but many people still hesitate to let him surpass Marshal Zhukov.

Facts have proved that anything can be done for the rights holders. This layer of window paper was finally pierced by the General Political Commissar of National Security. In the field of flattery, Serov finally took a substantive step. He was not targeting a member of the presidium. Instead, it means that everyone else is garbage, and I am the best at it.

   "At least two of these five Soviet Hero Medals should be divided into half." In the congratulations of many members of the presidium, the chief political commissar unconsciously touched the slightly protruding bones on the back of his head. If I remember correctly, according to China, this is called anti-bone.

"You seem a little tired, Secretary Suslov, you should rest more." Seeing Suslov's tired face, Shelov stepped forward and said, Suslov's health is not good, but as long as this person is there One day, he was the ideological authority of the Soviet Union, the second secretary of the Soviet Union, and no one would doubt it.

   After Suslov's death, Andropov and Chernenko fought fiercely over the position of successor. It seems rather ridiculous now, both Andropov and Chernenko are both short-lived people.

   "No problem, it's been like this for so many years." Suslov's voice was quiet, but he didn't think it would be a big deal. He was like a machine that had been debugged, working according to the established procedures every day.

  This time was different from usual. Brezhnev did not drink to celebrate, which was also very abnormal. It seemed that the self-control of his youth had returned, but after all, he was very old, and he was still a little tired after a short celebration. The ageing of his body counteracted the shrewdness of his youth, and things that had never been considered must now be considered.

   He is reluctant to leave the position of general secretary, but he must select a group of trustworthy cadres to continue the confrontation with the United States. This was something he had never thought about before, but whether he wanted it or not, he had to start thinking about it.

   "At this time of the meeting, everyone can listen to the opinions of Comrade Suslov and Comrade Chernenko." Before Brezhnev left, he appointed the person in charge in Moscow. Under normal circumstances, Suslov is not in charge of the overall situation, but from the second half of the year, Suslov is absent more and more, so it is usually Andropov and Chernian Section takes turns presiding over the meeting.

   Now Andropov is visiting Central Asia with the General Secretary. Among the cadres who stayed in Moscow, the oldest member of the Secretariat is Brezhnev's long-term butler and Secretary of the Central Committee Chernenko.

He is the oldest member of the Secretariat, but if one of the members of the Soviet Central Presidium, Serov is not modest. As early as Khrushchev's time, he himself was a member of the Central Presidium. Except for Suslov, no one is more than him. have qualifications. Don't look at him in his fifties this year.

   "It's not the Kremlin that really controls this country, it's here!" Serov pointed to his desk, the Lubyanka KGB headquarters building. The Brezhnev era was an era of rapid restoration of Stalinism. Don't forget the Ministry of Internal Affairs during the Stalin era. The invisible control of the current KGB over social life is not only no less than the overt control of the 1930s, but is also increasing in scale and authority. Serov kept feigning death, but for every extra day he stayed in his place, the KGB's authority grew by a day.

   This is the third time the Soviet security and police system has fought for supremacy. The first two Beria and Sherepin failed, and this time, Serov was going to hide behind Andropov and use the safest way to achieve his goal.

   This time, the KGB will go from behind the scenes to the front, personally control the country, and decide the winner or loser with the United States.

"Comrade Andropov, I really want to see the day when the Soviet Union defeats the United States, but I am almost too old, and there is one thing I want to finish, and I will not do it well. I feel a little uneasy." Brezhnev, who was about to leave Russia and arrive in Central Asia, said, "After China is stabilized, we can rest assured to confront the United States, right?"

"We can see that China's changes, in any case, will not be worse than the 1970s. Any changes will be beneficial to us!" From a national point of view, he also hopes that the relationship between the Soviet Union and China will return to the honeymoon period of the 1950s.

   Soon, Brezhnev, who was slightly afraid of exhaustion, arrived in Kazakhstan, and began to inspect the entire five Central Asian countries from the place of his old subordinate Kunayev.

"Comrade Nazarbayev?" Andropov found a cadre from the crowd that Serov had mentioned, the secretary of the Central Committee of the Kazakh Communist Party, the 41-year-old Nazarbayev is already the highest in Kazakh status One of the several cadres of , and was even regarded by the first secretary Kunayev as his successor.

"Secretary Andropov, I am Nazarbayev, welcome to Kazakhstan." Nazarbayev welcomed the Moscow inspection very much. He wanted to speak in a larger field, not do a local cadre. This must at least reach Kunayev's status, and of course he wants more in his heart.

   "Comrade Serov still remembers you!" Andropov praised without hesitation. "In my impression, our stern general political commissar has never praised anyone. If I remember correctly, you seem to be the only one."

   "The only one? I didn't expect that Yura, who was focused on foreign affairs, could also discover the advantages of domestic cadres." Brezhnev interjected slowly, and then looked at the dignified ethnic minority cadre. The Soviet Union has always had a tradition of brushing its face, and Brezhnev was valued all the way until he became the general secretary because of Stalin's praise.

   Shelov? Nazarbayev suddenly remembered that he had seen this Soviet giant many years ago. The two sides had a brief conversation, but he never thought that after so many years, he would always be in his sight. Thinking of this, Nazarbayev didn't know whether to be happy or fortunate. The chairman of the KGB has always looked at it. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

   A few days later, Brezhnev arrived in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, and routinely appeased the local cadres. Andropov, who also accompanied him, never took his eyes off the crowd who welcomed him. Even if they were all shot, no one would be wronged. From the evidence that Serov gave him, there were no innocent people at all.

Being welcomed by such a group of corrupt criminals, Andropov is definitely not in a good mood, but these people do not welcome him either. Chairman of the Central Supervisory Commission, this is definitely not a popular role, look at Shelepin's back then The treatment is known. These people are eager for Andropov to quickly follow in the footsteps of Sherepin and get out of the power circle in Moscow.

  The next day, Brezhnev spoke to local cadres in Tashkent and talked about China at the same time. Brezhnev repeatedly stressed that the Soviet Union has offered to hold Sino-Soviet border negotiations again.

Brezhnev called for the normalization of relations between China and the Soviet Union, "The principled position adopted by our party and the Soviet state on the issue of Soviet-Chinese relations has been clearly stated in the resolutions of the 25th and 26th Congresses of the CPSU. I would like to add the following points here: First, although we have been and are openly criticizing the policies pursued by the Chinese leadership, especially the many views in foreign policy that are inconsistent with socialist principles and norms, we have never wanted to Interfere in the internal life of the People's Republic of China. We did not deny and do not deny the existence of a socialist social system in China. Although Beijing's echoing of imperialist policies on the world stage is clearly against the interests of socialism."

"Second, we have never supported the concept of the so-called 'two Chinas' in any way, and we have fully recognized and still recognize the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China over the Treasure Island; third, from the Soviet side, past and There has been no threat to the People's Republic of China. We have not and do not have any territorial claims against China and are ready to continue negotiations on the existing border issues at any time in order to reach a mutually acceptable solution. We We are also ready to discuss possible measures to strengthen mutual trust in the Soviet-Chinese border area."

"Fourth, we vividly remember the times when the bonds of friendship with comradely cooperation united the Soviet Union and the Chinese people. We never considered the situation of hostility and alienation between our two countries normal. On the basis of mutual respect for each other's interests, non-interference in each other's affairs and mutual benefit, and of course without prejudice to the interests of third countries, an agreement should be reached on measures to improve Soviet-Chinese relations, subject to any preconditions. There will be economic, scientific and cultural relations as well as political relations, but it depends on the extent to which both sides will be willing to take some concrete steps in any of these areas..."

   "Chairman, Secretary Suslov is hospitalized." Chief of the General Affairs Office Servanov came in and reported that Suslov was the No. 1 figure in Moscow in Brezhnev's absence.

   "Understood, I'll go right away." Serov simply stood up and rushed to Will. On this year's October Revolution, the rostrum on Red Square lacked the ideological authority known as the bishop in gray.

"Maybe this time, I may not be able to survive." Beside the hospital bed, there are glasses that have been with him for decades. Suslov's moan is very weak. Neither participated.

   Gou Li's country lives and dies, why is it because Sister Mao avoids him?

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