Big Time 1958

Chapter 898: closing

   On the evening news broadcast of the Soviet Union, the launch clip of the Energy heavy rocket and the speech of General Secretary Serov were broadcast, which were known by all the people of the Soviet Union, and also by Reagan on the other side of the ocean. The Soviet Union has not yet publicly responded to the US Star Wars plan, but Reagan understood that it was just not public, and the launch of the Energy heavy rocket was the most obvious response.

  The Soviet Union had responded to the U.S. Star Wars program, and Reagan understood that Serov was ready to lead the Soviet Union in this all-out confrontation. For Reagan, Sheloff's response was exactly what he needed. Reagan was trying to force the Soviet Union into a full-scale confrontation, and now, he has succeeded.

"This polar bear is no different from other leaders of the Soviet Union, and he doesn't look at the basic conditions of the Soviet Union. He was provoked just by being teased a little. The polar bear is really simple and rude, and the Soviet Union is over." news, Reagan shouted happily to CIA Director Casey.

"The Soviet Union wants to fight against us, why? Just relying on the fast-growing industrial countries in Eastern Europe? Or the group of third-world countries that can't get enough to eat, our allies are economic powerhouses, and a group of illiterate people still want to turn the sky?" The Central Intelligence Agency Director Casey is also very happy. At least for now, he still thinks that the United States can recapture the unfinished territory of the Soviet Union in one fell swoop.

   "It's good news, Casey, have you made a plan?" Reagan finally restrained his smile. The Soviet Union's confrontation could not change the fact that the United States was embarrassed at the Los Angeles Olympics. For the time being, the American people cannot see this grand strategy. What people see is that most countries in the world are on the side of the Soviet Union. So the plan goes on...

   "I've already contacted!" Casey replied simply, not only the KGB is an expert in supporting the anti-American armed forces, the CIA is also an expert, it is not difficult to find a few organizations that seek revenge from the Soviet Union.

  The allies of the United States are all old imperialist countries of the same water, and their economic power surpasses that of each other. The Soviet Union has only occupied the territory for a few years, and it will not be a boost in a short period of time.

   Is this a broken ball? Of course it was the Soviet Union? No reason, no reason! Serov held his head in one hand as if he hadn't woken up. Even if he became the general secretary, he still looked dead.

"I know the mind of the United States, and it wants to compete with us to cause our financial crisis." In front of Shelov were the first secretary of the Kazakh Party Committee Kunayev, the chairman of the Council of Ministers Nazarbayev, and Lu, who brought him with him. Kashenko, "I'm not afraid of him. This is also my purpose. I want to decide the outcome with the United States within a few years. Even if the opponent cannot be completely defeated, the situation will become much clearer after this confrontation."

  Kunayev, Nazarbayev, and Lukashenko were all silent. When the General Secretary spoke, they could only be an audience at present, and it would be good to be a good audience. How many people who want to be listeners do not have this qualification.

"Reagan believed that he had a great advantage. He felt that technical and economic strength were on his side, but both institutional and demographic advantages were on our side. This confrontation is not so simple." Shelov sighed softly, Youyou said, "If I lose, I may need young cadres to find a chance to win, and the victory process may be delayed for a lot of time."

To this day, Serov still believes that the Soviet Union is the superior side of the system. The Soviet Union used the strength of one country to oppose a group of imperialist countries such as the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan, and once occupied a clear advantage. If this does not prove the advanced nature of the socialist system, Then nothing proves that socialism is stronger than capitalism.

   "However, our economy is indeed slightly worse than that of the United States. Fortunately, we have more allies than the United States." Kunayev also found an opportunity to give the general secretary a little chicken soup for his soul. It's a pity that it didn't work. Serov didn't take this set. He knew the advantages and disadvantages of the Soviet Union very well.

The reason why    confronted when he seemed uncertain was because he also knew the problems of the United States. The Soviet Union has its own problems, but this does not mean that the United States has no problems at all. The economy of any country needs a certain foundation, and no country can support it with the financial industry.

  The financial industry in the United States is now very unreasonable. Of course, this is very convenient for Americans to grab money. At the same time, it gave other countries the illusion of a powerful US. This illusion is not to say that the United States is not strong, but to look at the United States on the basis of the Soviet Union, the United States should not be so strong. Even if there is a gap between the two, it is not as large as the current performance of the United States.

  The strength of the United States is blown out, and the strength shown to others is much stronger than the strength of the United States itself. This has always been the case, but with varying degrees of severity due to different historical periods.

   "The ultimate winner must be us!" Serov does not need to copy the results of the disintegration of the Soviet Union to the United States. In fact, this is impossible. The basic conditions of the United States are much stronger than those of the Soviet Union in the cold zone. The Soviet Union's 100-fold loss of wealth overnight is not going to happen.

   But most of the time, the United States lives too well, and it always uses the financial industry and the dollar to plunder the wealth of other countries. Under such circumstances, ordinary people in the United States are still very happy. As long as the United States is restored to its real level, not the level blown out by the financial industry, it will be enough for ordinary Americans to completely unacceptable.

If the disintegration of the Soviet Union turned one hundred rubles into one ruble, then the failed United States only needed to change from one hundred dollars to fifty dollars, and the final result would be the same. People who lost half their wealth in a short period of time would also be dissatisfied. . Therefore, the United States had better cut Japan and the Federal Republic of Germany as soon as possible, and it would be better to make them higher, so that there will be more gaps at that time.

  When necessary, Serov will cut off welfare expenditures, the second largest fiscal expenditure, and increase the arms race. Anyway, the Soviet people have accumulated a lot of rubles over the years, and they have no problem with it for a while. On the contrary, the moonlight people in the United States who do not know how to accumulate will be even less able to resist once the country is in crisis.

   With the damage done to Japan by the Plaza Accord, it is a miracle that the Japanese people can rely on their previous savings to withstand such a long period of time without recession. If it is the moon gate people in the United States, if this happens, God knows what will happen.

  Accompanied by Kunayev and Nazarbayev, Serov inspected some Kazakh economic constructions. At the same time, it is also for Lukashenko to learn from it. People who only understand agriculture cannot be the general secretary in the future, and the general secretary wearing the hat of an agricultural expert. Isn't that Ge Tutu? It's a joke that a country led by agricultural experts has been in arrears year after year.

   It's almost time to count, Serov will return to Moscow to attend the closing ceremony of the International Democracy Games. From the perspective of competitive sports, the Soviet Games was not a success. Not a few world records have been broken in total.

   Just think for a moment to see why, if the opponents of the Soviet Games are too strong, other countries will let their players participate in the Los Angeles Olympics, and if the opponents are not strong and the opponents of the Los Angeles Olympics are strong, the situation will be reversed. No one is stupid when they encounter such an opportunity to kill the big head.

"Thank you very much to the people of Moscow, congratulations, dear Olympians, thank you for your warm hospitality. In the past ten days, I am very grateful to the chairman of the Moscow Olympic Organizing Committee, for his selfless dedication to the success of this Olympic Games, thank you , Volunteers. Your smiles warm our hearts, thank you volunteers, thank you all your athletes, you have impressed the world with your outstanding performance, you have played the power of sports to connect the world, and by living together in the Olympic Village In harmony, you are showing an important message of peace to the world, uniting us to go further, jump higher and become stronger! Even if the Olympics are over. We came as guests and are leaving now, you are in me It's important in my heart. This is a wonderful city, this is a wonderful Olympic Games, and this Olympic Games has left a unique legacy for future generations."

The senior spy Samaranch flew in at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games and insisted that the Moscow Games be a part of the Olympic Games. This shameless behavior made Serov shout that he was invincible. What?

   "Let's see you in Seoul in four years!" Samaranch finished his praise with a blushing face.

   Finally it was Serov's turn, he suddenly realized that he had run out of words, and Samaranch had already said what he should have said.

"This Games is believed to make many people know the real Soviet Union, just like four years ago. Seeing the athletes in Moscow with your own eyes, I believe that you should have a certain degree of impression of the Soviet Union. I hope you can become ambassadors of peace. Help the Soviet Union to eliminate prejudice in the world. The Soviet Union is peace-loving, but never afraid of any confrontation." Shelov waved, "The Olympic flame is about to go out, but the fire of hope in everyone's heart will burn forever, long live democracy..."

   Peace only lasted forty-eight hours. After the Moscow International Democracy Games ended, the Soviet Union announced that it would establish its own ballistic missile defense system and officially launched a plan for the Soviet Union to respond. The confrontation escalated again, and a rejoicing Reagan sternly accused the Soviet Union of heightening tensions, while pretending that the United States could defend against Soviet ballistic missile attacks.

  Since the US technology can't achieve missile defense, the Soviet Union can't achieve it. Since the Soviet Union can't achieve it, this money is wasted, and this is officially Reagan's goal. But the Soviet missile defense plan is just a name, in fact, the Soviet Union implemented an attack plan.

   "I haven't been back to Lubyanka for a long time. I really miss it here." The office of Chairman Serov is better than that of the general secretary. It's noon school time in Moscow now...

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